16—Friday, Ilseember 3, 1971 TIE' INTROIT I nL I awns NEWS trcal,enciar ews Cou ncil ;Ilonorii - Its WOrkersi, Is Honored in Turn by Educator Campaign workers honored at the Flint Jewish Community Council annual dinner are (from left) Mesdames Milton Weiss, Simon Indianer, Arnold Schaffer, Charles Dodge, William Baines, Leon Rosky and Sol Schafer. Other honorees shown with guest speaker Isaac Toubin (center. standing) are (from left): Harry Binder, Malcolm Isaacs, Ronald Goldstein, Alfred Klein, Dr. Leon Rooky, B. Morris Pelavin, Dr. Jack Stanzler, Dr. Saul Gorne, Michael Pelavin and Dr. Arnold Schaffer; seated: Frank Kasle, Murray Moss, Dr. Ira Marder, Israel Sendler, Jacob Pines and Louis Kasle. The Flint Jewish community came in for praise from a leading educator at the annual dinner meeting of the Flint Jewish Com- munity Council Nov. 21 at Temple Beth El. More than 200 were in attendance. Isaac Toubin, executive vice president of the American Associ- ation for Jewish Education, hailed the Flint community for its enthu- siasm, its accomplishments and "the amazing amount of contribu- tions." In his address, Toubin said Jewish education is one of the community's major priorities, along with dedication to the sur- vival of Israel and Jews around the world. He said Jewish educa- Community Calendar Cultural Pragram 8 p.m., Temple Beth El. 6—Hadassah Board Meeting, 12:30 p.m., home of Mrs. Jack Shaprow. 7—Temple Beth El Sisterhood Board Meeting, 12:30 p.m. —Bnai Brith Lodge Meeting, 8 p.m., Temple Beth El 8—Beth Israel Sisterhood Meeting, 12:30 p.m., YMCA. 9—JWVA Meeting, 8:30 p.m., home of Mrs. Irving Wise- Dec. 5—Council ticm must be provided by an en- I tire Jewish community, not by a section of the community deter- mined by ideology. Rather than educating the elite, American Jewry must focus its attention on educating Jews of all ages and means, Toubin stressed. In an open society, Jewish edu- cation must help Jews find in Jewish tradition and history a meaning for life today, he said. Louis Kasle, dinner chairman, commented that "We have forgot- Change Urged to Avoid Exams on Saturday Thesclieduling, of April final 'exams and June commencement exercises on Saturday has pro- mpted at least one rabbi to write the Oakland University provost to request a- calendar change. In a letter to Provost Frederick W. Obear, Rabbi Yitschak M. Kagan of Cong. Mishkan Israel asked the Oakland administration "offer a commitment, in writing," flint major school events, includ- ing finals, will be rescheduled this year so as not to conflict with the Sabbath of any major faith represented in the student body. Rabbi Kagan also suggested that future semester scheduling be ar- ranged so as to avoid such con- flicts. He concluded: "I feel sure that the admin- istration will continue to show the same consideration for all its stu- dents and the same egalitarian principles as it has done in the past, and I therefore confidently await your favorable reply." Rabbi Kagan, who teaches a course in Judaics at Oak- land for the Jewish Students' Association, said he took up the issue with Obear at the behest of the association. There are some 4- to 500 Jewish students at Oakland, 50 or 60 of them Sabbath observers, Rabbi Kagan estimated. He added that many more students are Sabbath ob- servers, but would take finals on Saturday if necessary. week days available at finals--time precedence- overr- anather—(Satur. next term, that in fact no finals day). He chose to write Obear, said are scheduled on Sunday. . • • Rabbi Kagan said the Jewish Rabbi Kagan, because the provost Students Association is even had once indicated in writing that more incensed now that it feels he would wgeonurThe.:zalAsoad- , there is discrimination,' that one vice in futitre Sabbath (Sunday) is to be given Hebrew U. Gardens Named for Californian JERUSALEM—The Hebrew Uni- versity has named the gardens at the entrance to its Givat Ram cam- pus in honor of Maurice Weinber- ger of Los Angeles. A concentration camp survivor, Weinberger immigrated to the United States and served the Jew- ish community in such causes as the Jewish National Fund, Israel Bonds and the Hebrew University. ten Israel can be only as strong as Judaism in America is strong. The greatest support we can give to Young Editor Coining Israel is Jewish education." Bill Novak, 21-year-old