-......baravaramenionsi 38—Friday' 3levember 36, 1971- • Phillips THE ISETSNIE SWISH NEWS 111;stadilo : . *.Citimpaiign :7110 With:1, Tiliba to to :; M r. Open *dam Goldenberis Bride Detroit's Israel H _ istadrut Cam- assignments- a mofith"ago 'are paign will - salute David - Ben- asked to tall on as" many of on hLs 85th birthday 8:30 their'contributors as possible ;lur- p.m.. Thursday In the new -Labor ing 'S the time 'remaining' before Zionist Institute- -* the opening rally. . Yaacov Morris. representative For information and dire; • of the Israel Foreign Ministry, to -the new building, call • the will be guest speaker, at this event, tadiut office. 851-0606.- which also will mark the official opening of the 1971-72 Histadrut Campaign. Contributors and friends are invited. Also on the "program will be a member of the Metropolitan top- ecr--_era Company, Loretta DiFranco. who will present a program of Hebrew and Yiddish melodies. Morris was treasurer of the Jewish Agency for the United MISS mELENE PHILLIPS , States, Canada and Central Beth Jacob Girls • Mr. and Mrs. Yale Phillips of America from 1964 to 1967.Sub- sequently be - became deputy- at Montreal Parley Marlow Ave., Oak Park. announce the engagement of -their daughter director of the information di- vision of the ministry for for- Thirty delegates of the local Helene Renee to Fred Lewis Gol- eign affairs in Jerusalem and Beth Jacob School, jointed by.-20 .denberg. —son.‘.of Air. and- ;Mrs.. -.other-- Beth Jacob - Pincus - Goldenberg of Oneida •Ave., from 1969 to- 1971 head of -the' girls Israel- - - — • • chools' in Chicago and Cleveland; Oak Park. An August wedding is planned. Morris Lieberman, chairman of left by chartered bus for . Men- - the campaign, said support is es- treat Thursday. sential for the expansion of His- There they -were to be' met- by Weekend Parley tadrut services: medical care, vo.,- delegates frOm 30 . other, schools cational training, culture, scholar- from the U.S. and Canada parti- to Draw Students ships, care of the aged, children's cipating in the annual - national Beth Jacob Schools convention, The Yavneh .Student Organiza villages and related programs. tion, a national group dedicated to On the occasion of his birthday, through Monday. - Scheduled are workshops and raising Jewish consciousness American friends and admirers of Ben-Gurion belie undertaken to presentations, as well as sight- among collegians,-will'hoId a Mid- west Region convention in Chicago build, in cooperation with Hista- seeing tours. over Thanksgiving weekend. More drut. an institution close to his Among the workshops,- -such heart, an Institute of Negev Stud- ics as Aishes Chayil vs. Women's than 225 students will attend. ies. - Lib. Torah Judaism vs.. Secular Theme of the convention is "The No advance reservations for Judaism, Responsibilities. 1 M* by Rabbi a S d a ried dr!g -3' "a -1.'::Tlie this evening _are necessary. Hista- rael• in = relationship-- to Responsi- address Joseph Grimblatt of - New York. drut volunteers. who: received their bilities to America There Will Ite seinfitais and wink-. ,with.. • - . - •'. - _ _ Shops:: InelUded :in• the' weekend The -Detroit delegation is Chip: , 'events are .. A -tour of Chicago =cl- - WANTA1011111110111106 erinied by 'Rabbi Sholipin - -Olt? - ., :stein principal• Rabbi Jacob Levi,' an - evening at Second .12th .;grade-instructor- Miss - THE DYNAMIC DUO- ' ' ' - incrreoort —ausr.waso • -• -Chinas. Toss, graduate alumnus .oi Chaim - "T1.6, Sowed it.+1 (tie. of 3- ,„ the Beth -Jacob Schools -of Oak - Youth News ' : i , CA N. 557.-28E8 • Perk, and .. Auction in Works fOi USY •ONE CENT SALE I BUY ONE AT REGULAR PRICE . . AND NEXT ONE FOR ONE CENT . NATURAL VITAMINS ORGANIC FOODS '*C" 2823 Caellidgo,linklay The second annual Adas • Shalom Synagogue pre-Hanuka - D in ri e r Auction, sponsored by United Syna- gogue Youth, will'be held 6:30 p.m. Dec. . 