ctfvt:ttes . LID - Be. & BERKLEY — 12 AU. Ids. Tem to Try Our Speciafties I— • ■• •■••■■ COUPON - B- RIBS I %dudes proem Foiss oe - -; FF 8csr-B-Q Sauce. • 1 -OUT 2 11111 OFF - BUCKET OF CHICKEN- Fa mou s 16 Pieces CARRY-OUT ONLY ■ 1110 M = N MM.. 110111St. 11 to 11 1VES. TARO TRIMS. & SUN. 11- te 1 A.M. FAL & SAT. ORDER VOIIRWROLIDAT TRAYS NOW WE CATER TO PARTIES IN TOUR NOME, OFFICE, ETC. OMNI WM IN= ..11. ■ 1■1. 1.1V Shaarey Zedek Sisterhood an- nounces Dr. Daniel Fader, author of "The Naked Children," will be guest speaker' for the second in the series of sisterhood town hail meetings -10 S.M. - Dec. 1 in the synagogue:L.-He has been consult.. ant to the White House Program of Books for Chil- dren; and to the Bullish govern= meat. Since 1961, hehas been on the teaching faculty Dr. Fader of the University of Michigan, where he is now asociate professor of English language and literature. Preceding Dr. Fader's presenta- tion, continental breakfast will be setved. Admission is by series ticket Mrs. Leslie Mandel, ticket chairman, may be reached at 557- 0890. Mrs. Israel Elpern and Mrs. Harvey Stein are co-chairmen of tickets. Mothers of - children age 3 and trained are invited to make reservations for the baby-sitting service. Mrs. Marray Shekter is sis- terhood president; Mrs. Jay Golub, consultant; and Mrs. David Kliger, chairman of the Town Hall series. • • • DAVID HORODOKER WOM- EN'S ORGANIZATION will meet noon Tuesday at IlLszo's. Mrs. J. M. Davidson and Mrs. Anna Komisar are hostesses. The group will hold its 34th annual donor luncheon Dec. 7 at Cong. Beth Shalom.. Mrs. Jack Friedman will be toastmistress and Mani Lynn Rose will entertain. For tickets and information,, call Mrs. Harry Schechter, 557-6674, or Mrs. Sam Kreisler, 637-0117. • * • GHANA CZENESH CHAPTER, Pioneer Women, will meet noon Monday -at the Charter , , House. Mrs. 'Mildred Gelfand will review "The Jewish Mystique" by Ernest Van Den Haag. Refreshments will be served and guests are invited. • • • . TEMPLE:. BETH- EL SISTER- HOOD will 4-present - at 11. .„a.,m; Tueiday - another in its ,Tuesday Program. series: - ''What Can't Be Told From 'the Pulpir,:br -Rabbi Morton - Kanter, - assistant rabbi.- Coffee will be served, at -10:304.m- and bincheon at noon. The public is invited. For _information, call Mrs. Otte ,-Wertheimer,- 3524537. • CLUB -'TWO. "...Pioneer -Women, will- meet noon' Tuesday at Work- men's Circle Center, Mrs. Simon Slutsky will show a movie. Sylvia Schwartz and Gertrude Garmel welcome Mends. Brunch. will be Early Deadline Because_ t he Thursday, Nov. 25 'Thanksgiving holi- day will force early prhsting of the paper, there will be an early deadline of noon to- day for the issue of Nov. 26. OAK PARK NSHEI CHABAD STUDY GROUP (NINE MILE AREA) will meet 2:30 p.m. Sat- urday at the home of Mrs. Beryl Shemtov, 14100 W. Nine Mile, Oak Park. Rabbi Shemtov will speak. • * * ROSENWALD LADIES AUXIL- IARY, American Legion, will join the post at a social meeting 8 p.m. Wednesday at the Workmen's Cir- cle Center. The evening will be highlighted with games and re- freshments. Y at . LITTLE Altai SATURDA*,.110V; 1 8531 NINE MILE RD: Adraepuiiik:FHONE 647-6882 I I ;OR 1 I I tVliRrotgTED I — I . I I I I I I I - • • . • 1 CAnspen Per Pitte -r'' ON THE PURCHASE OF ANY - MEDIUM .... OR. LARGER - PIZZA DEIN ' ERY PHONE esIL ni1vcat .41.141 *`:so• •■■ • FROM THE IMPORTER PEYIVICYLIIEt. ICAPI.A,NT azicl Co. IMPORTER AND CUTTERS OF FINE DIAMONDS 30555 sew, Suite SOS 1144211111 are now ccept* • Showers • Weddings• Bar lilt:vas in their sow loll 2005 Mitlikkelt No Heil Rowel Fite 626-0404 it, .537-6656 OPEN SUNDAYS 12-4 'Iniborbon 4 C ocktail * • NORTHGATE - CHAPTER, Pio- neer Women, will meet noon Mon- day ,s at the Northgate recreation ball. President Clara SherIzen in- vites guests. Refreshments will be served. • • -IOWA AND COUNTRY CHAP- TER, " Women's American ORT; •Will-,--haVe. a mystery :bun ride .11 n. Saturday.- For -Winne - tion and . :reservations, call Mrs., Joe Wank- 557-9482, or Mrs. Ben -Wenson, 476-2208. Guests are wel- ;Paine- SAVE! SAVE! BUY DIRECT Oak Manor Kosher Caterers : Bring your fainny ta- OAK PARK - " ,:MAIMONIDES MEDICAL. OR- GANIZATION WOMEN'S AUXIL- IARY will meet 12:30 p.m.--Tues- day at the Sutton- Place Apts. club room. Judge-Benjamin B. Burdick ot- the Wayne Circuit Court will speak at the luncheon on the topic "Are7Vie Moving Toward an Anti- Seetety?"' Mrs. Alfred A. Kl ein is the program chairman. (Continued on Page 32) - I. Ii goivrt3 Special. Group of 'All New . Fall Styles -"ISRAEL CHAPTER, Pioneer Women,, will meet noon Saturday at the home 'áf-Mrs. Irving Feld- man, 28319 Rivercrest, Southfield. The afternoon will include a Han- uk.a boutique; Proceeds of which will. aid. Moetzet Haptialot. Special will be given to the chap- teesnictstanding member. For res- ervations, call Mrs. Nathan Port- noy,- 356-6526, - or Mrs. -Ralph Miller, 647-5205, evenings 'only. Pinfesslanali. rim and staff • Tor-4- Drive agencies and they lliey no their jobs' nitiarprOve •in an Thurs. & Fri. . Niles - till 9 - • coolidgO0 Nine Mite: