Retarded, Aged Needs Raised at Campaign Budgeting Parley THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 4 1 FREE Friday, Declaim 24, 1971-15 T E TI RC LITES ,N F ITA HNI ; UO ADDING MACHINE OR T.W. (Continued from Page 1) 7eltTer's education division re- and the Israel Emergency Fund Greenberg's health and welfare port contained these important for overseas needs. He indicated division report contained this ref- comments on financial needs for that increases asked for the corn- erence to the Home for the Aged the United Hebrew Schools: ing year represented $028,000 more WORTH - problems: "Last year the sum of $757,- for a total of $3,168,000 for local "Our Home for the Aged which 994 was provided through Fed- agencies and $45,605 more for a eration for support of Jewish total of $381,000 for national needs. for some time had been operating with a Federation allocation of educational activities in Detroit With the additional request of $100,000 per year was confronted which included the United He- $1,500,000 for needs for new build- FREE DELIVERY this year with new classification brew Schools and Midrasha, ings, the 1972 drive is anticipated procedures introduced by the state Combined Jewish Schools, Beth as demanding unusual generosity. of Michigan which threatened to Yehudah Afternoon School and A summation presented by Hy- Day Schools Project of the man Safran at the conclusion of reduce state support for residents and experienced other problems United Hebrew Schools. the discussion laid stress on the PRINTING & OFFICE SUPPLIES which affected its budget in drastic "This allocation was less than serious needs, on Israel's critical ways; in 1971 the home was forced the year before and in general took position that demands united ac- to take emergency action to phase account of further decline in en- tion to meet all contingencies. out the Petoskey branch and to rollment at the elementary levels Safran emphasized that only in acquire a new facility in South- and reduction in costs on the part gathering the views of members field. For the time being, therefore, of the institutions involved. It is of the community is it possible faced with rising costs in personnel our belief that these institutions for_ Federation to, deal practically and administrative areas, the will operate this year within bud- with the issues at hand. home has been operating three getary limitations, and we are in- He conceded that the needs of facilities. All of these factors have formed that they are likely to re- combined to produce a projection quire only modest increased allo- the mentally handkaped have not of needs on the part of the home cations in the year ahead. Person- been filled atlequately and he ad- that could, teach toward an addi- nel and related expenses are bound monished the gathered _consultants tional $350,000. We expect to be to increase somewhat, but we be- that "our needs exceed our working - tiosely with the Home in live that rigorous efforts in con- means. , ' In the course of the. discuisions, the months:to come, but we should trolling costs will be made. anticipate an allocation for 1972-73 "We do not expect to lower. our the assistance given Russian Jewry considerably in excess of $134,000 concern for quality in standards-in and its demands for religious free, budgeted for this year. Present in- order to achieve efficiency and doni and for exit rights were in- dications, incidentally, are that we cost effectiveness but we must all dicated, and Schwartz and Hatidle-' will be aired this year for more recognize that new programs of man reported on the moving scene deficit support beyond $134,000." broad scope cannot be contem- when the first Russian family to Mrs. hfitteldorf, in a deeply plated within the present budget- arrive here was reunited with De- troit relatives last week. moving appeal, speaking in be- ary framework. Schwartz. , in his welcome to half of the Parents Association for "Our division is projecting for delegate§ to the conference, placed -, Jewish ntial Care, said tha t this pre-campaign budget confer- special stress on- the presence of 175 families are concerned with ence, a figure of $800,000 which we the vital problem of retarded who believe will meet the needs of the a number of representatives from must be provided with Jewish en- agencies as presently included. the University of- Michigan, WaYne - vironmental care. She reported on The budget and programs of Mid- State University, Oakland Univer- the new state provisions, that rasha are in process of -review and sity and Michigan State Uniter- sity Hs11el branches, as well as there no longer