40—EMPLOYMENT MALE AND/OR FEMALE 45—BUSINESS OPPORTUNMES MATURE PERSON Growing Orthodox com- munity requires another Kosher Butcher Must be Shorn., Mitxvos. Excel- lent facilities including expanding day school, excellent synagogues, etc Relocation assistance and financial backing avail- able. Inquire: Michael J. Rosenberg, 1316 Col- lege Ave., Columbus, 0. 43209, or call during business week, 614-471- 7128. with interior decorating experi- ence for lamp and gift shop. Full time employment. Write Box 1046 The Jewish News, 17515 W. 4 91° Mile Rd., Suite 865, South- field, Michigan 48075. Teacher for Narsery Scheel i days. ARE YOU LOOKING Write Box 1647 I The Jewish News, 17515 W. 9 Mile Road. Suite 856, Southfield. 9lichigan 48005. 50—BUSINESS CARDS The Jewish ARIES INTERIOR terior painting, paperhanging and paneling throughout your home. For free estimates call Mr. Cooper. 543-3714 DRESSMAKING and alterations. Reasonable. Specializing In for- mal wear. 543-3949. Must ploy piano SLATE POOL ?Astiprefe••••- LARKINS MOVING CO. Household and Office Furniture Local and Long Distance Also Storage 894-4587 Experienced domestic kelp. In- lured. bonded housekeepers, i FLOOR SANDING Finishing, • stain work, , beauti- 1 .arses-companions. Vacation sit- I fully done. Free estimates. ters. New horn care and party I kelp. CALL 1.1A. 357-0607 SUPERIOR SERVICES I *83 - 0522 - is • MATURE woman withes to baby- sit with children when parents go out of town. 255-0349. JIFFI-MAID I PROFESSIONAL . male nurse available — private duty. 573- i 7622. PONTIAC MALL ANBOUE SHOW & SALE PAINTING, exterior, interior. Free estimates. 968-5639, 357-4585. Pontiac, Mich. ELECTRIC REPAIRS. Reason- able. 557-7228, 644-0409. Telegraph and Elizabeth Lake Rd. FURNITURE REPAIR Jan 2 thru Jan 9 Cig. burns, scratches, dents, Sunday 12 noon to 5 p.m. Monday Ara Saturday 9:30 to 9 p.in. cracks, dog bites, etc. Reason- able. Coll Al Sunshine. 532-7302 ! 40 -A—EMPLOYMENT WANTED Insured, reliable. Transportation provided. SS--macmuucsous FURNITURE refinished and re- paired. Free estimates. 474-8953. WANTED 9 Mile Rd., Suite 865, South- field, Michigan 48075. 557-6173 SEAMSTRESS — Alterations, very reasonable. 477-4456. 4 0-A—EMPLOYMENT News, 17515 W A BETTER MAID 50—BUSINESS CARDS We specialize in custom in- well. Own transportation. Write Box 1 04 5 50—BUSINESS CARDS FOR BETTER wall washing. call James Russell. One day service. TO 6-4005, 526 Belmont. for a young woman to super- COMPLETE exterior 53 4 ENTERTAINMENT vise your office staff and one painting and interior, decorating. New old wood refinished, an- who is completely experienc- and TWO-PIECE orchestra. Reason- tiquing. Reasonable. 547-1438. able. All occasions. Freddie ed in all phases of office pro- cedure including bookkeeping CARPENTRY WORK. Interior ex- Sheyer. 398.2462. terior. Specializing in rec rooms- and advertising? Reliable and 545-7712. LI 5-4035. 56—ANTIQUES dependable. NEEDED IMMEDIATELY SALESPERSON full WAN1411 QUALITY KOSHER BUTCHER for resale clothing store to assist in selling, part-time. Call Friday after ? p.m., Sat.- Sun. anytime. 352.2489 3 4 0-A--EMPLOYMENT COMPLETE remodeling — addi- tions, kitchens, dens, basements. family4 rooms, Free estimates. 538-689 PANELING, partitions, floors, ceilings tiled. Also small jobs. Reasonable, Ron, 968.4576. HERALD ROOFING CO. JULIUS ROSS MOVING CO. Local Independent Roofer Free Estimates Not Tar or Residential Shingles Local and Long Distance STOR- AGE. Packine Pisnos.aPPIlances. household zurnmaings, office `urniture. 534-5100 or Res. 676-5070 861-6441 7040 Puritan--Detrolt Magen David Adom's Life Saving Aims Outlined at Function Honoring Walters Free Admission Free Parking al. can move. $13kumas14. so—Ammon LIVONIA MALL SemiA.austal ANTIQUE WALK January 19-11 9:30 P.M. Daily - Noon-5 P.M. Sunday Over 40 ,Dealers All antiques on display are for sale. Antiques and col- lectables only. Browse in comfortable 72' t e mperatures. Free parking—free admission LIVONIA MALL 7 Mile at /ifuldlebelt 85—PERSONAL CRITERION Club invites all to the "Wintertime Ball" opening its '72 social_season, Sat_ Jan. 8, 9 p.m., Ball- room, Oak Park Community Center. Center. Johnny C & Orch. Mixers, refreshments, door prizes, fun. Gen. adm. $2. 