- State±Dept. Approval - 2 Surprises-,,Backers . . ,..:OLCOAttgi&ss ROS- O - hitiiiiii Soviet. JeWS _ - 207fri,k,p, floYembe!: 1971 .- • El Al Overcome v- i'' ,•••••••5•/ 7 .— OFTROIT1EWISHINEWS 1 are , more%reqiietts for TEL AVIV (ZINS)--:Isi.ael'S W4$11INdTON (-JTA) — The.' Fletcher. V S representative on League members ' walked into a tional airline, EL AL, is growing, seats on - EL'-Widaiei than the State Department believes that a 'the- Third Committee -on .Elimina - Soviet Embassy 'reception attende d at a phenomenal rate,"-'.reports' 'has for; sale. " congressional resolution on the tion of all Forms of Racial Dis - by -a' large number of top-rankin g Ha aretz. It is estimated .th,at this He was confident, howeiet that denial of Soviet Jews' rights crimination, called upon the Sovie t American ,officials and handcuffe d year EL AL's passenger traffic "everything,- 'wiz be done,,. to im- -'"would be appropriate," but Union• to "accord .a right to em i- themselves to a balcony. As som e, will be 40 per cent!, greater than prove situatiOn:7' • ."clairffsqbat Soviet Jews as a corn- grate—not a privilege—and to per - 2,000 guest Milled around, th e in 1970, involving tAe transport of munity are living in a state of mit the many Jews who remain in youths shouted - 'Get the Jews o ut more than 200,000 passengers to terror seen to be overdrawn," a the Soviet Union to pursue thei ✓ of the- Soviet Union." Gordon Ra y- Israel. - "department official said Tuesday. cultural and religious .interest s field ,and Terri Green were booke d According to the newspaper - ac- The latter remark by Richard T. without hindrance." on disorderly conduct charges a nd EL AL must now lease air- Davies, deputy assistant secretary Mrs. Rita Hauser, U.S. repre- released for appearance in cou rt count, craft from other lines in order to for European affairs, before the sentative on the UN Human on Nov. 23.) • Selected fine -jewelry accommodate its growing traffic. House Foreign Affairs Commit- Rights Commission, asserted - and Diamonds Soviet Jewish sources report- tee's European subcommittee, that Americans were doing the There are, however, some nega- ed last weekend that a Kishinev Large Selection of raised the only serious difference right thing in speaking out Jew has been convicted in a tive aspects, which are a direct Fine Opal Jewelry of opinion Wednesday between a against any injustices by the consequence of this success story: Watch and Jewelry Repair secret trial and that a previous- witness and the subcommittee Soviet government against its ly convicted Riga Jew has had Failure to keep scheduled arrival chairman. Rep. Benjamin J. Ro- ..r•wish citizens. LI 7-5068 and departure times, overbooking his appeal turned-down. - senthal (D., N.Y.) The House unit The Kishinev. Jew, Yankel of space, deterioration of in-flight Near Post Office Americans should continue t o is considering pending legislation speak out, she said, because their (Yaacov) Khantsis, a 42-year-old service. 13720 W. 10 - Mile expressing concern over the criticisms are productive, and are chauffeur, was sentenced to three According to one EL AL spokes- USSR'S treatment of its Jewish a factor in the increased emigre years in a labor camp for "hooli- citizens. tion of Jews from the Soviet Union. ganism" in closed hearings on an Rep. Rosenthal also was aston-' Mrs. Hauser spoke at a session indeterminate date. ished at Davies' endorsement of a of the National Social Action Con- Khantsis, who is- married and So viet Jewry bill sponsored by ference of the National Women's has a 20-year-old daughter an a LA RRY M. S ERN Rep. Frank Annunzio (D., Ill.) as League of the. United Synagogue 15-year-old son, has been sent -to "an excellent vehicle through attended by 600 delegates from 17 Omutrunski prison Kirov, 'the which to convey the concern of states. sources reported. TheY'said`Khant- •/-.••• ■ the Congress over this issue." Thanks all his customers Having recently returned from sis had applied for " migration Rosenthal noted that the Annunzio a visit to Israel where she studied Israel.