4. . Following a :Catered • dinner, Hanuka gifts for all ages will be auctioned off by 'Rabbi Jonas COIL berg. • For information Or reservations Pato _.. .• at Hasidic- Oncert . . '. :Camp :Detroit. Friends of Isiliavitchnnd Gan Israel - announce: the- fourth: annual Rennie -Hasidic Can- Cert. 7:30 p.m. 'Dec:.- 22 at Ford Auditorium- will feature as key- note speaker Dr. Clialtriyotok, au- thor of "The Chasen." '. Cantor Bezel Saltinisin, who re- cently left the Soviet .Union, will entertain with :Yiddish folk songs Z:;•- • •.•.• 5h e Unique Zarnp &Shop is now OPEN for business at their new location 4maitist 22120 Coolidge at 9 Mile endjfaiddie -Reaidanmilodies. He. Is• Qua' singi ng tour hi- the Unitid 545-1410 ;Proceeds- will go to Camp oan Israel;lneated In Fenten;,M: miles fronii Detroit .. . - the Finest in * Lamps* Shades* Tables *Gifts* Wall Decorations in every price range COME 1N AND SEE US a States. - Most recentlY., a mredern.dirilng hill building have coutpleted:,-to: increase the enrol:Intent-to IDD tempera and 65 stiitUinembera per 'season: Fos ticket•idarinatioin aildexes7 VrifationaL ."the office, „.„ • Thank you -Nellie Friedman the lama ileductket for you to give yoOr late- abarai.- -.-- -heat • i l6irae The IMA011 Theater, Troupe' _of Hillel. Foundation, University of Michigan, announces the play, '"It Turns" - by Israeli playwright Joseph ..Mundi, will have „its first American production in the HilleI Theater 8 p.m. Dec. 4 and 5. The three-charter play is `set in an insane asylum--or is it the 'r i fer Its •Lathes," or "When the Jews : : Were. - -. Caught with Their = Pais Dnvt,'! a one-act.- play. by -Mel - roster And Abu- Eisenstack: Children from age - S• and 'up will enjoy. this co- weft-Wee:-rickets - may he purchased' from Beth Is: rael, Beth Emeth, the Jewish.-Cul- tural School 'or - the Millet _Pomade- real- world?—in which a man= call- ed Kaik and another called Berri Ticket's; also will 'be sold at the confront each other in the presence door. of the secretary. For tickets, call - Jeivish Theater for Children The Mel, 663-4129. They also will be is an activity, of the JewiSh Com- available at the door. munity Council - of Ann Arbor. This is MAOR's second produc- ,, MAR MITZVAH DANCE plums* .. The first Jewish Theater for Children production in Ann Arbor We Furnish Everything But The Kids Art Unidetter Schools i 2 MAR ;'Evergreen . '3574215 or 311*-0300 *swie Sixteens _Too will take place in the HillelThea- ter at 1, 2 and 3 p.m. Dec. 12, erev Hanuka. - The theater will premieie the production of-"The Day. Latke Lost 36- 11- 1. ie "ft. Tr ,-,..4111.AM'. MERRICK ,4t ■ lellises* - CARICATURES •.* : MUSIC *. 111111111114111111•11 MSU Students- to Plan Straleiy for Soviet Jewry To plan action on behalf of Jews in - the Soviet Union, Michigan State Univers it y Struggle for Soviet Jewry is initiating its pro- gram for the current academic year. . A strategy tegy meeting will be held at the Union Monday. .sivisems . sasemumrs. * roam - *. a me ar nall . 31 ,642.3 'OAK -PARK . VIATCII: REPAIR J.vstry - and Diamonds ;Purposes of the Organization are twofold; , - first tri arouse opinion -on behalf . - of the oppressed Soviet Jewish tominunitY, and second; _to defend and extend Jewish rights and combat antkcsernitism OW:: the MSU campus " Carpe Jewelry Watch: end C/Increlry kapok Li Plans include letter and writing, . public • meetings,f, mass marches, rallies and other protests 4uriPg -lite 1 4, . - -3Pr4 11,4011.: 74068: flair Piet'afRee t3720 MlleT .A.s;,0iviKET &daft :AVAILABLE:, • WEDDINGS BA11-4E1E11/AllE `e ARTIES BANQUETS-'0,10101NERS OC C ASIONS ' FROM: 50" TO' 400 "'-IN THE BEAUTIFUL NEW BETH ABI1AHAt.t•HILLEL.,SYNAGOGLIE 5075 W. Ma - ltd. • ' • - 6264242 jabrWeen - call the youth education office, UN 4-7474. • '• ' ' " (Oak Pork Shopping Center) T•lq • - e - r.s alJp