110W DO YOU LIKE OUR NEW CLASSIFIED LOOK?? Let Us Know— The Ai nvl, v News 17515 W. 9 Mile Rd., Suite 865 Southfield, Mich. 48075 Zionist Leader Neumann Honored on Occasion of His Retirement Magen David Adom's life-saving Dr. Kott in o porn ted out that 99 per NEW YORK (JTA)—More than years ago blaming Jews for the role in peace or war in Israel was cent of Magen David Adom's work- I event of war. He reported also 100 Jewish communal and Zionist murder of a man that 300 ambulances are in constant which served as given a thorough resume at the rs..are volunteer&Ahat trie move- usein leaders gathered Dec. 29 to pay the basis for centuries Israel by the movement and nireinig_nere_wednesday, -a t -Co es -significance- tura- been - of persecu- tiore-ao:000 tribute -to a leader of th• _al: inzar recopaa - PFOW: Effai Moshe, at which Mr. and Mrs. ognized in Israel 'and that the 73 Emanuel another legend is"being assiduous- cured this year for emergency use . Neumann. Allen L. Waller and their family air raid stations there fill a gregt ly nurtured that Jews uprooted The Ashdod Port medal was pre- I were honored for providing means need in peace and will be vital in They came to express respect Arabs." Rejecting both legends,- to assure completion of the Ashdod seated by Dr. Kott to Dr. Maus es and recall ' ons he Dr. Neumann called on those pres- First Aid Medical Center. in appreciation of his labors for made during his 25 years of serv- ent to continue the task of making Dr. Joseph Kott, chairman of the Cleric Quits His Pulpit; 1 the first aid movement ice as a member of the executive Israel safe.- executive committee of Magen Da- Blames Leaders' Silence Saxe descried Maim David of the World Zionist Organization vid Adorn in Israel, here with Mrs. Dr. Neumann was a founder of Adam as Israel's second ruse of and the Jewish Agency for Israel. I defense. Kott for a brief visit from Israel, on Anti-Semitism Issue Young Judea, Theodor Herd Insti- It also marked his planned retire- tute, the Herzl Press and the TORONTO (JTA) — A United in the principal address of the eve- In his address, Dr. Mantes de- ment from office. monthly afidstreant. One of his ning, outlined the activities of the Church clergyman here has re- scribed the evening's inaction as a It was a fes- most conspicuous services to Israel equivalent of the Red Cross. signed his ministry in protest over hagiga le'siymn, a festival of co m- _Jive occasion, Zionism was rendered in what he termed the indifference fall 1947, Dr. John Masses, chairman of pletion of a great task He reported and the various when he took an active part in the of some of its leading members to the Michigan Region of Magee on the various rooms that ha ve Zionist leaders, David Adorn, described the work anti-Semitism. presentation of the _Jewish case who have been before the United Nations at Lake The Rev. Donald R. Keating, 46, been provided by individuals and for the movement in this area organizations for the Ashdod air -heatedly ex- Success, helping to bring charged in his letter of resignation I and presented to the Wailers a about the raid shelter and told of several changing charges adoption of the resolution on the specially engraved plaque with that the church leadership is ambulances that have been con- and counter. partition of Palestine on Nov. a' photograph of the architect's guilty of silence on issues affecting tributed to the movement, in addi- charges during 29, 1947. In the course of his Jews, and that it has failed to deal sketch of the Ashdod air raid tion to the one financed by the the current elec- long and varied career shelter, construction of which with the pro-Arab policy promul- Wailers. as a Zion- gated by the church periodical, the tion campaign for ist, Dr. Neumann organized the began last week. The Walters United Church Observer. Dr. Neumann delegates to the were honored for a gift that as- Palestine Foundation Fund (Keren forthcoming World Zionist Con- The Rev. Keating followed up his Hayesod), and served as its first sured completion of the air raid le tier of resignation gress, put aside their differences national director. . which he sent shelter and also for an additional to express admiration to his presbytely, with_an__opeis- the man gift for an ambulance, fully letter-to -We- - -He arse United agreed IS the Personification church's. moderator, TEL AVIV (ZINS) — Jewish equipped, far Magen` David needs of Palestine Appeal la 1925 and Zionist theory and practice. the Right Rev. A B. Moore, and Agency Executive Chairman Arye in Israel. ter served as president of the Lsadore to leaders of other Christian de- executive direc- - Jewish National Fused. Since Dr. Morris Starkman presided nominations. He has been an or- Pincus issued an appeal for a mass exodus of Latin American Jewry. tor of the WZO American Section, at the function and joined in ex- dained minister for 20 years. 