• .r LONDON fjtA)=-1For - the -first time. since - the. Russian ...Revolu- tion 1917,- Soviet Jews halm petitioned - their government to aid Jews in another, ,country. , , Russiart.,JeWish sources report- ed that a grOuP of Muscovite Jews wrote: to' the. Kremlinls-Bit —Communist Party Chief" Leonid I. Brezhneir, :Premier --AlekseC-N; KozYgin and President : Nihau:al . V. Podgorny-Aa intervene, with the Damascus government -for a cessa- tion of• restrictions, on. Syrian Jews. : 414PROWillelletBOA Npted_ ON THE OCEAN AT Bah 87 « MIAMI BEACH .SFECUIL ANY 10 ,DAY HOLIDAY FAULT PLAN, DEC. 14 TO JAN. 2 1 I No MOROI MEALS Imes M sat.. Woos - FREE GALA NM YEAR'S EVE PARTY • FREE • - TV In AS s friJW-N9rinther: tOrS.71-19 T bETROIt Tab. . . Cut Next?' 'ME . -the:71,P4itioners Defense *ere-hot discloiedbistthe-sourtea . JERUSALEM:::(ITAI :The cabinet DAILY ie Dec 1 decided to cut $34,000,000 said -they-.were all :nctiiiit Jews, .per pers disle. ocr-i many of whom- liAve -'11?-911ed for from .the 'national budget for, the 40.1130 rnmt. EVENT MOM . rtiaig : ration itoIsraeL -::: - - current fistal year and . is studY•• 100% AIR-CONDITIONED. - 4-1100LI ing thin t e 'defeitie _AMPLE PARKING. etiliihilEth -b*I1 their op- ; Peal on humanitarian grounds Wry's budget by some $33,600,000. PLANNED ENTERTAINMENT. and on the fact of good Russian- - Due to the cabinet's decision, JACK MURAVCIDIc Owner-Uri!. - Wain. for Boo CMor Brechunt $24,600,000 _will be eliminated SYrian relations. In Buenos Aires about 2,000 from development expenditures, Hotel Sefillardin JewS- 1-and Jews from mainly transportation and postal Arab• countries held a mass meet- services, and $6,000,000 will be cut across the l-a- rd from all ing here-to:Protest: the _treatment of Jews in Syria and other Arab ministries in pro -Arlon to their aRIVATI MACH • P001. approved expenditures. lands: = CAI1ANA COLONY Reductions in the defense min- A table was sent to ALaia Poher, OCEANFRONT at LINCOLN RD. president of the :French Senate, istry budget for fiscal 1972 will MIAMI BEACH acknowledging:tiii action - on behalf be dealt with by a special min- of. Jews in Syria. Poher heads the isterial committee appointed and SCHECHTER•S Internatiorthl Comiiiittee of Jews headed by Premier Golda Meir. The new fiscal year begins April 1. in Arab Lands. The British Section of the World Jewish Congress appealed to Prime Minister Edward Heath and to the leadership -of the opposition Labor Strictly Kosher Hotel Glatt and - Liberal parties to urge Syria HEATED. POOL that it grant Jews the - right to HOTEL emigrate. daily per person 75 . 5 1 GAMORE .0311E NOTE14:1111thikir , $22 0 = • Top Entertainment • Music • oansina Rooms itstm..i.. TeS Room' - • Circulating Imo In AU Rooms . • Vast Private Smon •OtAgno Pool • Ample Parking Facilities • Strict Dietary • Constant Rag- Pinion Supervision • may Laws services in ear ityn• age 's!! Nab Innis Illeash saw Kea% MON SEE 'YOUR: TRAVEL-AGENT MIAMI. BEACH:* 305466=571 double occupancy Ocean at 36th St., Miami Beach PULIMANETTES The ‘,!t:hi I i()i•l 1)(.)11.111- 1-211 (•()Ir.!