HEWIHIt JEWISH 'In" 36-01d .ThE ay, Marmites.- 19, 1971 - .9 Caiidiali:Eiticielist, BackTroinsTiiiito li-ael;"Sees Prophecy By CR5RLO1tE. OUBIN Keep Your Eye On The Fashion Scene at... C aro3efe - The common prefix "666" on' Israeli auto license plates may be just another number to Israelis, but to an_evangelical• minister who has -just returned from the Holy Land, it's a prophetic .sign- out of Scripture. - Here from St. Catharines, Ontli Boyd Nicholson a minister of. the Christian Brethren., is visiting fel- •YOUR CANDID:COLOR ALBUM FI NER WINER We have a full selection of Fun & Fashionable Clothes Ttite t low Christians- along 'With 'a, col= He added that air Arabs he' met 'We've stopped the Sun before, and league. Dougal. ;m y": I hired thEc "seemed happy to be there. Of w we can o fiutag t,-• lt Both Scotsmen by , birth, y_ MK. course, I realize there -are Arab Nicholson and Mr. Dougal describe refugees -z-Illre - those camps I saw their movement as ardently pro- outside Jericho—who are a thorn Israel. There are some ' 25-30 in Israel's Side." groups in Detroit, 'they' said and Mr. Nicholscin found the Israelis others throughout the world. hospitable.' "We particularly hired Mr. Nicholson has been showing Gideon. "our guide, and -Judah, slides of his 15-day trip to Israel the bus driver. They were both to various units of the movement sabres and had been in the Is., In' the Detroit area. The com- rael army. " mentary- is liberally laced with 'Naturally, Gideon's view of quotations from both' Old and New Scripture , was different from mine, Testament and points to the evan- gelists' belief - that - "the stage is but, we discussed things in good COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY humor. Once we asked him to hurry WEDDINGS (Free Album) being set in a remarkable- way for so we could take a photograph be: BABY & CHILDREN'S PORTRAITS PASSPORT PHOTOS the return of the Lord on behalf fore ,the sun set, and, he- said of Israel. ,! Mr. Nicholson believes that SLIDE REPRODUCTIONS REPRODUCTIONS FROM r BLACK & WHITE AND COLOR world events are "shaping up so ENLARGEMENTS WHEN PHOTOGRAPHED BY fast, these things could well hap- QUICK SERVICE pen in our time." JIM LATIF - Just North of 11 Mile He sees, for example that &Or Huneertsilm (next to Burger chat) great power blocs - are forming— 10005 W. ear= Md. Road Huntington Woods, ML 48070 tint Western nations, - the 'East 547-4874 AND ASSOCIATES -- 54.52M (China), Northern confederation Mon.-Sat. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. • • KR .1-8196 (Russia and satellites) and South, consisting Of African and Arab Carol Liss & Gisele Findling LET ME SHOW YOU A NEW countries. These four blocs, Mr. I DIMENSION IN PHOTOGRAPHY Nicholson believes, will enter into ss ..."Cranuka conflict over Israel. He claims that • th the leader of a small natk m, whose • ime name is represented by the number • .ghe 666, will' first sign a convenant • with Israel under which the Tem- 41 ivina _JP o ai • pie will be rebuilt, and then break 2 IN • with that convenant, causing a disper- 5 OAK PARK siort. Mr. Nicholson calls this the • • " time of Jacob's trouble. ta 23133 COOLIDGE • The United Nations, he believes, Just North of 9 Mlle is a stepping stone—a decadent Phone 345.73242 . For Pre..Tenit & Junto-Ts ' step, but a step nevertheless"-.-to t•••••••••••••00000000.000114101111100•••••••••••• For Organizations, Businesses & Individuals ••• bringing -tine-' nations under . one Distinctive 8; Attractive Gifts leader: And the, Six-Day -War- was. merely Er rehearsal for what is yet to come: "God Wei on the side of the: :Jewish. '-itagon." . • _Israel's -statehood - la: a_ most im- , portant sign toward fulfillment of' prophecy,' Mr. Nicholson. laid.' "We For More Information believe that the nation which ;sees the establishment ofithe state of Israel will be - -here: to : see , the coming (of Jesui)." - - Mr. Nicholson said that follow-, lag Israel's "difficulties," the coun- Orchestras Cr Cocktail Combos of all sizes for all'Acasions try will enjoy a "tremendous fu- —Including HOUSE PARTIES ! ture, and all nations of the earth' featuring Solo`Piano for. cocktail hours. will align with Israel." Convinced' that the _Bible'covers ;I:MARTIN KOSINS every contingency, Mr. Nicholson - 546-7558 said that while he was distressed 41b to see so many "secular" Israelis "according to Scripture they will be transformed." - - As for Jerusalem, "it will be the metropolis of the_ world."- Neither Mr.- Nic.holson nor Mr. Dougal, who was in Israel - dur- ing the Second World War, be- lieves that Jerusalem will ever -. be internationalized.- "The 'Jews of Israel Will .inever give - it up. This Is their land." One highlight -of Mr. NichoLson's trip was a visit to the top of Cal. vary—a hill near the Old. City's Damascus Gate—where Jesus - said to have died. (Mr. Nicholon discounts as a. Roman' interpreta- tion the belief that jeans died at the site:of the Church of the Hob' Helen Zinbir11-.E. Sepulchre). -s-- ,. The hair you pluck will come back to haunt "Now occupied by a Mdslent ceme.; you. Before you tweeze again. remember thiS tery, Calvary is accessible only Quotation from one of the foremost medical with - great difficulty.- "I *-iiked the authorities on the 'subject of' human hair: Lord to help me -climb- the hill," ; "Plucking out strong hairs should never be • it Mr. Nicholson -recalls, "and - dia advised." Why not? Because the long term, • penalties for continued plucking can be so 3 ALL FAXOUS: MAgES FASHIOXS make it. 'At •the 'top I found two Christian -young people - sitting on • You may stimulate the BO EAR &MA17 .TIR CHARGE WELCOVE now that Air-cooled jet a tombstone. We' prayed together growth of additional hairs Stream Electrolysis is avail- and thanked the- Lord. And we around the one you pull able to you. This is the first sang " a hymn. It was most moving." 'out, method of permanent hair , Mr. Nicholson said he also was 2. You may cause succes- removal with everything to impressed with the Western Wall; sive generations of hair from commend it. Air-cooled Jet "where -..we heard" the - prayers: of the abused follicle to grow Stream is faster, more cam. Come See Us at Our New Location 1799 Coolidge • . . 5- Fund. Raising 5 or FunFare ■■ Once Again Available' WE DO THE WORK YOU GET A PERCENTAGE Call Alice -- Ae Martin.0avid rcAestra 398-9579 The- Modern Sound , ' of Distincdon What's White & Black with a Room At The Bottom CONFIDENTIALLY - YOURS , - coarser, longer, darker. • 3. You may cause skin irri- Wiens, pits, scars. 4. You may make eventual • permanent removal . siower and costlier by pulling- the root 'and follicle out or place.. - sod, .Mkt - , fortable. - , EleclrolYsis is tlW medically - approved -method .• to-remove hair permanently. Invostigate =this' .sirprior- spa , cialized spode.. for the per- monitor iMpreveinent and ainfitittnair:-LYOt. ow• it to .4i:144V:14:tut best. ' - • ANNOUNCING 'NEW LOCAT1OK 6125 W. 12 MILE MOK; W81; & • IP .. 0pasT a ft (Snga gem eat -,1 'David- and-Jerry Het/mint" art: noinice the engagement ritother;liosalind Wesser; of Crooks Rt, itokiF Oak in-Donald Weisett- burgi'dtiCiNftie---Mile, Sciuthl fieldl ., 'A IMaviaii,tli widdhig and . honeifstiOnif: are" itehedided'Ise LW' comber. .4.4d sat rite PAW