editor of Murray Moss, chairman of the Response, quarterly journal by and 1971 United Jewish Appeal cam- for Jewish students, will speak 8 paign in Flint, described his re-. p.m. Sunday at Temple Beth 'El cent trip to Israel. Attendance at for the Flint Jewish. Community the dinner was described as the Council cultural series. beat since 1967; the year of the Novak's topic will be "We're Six-Day War. Thinking and Talking, but Who's In addition to the award win- Listening?" ners- pictured below, special recog- nition was given to all campaign workers whose names were listed and inserted into every program. Each campaign worker will re- David Green, son— of Dr. and ceive a certificate of appreciation Mrs. Bernard Green/ will •be called through the mail. to the Torah as Bar.Mitzea 9 a.m. Special recognition was given Dec. 11 at Temple Beth El. to each committee chairman and co-chairmen for their efforts dur- Reimi's Curtains, Centred Division ing the year. Kasle cited the an- nual dinner committee, Mrs. Jerome Arenson, Mrs. Carl Ritt- man and Mrs. Jerome Yale. man. Flint Bnai Brith Lodge will meet 8 p.m. Tuesday at Temple. Beth El. At 9:15, Mrs. Edna Lindsay, religious coordinator of the Lapeer State Home and Training Center, and Mrs. Vera Boughner, volun- teer at Lapeer, will speak on the need for a new nonsectarian chapel at Lapeer. The original chapel was destroyed by fire in 1938, and children now worship in a gym. Refreshments will be served. Members' wives and the -public are invited. * * e Flint Jewish War Veterans Aux- iliary members recently visited La- peer State Training Home. Chair- man Regina Kirsbaum was accom- panied by Mrs. Alex Kalmar and Mrs. Jerome Yale. Twenty-eight children were presented with small gifts andigreshmenta: -- Y OkilIS - Celebrating Ovr 36th Annietaaafr 24750 Telegraph of 10 Mile Daiy. 9.4 Thurs.--to s - OPEN SUNDAY '11-4 NORTHLAND FORD LEADS THE WA Y so DOES GEORGE RUSKiitt NORTHLAND FORD 10 MILE 8. GREENFIELD for appearance • comfort • pleasure! YOU'LL BE PLEA,SBO WITH OUR CUSTOM SHIRTS MADE IN OUR OWN SHOP 1 GIFT CERTIFICATES DESIGNER TIES AND ACCESSORIES FOR TRULY PERSONALIZED HOLIDAY GIVING • Made to your exact measurements, they will t overcome your indi- vidual shirt eroblems. Meannements re. . corded so it's easy to reorder: ",--fenn $9.50 ,„ entes40 _ • Ig.00-53frDogy Therialy 111'. 9 Charge Mats Accsonsd Well Visit Vow 011Se. ht An App4000140f PHONE 642-0460 executive custom shirtmokers UPPER LEVEL MERRIIJ.WOOD MALL — MERRitt ejtag: BIRMINGHAM—Across from Detroit Edison & 11055 Imes Cameos, Detroit 41235 Ago Thantm Firm 255-1441 COMMERCIAL s: - 4 0-OFFICES - • INSTITUTIO* la ''' APAR TiiEN TS • PROVSSIONAL Comings and Goings ... 255-144 ...' 0- ... The Summer/Fall issue of The Torch magazine, published by the National Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs, Inc., contains an article, "A Second Look at the Second Day," by Rabbi Gilbert Kollin of Cong. Beth Israel. Rabbi Kollin just returned from the bi- ennial convention of the -United Synagogue of. America, confederii- tion of Conservative synagogues in the United States and Canada. More than 1,500 delegates met at the Concord Hotel in Kiamesha Lake, N. Y., for four days of de- liberations, speeches and work- shops covering all areas of cUr- reldr4141sh intereattliAM Finest SgectiOn 124 Models in Knits aiid::"Town . • 8 Country. • QUALITY • SERVICE • PRICE Although there had been sched- uling conflicts before, Rabbi Kagan said the Oakland admin- instration promised this would not happen again. However, officials didn't wish to put this pledge in writing, he said. Steven Rabinowitz, president of the Jewish Students Association, said he had been told the teach- ers' strike this fall forced a re- vamping of the schedule to include Saturday finals. The next term would begin the day following finals because no other free days were available. However, Rabinowitz learned Tuesday that there are two free Is the Ilinackiticrrilitri...fOr_,. We specialize in ' ' com mercial- draperies for all:ijrpes of OpiCe ' , apart- ments and „..cillWifAnatitutiot** use Put us on your Wit list no oblitifition, call Rod Biddinger at 25541440 . MIVILDERS -ARCHITECTS A phone coil will bring our representative. hfis experience will make your drapery installation simple and inexpensive. Establisherk4924 2 NE 440-1-