• How : - Jewisli Sthtegman's Murderer Atoned- by:Saving - Jews During WW a _ • $1 Million Gift to Create EWE DETOWE JEWISH NEWS MAW, Itovembor 26, 1971-17 Brandeis Politics School WALTHAM; iliiiii--4S- $1',000,000 Virginia Communities Unite Into Association By SAM GOLDFARB - ...s Aug RICHMOND, Va. (JTA) — The communities which do not have gift from prominentAilifiantitropic e5Mw dart ae " and civic leaderReijmnin11.,Swii Richmond Jewish Community professional personnel and whose "Frritk: * qu hing --' ev - 9-rgamOzery : Thrii-Ikeitiiihereshidents, I thin 'of Raer teena git be could but of San FrinelSect; -chliirman- of the Council has announced formation residents do not receive a flow of der. the influence of anti-Semitio be seized every opportunity to Fairmont Hetet 'Co. and - a trustee of the first Virginia Association information regarding Jewish af- loodibm murdered Walter Rathe- learn to speak Hebrew and know of Brandeis University„: ha-Cinder- of Jewish Communities. The new fairs." nau; the first and last Jew ever all possible about the tenth cat- written a school of political science agency was created at a special to -represent Germany before the eerning the Jews. at Brandeis. - statewide meeting of community woild, "-Over a million citisons leaders c ailed by Samuel S. His conscience .moved him to a In making the"-anneuncement in honored him at the funeral jour- strange course of action. He sought an Francisco,- Brandeis- Chancel- Wurtzel, community council presi- ney down the Unter den Linden. every Jew possible -to asso-; lor Ahram.-14.-Sailiar said the Ben- dent. That was on June 24,1922, dur- out He said the association would ing the - Weimar Republic when ciate- with. He paid :Jewish:. In-' jamin jit: Sivit :School of- Political seek "to bridge the communica- art and Science . .ynif:-enCoMpais the -uni- • Rathenau was minister of foreign gionnairet to teach tions gap among communities with Hebrew. He - confined_ aersity'e-inditioa'dePartmeof. in- affairs. That minder was to- btL himself to Jewish- ointacts. .6ug a-mimber of- endowed particular emphasis on the small come the signal for the rise of Though he was the adjutant-chief, aeademie-*. chairs Which were es-, Nazism throughout the coimtry. he invited ordinary Jewish soldiers -._ earlier through the ef- Kern and Fischer committed to play bridge with him at his ,tiblithed Inds suicide, but Ernst Techow flew cool, mosquito-proof cabin. iThese designations include the to No'rth- Africa, .where he joined One night after a ;few rourida, Harry S. Truman Chair in Amer- the French Foreign Legion. he abruptly stopped -and said in a ican Civilization, the Earl Warren Rathenau'a mother, devoid of grave voice: "I know ; you -fellows Chair in American Constitutional any desire for revenge, wrote as most non-cams do, that Studies, the Christian A. Herter Techow's mother this letter a few think. I dislike - you,- bat that isn't true. Chair in International Relations days after the murder: "In grief I love all JeWs. In my opinion they unspeakable I give you my hand. belong to the finesit and most and the Adlai E. Stevenson Chair Say to your son that in the name gifted people in the ivorld.". - in International Politics. and spirit of him, he"--has mur- Not long -after, a stranger came dered. I forgive, even • as - God into the adjutant's, cabin 'and,- sa- may forgive, if before a heavenly luting Techow,.-said.. "Legionnaire Jewish-Operated Bank judge he repent.- Had he known Rathenan, Mon Adfutant- Chief!'" Reopens in - Argentina A my son, the noblest man earth Whereupon Techovi "lumped up en BUEN0i AIRES (JTA) The bore, he had rather turned the if struck by -lightning. "Rather weapon on himself than on him. nau? : "A relative of the late great Jei'is h.owned Commercial Bank of Buenos - Aires which closed two May these words give peace to statesman?" - 1 - weeks ago in a financial scandal your soul. Mathllde Rathenau." "I was his nen/, h sir." • that, - rocked -the Jewish commu- Deluxe Sojourn That letter_ sent to Techow by After a dead iulenee, Techow ag ty em , has ent.reo . reopened under new man- his mother altered his every said. "Rathenau, I am one ni 15 Days — 13 Nights . thought and action for the re- of the murderers of your Uncle." February 24th-March 9th, 1972 mainder of his life. All he could Then Techow prodneed it sheet - Julio Geller, the bank's new di- think about was the horror of a rector, said -the bank now - enjoys TEL AVIV -- HILTON university employing professors to Of _paper turned sightly yellow:- the confidence of the _Argentine HAIFA - - DAN CARMEL teach falsehood and hatred, - so as It -was the letter:Walter Bathe- government's Central Hank and - sales- Mother hitt sent to - his to destroy the minds - of 'students. JERUSALEM