Sinai •Hospital Reports Growth, 7 Vice Cltairmen Selected ler 19112-4ant Lewis S. • Grossman. David, Han- Hears Plans:for future Tasks„ d.lenratt. - - Arthur,Reasirek Edward C. Levy., David S. Moddry.,-Ab *Man and XI -Alfred `Taubman Honors the Pishers and Garvett . are the vice chairmen of 1972 Al- - •Nate S. Shapero presenting plaque tedati 11t. and Marjorie S. Fisher. Mrs. Morris Garvett receives Sinai Hospital's Medal of Merit and a resolution in memory of her husband from Leonard N. Simons. ‘I.e . -At left is her son, Charles M. Garvett. - lied- Jewish Cam- paign - Israel Emergency Fund, SamueL Fra chairntan, h a announced. Grossman, served as pre- Grossman campaign man in 1970• United Jewish Charities, and Shift: 1971, is a form man Clinic. He was the major con-- chairman of tributor for the .construction of the real estate divi- Hsindleman clinic which is affiliated with Sinai sion. He is chairman and former Hospital and also for the construc- president of the Midwest region of tion of a high school outside of the American Jewish Committee. Haifa and the Vera Parshall Shift A member of the board of gover- man Medical Library at Wayne nors of the Jewish Welfare Fed- State University. eration, he serves on its commu- Taubman served as pre-cam- nity relations committee and as a paign chairman in 1963 and 1964 director of the Detroit Service and prior to that was chairman Shiffman Group and the United Jewish of the real estate division. He has Charities. been a vice chairman of the cam- of the board of Detroit Service Handleman served as vice chair- paign since 1965 and is a member Group. man in the 1971 campaign and was previously a member of the cam- paign cabinet. He is a member of Robinson Heads Professional Division the board of governors of the Jew- Jack A. Robinson will head the versity, and a member of the Mich- RELATED CAMPAIGN professional division of the 1972 igan State Pharmaceutical Associa- STORIES, Page 6 Allied Jewish Campaign - Israel tion employer-employe relations ash Welfare Federation and of its Emergency Fund, Warren D. committtee. Greenstone, chairman of trades capital needs committee. Norman D. Katz, Bruce E. Thal, Howard has served as vice and professions, announced. Sidney H. Bluestone and Dr. Mil- • chairman of the annual fund-rais- Robinson was chairman of the ton H. Goldrath will serve as co- ing drive since 1967. He was „._a division in 1971 chairmen of the professional divi- pre-campaign chairman, is vice and served as sion. Katz is a member of the board president of the Detroit Service co - chairman in of governors of the Jewish Welfare Group, serves on the board of gov- 1969 and 1970. Federation and its education divi- ernors of the Federation, is a di- He has been ac- sion. He is a director of the De- rector of the Jewish Home for the tive in fund-rais- troit Service Group, Resettlement . Aged and serves on the real estate ing activities Service, United Hebrew Schools committee of the United Jewish since he first join- and Midrasha. Thal is a member of Charities. uni othreeordtb dieaavnni- Federation's health and welfare Levy, a former member of the i on tht e om siion tiss ed division and a director of the Jew- campaign cabinet and a vice chair- 20 years ago. He ish Community Center, Fresh Air man since 1968, is a member of the Robinson is a past chair- Society and Jewish Vocational Federation board of governors and a director of the Jewish Home man of the pharmacy section, is a Service. for the Aged, Sinai Hospital and director of Detroit Service Group The accounts section, under the the Detroit Service Group. He is and Federation Apartments. a member of the building commit- Robinson is a member of the leadership of Harvey Klieman and tee of the hospital. advisory corn Isadore Silverman, will meet 7:45 Mondry, a former chairman of of pharmacy at Wayne State Uni- p.m. Dec. 13 at -the Jewish Center. the mercantile division, was pre- campaign chairman from 1968 through 1971, is a member of the board of governors of Federation and a director of the Detroit Serv- ice Group. Shiffman, a vice chairman of the Allied Jewish Campaign since 1960, is a director of the Detroit Service Group, Sinai Hospital, Reporting on plans for new pro- Br. Priver, in his analysis of jects and on the progress made in some of the attainments, called recent years, Sinai Hospital's of- attention to the fact that in the ficers, directors and heads of hospital's 19-year history there various medical and nurses' depart- were more than 236,000 patients ments presented figures at the and more than 45,000 births. 