Mrs. Mjfarl- Sees Hope for Israelis to Meet Arabs Amicably, Says Face-to-Face Talks Can Bring Peace Ruth Dayan, president of Maskit, the Israel-operated arts and crafts industry and a - leader in the move- ment to_ bring - Jews and Arabs to- gether in Israel on a cooperative basis, told rePresentatiVes of all Detroit . communications - m ed i a Monday, ...a.t.-n-Press-conference- at the Pontchartrain Hotel, that new programs introdueed by concerned Israelis and their governments are bringing the two .peoples together more closely. Mrs. - Dayan, wife of Israel Min- ister of Defense Moshe - Dayan, told of the establishment of children's camps for 'Arab youths. She con- ceded that these tasks commenced too late; birt - .she said Jews now study Arabic, Arabi study Hebrew, PIANIST Available- bpi Parties, Wedding Ceremonies, etc. Also Has °ern Portable Organ. 353-9566 YOUR CANDID COLOR AISUM WILL BE FINER WINER WHEN PHOTOGRAPHED BY and in the Jerusalem Daughters of Zion Convent there are projects for Arabs which help them get a bet- ter understanding of Israel's demo- cratic structures. Mrs. Dayan rejected the pro- posals reportedly made by Sec- retary of State Rogers, asserting that any demand for Israel's withdrawal before there is a peace agreement is illogical. She emphasized the urgency of na- tions meeting together to dis- cuss their differences and point- ed to the injustice in Arab re- fusals to do so. Asked about Sadat's threats, Mrs. Dayan said that the Egyptian leader's boast of being ready to sacrifice a million lives couldn't possibly be accepted by Egyptian mothers. "Like Israeli mothers, they can't possibly condone a pro- gram of death for their children," she said. "War could be deterred if the big powers wished it," she said. "I think we could sit together with the Arabs and talk peace if there were no outside interferences from nations that give Arabs encourage- ment to threaten war." The black Jews and also the Falashas often present a problem, and the rabbinate brings its own set of problems, Mrs. Dayan said. She said the government exerts all possible energies to solve them. Mrs. Dayan was here to address the leadership reception on behalf Larry Freedmail AND ASSOCIATES Orchestra and Entertainment KE 1 - 8196 LET ME SHOW YOU A NEW DIMENSION IN PHOTOGRAPHY 647-2367 SERVING ONLY PRIME AND CHOICE MEATS Kosher Moor Oculars Assoc. SINGER'S Kosher Meats el w z & Poultry Mkt. JACK ATTIS PHIL SWARIN 13721 W. 9 MILE at RIDGEDALE WE DELIVER LI 7-8111 Miss Lipson, Mr. Heller of Gland .Rapids to Wed of the Detroit Federation of Re- form Synagogues, Tuesday eve- ning at the Great Lakes Club. This reception was preliminary to the Reform temples' Israel Bond din- ner to be given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hamburger, Dec: 15. Israel Pilgrimage Mapped by JNF The Jewish National Fund and the Zionist Organization of Detroit will co-sponsor a two-Week spring pilgrimage and study mission to Israel starting April 17. guided Participants will be through JNF and ZOD-prepared frontier settlements, agricultural developments, including Kfar Sil- ver, and forests, where they will be able to see their donations put to work. The pilgrimage has been designed to exhibit an Israel the average tourist doesn't see. The trip includes air fare. deluxe hotel rooms, two meals a day and sightseeing. Pilgrimage members will fly di- rect to Israel from Metropolitan Airport aboard BOAC. Thirty peo- ple can be accommodated. For reservation information, call the JNF office, 968-0820. * o * JNF Month, Arbor Day Coincide in Shevat Plans are under way to celebrate Jewish National Fund Month, the month of Shevat, Jan. 16-Feb. 15. In Israel, the month of Shevat marks the New Year of Trees. Tu b'Shevat, or the 15th day of Shevat, which this year comes on Jan. 31, is Arbor Day, a national holiday in Israel. It is celebrated by planting trees. Children will donate money for trees to be planted in the new Children's Forest in the Freedom Forest for Soviet Jewry. Jan. 29 is Shabat Shira, the Sab- bath of the Song, which will be celebrated in local synagogues, with rabbis devoting portions of their sermons to the work being done in Israel through the JNF. This year, JNF Month will be doubly significant, since the '70th anniversary of JNF also will be celebrated. MISS RONNA LIPSON Mr. and Mrs. Alex Lipson of Cloverlawn Ave., Oak Park, an- nounce the engagement of their daughter Ronne Carole to Harvey Richard Heller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Heller of E. Grand Rapids. Miss Lipson is a junior studying special education at Michigan State University. Mr. Heller also attends Michigan State, where he is a pre-law major. A June wedding is planned. Hanuka Medal Issued by Judaic Heritage Society To commemorate the Festival of Lights, the Judaic Heritage So- ciety has created its own special Hanuka Medal. -For the obverse of the medal sculptress Karen Worth has por- trayed the family lighting of the Hanuka candles. For the reverse, she has rendered the candelabrum, which serves as the emblem of the society. The limited edition of the 1971 Hanuka Medal is restricted to the membership of the Judaic Heritage Society which is 4,512. Only medals of subscribers who do not choose to exercise their options for this limited edition are to be offered to the general public. The 1971 Hanuka medals are being struck by the Franklin Mint in proof quality gold on sterling, sterling silver and solid He that has a secret should not bronze. Each will be encased in • only hide it, but hide that he has a incite holder with metal name it to hide.