Wth Ponersl!HH,sll ng Hunger Strike at Potma 111E. DETROIT JEINISII MPS Way, igiorary 14,.172-11 There are people who can do all fine and heroic things but one: LONDON (JTA)—Two Jewish ence of more than BOO that the Israel if the gates were thrown keep from telling their happinesses prisonera-serVing 10-year sentences Soviet authorities were susceptible open. to the unhappy. —Mark Twain 40- at the. Potpie 'weed labor camp to the pressure-, of world opinion Asked if he favored the tactics -in Soviet Iladoviahaveheen pun- and that under the Soviet constitu- of the Jewish Defense League, he ishecLJtaging--ri hunger strike tion they could grant amnesty or said that if the JDL was breaking on :the- anniversary of the Lenin- reduce or commute the sentences American laws it should be tried grad - hijack,- trial - at Which they of Jewish prisoners if they were accordingly. were convicted. Mrs. Averbuch said her fellow The . Ave.rbuchs spoke at a re- prisoner, Sylva Zalmanson Kuznet- According -to Jewish sources bi the -Soviet Union, Anatoly Altman, ception given them by the Jewish soy, serving a 10-year sentence at 30, and Boris Penson, 26, went Community Council of Greater Potma, was still seriously ill. She without food for seven days last Washington. - said she learned from Mrs. Kuz- month. Averbuch said that many non- netsov's father that she was taken Jews in - the Soviet Union sym- recently to a hospital, but merely As punishment for "disobe- dience" they have been confined pathized with -the Jewish struggle as a formality and returned to the for emigration and equal rights. prison camp without treatment or to barracks and deprived of exer- He said they were among the improved medical attention. cise and free movement around Soviet dissenters frying to demo- Sen. Muskie Presses Nixon the camp, the sources said. cratize life in the USSR. But he to Aid Israel for Absorbing Jews in the western Ukrainian said the activities of world Jewry Emigres From Soviet Union town of Kbust, near Lemberg, have remained the best hope of Jews MIAMI (JTA—Sen. Edmund S. been threatened with violence by in Russia. He attributed the recent Muskie (D.,Me.) urged President Ukrainian nationalists, according liberalization of Soviet visa- policies Nixon Saturday to extend economic to information reaching here. to the efforts of Jews abroad and aid to Israel for the absorption of The threats were contained in the growing boldness of Jews in Jewish emigres from the Soviet a poster discovered one morning Russia. Union in order not to let "economic in the local synagogue. It said, Averbuch said it was difficult for disaster accomplish what war could "Accursed Jews. Get out of our Jews to study Hebrew in the Soviet not." motherland, the Ukraine. If you Union because few texts were The Democratic presidential as- do not leave, we swear to bring available and many of those sent pirant who has entered the Florida back the years of 1941-1944." from abroad were confiscated. presidential primary March 14, said The warning was signed by the He noted that Soviet Jews re- Nixon has the authority under the "F reedom Union of the Indepen- ceived -packages sent from abroad Migration and Refugee Assistance dent Ukraine." Police who were but complained that the type of Act of 1962 to designate Soviet summoned removed the poster but aid was poorly coordinated. refugees as recipients of American a new one appeared the next day Some Jews, he stated, who didn't aid. with the same text and the words need packages were getting them, Speaking at a news conference added, "We shall have to use hand and others in need were not re- here, Muskie welcomed the deci- grenades," the sources said. Local ceiving any. The Averbuchs spoke sion of Soviet officials to permit authorities reportedly are conduct- in Russian and their remarks were increased Jewish emigration but ing an investigation. translated into English. warned that it would impose a Alexander Galich, a well-known Replying