ae 0i1AtL3Wiit 01141 ■ 4,,JVAIA '"Around TIM .40 l i e the M , Flint News SPECIAL SALEM SO To help Meet a severe shortage, - th. Flint Jewish- Community Coun-:-. cil will laid its anzitiar bleod pro- grarti.:;:nootr-6! p m. Nov.' - 24, at - Temple Beth El. MiBlernan is chair- Mrs. R. Nathan Horowitz, a. June gradu - man of. the Gouncii blood program., ate of Aquinas College in Grand Rapids, is studying sculpture in the graduate school of: Cranbrook - Academy of Art. Horowitz, son of-rldr; and hirari.Satti:-.HoroeiltZ:-,of= Gtjind Rapids eceived `.. aistt6 if! recognition for AffeltAtiniikcizt _ or* he createdfoill'ain-PelEmaii- ueE The . 8-foot3on14 '-Oentfhigh - *Mora suggestsi -the branches _of an old olive free Grand: Rapids= _ News= Notes 'Morowitz- his -beenZ:tecipient,!or a member . of 'prizes far his metal . first-an-e4nan alio*/ . ra /10. Hi.h0PM -t0---himili-..lieulPture -after attaining; * Martin Business, Machine Co. 917 N. Saginaw St. Flint, -Michigan • Rae . A '6in , seldoni thinks -of taking . Turkish, hatbit, Until 'it. Is too late. ...modein:Viddish literature' will be and folklore the central theme of the annual- _ 'Students final: NOrttai,l''Isritel,-:. banquet of the YIVO Inititute for and as',well as 'students. Jewish BaSearch; which will take froin 15 U.S universities _are- par- - plate noon Sunday here. - ticipat in g is the tenterluate Two distinguished authorities seminitt's'Angit' will participate in a symposium mesters. on this subject. Dr. Dan Miron, professor of literature at the Uni- yersity of Tel Aviv and at the I sllebrevi-'. -University, _ will discuss -t "Tha _Beginaings of Modern Yid . dish: Literature." The':iioted Yid- The - Fineit 'Of 'Nationally dish poet and critic, _Jacob _Glat- - -Adiertisect Clothing at 1/2 stein, will speak on ''Literary the -Price )626_.-Would Ex- 'Revolutions pect to:loi, s Max -Weinreich Center for ' Advanced Jewish Studies con- ducts an inter-,university graduate orograiii in the fields of Eastern • f Oodles For 35 non . ; OPEWSUNDAY ' 1 -T4 :__ - . %-. -- - ywo European JeWish - history, the Holocaust, the period of Jewish 24750 Telegraph at 10 Mile Daily 9-6 Thurs. to 8 SUPPORT HISTRDRUT THROUGH THESE A GIFT OF LIFE FOR ffutranitariati PROJECTS— A PEOPLE! Does your orefantiation has a Project? SCOMPSSIIIPS."Anntial ...Perpetual • - KOPAT IIOUM- Heatth Clinics -Hospitals • BATEI. AVOT•• Homes for the Acted and Senior Citizens. • MIGHAN-atildren13 Macke - • Ar•IAL'- Tedmical 6 VocationalAchools • CULTURAL 4 EDUCATIONAL 'Attivrltie..S Afro-Asian Institute YOU CAN HELP BUILD A BETTER ISPAEI_ CT SUPPORTING THESE VITAL PROGRAMS +hr ouch Hs ISRAEL HISTADRUT CAMPAIGN C ..”.••••••• call_233-0912 :iiitek• HARRY THOMAS mass - settlement in the -United limited Supply DETROIT 154 EL MIS - •D.1.11 lil . . . Sounds Great! but if 'we're destined to Spend our winters at home; let's at least try to controlMr. : eleznents,..,,..: . One Way is with Dunlop CW 44 Silent Traction Snow Tiros-, Premium quality, the Dunlop ShOW Tire and--durabli and Ort...thit -expressway and it really bites in the deep bine ply _models. Get 'um studded—it's great nad'iiisybe with -the heater on and the jight ninsie ew Hi* 'radio - flat -arts. • at .Cranbrook. . He -! 