ce alue (caitteeee trim P5Ie-1) • THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday,-N•mAir, 26, 1971 3 - donee -It:WA issitleineat the need for the IT. S. to "imme- showed "a - .blatant .41sregard::--OL diately"- resume the sale of jets to the : aspirations- and interests Of peaceloving -people everywhere." : Brooke, one of .18 senators who TU-16a'Pese Direet- 'Threat, - . :recently - introduced • .. a resolution toilsrael, 'Soirees Claim - •- in the Senate calling upon the ad- TEL AVIV (JTA) -=-=- The 10. ministration to resume the ship- TotadeV-16 bombers -(Tit-14- Badg- ment of Phantom jets to Israel, er jets) delivered to EgyPt by-the stated that such e resumption Soviet Union since Nov. would not mean that the U. S. 1- pose ' was encouraging an arms race in direct threat to IsraeL: the Mid •• east. Lwael, he stated, Reliable - sources disterthed the aircraft as -Capable - of carrying "has always been committed -to air 10-ground missiles . that -coed peace, - but -uniesis- . sufficiently reach targets on- • Israel's:Coast- equipped , against Soiiet supplies, line and in the . Sinai: peninsula, its capacity to defend itself, will making theni oweapon of-offense: be greatly inipaired." He declared The sources said the -TU;His tosild that Israel must have- - defensible carry sophistielted'-ATGO With a' borders and expreued confidence range of nearlY-11)0!inilehtir the that Israel and the Arab states!. Could achieve peace through nego- "Kennel" described Defense' Minister - Maahe LiOvin rather".:•Pirlindivii - but nOnethelets. oldest distiller Smooth-listing CANADIA N R&R is a matchless has Poetponed his fu aisigg tear effective. Tlielinticiduction of the Pastors Back .Israel THE FIFTH gift In its glamorous decanter-like bottle of thell.S. onbehalleLthe United TU-14 Into the :Egyptian , arsenals an Mid Ras( -Debate in UN Au TAXES INCLUDED that's registered at the distillery ... Jewish Appeal; -during - Which be . compels ;the IsraerAii- Feree-AO - AMSTERDAM (JTA) -- Twenty- your assurance of superb quality. would have -.faced -invitations to maintain extra:vigilance-and-J*4s three Protestants and a censer/a- :visit. Secretary of State.. Waliam an additional strain on the 4:01111- live Cad** leader- signed a let- ....-P. Rogers and t.-Liefesise - Secretary try's early -Warning system, the tar : . Thursday urging the Nether- :-34elith tt. "7:: according to sources ,lard. : land government to 'support Lirael reliable sources. ,- in the fart coming Nations In Beaton, Sen. Edward Ebaa: lamed :Wit Not — - Brooke- (R.: Mass.) told. a - Ineet General Assembly debate on the Yield to Saillitle:Warelags ' ing Of the theater. Boston - *reef Middle Eatt. The signatories JEHUSALEIC:OTA) -.Foreign Histedrat Committee .thit the .dis- stated that Holland :must _vote. in - Mutat er: . Abbe dosizre by the State: DePartiltent the UN against 'a laisaille - iesoln- speech to thit the Soviet Union disistahipping lion calling on Israel to'zeiracuide .-Egyptian. troops . a: - combination of Tu-is bombers -to Egypt " groves IlL " administered territories "military : threats itid:Paidical---as. the need for the itarnediate sale Without ensuring her secure • and -tortion"...and -declared that Israel by the United States of -additional' defensible borders. As for Jerusa-. would - not :yield t&. either.: 'Ellin Phantom jets toilsraeL". the -letter ,rejected its inter- made his- remarks. to foreign cor- Brooke asserted that the balance nationalization . as wrong and as respoidenti'here: _ -• - peWer .in the "Middle FAA has . "no longer feasible." ." . Eban said tho speech . in- Which been• diaturbed bythe.."s : Eimer ApPointmeat ignifigant 7-the Egyptian President said _that Soviet supplied to Egypt," the as Chief of Stiff AIlaraaa4 _ he line decided on War with Israel course-Of "this year and stressed JERUSALEM - (JTA)-=The cabi- becanse -there longer a several tittles Miring This teniar*s. net approved the -appointment of Maj. Gen. David Elmer, 47, to become chief of staff of. Israel's mined forcei: Gea r will succeed Lt. Gen. Halm' •ar-Lev _ - GROSSINGERS, N. Y. (JTA) ---- para-niffitary organization: "- who is retiringlfrom the 'army and - One of the key factors is present, Graiibard.sidd -that despite ADL and is expected to be named min- day ensitiv doeu7tientst#00_ of_ h a r.g ister of commerge_and industry to attacks on Jews and the. Jew- against:. Hassan .and. :despite pro-- next year. The officiaridiiinke of ish . identity from respectable tests-• over - ---"the use - of 'public command will taki place Jan. 1. sources,'tt ap:ording to Seymour money to fund a. bigot". the HEW Gen Elazar, who commanded Is- Giauhard, national chairMan ;of grant is currently being held up rael's armored corps in the Six- BLENDED CANADIAN WHISKY, IMPORTED BY ASSOCIATED IMPORTERS. INC. BOTTLED IN U.S.A. BY GDODERHAM & WORTS, PEORIA, ILL. EIGHTY PROOF the • .Anfi-Defamation League of "not because 'of Hassan's record Day War, is presently - chief of the • Bnal Brith. Declaring that domes- of bigotry,'" but Pending federal general stiff department at gen- tic social issues and the Mid East examination of his project's finan- eral headquarters. His elevation conflict have triggered -"nevi as- cial books." . carries with it promotion to the saults on Jews," Gratihard said Graizbard also reported that the rank of lieutenant general. "the American Jewish .community record .industry is "dabbling in is becoming increasingly concern- ti particularly in ed by. the lack of public-outcry." :popular recordings directed to the Addressing some 400 delegates younger generation. He cited an 'It at Sunday night's=4;ope:ning of the album by a group called "The ADL 58th - annual meeting here, Last Poets" which, he said, "de- Graubard said that it is "no won- scribes Jews in vulgar terms and A GENTLEMAN'S BOUTIQUE • der that many Jews are beginning prints the terms on the back of to show intensified concentration the' album jacket"; a record, called on: their own interests and the& "S. S. Titanic" by folirsin ' ger Jamie own seeurity."_Graubard said that Brocket in which , "Jewish passen-. DESIGNER- SHIRTS - in addition to Arab propaganda gets are described through classi- here and abroad and American cal anti-Semitism," and "Jesus KNIT SLACKS political extremists of both, the left Christ Superstar" which is remi- 1799 COOLIDGE AT 11 MILE NAND-MADE TIES, OUTERWEAR and right, "anti-Semitism is being niscent of pre-Vatican II deicide BERKLEY 547-0444 BELTWEAR, COORDINATED SPORT SUITS disseminated or ignored in other-, auirgei against Jews. M-T-W-510-6 - Th. & Fri. 10 wise respectable - quarters."_ He cited 'as evidence the .recent use of vicious antl:Semitic. slurs Ydu on - Israel and Jews -by SoViet.dele- gate .Yakov A. Malik at a :United_ You are cordially invited to purchase your tires at BIG SAV- Nations - General= Asimintily• ses- sion; a federal, grant from the De- INGS at UNION TIRE. Available are: partment 'of Health,'Editcation and Radial Original Equipment Truck Tires Welfare for a Washingten,7 . p:-• C. Wide OvalsPremiums drug Program- raw.' by "am an Wheel Alignment ti; with a Xing histari -alblitanfen Belted Glass Wheel Balancing SeMitia The man, who' calls -hiariell COV -Hassin Jeru Ahnied,..js the head of & :black Our huge warehouse is convenient to Carl's Chop House and strategically located near all expressways. We promise to show our appeciation with experienced factory trained service and the lowest prices. Thanks From Yeshiva U NEW YORK-Ten benefactors of 'Yeshiva University, each of whom has contributed at least $1,000,000 to the university during ALL TIRES AVAILABLE AT DISCOUNT PRICES its development• program, will be honored at the institution's annual Hanuka dinner Dec. 12, at the Hotel Pierre here. Lodge Expressway to Temple-Groad The 10 are Arthur B. Belfer, River exit then tars right. and Mrs. Eugene Ferkauf, Detroit- Plume 321-1234 Mr. and Mrs. Sol Furst, the - late Mendel Gottesman, Joseph S.., Gruss, Mr. and Mrs. laulwig Jesse'. 3140 Grand River son, Jakob Michael, the late (Nract t. corr. Caw Hoene) At hltrit. YOUR: FRi1040LY ALICIPIMLNIT SPECIALISTS - _ PROPRIETOR 'WHEEL Israel Itogosin; Max Stern and Gustav Wurzweiler. soldiers -to "fight ferociously to prove: to - World thaVive. -i* fighting : LeaSiers Detersidae; Coarse_ of Sadat's New-Challeige NEW YORK (JTA) The :top leadership of Anierican Jeivry gather in Washington Monday for a national policy meeting to determine a future course of ac- tion in view of - EgyPtian Presi - dent .Anwar Sadat's new threat of immediate -War with Israel and the current- EL S...:' State Department Policies - Which ;encourage anti-Is- rael extremities-in Arab countries. The "ineetint has been called by the Conference of Presidents of Major'. Ameriaan Jewish 'Organise-. , .517 The gift that's Rich &Rare ' OttIN'e*:::111aa*:' it Classified Ads Get Fast Results! an r 1 -1 ‘ - Join the Fashion Revolution -9 Are Invited -. , The Stutz Family IE' ONE 32114234 . R UNDERSOLD . IRE CO.