will be lifetime have yet to be validated. care in public institutions for un- "This suggested figure of $800,- delegates from other youth move- fortunate retardates, and that the 000 is designed to cover present ments. He expressed the commu- need for a Jewish home is becom- needs and programs. It cannot al- nity's deep interest in youth in- ing more pressing with time. She low much for growth, innovation volvement in communal affairs. pointed out that Jewish identity or substantial change. And yet, is denied those who are placed we seem poised on the brink of in foster homes, that such provi- change that will build on the past sions do not represent security, and move in two directions, one and she pleaded for community aid to strengthen programs in higher in establishing the home for which education, and two, to modify our relationships with more inten- per association aspires. Acknowledging the critical na- sive Jewish educational programs ture of this situation, Schwartz such as ordinarily offered by day said it will be dealt with in all schools. "As previously mentioned, a plan seriousness by the Federation. The report read by Kandel in is under active development, soon to be shared with the interested behalf of Max J. Pincus, the chair- man of the community relations parties, which when implemented division, included an outline of could call for Federation alloca- Jewish Community Council activi- tions of perhaps $100,000 in addi- ties as well as those in the na- tion to present funding. "We ought, therefore, to keep tional community relations field. before us the possibility of re- The report stated in part: quiring approximately $900,000 to "It is difficult to say that support local Jewish educational changes for the better have taken activities. The year 1972 may be place this year in areas of Negro- exciting for Jewish education in Jewish relationships or race rela- tions in general. The Council does Detroit." In his report for the committee not pretend to see solutions in 32 STORES & SERVICES 101/2 MILE i GREENFIELD AMPLE PARKING sight and may be taking the posi- on capital needs, Irving Rose said tion that time will provide basis that the needs over a three-year period for new buildings for the CARLS KOSHER MEAT 8, for improvement. The Council re- mains a participating partner in Jewish Center, the Home for the POULTRY MARKET ELIAS BROS. BIG BOY Project Equie, at-44220 for an- Aged and the Jewish Family and Featuring other year, and-; With_ assistance Children's Service will total $4,- Try Our Delicious Prime and Choice Meats 500,000, and he asked for the inclu- from our Je Fresh Dressed Poultry dation, the agency-will -continue its Sion each year, for the next three STRAWBERRY PIE All Our Meats & Poultry relationships to the HEOC'Scholar- years, of $1,500,000 in the cam- Guaranteed Fresh 45' budgets. paign ship Project and the Suburban Ac- 968-7450 Rose stated that the three agen- tion Centers Or Interracial ins-- cies for whom new buildings tice: f or -a" foUrth and final year." .,. - must be proVided "probably BARTON'S CANDY Rabbi Donin, in an address LINCOLN BARBER SHOP would commence construction PleacijnkAtitiereaied. educational tomorrow if they were in a posi- Holiday Specials Specializing in Men's support, urged that a sum of Fruit -taiat Special Hair Styling $800,000 be included tit this year's tion to do so, and if the money Reg. $5.50—Sale $4.95 Childrens Haircuts allocations • to assist the existing were available." The $4,500,000 Symphony Chocolate needed through 1974, he said, is Manicuring Detroit day schools. Reg. $4.75—Sale 3.95 exclusive of the $1,250,000 now 968-9866 Rabbi Donin's plea was that on hand for this purpose. Federation recognize the Associa- Increases in allocations were tion of Hebrew Day Schools of De- SHIFFMAN'S NOSHERIE RESTAURANT & troit as h member agency and that asked for educational, health and Give him a Shiffman's Dress a fair system be set up to provide welfare needs, and in a summary DELICATESSEN Shirt for Christmas scholarships for students in these of the requests William Avrunin, It's Holiday Time at the Nosherie order now Enro — Hathaway — Damon schools. It is recognized, of course, Federation executive vice presi- Holiday Party Trays Sizes lrlYz thru 19 he stated, that the Association of dent, pointed to the fact that of Sleeves 32-36 For Home or Office Hebrew, Day Schools will be will- the $13,150,000 raised this - year Monogramming 968-8666 ing" to ;submit full reports on more than $9,000,000 was allocat- Free Gift Wrapping $25" OF ANY OFFICE SUPPLIES CIRCLE PRESS PHONE 759-5710 LINCOLN CENTER 2'7 //Y. -&;/ .;