Knesset Hears Sapir Proposals to Control Govt.-Owned Finns JERUSALEM (JTA) — Finance Minister Pinhas Sapir presented the Knesset Monday night with a long list of propsals to tighten con- trol over government-owned corpo- rations, three of which are under official investigation for alleged mismanagement. Sapir promised the full power of the law would be applied if any of the allegations are substantiated. But he denounced what he called sensational reporting of alleged financial irregularities in the af- fairs of the- bankrupt Autocar Co., the Vered Water Resources De- velopment Co. and Netivei Neft, the government-owned, firm drilling for -oil in the Sinai. Some high-ranking government and public figures have been men- tioned in connection with each of the cases. Sapir fold the Knesset that a campaign of "cheap -smears and slanders" was being waged against the cabinet and against himself personally. With reference to Autocar,- the Israeli subsidiary of British Ley- Land Motors which was put into receivership last month, Sapir blamed the parent company for reneging on its undertaking to ex- pand and invest more money in Autocar's Ashdod assembly plant_ Regarding arered, which unac- countably lost several million dol- lars this year in ventures abroad, Sapir admitted that 'the govern- ment-controlled firm had overex- tended itself but said "It should be judged by results which speak louder than the armchair know-it- all." Sapir referred only briefly to Netivei Neft, which is under in- Verrico ELECTRONIC OPENER GARAGE DOOR Call Evenings Until 9 353-3284 - vestigation by a state commission- ed Pena for alleged mismanage- ment, theft of government proper- ty_and fraudulent book keeping. • The proposed controls which have cabinet approval include promulgation of a government corporations law to govern the activities of firms that are wholly or partly -owned by the govern- ment. - A special committee composed of civil servants and public figures would, be formed: to supplement the present government • companies' authority, Deaths ; of ,directors of .goverfinient companies would be :selected:front among persons who can 4evote a •reasonable amount of time to company affairs. Meanwhile Yitzhak Shubinsky, former managing director of Auto- car blamed the government for his firm's financial woes that led to bankruptcy: He told the Knesset finance committee :Abet pressure froth the government forced Auto- car to buy the floundering.Til Auto Assembly and Spare Parts Co. in Haifa. lie said. Autocar's downfall occurred between June 1, 1970 and April 2. 197L On the first date, the Ifistadrut-owned Koor, Ltd. and the Central Trade and Investment Co. bought" into Auto-ear's- Ashdod plant, appointed board members and administrators and effectively took control of the company out of his hands, Shubinsky claimed. On the latter date, they pulled out of the troubled company. Shubinsky's testimony was - Divorce Dissolves Third of Israeli Marriages • rectly contrary to that presented last week by Meir Amit, general manager of Koor, who said his firm sold its shares in Autocar because of its inability to break the power of Shubinsky and correct alleged mismanagement. Shubin- sky claimed that in 1968-69 the firm was still operating at a pro- fit. Committee members asked him how debts exceeding the book value of Autocar's assets by over $3,000,000. could have been ac- cumulated in one year. Acting Premier Yigal Alton defended his colleague, Justice Minister Yaacov Shimshon Sha- piro, against allegations that he was slow to investigate the af- fairs of Netiv Neft. In a state- ment issued f011owing the cabi- net _meeting, Allan said the en. _ tire cabinet disassociated itself from the "false suspicions" and "groundless allegations" regard- ing Shapiro's actions. Sapir last week rejected a de- mand that Shapiro resign. The de- TEL AVIV (ZINS)—There were 2,279 divorces in 1970. Another 6,659 were pending. Considering that apProximitalY 20,000 marriages- take place annu- ally in +Israel, it would mean that about one-third of all marriages end in a''clivorce. Commenting -editorially on thiS, fact, the paper liatzafe writes-that the problem is due in large mea- sure to premature marriages, lack- of adequate preparation and famil- iarity with the problems and re- sponsibilities of family life. • • • • • • • • SUNDAY ONLY JACK'S Boys' Dei)t. (Sizes 72-20) • se 2 0 % -40% ALL MER CHA DI Open Sunday 10.4 Buying from MOUS is like having "A Brotherght law" in the business- • , J • • • • ack's Men s & Boys : Wear ' ' 22124 COOLIDGE AT 9 -MILE OAK PARK LI 7-2919 BORE • Books • Cassettes • Records • 8-Track Tapes • Crystal • Paintings • Children's Books & Records - - PAPER TABLECLOTHS....•.;..79 Matching Plates, Napkins and Cups BODY SIDE MLDG. BUMPER GUARDS ISRAEL GIFT IDEAS • Wall Decor • Napkin Holders GRAB BAG GIFTS . AUTO. TRANS. , • Bookends • Clock and Much More Paint By Numbers Games $1.00 JEWELRY MEZUZAHS NECKLACES PINS KEY CHAINS Complete line of 14K gold charms, bracelets, earrings, 8 CYL. ENG. VINYL TRIM mezuzas, etc. set with precious stones and opals. Md O _ • Ash Trays • Wine Sets We have- both Israeli and Dohiesfic Kosher` Wines Large Selection of Pierced Earrings At for , thi-:$ilidays Gift; and Your Jewish Book hare AVAILABLE AT. BOTH._ STORES OAK PARK-25242 GREENFIELD DETROIT—t3535 AMPLE FREE PARKING 398-9095 at Schaefer ; FORD FA 14240 W. '7 MILE— AT LODGE EXPRESSWAY North of 10 Mile, in Greenfield Center OPEN MON. & THURS. TIL 9 — ALL DAY SAT. Saturday Eve. 6:30.9:30 CALL TODAY — 341-3800 ..... DI 1-0569 - 11.1ILE DI 1-3268 • • • ...................... • • OPEN, AWL DAY SUNDAY-at BOTIEOTOME11 ...................... - • ■ *- REG. PRICE ON For Your Party POWER STEERING AM RADIO • 1141411••••••• 1110 AT DEMO I 2,395 For Appointment 354-1445 HANUKA • 2 DR. H.T. 1 $ 6711 Northwestern Hwy. THE DETROIT JEWISH HEWS 14—Friday, December 17, 1971 FOR TOR INI 0 5 0 0 • (lso Manicurist) ber. Amended Citizenship Law Seen to Aid Soviet Jews JERUSALEM (JTA) Interior Minister Joseph Burg informed the Knesset that 68 Jews residing outside of Israel have been grant- ed Israeli citizenship under a re- cent amendment of the Law of Return. The amendment permits the con- ferring of citizenship in absentia on Jews abroad who apply for it but are prevented by circumstances from going to Israel. The amendment was a i m ed mainly at -helping-Soviet Jews. Cliarfie‘i meiies Ribom & Styling Shop mand for Shapiro's resignation was made by Mrs. Shulathit Aloni, a lawyer and former Knesset mein-