—. A Fut Print, Beath. • Olympit-finef - :;-.,loitierring - #.:Sliaffkilsiard Entinted'IEr Cow Monet PoNblidt,SaittairI*4olarivIlealtit • HOTEL 'club • -Shane," of Entertainment-Ia. Our.lolson. • Aorner -Ilight :Club - Where We !Tide Meer . .. 4 DthillE *- -401Y-Phalt;*':fihhe -Patting - DEAR lag kit :Water is Milims"• Daily rynagogne Sir- : wits ‘4Sashillach Twin Mow P.14'411400 1 All New, - Completely furnished With An Kitchen Facilities and Induding Daily Maid Services • Pool • Beach • Card Room' • Game Room • B _ ingo • Movies • Entertainment • Color TV • Shopping Nearby • 24 hour, • , Switchboard Service • Air Conditioned 8 Heated You re Never ATorte at the All Seaseits LOW HATES:- 1 Nov. 23 to Doc.1EI 12 of 157 rooms INCLUDING MEALS Strictly Kosher-Gourmet Meals. Sugar, Salt & Fat-Free Diets. Completely Air Cond. •fleeted. FREE , Park • O•rembes. 800-327-8165 SEASONAL AND YEARLY_ Entire 37th 38th St Yikir Hosti: Th. 4.4elaiiied ' For rates and information write direct or call (305) 631-54121 ...1 , ANIt BEACH Ali aelijOimii4 • aridit Masted: CALL US FREE:800-327.8365 ror,t- pvioir seirourkee nonstops E*e:rY -fise-tb Florida reiiortis:Save on Wight C,Oaehierviee to Miami/ Ft-Lituderdale ...Pete -Delta has1.14 take-offs to aill-Florichr:' So reservations are • easy On Delta. With 6 . nonstops going-including the magnif- - icent 747 toMiarni and Tarnpa. :Delta can book You into one of :1242nOastop seats to Florida eath and everyday Save on , ibigty./ght:Cciack flights- tarela20401eliatliati -Day - Uristtnidiatrui — Ft:Lander- " . Only 669, inc.hrding tax. - : - - -- ' P101Ar OPIUM - ALL: YBAIt THE ONLYOHOTEC1N THE LINCOLN MALL AREA . --- ALLSOONISCOUIFRONT WITH tams= OR Ocriutrau. ,si 150 . tr,...4 1 :,:r uls f .7107.17 guar. i . .,..... .turn a oneseuteuriew - .-!semsoi .,... ■■ • .,- .1011. EIRISIAIWIEWme DMONS - . :-: DK:Lunen gummy . SOCIAL MINIMS WM WIN TOWNS -GLATT KOSHER MEALS :-IgliTr uass urwaumi llwir outal COFFEE SNACK ':-.•;-. ' - HASAIOREOF EVERYPRIlt;!;;EVErk -.• pMME: Mx ea se of saitentrio; Rain _derarri-4•14ii'int..Kiiiitieni inter. - PLAN chaism‘ a dinpariantk -CRU inal lSAak' S TO ,..fripsittgr FRIES/PORT .b.""mle VS : rd. ..AN t7 . nr," " eps"" RE,E., _RoP Rt, l'I LN0Di - r -; TRIP TRANSPORTATION -TO-W ALT D ISNEY een ivoiTif _, . :CAR .tainnisnt FREE In awry7noin& l 5111:iteriN dtM004iIk..:'-:,.: sr w ysirtra•dpipait st- : ' ' til $2! '.-CaP?O f"?kif' ........... - ..',' ,,F" 7, DIAI:DIRECTERE FULL C illiBSE alllikkFAEMInux5 , 4IM - • i : .;;:i_s00:12.27 AID1- ^ - DELUXE DINNER DAILY, , ... • , . ..t..„ .., ,.. .4 --7 w ,, .. Add .:.:-$5 c.2,11 ,.:27 1= D*4 - .- 1:1. ::: 4816 - slzin "- emii. H rieick stA - " ..lreieltitiiiteirraf IL abrade ,- - cm .n.;..1 , .7 . CEANFRONTAIL . „