KING DAVID mother over MI • years ago- expressed, the hope that it will continue to receive the support of Full tomb kookiest Techow went- on to say, "That all 0 Jewish bodies in Argentina and Projected Restrictions 7 Full Days Sightseeing is the most PreciOns Paszetodon From New York °7 190 abroad. . . - was,- Now that ;yen are - here on Immigrant Privileges Transfers Per Perm" The Commercial Bank of Buenos perhaps: you will help me with Based_oa- Double- - - Endangers French Aliya Bowes Noah* a Plan to make atonement far Aires was started 60 years ago as °a ,uPancY PARIS,- (JTA) — Large numbers my dastardly dee d."' a mutual aid -cooperative serving Call or Write . . . one Sand plaza of prospective immigrants to Israel Rathermu's advice -to . his un- Jewish -peddlers and small shop- Mimi Hozmon Travel Consultant 207,Sajpramnfiekt resed from France -'may ehange-their cle's murderer was that Teehow eV/heti. It rose to the status of a soeMseskt adthigee 48075 minds about aliya if Israel curtails could:- go .to Marseilles .to: do. a bank many years, later but still some of the financial privileges it one-man life-saving lob for Jews represented mainly Jewish in- travel service phone: 358-3300 grants to new immigrants. seeking to : get out into the Free The JTA learned that many pros- World. Techow had accumulated a pective immigrants have contacted substantial fortune , by adding his e ee _e% - • - • e e•:,e the Paris .office of the Jewish profits from black - marketeering Agency to-find out if the restrict- to the inheritance. acquired., froth ions are already In force. several of- his_ wealthy deceased Restrictions on immigrant loans, relatives. • rent subsidies and customs duty ex- When -Seen in'Marseilles in 1941 Put new life into his formal wardrobe with a highly styled tuxedo and emptions are _under consideration he was disgialsed • as a dock matching accessories. Only at Gingiss can you select from such a vast by the Israel government 'because worker. From -1.14:reie rich Jews, of the country's serious economic Ile l wou d 'extract- ; reasonable fee array of styles in a rainbow of colors. situation. None of the restrictions !or supplyingthem- with exit vi: have been reported to have gone sva; Casablanca ipermiti,,: - itc:- But DISTINCTIVELY MASCULINE AND FASHIONABLE for every rich , J,eW there were a into effect at this time. - Local Jewish leaders fear that dozen 'ones -that * he immigration - from- -France might lieltied to - escape. A. - Techow became legendary fig. drop sharply unless the economy plans are abandoned. - lire hi Marseilles- refugee circles Roger Pinto, secretary general and was known as-'the .:-4'oneman of the French aliya movement, relief.' committee." • Inquiries re- cabled Premier Golda Meir and vealed - that '-he: had saved' over Fiance Minister Pinhas Sapir; urg- 1,000 Jewish lives'- - before being- ing them to lift budgetary restric- aporebended and shot. tions imposed on immigrantion ab- - So it came to Pisa, that- because sorption. The -cable said that "vio- Ratbenau's mother Conquered all lent protests" against these meas- her desires for revenge the- first man to murder -a Jew in- Germany ures have already occurred. because of raee-, 'iredeinied his * * crime by giving; hie-life to- saving Accused Moroccans over 1,000 Jewish. ISRAEL . book couzens A FORMAL GIFT ' •"' Reported in Israel- - TEL AVIV (JTA) --The Ohana Heart Diseflei Leading brothers; Jewish, businessmen Death Cause in. Israel' wanted in Morocco in connection TEL AVIV (ZINS) — Israel is with alleged illegal actvities, are Seventh on the list of countries in Israel. Paul Ohana, an oil ex- with a Jiigh incidence of deaths ecutive accused of price rigging, due to heart disease, as compared was - joined- in Ashkelon by his with other Causes. The U.S.A. is brother- Henri. - Moroccan Jewish sources ear- A, study conducted by. Tel Aviv lier identified Henri Mena as -University Prof: Daniel bruiser one of three Jewish businessmen shows that foe Middle-age males whose arrests were annonimed who come from European coun- by the Moroccan Justice-Ministry tries of origin, Ahe incidence of Nov. 11 for alleged corruption death from heart disease is three and misuse of public funds. times greater than for France, The announcement identified only and also 30 per cent higher than one, David Amar, secretary of the for Germany and 15 percent more Jewish Community Council in than for all Scandinavian coun- Rabat. tries. Henri said the charges by the In the year 1968, for every 1,000 Moroccan - government were base- male deaths in the above-men- less and stemmed from political tioned category, 501 were the g ft forrnalwear center RENTALS & SALES 4535 N. WOODWARD (2 blocks South of 14 Mile) 576-1206 HOLIDAY FASHIONS FOR RENT AND SALE .