- two. - years- ago, -but was '=' for their past patronage and is bill was the only one among the the absorption of recent Russian turned away. approximately 200 introduced so Jewish immigrants, Mrs: Hauser The sources also said that the far _ which does not specifically said that some of the emigres appeal of Arkady Shpilberg, who proud to announce his affiliation with mention emigration. Davies replied were finding difficulty in adjust- -was convicted in the 'Riga trial,. that the State Department's "sug- ing to Israeli society. "They are has been rejected -by - the high gested modifications" include re- lust not accustomed to anything court. Shpilberg, a 33-year-old en- ference to emigration. . but the Russian system," she said. gineer with a wife and -daughter,- • Good Deals • Good Loco tion Rosenthal stated: "We intend "and coming from a totally differ- is serving a three-year term for • Good People • Good Service to produce .a resolution before .ent society find it difficult to fend alleged- -anti-Soviet activities, .the 20811 W. 8 MILE the .end of this session of Con: for themselves. Consequently, -Some sentence to. expire' Aug. '4, 1973._ gross (because) we Must -view - tend to blame the Israeli govern- He - is - being held in - a "strict re- Between Evergreen and Lahser . these deprivations not as citizens moat for any difficulties they en- gime" camp. . Large Selection of Cars & Trucks . The -family of- Ilya-RIPPe-; the, of one country ' viewing . the counter. Most of them will eventu- 534-1400, 358-2232, 358-5192 Latvian Jewish student who set abhorred behavior of another ally adjust; however, regrettably, government but as the denial of some will probably never make the himself on fire ",bii.Anni 1969' . reportedly- lbeeauSei,lie.-had -.,heen• human rights. (which) must be full adjustment. denied' an - emigration - visa, have condemned wherever and when- In Londowthe House of Corn. ever it occurs." been refused permission to mans has goven overwhelming Israel. . . Sol Polansky, a foreign service support to a motion submitted A friend, Mrs. Musia Kaplan.of. officer testifying with Davies, by- Labor MP Grevill Janner Riga. said that Mrs. Cila Hipps and backed Davies' denial of z Soviet urging the government to in- Featuring the Jewish "State of terror" but ad- tervene on. behalf of the rights her, family _were denied- emigration mitted that "Jews do feel 'they of Soviet Jews. • on groundsthat they have no rela-. lives in -Israel: -and "hooli- are being discriminated against." The measure has accumulated Group Departures Start from Polansky also said he was "not 333 signatures from all parties, gan" • like • -Ilya Rippe ;cannot - -be via American Airlines at all persuaded" that there were more than any other motion dur- allowed-.to leave the Senriet,:tiiiion. Mrs. Kaplan . . said. flit:one:of the. - - enough Yiddish-speaking Soviet ing the current session of the Pierre Marques moniot IC0B (seeret.polite):raficereMper- House. - Jews to make Yiddish broadcast- vising • 'the': of. .the _Ian. 3-12 $499 $459 ing over the Voice of America Russian Red Cross Urged Mims Jamily .- told theni::".'We•mill "Worthwhile." Asked afterward to Work for Release of Jan. 22-Feb. 1 liquidate :Yea $579 The; - son; 22, $489 by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency Ailing Mrs. Kuznetsov must -report to a - psYchiatric correspondent to comment on a re- JERUSALEM (JTA)—The Gen- Feb. 4•15 $519 monthly. .He has - been .- permitted port in Pravda, the Soviet Com- eva-based International Red Cross _f-Where-be.'haa be- Feb.15-27 .... $549 munist Party newspaper, that has asked the Russian Red Cross to live at-home $679 300,000 Soviet Jews consider to work for the release frail a ccrne fluent in' Hebrew. - Reliable, Jewish -sources could March 18-26 .. . . $495 Yiddish their first language, Po- Soviet orison of Jewish engineer -$429 Flexible rtineraries Offered lansky said he was unaware of Sylva Zalmanson Kuznetsov, who not confirm the published, report from Moscow ,that 200 Soviet Jews the report. DON'T BE LEFT OUT IN THE COLD is serving a 10-year sentence in were given exit visas:and-Ihat the . Other witnesses included' Rep. an alleged sky-jacking plot. Call Harold Kalt'— Bee Kalt Trowel Service Jewish visa total far this year- James H. Scbeuer This was reported by IRC in Is a• record 6,500- so N.Y-); But the sources . Rep. John Buchanan (R., Ala.); a telegram received here Sunday F. Lee Bailey, the lawyer, repre- by Mordechai Bar-On, president noted that here-le ii-..10 •day *sit- ing list for .Aeroflok:flights out of 4628 N. Woodward Ave., Royal Oak, hitch. 