- - •ASPS- . . " ' _ ---TWASHINGTON: . WASP': is if White Ahtfle•SaiiiiiPritteitint who is con sideretLAC the ;•:_P004104 - rof;-donli- .- • nameAmee4elt*Aft eier: . Tn - - TlegieV:aticorrlintr-lo- ,Amos --jonMalist :author : of "Solm4erit anct-Soini,-7L-- WASP • is - "e.White:Aehiginaiii-- Socialist: with •- Rrhtektila AntiI1) -•"- -1 • _ — • • - Eton gave this deRnitioar,during the course - of- an address--on cur- rent ,I.-siniblems in Itrael, -- to -an audience: of more thin - 1;000. at the Washington. Hebrew Ccingrega- xpaPionisses-Macks' Snit " eral coardbaitialed a $4,goo,po0 libel and ; emspiracy suit .yams the---A047Pefoillothin• PIOAtte_ of Haat -Brith.:•by-black militant Haii;" seat Jern4hmed.-• ` ,7 ;LS. :Distoif: Cant :lodge ;John IL Pratt ruled that statements by the-ADL about Hassan "stein fact true is hi-evident" from:liaisan's "oWri utter-anew:" The-Plaintiff-hid claimed :that- he was falsely ac= cused Of being anti-S and•-af, black - guerr#10 :411 17.- _ HaSsan•s suit was part of -his • Every manta where begging is attempt to get more than 4500;000 a profession is ill-governed. in federal -,funds - support :_his . —Voltaire. heroin- treatment program in Wash• intItoe's inner. city- He- claimed that the . ADL s: accusations 'had caused Ahe :Department of Health, OPEN SUN 1? TO 5 'Education and - Welfare .tn: _ sus.; .pentV egraitts • to Bliieketian's WEEK NIGHTS TO 9 Development - Center ' pending--a federal audit:- HEW - had accused LOT. 4 Haagen .-of poor- bookkeeping - and EASTLAND suspended a $197,000 job-training - ' -grant to his center' Hassan-,circglated literature lag that an infernal JewishCon- spiraCy existed to exploit Ameri- ein blaeks -and that' 'the literature was .distrilmted by Hassan's organ- ization as 'recently- as last fall. It also charged that Hassan asso- ciated with known anti-Semites and was raising a guerrilla band. Has- san acknowledged circulating- the literature. but denied Vie other charge. • - Judge Pratt observed in his de- risien that the ADL's statements - "were not made with knOwledge of falsity or with reckless disre- gard of truth or.falsity." He ruled that they were made "after care; ful and diligent research" pursuant "to its'legal and moral sluty pre- scrthed" by Its charter. Hassan . Sled a libel and slander suit for $10,000,000 against Rep. Robert • ainkit ADL 01111016 congressmen was reported to -have Said in a speech to the New Haven Jewish Community Coimelf that Hassan was an "anti-Semitic plant- - pulator." That case has not beat decided. - • - TIE DETROIT JEWISH YEWS 17 - . Fridirfr tioastaber 26. yin 73 . ree ■ sim ■ tir Daily -- Despite, — Sympathy FRII1T BASKETS Rodrekk Bros. _ ' FARM VALLEY. GARDENS -,PR -2-4350 - - Weeld•Witto Delivery ABBOTT-CARPET CLEANERS Na seas big, Quick - eying,. hemp. service, Reasonable rates. Sedefedien -assured. AI week personally dens by Sam Kleiman. err umisual bracelet " 0.1.insriMI • disam"is. desist. crafted al •14"Irt. otld n one 5 1d .set this Omega Masterpiece Imp all etb.vt : 3;2 .3.00 - • Call 557.5990 _free Estimate The ADL said - that- in _1967 CERTIFIED ASTER WATCHMAKER D JEWELER Harvard Row S pping Center Lalsser 11 Mile Phone 53-3146 accounts. Guaranteed. on two, three, four or five year savings certificate*. $5,000 MINIMUM Dralemk Sailing% - : erg_ Sesa Greg* et • Wader Fashions:- R. Serwin's, ladrAmirciiit- Gurga. COATS ----SUITS I. las - Sassieni • Ildisseis. - Vanes Is S40 • rue Cads ▪ :Caned cam 5161s e, hest Guaranteed on one year w savings certificates , - 41,000 MINIMUM - • ;MAIWOFFIOE: American' Savings Building - - 24700 NorthWeatem Hwy., Southfield N. FARMINGTON- f4oRiinvidT orrRorr" sOUTHFIEU) . -.19100 -1Joiltraile at W. 7 Mile fixed • • 2517713reenfleid near 10 Mile Road 31555 W,13, Mile Road near Orchard Rd. - • 21751 W. 11 Mae Road near Lehner ' 2240T:: W,.' Mlbsykiedlisier Litiser _Vf.' BLOOMFIELD - • • • OAK• •, P,ARK - 4140 W..Maple Road near Telegraph Road •13700 VI. I Mlie,Roedoei• Coolidge