Canipuign is On of Ailing Woman 24—Friday, November It 1971 _. met Prison to join relatives in the 17.S.. recalled that. last February, Sec- retary of State William P. Rogers. asserted that the U.S. supports freedom. of -expression and , dom of emigration. •:. The jeivish CoMmunity Corm it intent of the testimony before :.the glens; cultural and political in- has launched a campaign calling House - subcommittee on 'Europe .--terest-to Soviet jewry. for the release of 28-year-old Sylva last Tuesday by Richard T. Davies, reported " these changes Zalmanson Kuznetsby from . a So- deputy assistant- secretary of state ,fn. 173e.elileYk, the -VOA• programing to the So- BAR MITZTANS:: WEDDINGS viet prison_ Pregnant when arrest- for European affairs. He promised •" viet Union- at a mass rally on be- BOB KATZ YOUR Ho§it'FIRAINO:WIrKATZ ed, Mrs. Kuznetsov lost her .baby at Monday's . news briefing . that _ SoYiet Jews in White-Plains, in the notorious - Pottria prison he - Would "clarify" later • a ,partiair . half . of , - ALWAS_ Y :QN, eiff AND , sponsored by the, Westchest- SPECIALTIES OF - camp. She has been denied proper of. Davies'. testimony., on • the con". 1NLY-. --• mrEtACH._ - THE HOUSE medical care and is reportedly dition of Soviet 'Jews • which .has er Conference. on Soviet Jewry. _ o_ KNISHES - • STUEFEDS.AlipAGE near death. • MUSHROOM BARLEY , • - BLINTZES been challenged- hy. Jewish spokes- After the.' VOA, queried by the - A defendant in the infamous men. Davies said he thought that Jewish--Telegraphic Agency, - - .said SOUP • EGG ROLLS - MUSHROOMS "Leningrad Trial," last December. "claims that Soviet - Jews as a that •- the -- --brOadciat- would be •-in • SOUTHERN FRIED - 1.1a:ego/ie. = onIy - and Mrs. Kuznetsov was sentenced to community are living in a state of the CHICKEN .10 year's in - a labor' camp. 'Her terror seemed to be overdravin." not' in -Yiddish, Buckley 'observed THANK °117RT N ING v THINNER while his goal •of Yiddish husband was sentenced to death; Bray referred to Davies' state- that broadcasts has . not been attained commuted later • to 15 . years in ment as "not as , apocalyptic" as prison- •at hard labor. the condition of Soviet Jews Ns. yet, the , special progranis In Rus- The .'COmmunitY. Council . has sometimes depicted." He added,- -Man: _represented •' an -advance. on :of:Soviet. 'Jewry and' that called on supporters to . write. to know the initial reaction was behalf he would continue to press for •.- the . Soviet Embassy, 1125 '16th, "I based in large measure on a very Yiddisb • program's. . • - Washington; D.C. 20036, to• urge limited portion. of his testimony In- his prepared 'addreis, Buck= that Mrs. Kuznetsov be released which appeared in the news- from prison. -Protest car& addres-. papers and is part of the concern ley also said': that he.• has. - urged Nixon - to' place the Soviet's -treat- sed to Communist Party Chairman of. the Jewish community." 30.45 etunPide °fine ment of Jews• - Leonid Brezhnev have been dis- . on •' the The House subcommittee on agenda for his: "smiarely 22031 COOUDGE OAK PARK,•J4ICH. tributed by the Council. The cards Europe coming talks in was reported to be prepar- call for Mrs: Kuznetsov's freedom ing to draft a resolution this week Moscow." ' PHONES 545- ~ 9O Sample . cards may be obtained on The National -Center. for Jewish the 'subject 'of Soviet Jews. WE MAINTAIN. THE . MOST COMPLETE:CARRUT by calling the Council office, 962. Policy 'Studies,' a research group, Congress was told that •law and `deseribed the VOA's , Jewish in- 1880. AND DELIVERY OF STRICTLY KOSHER FOODS On -Dec. 23, 1970; 'in her final reality in the Soviet Union part terest _programs • a "token to IN THE :STATE.,• . company when the rights of • Jews statement to - the Soviet Court 'appease 'American critics" of the FOODS PREPARED FRESH DAILY- T - Q YOUR TASTE. • Mrs. Kuznetsov said; "Even now are concerned. current VOA policy. • Under Strict Supervision of The council of Alf Times I do not doubt for a minute that • Submitting statements • on dis- Soviet Georgian Jevis Complain crimination against Soviet Jews, - some time I shall go after all and SHIVA TRAYS PARTY TRAYS •- - ustnearts: They've Been Deprived of -Homes that I will live in Israel.' This Dr. William. R. Korey, - director of dream, illuminated by 2,000 years the New York bureau of the Baal • NEW YORK (JTA) Twenty- . . .00 .* . )0( .10. 0. * • of hope, will never leave me." • Brith - International Council, cited three Soviet Georgian Jewish feral- Leading the Community . Council the views of the noted Soviet nu- lies have reported that their homes effort on behalf of Mrs. Kuznetsov clear, physicist Dr. Andrei D.. Sak- Were dennilished 16 months .ago are Bernard Panush, chairman. of liaroli and historian Roy A. • Med- for new- housing that has not been started. Council's committee on interna- Vedei, both non-Jews. The . Baal Brith official testi , - The Student Struggle for So- tional concerns, and Daniel Berk, . chairman of Council's Soviet Jewry fled before the European sub- viet Jewry said the families re- committee at the .conciuding committee. . • counted their plight in a 'letter to idols of • Its two-day hearings on Communist Party Secretary Leonid . IAN Soviet Jews Sign PetitiOn "denial of rights' to Soviet Jews." L Brezhnev. The plea said the Appealing for Emigritton; Dr. Korey reported Dr. Sakha- families are now in an "exceed- Teksab Presents It at UN rov• as