1957, be kas beaded the World He said "hundreds of thousands presented Dr. Neumann with the tending encomia to the honorees. Union of General Zioalsts. of South American Jews should first available volume of the 16- Philip Slomovitz, on behalf of the Now an honorary president of Jewish National Fund, presented Prof. M. A. Avnimelech, get moving now instead of waiting volume Encyclopedia Judaica in- the Zionist Organization of Amer- until it's too late, having to come scnlied to "the dean of American the Wailers with a special certifi- World-Famous Geologist Zionists" ica, he wu its president in 1947-48 as by friends and col- refugees," He warned that cate that addressed to the occasion and leagues. JERUSALEM--Prof. Moshe A. 6=1956 to 1958. He has been atin American Jewr y was and taking note of the Waller fam- ma, the m r. Fub Avnimelech, professor emeritus of er, piesidest of pub motiva ting force behin L a volcano ila;s generosity to JNF and causes °21 sift rag Publication this ear paleontology and geology at the ic discontent of s°cial and ec°n° d two the OunseR of Jewish Feder.- serving Israel's needs. There was volume Encyclopedia of Zionism a brief address by Benjamin Saxe Hebrew University, died Dec. 17 liens mai Welfare Feeds, wrote and in Jerusalem. He was 72 Israel. of `My owe debt to you for the of New York, national executive Born in Warsaw, Prof. Avnime- Book Will Memorialize smerstasouss director of American Red Mogen lech came to Israel in 1922, and me - Fallen I sraeli the mana derjred: zismisea Dovid for Israel. Eric Rosenow led and all that has Murder Threats Leveled Soldiers received his doctorate in geology meant for mar .kwish people." the gathering at the piano in the from the University of Grenoble TEI AVIV (JTA) — The famthes Against W. Bank Arabs singing of the national anthems. Flsher praised Dr. Neum m ann's in 1926. From his appointment as of some 1,500 Israeli soldiers kill- .-great personal imarakeame JERUSALEM (JTA) — Threats Mr. and Mrs. Waller, in their lecturer in 1930 until his retire- ed in action during the Six-Day respousairdy. ad ad to to murder prominent Arabs of East brief responses, affirmed their deep ment four years ago, he was in- War and in subsequent rmiebase s Jerusalem and the West Bank for clashes Ulric achievesuests," asd said he interest in Magen David Adorn and strumental in building up paleon- along the borders and ce asefire "treasured" - treason" arrived Sunday in the their concern that Israel's needs tological teaching at the univer- lines, assembled here to mark thehr association the Dr . Neu mann noted that articles mall of several news agencies- should not be ignored. sity. He founded the micropaleon- Publication of the Third Book of and es The leaflets, signed by the Popu- Dr. Kott 's address stressed the talogy laboratory extending over a of the Israel gov- Memorial Scrolls which contain period speeches of heportasee of the Ashdod Port ernment Geological 40 years are b eing ed ited lar Front for the Liberation of letters, essays. Poems and draw- and will appear in book form. Dis- Palestine, singled out for death and the d that has grown there Notable among among his nearly 100 ings by' the fallen soldiers. Anwar Nusellaish, former defense and the great seed there for scientific-publications the struggles of the Jewish is the book The two previous vlumes o con- I I people Magee David Adam's protective Bibliography of Levant cussing to attain statehood and the minister of Jordan, and Hikmat el tined similar writin Geology, services. gs by soldiers role of Monism in thi s piston rally IlassrL former speaker of Jordan's published in 1965- parliament lolled in Israel's War of badepess- monumental achiev ement, Dr. Neu- and during the 44 Friday, Mowry 7, 1972 The treason referred to their Suez 111E DETROIT WWI= NEWS campaign. alleged collaboration w 1 t h King "A legend was born some 1,900 Hussein. Pincus Urges Jews to Leave S. America . —