19th annual meeting Monday Dr. Gass pointed to the 1,900 night that accounted for the hos- practical nurese who were gradu- pital's achieving a role of leader- ated from the Shapero School of ship among medical institutions Nursing as a marked contribution in this country. to the community's need for such Conducted under the chairman- services. ship of Acting President Milton Dr. Mellen reported on a pro- M. Maddin, the annual meeting translated his beliefs into acts of good deeds. heard reports from the executive gram Sinai is deeply involved in for a shared services concept vice president, Dr. Julien Priver; "We think of him as being assure greater cooperation in the chief of staff, Dr. Hyman S. to both a gentleman and a gentle providing health services by Mellen: Alan E. Schwartz, presi- major man," Simons said. "He was Detroit hospitals. dent of the Jewish Welfare Feder- sensitive, modest, kind, soft- Max M. and Marjorie S. Fisher spoken and unpretentious. Yet in ation, who brought the community's greetings to the gathering; Dr. were honored at the meeting in his own quiet way he got things Gertrude Z. Gass, who reported appreciation of their having given done." for the board of trustees of the the $500,000 fund for the creation Born -in Pittsburgh, Garvett was Shapero School of Nursing; Nate of the Fisher Pavilion, and because the senior partner in the Detroit that large addition to the hospital S. Shapero, who reported as chair- law firm of Levin, Levin, Garvett man of the nominating committee; was in full operation its many and Dill. He held many important Paid ZuckermatS with 6iOho ises.4twiett on Ignreciat-i1116 In Se el. Leonard N. Simons and Mrs. I. aspects were described in slides positions in the Jewish community Jerome Hauser, president of Sinai shown and explained by Milton J. and in 1986 was awarded the Paul Zuckerman will be inaug- of our sucessful imdertakings." Nieuwsma, public relations direc- coveted Fred M. Butzel Award by urated Women's Guild. as general chairman of the National chairman of- UJA's Richard Sloan was elected to tor of the hospital. the Jewish Welfare Federation. He United Jewish Appeal Dec. 11, at a five-year term on Sinai's board Tribute also was paid to the served as president of both Temple the UJA National Conference in "Operation Israel" during the past two years, he headed the United and the following were re-elected memory of the late president of Beth El and Temple Israel New York City. Jewish Appeal National Study -Con- for five years: Sidney J. Karbel, Sinai, Morris Garvett. The rashers were cited for Detroit Jewish community lead- ference in Israel in October. To- Edward C. Levy, David M. Miro, Garvett, a distinguished lawyer their 'long service to the com- Hyman Safran, Erwin S. Simon, and civic leader, served as presi- munity and to the hospital" by ers are planning a formal dinner gether with Mrs. Zuckerman-, he to honor Mr. and Mrs. Zuckerman led 370 prominent American Jew- .Phillip Stollman and Paul Zuck- dent of the hospital from 1968 until Nate Shapero, chairman of the at the New Park Lane Hotel, ish leaders in conferring with Is- erman. his death on August 21 at age 77. executive committee of the board New York, Wednesday. raeli and Jewish Agency officials A revealing statement on tasks Receiving Sinai's Medal of Merit of trustees and former president As general chairman of the UJA, in preparation for the 1972 cam- achieved in aiding the near blind and a resolution on behalf of her of the hospital. was reported on by Dr. Morris J. late husband was Mrs. Gladys Gar- "They have demonstrated an Zuckerman Will hold one of the paign. Jewish as- A fellow Detroiter had national Mintz, director of the Low Vision vett. awareness of the pressing needs of most vital =Volunteer - Clinic of Sinai, who spoke on Mr. and Mrs. Fisher received our community and a desire to do signments on a worldwide scale. leadership of the United Jewish "Rehabilitation of the Partially a plaque in gratitude for their something about them," Shapero "Zuckermares appointment comes Appeal from 1967 to 1969 when Max Sighted." gift for the 156-bed Fisher Pavi- said. as no surprise to the Detroit com- M. Fisher was general chairman. In his illustrated lecture, Dr. lion which opened July 18. "The Fisher Pavilion is the cul- munity, which is familiar with his Richard Sloan is chairman of Mintz described how the problem In his presentation to Mrs. mination of 15 years of planning by dedication:; and vigorous leader- committee pi-Inning the dinner is being handled and how new de- Garvett, Leonard N. Simons, a the board of trustees and adminis- ship," commented Alan E. the in honor of the Zuckerman- in vices have made it possible for long-time friend of the Garvetts tration of Sinai Hospital. More- Schwartz,'-president of the Jewish New York. Working with Sloan. are the partially sighted to gain suffi- and a vice president of the hos- over, it is an expression of trust Welfare Federation of Detroit. Berry, Abraham Borman, v.:lent sight to read, with some pur- pital, called the late president that two people had in us that we "His powerful commitment to this Louis Irwin I. Cohn, Max M. Fisher, suing university studies. "a deeply religious man who could get the job done. We are community—and to the world Jew- Samuel Frankel, Thomas L Klein, grateful for that trust," Shapero ish community—has been an im- Edward C. Levy Sr., A. Alfred 56 Friday, December 3, 1971 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS said. portant contributory factor in many Taubman and Abner Wolf. UJA to Inaugurate Zuckerman as Na Chatirmanbec. . —