having "made it clear that difficult situation" and that UNITED NATIONS (JTA)—The since 1939 the - top bureaucratic ingly their appeals to the local authori- largest . single appeal by Soviet elite of the -Soviet Union has , been ties Kareli vllage have "all Jews seeking migration to Israel— influenced by what he 'calls zoolo been in in vain." a petition signed by more than 900 gical anti-Semitism, which extends The letter, signed by. 17 of the Jews of more -than 20 cities, many to its appointments policy." • of them representing families of As a result of "a , tremendous 23 Jewish home-owners, also stat- up to 22 members—was presented outcry of world public opinion," ed: "We are in such a difficult to the president of the General Dr. Korey testified, "this year situation that it is imposeible to Assembly, Ambassador Adam Ma- some recognition has been • given describe it . . - We cannot en- l& of Indonesia, by Israeli Am- (by the Kremlin) to the right-to- dure .thls any longer .. - We are bassador Yosef Tekoah. leave principle," with "perhaps afraid of tomorrow." Alexander Gurvetz, a Kharkov It was the second. Soviet Jewry as many as 10,000. Jews" having petition to be transmitted to Ma- been permitted to leave by the engineer who was detained by i& during the assembly's cur- end of this year. "But," he con- viet officials after- he applied for rent 26th session. tinued, "a total of approximately exit documents, arrived in Tel Aviv The apPeid, a copy of which was 80,000 applications to leave have together with five other Jewish also direeted - to. the Kremlin lead- been filed, which, when one adds families. frOm - Kharkov and Kiev. ership.. deClares that "The •ques- entire ;families, means that - .'one- Gurvetz told newsmen that there Iron of the free emigration .of-the quarter-million - Jews are still -hem- is :a." "Significant movement" for Jews becomes more - acute med in by what the Soviet - physi- altya among Kharkov _Jews. with 'every passing day." • cist- and humanitarian Sakharoi Rath Aleksandrovich, released It continues: "Here in.the.USSR, calls a gilded cage." Dr. Sorel' from a Soviet Prison camp where there. Ls no Jewish culture Called on the U.S. to place the month ago,' was married here and national life, - where there are Soviet Jewry issue on the UN to Isaiah Averbach. • -- no Jewish schools and Jewish 'General AsseMbly agenda.. • - .7dOnday Rabbi - Itzhak Yedidya Fraenkel theaters, where .there is no..possi- Also. testifying - was -Prof. - Hans Officiated at the ceremony, which bility to study the Jewish language J. Morgenthan, the political an- was held at the Wizo Club and And the history of the 'Jewish alyst with the ,ffity 'University was attended by a small party of People, where every day there is of New York, who recommend- relatives and friends. an unprecedented - diminishing of ed. that :the 'government "not Miss Aleksandrovich wore a long the percentage of Jews who know over? , ',basin" but "not ex- bridal gown with hand embroid- their cnim language; in , this coun- clude its UN efforts to alleviate ery which was presented to her as try we, as Jews, have no future." the restrictions on Soviet Jews. a . gift of WIZO, Women's Interna- The appeal added: "Our desire He urged that the U.S. place tional Zionist Organization. to live in a Jewish state and to "much more important stress" on Soviet- authorities in the °viz be equals among equals, sure bilateral efforts to eliminate So- (visa) department in the Ukraine of our future and the future of viet Jews "spiritual terror." Prof. asked Yacov Gluzman, who has our, generations, is indestructible Morgenthau spoke as chairman been separated from his wife, . . . We want and we will live of the Academic Committee of the Rita, for two years, to pay . last undfr the Star of David, which American Jewish Conference on Friday 900 rubles " ($900)' for an personifies our proud Jewish- Soviet Jewry. exit visa _ and to return the fol- ness and our. unbreakable ties Sen. James L. Buckley (Cons.- lowing morning for_ a final deci- with the past, the present and R., N.Y.), disclosed that the Voice sion on permission for him to emi- the future of the Jewish people." of America will begin 'broadcast- grate to Israel to rejoin his family. The Israeli Mission distributed ing next month programs he de, The disclosure was made by to each delegation one of the new scribed would be of "special in- Rabbi Marc H. Tanenbaum, di- commemorative - coins reading terest to Jewish listeners in the rector of interreligious affairs for "Let My People Ga.". • Soviet Union." The broadcasts will the American Jewish Committee. The U.S. State- Department, re- not be in Yiddish. Earlier the State ;Department affirmed ita endorsement.of reao lu- According to Buckley, the indicated - that it would not be able tioni.Pending in the House which broadcast will take place each to negotiate the reunion'--of the ,urge the' Soviet government tp Sunday - .morning at 7:15 Moscow Gluzman family. .- ease Conditions for Jews and per- time a n d will be rebroadcast State Department, spokesinte, mit :them to emigrate. each Monday eveningat 11:15 Charles 'Bray :that - the • State Department - spokesman Moscow time beginning Dee. 12. U.S. - preferred 'explained M concentrate 'on Charles Bray. said that was the . They will include items of rell- those Jews in the:USSR- who'irinit OO ***** .• • • • • • tor • - • 1 4 — - ••••-..Fiti, • Ifi9mItt,qvu,- /00,be - tiv,