48072 senting the League for Repatria- of Israel's Youth Organizations DETROIT mom JO. 6 1490 SUBURBAN PHONE U. 947'33 tion of Russian Jewry; Rabbi Zev Council, which appealed to the Russia and that_ seating is una- vailable on flights to- Vienna, the Segal of the Essex County (N.J.) IRC last week. usual stopover on the way to-Israel Conference on Soviet Jewry; and (In New York, 75 members of the Mikhail-I. Romm, Soviet Jewish Bertram Zweibon, national chair- Jewish Defense League were ar- man of the Jewish Defense rested Sunday for sitting down half Film Director, Dies - at 70 - LONDON (JTA) Mildiail League. Zweibon said: "Violence a block from the Soviet Mission is always bad but sometimes ne- after 250 JDLers turned out for a Romm, the well-known 'Soviet cessary. The' league favors that demonstration at the mission on Jewish film director who spoke • which keeps - the plight Of. Soviet behalf of Mrs. ICumetsov. She is out- publicly -against Soviet - anti= • died Nov. 1 in Moscow Jews before the world. Even vio- ailing and has lost her baby in Semitism, at age 70. - lence." prison. At a meeting film and thea- • At the United Nations Arthur A. (Two 21-year-old Jewish Defense er personnel at of the end of 1962, • Dexter Chevrolet A capulco 3 Or un Pierre Marques aid Marriott Hotels $629 BEE KALT TRAVEL - ALE' FOR.. YOUR"iUNANTED- Sinai Annual Meeting to Honor Fishers. and. Memory of Garvett Rornm compared repression _Of. • udaism with repression of artistic' expression. He charged that - the : - USED . 11-Mars . 'Eleanor Suburban Shop :lemonMarion Feuerrnan . • - . , 0 fficial word o "c smopolite" was a • Thanks to yOu,.ciur wonderful Customers, El-Mars e uphemism:for "dirty Jew." Last year, Roman joined other has re-operied:An - :ciOr new enlarged shop to Morris Garvett, late president resolution adopted by the board artists and other professionals • accommodate your Many requests of Sinai Hospital, and Mr. and of trustees in his memory. dispose In urging - the release from- a. Mrs. Max M. Fisher, donors of of your;us vice 'mental asylum of Zhores A. Med- - - - , a $500,000 gift, toward fly...hos:L. Leonard N. Simons, - , will pital's newest patient care addi- president of the hospial tion, will be honored at the .19th make the presentation. annual meeting of the hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Fisher will receive 8 p.m. Nov. 21 in the Zuckerman a plaque in gratitude for - their Auditorium. gift which made possible the con- Garvett, distinguished lawyer struction of the 156-bed Max M. and civic leader, served as presi- and Marjorie S. Fisher Pavilion dent of the hospital from 1968 which opened in July. until his death on Aug. 21. Presenting the plaque will be Mrs. Gladys Garvett will receive Nate S. Shapero, chairman of the Sinai's Medal of Merit Award on board's executive committee and behalf of, her. late. hushansi and_.a—former...president -of the -hospital. vedev, the -,,Soviat',. -biologist and. writer. ' Domm's films included "Lenin in 0 etober"' .(1937); . "Lenin 1918" 1939); "Nine Days of 'One Year'? 1962), about the morality of nu- cl ear weapons; "Ordinary F sc- e is m" 1966), ( about the rise of Hi tier; and "Triumph Over Vio- le nce" (1968), about the fate of th e Third Reich. The director was a warded five Stalin Prizes during th e Stalin era. -WE CAN' SIELLUICTIHINK: COATS,4ACKETS; STOLES, FUN FURS,. PERSIANS, -.21FUR, TRIMMED :SWEATERS, ere. -'7.'. _2'WITH EAST RESULTS"' We will bg open- to accept your furs Monday thru Friday, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. . PhOne Calls Please 13661- W: 13- Mile; just west OfCoolidge - Oak Park, Mich. - •