THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 38—Friday, January 14, 1972 Local Bond Cash Sales Total $4.5 Million EMIRIESTONE - -JEWELRY' The 1971 Detroit Israel Bond Other highlights included events tion in the U.S. In Bond High ■ Isolevair Memosoritior. *Wooer& Itrpaoriss Campaign resulted in $4,519,400 in sponsored by Israel Bond medical Holy Day Appeal results. SUITE 364 ADVANCE =G... cash sales, it was announced by professions, Alpha Omega Dental Dinners were held at Bnai DaVid, _23077 GreortfieM rat 9 -M8e- Louis E. Levitan. Detroit director. Fraternity, Detroit Zionist_Federa- Bnai Moshe, Beth Hillel, Beth (313)557-1160 This was the highest total for any tion, Labor Zionist movement- Shalom and the new Beth Abra- 1 _ year, excluding the Six-Day War landsmanshaften, Shaarit Haplay- ham-Hillel. year of 1967. Detroit thus main- tab, "United Israel Bond" groups The women's division had an tained, its position among the lead- and Bnai Brith. active role with its Israel fash- ers of the nation in per capita A total of $1,680,000 was sub- ion show, sponsor luncheons, Gold- Israel Bond cash -sales. scribed at the Israel Bond High en Sponsor Israel Airlift to Wash- A highlight of the 1971 campaign Holy Day Appeal and related ington, Israel BbndJNF luncheob was the third annual Israel Bond congregational activities, not in- and the Cash Action Day lunch- Dinner sponsored by the Metro- eluding the Reform Federation eon. politan Detroit Federation of Re- dinner. Adas Shalom set the A vital feature of the 1971 Israel form Synagogues, which resulted pace with $813,000 in Israel Bond Campaign was the partici- in more than 61-350,000 in Israel Bond pledges, thus maintaining pation of commercial banks, which Bond subscriptions. its position as the top congrega- made Third 'Development Invest- ment Issue 51/2 per cent on-demand NEW ART ARRIVALS DON mows GALLEzir . AT NORTHLAND wain wt lligan's Largest selEtion el 1,000 fine qUality original OIL PAINTINGS Keep Your Eye On The Fashion Scene at... e araiele g outique Store Wide Sale JCCouneil to Testify at Hearing on Behalf of Proposed Welfare Reform Israel Bond purchases totaling over $500,000. The Jewish Community Council gan congressmen have been in- will use its updated statement on vited to hear the testimony. welfare reform as the basis for lieaffirrning its support for testimony to be delivered at an adequate welfare reform, the open hearing on proposed national Jewish Community Council re- welfare legislation Monday in the cently adopted an updated state- chambers of the Detroit Common meat on welfare reform which Council and Wayne County Board focuses primarily on national Portraiture of Distinction For Your Wedding of Commissioners. . Formals - Candids - Direct Color 3223 W. a McNichols • moo fro.. repaired et reptemad .144 re. • lira qmelity werimainhip. • l•rg• selevien el fashion harm • cimpi•Ni n••• • ;oak Ammieant,& Master Champ'. Coll 341-4741 Shen an doah Country Mb Planning a Bar Mitzva, Bat Mitzva., Wedding or Sweet Sixteen? Call Our Banquet Manager at 682-4300. We Cater All Occasions. Seating for 400. . - ing organizational programing. The statement was developed by a special committee on welfare re- i form headed- by Mrs. Selina Goode and composed of several members of COuneirs urban affairs sub-com- Mittee, according to Harley M. Selling, chairman of that subcom- mittee. For copies of the Council state- . Mont en' welfare reform, other re- . soirree materials on national and State welfare legislation and gen- oral information on the welfare situation, call the - Council office, S62-1880, ext. 3. • 1st. Woman Named Judge in LOndon Criminal Court LONDON (JTA)—Rose Heilbron, a well-Imown criminal lawyer, has 11411 W. Ilkladtels Rol, Detroit 3 IslIm W. .I ma" Southfield 537-5100 become the first woman to sit as a judge at the Central Criminal Court, London's famous Old Bailey. Mrs. Beilbron, 56, is the wife of a Jewish surgeon in Liverpool. In 1956 she was the first woman re- corder at Burnley, Lancashire, where she still sits- , Homeliness Is almost as great a merit in a book as in a house, if the zeaderwetald abide there. :-.}tetirr-Da*ItThoreau. - Nr. Muirlond legislation. Mrs. Seymour Rowe, co-chair- man of Council's community rela- tions committee, will deliver the testimony at the hearing, called for 10 a.m.-noon and 1:30-4 p.m. Monday. The hearing is sponsored by the Leadership Conference for Welfare Reform, a Detroit-based group to which Council belongs. All Michi- 5 • , The statement was announced by Hubert J. Sidlow, Council presi- dent and John H. Shepherd, chair- man of Council's community rela- tions committee. Come S.. Us of Ovr New Location The statement deals with dimen- sions of the welfare situation re- 1799 Coolidge lated to the crisis in welfare re- Just North .f 11 Mao (next to Burger Chef) sulting from the deficiencies of existing welfare systems. Problems 547-4874 relate to inadequate- financial as- sistance, insufficient job oppor- Mon.-Sot. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. IROTT tunities and work incentives and • SHELDON Carol Liss & Gisele findlipe 011telltSTRA. the taxpayer's apathy and false Featuring assumptions about welfare. 111 ; VICKIE CARROLL- Acknowledging the national ad- • 55, 2 Classified Ads _Get Quick Results 3A2,0937.-: ministration's 'attempt to, initiate federalization of the welfare sys- tem and to include the working poor, Council's statement notes certain deficiences in HR 1 and the House-passed version of the admin- istration's proposal, and offers several recommendations' which it feels national welfare legislation should include; The Council statement empha- sizes that the Jewish community should address itself to the crisis in - welfare -that- exists throughout _this community, the state and na- tion. It dotes "As American Jews, we must share the responsibility for making our elected representa- tives-.responsive to the need for welfate reform." Our fine wall c , , , ...•, n qs cm., shown b y the- full roll . sideqUate , The statement has been dis- e the part:_;.. bpforP you buy seminated to Council-affiliated or- ganizations which were invited to rtf. the hearing, for use as a guide in preparing testimony and in conduct- 50% OR MORE J. J. CLARKE STUDIO EXPECTING OUT OF TOWN GUESTS FOR A WEDDING OR A DAR MITIVAT - Croohrook- Heusi Motel 2050e JAMES COUZENS. (8 MIle & Greenfieii--Acrese, frees NinfriendY- Cell 342-3000 For the Fiala* Aocommodetions COLOR- TM:* - COMPLIMENTARY CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST Try Our either Shop - Dine at the SCOTCH & SIRLOIN RI:STADIUM - Airport Limousine Savior Arellehk _