to questions from the heavy burden on Israel. composer of protest songs, was ac- audience, Averbuch contended that "A country the size of Israel cused of trying to persuade Soviet every Jew in Russia would go to with its heavy defense burdens can- Jews to emigrate to Israel when not afford the several hundred mil- he was expelled from the Moscow lion dollars that will be required writers' organization, according to for the anticipated influx of Soviet a• well-informed source. Jews," he said. ' -- The source said he was told that Two Jewish GrNps Offer Galich had fried to "corrupt" to Provide Bahia frees. NY Jews and other Soviet citizens. to Moscow Moral Spielman LONDON (JTA)—Is emigration Throughout the meeting, he was NEW YORK (JTA)—The Greater addressed of as - "Comrade Ga- to Israel the only solution for the New York Conference- on Soviet lich" (his professional name), but Falashas, the poverty - stricken Jewry in conjunction with the New as "Comrade,.Ginzbure_,(bis sur- black Jews of Ethiopia, or should name). Th talaterPreted by his they be regarded as a branch of friends 404iiiidng been an attempt diaspora Jewry entitled to help to empitasifee; the fact that he is , from the rest of -world Jewry hi -rewishe:Mie_therefore potentially order . to • better their lives where _f-The- lfgacaw Vaagoltue disloyal tithe Soviet Union. they live? Without-a. irabbishice the •death of ,' /Es etiiiiision was said to have That question was debated here Ralibi'yehada LethAreiiit On Nov. been posited-by a vote of 15-4. following a slide lecture on ',the Otie-ot.the aceusations was that Falashas- by David Kessler befois The two. groups -made the offer Gina, vilMfluisk,not. so far made the Society for Jewish Study. in a - letter to Menatha -Maisano- any UPplicatjUipinigrate- to Is- Kessler disagreed with several yids, president of the thacow con- rael, bad connections with "Zion- speakers who maintained that emi- gregation. They- said -th • 4. 0 33locks CLOTHES Semi Annual ciearance sale BIG REDUCTIONS ON ALL NATIONAL BRAND SUITS ENTIRE STOCK Plight of Poor $9 UP TO NOW VALUE $165 $119 - - ENT1PE that it: ik*Niq llf .0" .4614. rt*Iiltb' half =RIM #4041-- said the*. *44- zooid Jeais , :glossed thielik_Adetfrivea., "VA "The Mashes -azit treated - 1nm - tend contemptboth -the Weals the Christians, " Hessler - "Christian missionaries are going all out to secure their conversion. The Emperor (Haile Selassie) is welt dispOsed toward theni but considers that world Jewry should give them more help. He is op- wowol tit mass emigration of the Fabialsas. Tito aresow _trying to establish themselves in the plains where it=th esithis00 eke out la- jilttide 'ffitailli,3311111Cllt,g Oha'; balka- ' • , 447. 11 irteitairs algae -40W- variant .01042* ' - UP TO $185 VALUE 7 OCK ■ We are pleased to announce the opening of Our DETROIT OFFICE 1410 Detroit Bank & Trust Building Detroit, Michigan 48226 Telephone: (313) 964-2330 Gerald J. Le Van - Robert B. Hecker Resident Manager Retail Sales Manager EASTMAN DILLON, UNION SECURITIES & CO. maiamwas ' wow :mix sroowtreelIOPIFT,p!T.... _ • , - VALUE t they would- send rabbis in fill the vacant •post - osLan intelim 'basis until a permanent_repleinent is selected. The death of Rabbi Levin left only three ordained rabbis known to- - be . practicing in the So t Union. Imk•Totwieh ae#664 411.1.011 .•: Whki.4intrifrated $150 NOW $109 NOW $ 4 A 41% am TOPCOATS SPORT COATS OVERCOATS LEATHER COATS - ists". lt also was said that. he had gration to Israel wasthe only solution because there i. was no In. Washington, Soak Adiehaan- hope for the Falashas to achieve drovich AVerbnelvand her *s- better living standards. - hin& -Isaiah; -Oiled American He thought they should be aided Jews to -maintain pressure as to improve their _ position in SevietrsadhisralleS;71hrough dess- Ethiopia. Kook*: moyf - 10„,t •=104ine UP TO ALTERATIONS AT NO CHARGE Ftdashias Aired connections with "anti Semites." NOW UP TO $135 • VALUE , • • ,