—Thomas Carlyle. plate and black base for display. Provisional order forms for non- subscribers may be obtained by writing to Fred Bertram, secre- tary, Judaic Heritage Society, Suite 4011, 866 United Na*ions Plaza, New York 10017. - NATIONALLY ADVERTISED PRODUCTS AT LOW, LOW EVERYDAY PRICES I Extra Super Special FRUITCREST DELICIOUS STRICTLY KOSHER MORIAN BRAND PRUNE- APPLE JUICE ALL WIRE MEAT CHICKEN ROLL ne leg. $L$t rower#1 00 MILT ROLAND BAPORTED SILD SARDINES (la OR or Tomato Sauce) 3tss ir- 39 3 BL-21. 85' BORDEN'S OLD FASHIONED . or ELSIE ICE CREAM Variety of Flavors 75 5° c l 11.1 13 111 specials We Reserve MOO to Limit Good thru Wed, Quantity ewlumut N iliz SUPER FANCY CREAM OF I SELECT SWEET JUICY MUSIMOM I FANCY TANGELOS I Cillikke4 SOUP . = =PRODUCE SPECIALS= = Seven Seas Dressings CAESAR OR GREENGODDESS 16-oz. 65 0 pttls te".1F41+-40••••w•-t.. For year special parties or arbor. avant* try our DELICIOUS MEAT OR: D AIRY. TRAYS W... only Kosbor-Waro-tar-Zioa or Feinberg* Kosher Products on our Moat Trays FOR FREE DELIVERY, CALL JO 6-4640 I_Orpti"'"vt DE:S" . 4=.. JAR NAR- 44. ONOWI trosionr Putative Marl 13 Ike le 49" Pm PiSday, Sotorsar, Sunday ■ or FRESH FISH DEPARTMENT Thu fiat and largest alloctioa in the area. Ws chew, hum skis end grind .0 fish fro* of charge. Far special *orrice call JO &II640 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, December 3, 1971-33 Prunes Flavor Kugel, Latkes Potato kugel, along with lathes, is a favorite during the eight-day Hanuka holiday, beginning the eve- ning of Dec. 12. To symbolize the sweetness of the celebration that commemorates the Maccabees' vic- torious fight for freedom, it's traditional to serve fruit or fruit sauces as accompaniments. Since Hanuka is a-winter holiday, prunes are a special favorite, ready to use from the package. Something new is individual po- tato puddings baked in muffin tins. For extra flavor, stir snipped prunes into the batter and top each kugel with a whole prune, to set off both the light, fluffy center and crusty outside. For a quick, flavorful sauce to add variety to potato latices, heat snipped pitted prunes, orange juice and lemon juice, and thicken slightly. Warm Prune-Orange Sauce is also delicious with other pan- cakes or French toast. INDIVIDUAL PRUNE-POTATO PUDDINGS 3 medium potatoes 3 eggs, separated 1 up tbsp .intstant sal minced onion 1 tsp. nutmeg tit tsp, pepper 1 tbsp. salad oil 14 cup snipped Sunsweet Pitted Prunes Whole Sunsweet Pitted Prunes Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Gener- ously grease muffin tins (about 12 wells) and put in oven to heat while preparing mixture. Grate potatoes into a large bowl Add egg yolks, instant minced on- ion, seasonings, oil and snipped prunes; mix well. Beat egg whites until stiff; fold Into potato mixture. Spoon mixture into heated pans; top each individual pudding with a whole pitted prune. Bake about 20 minutes, until well browned. Makes about 13. QUICK POTATO PANCAKES 4 medium potatoes, peeled and cubed Ice water 2 eggs 1 medium, onion, coarsely chopped 1 tip . n peppe r our aPP r ox4 Oil for frying Put half of potato cubes into blender: add enough ice water to cover. Cover blender and whirl potatoes just until grated. Drain grated potatoes and place in mixing bowl. Repeat with remaining potatoes. Put eggs and onion in blender; whirl to combine. Add to potatoes along with salt, pepper, and enough flour to thicken batter slightly. Pour inch of oil into a large skillet and heat. Drop in about 1 tablespoon mixture for each pancake; fry crisp and golden-brown on both sides. Serve with warm Prune-Or- ange Sauce. Makes 4 to 6 servings. 3 tbs p. PRUNE-ORANGE SAUCE eet Pitted Prunes cup orange Juice 34 cup sugar 1 tbsp. lemon juice 1 tsp. cornstarch Combine snipped prunes, orange Juice, and sugar in a saucepan. Stir in lemon Juice mixed with cornstarch. Bring just to boll over moderate heat, stirring oc- casionally. Serve warm with potato pan. cakes. Makes 134 cups sauce. 1 1 Glamorama Fete Is Ready to Roll 3 Holiday Beverages Here are three beverages to sat- isfy coffee drinkers this holiday season: Sanka brand coffee, 97 per cent caffein-free, yet with rich, smooth coffee flavor that is never bitter. Sanka comes in three forms: freeze-dried, instant or ground. Yuban, the premium coffee of General Foods, is made from premium Colombian beans, care- fully me , lowed to perfection. Yuban is iilable in both regular and instant. Maxwell House Coffelit. jiff to the last drop" flavor never varies. Available in both instant and regular, Maxwell Moine is the traditional way to crown meals. —Adv. Aliya Group to Meet The Association of Americans and Canadians for Aliya, Detroit Chapter, will meet Sunday 2 p.m. at the Jewish Center. The group will see a film of Israel housing projects and absorption centers sad-- &setter --letters—from -recent- Mrs. *envy Weintraub mod- els a cocktail dress while Sam Cardinal, Airs. Isadore Epstein (standing) gad Mrs. Earl Wein- garden Maim on. Tho gown is one et a large collection to be shows at the Glauserasaa beach- een to be grew by the CIO of Rope Cancer Fighters mom -Wednesday--at the Raleigh