'active "in his Grand . Rapids eon- . ..KretStion and- is. a forme* preid- 'slent.of the _Grand Rapids - Temple - Youth... • , . ..- temple Emanuel .Men's Club Will. bold -1 "Turkey' Trot", dance 'Nov.:, ..20.-,The 'sisterhood is plant ning-e. Its '"Seetizid Best . Sale'!'Noi..16-17 at the temple. sjO.J. js IVQE . - 7-.4414-1 5 X Community . of the coutacil'a-, :anilual Aihmer -meeting 1971 Flint United- Appeal- will be •beld 0:30, p.m.:. ov', 21 . ;at anclilsriet'Emerg,ency - Fund Cam- Mier:. -Forest ;Apts., Kee, Temple Seth The_ community pai3OE" ;Murray E. - Moss, general realion Hail .chairman; - pr. Ira B. Marder and 14-Tweea Bowling .Prograrn,, Dr. Jaik Stanzler, associate chair- 2:30 ii.m., men; and Mesdames - Charles Olt#h 'All Country.Lane .Dodge, LehOltisky and Sol Scha- ;.14t•-1emple Cong -' .fer, women's division -thairthen. - - regational Dnuier Guest.. .spOiker, will be Isaac I4-17—Beth - f- "Israel =Sisterhood • Carrie Sills,' 9-year-old dauglier Toubik---;esetutii*SviCe: , preilident of tba;: - . ,-.Aiiieri- can.,':AsOodiatiori for of Mr. and Airs.Paul Sills of. Davi, 15—Council _Community = • thing: cOnimittee. Meeting, son, recently:tOok two 'firatZplace Jewish Education Louis Iasle, chaiiimati, stated ribbons in the Flint ' Cerarhies - 8 p.m., Temple Beth El Show, SPOnsoreil by Flint Ceramics that the,amilialtAiniVer is ;a coo Association. The' Sills' son. Glenn, operative „ effort of all constituent • ' - won - honorable mention for a bust organizations of Abraham Lincoln. At the kesidents' table • will be Murray -Moss, -president of Carl Rittman, youth activities Beth - Israel Synagogue; Mrs. Ed- co-chairman, announces the begin- wardDsher, _Beth ISrael Sister- ning of the Flint Coinunity ,Coun- hood; Irying . .Simen, Bnai Brith; cil's basketball season for senior Mrs. Marvin- Tersky, Bnai Brith boys, age 16-18, and intermediate women:: Mrs. Samuel Cossman, - 16—Council Executive com- boys, age 12-15. Eligible boys who IIadasSah; Mrs. Joe Rittman, Jew- mittee Meeting, 8 p.m. were unable to attend the first ish War Veterans Auxiliary; Mar- home of Louis Kasle neetinp, may contact Rittman. 232- vin Faller; Temple Beth El; Mrs. 17-11adassah Donor . Lunch 5716. The teams play in the YMCA- Milton warren. Temple Beth El Sisterhood: and Benzion Gotlib, eon, 12:3Q p.m. Country ICAA Basketball League. Zionist Organization of America. 'Squire Restaurant 18—Beth Israel Board of Edn- Herman Acker; president of the , Cation Meeting, 3 p.m . Senior Friendship Club, will pre- Comings ... 4' side over tables reserved for senior `citizens. Bnai Brith Women, Flint Chap- and ter, is sponsoring a candlelight supper-fashion show-dance 7 p.m. ... Goings Jacob N. Berg, 89 Nov. 20 at the Country Squire. r- , The mternational -evemng, called Tacob N_ Berg, 521 S. Meade, Rabbi :-Gilbert .Collin of Cong. "Ports of Call," will start with a -Beth Israel -win participate in a -died. Oct. 30 at age 89. social hour !Wowed by buffet sup- seMinar'41LT .aleohol- and drug edu- . Born in Russia, Mr. Berg had per at 8, fashions for _men and wo- Cation training .sponsored by the lieen a resident of Flint for 47 men:- at 9:30 and dancing to .the Genesee County- .Segional Drug years, coming from Chicago. His Ted Barry Combo.'.General Chair- Abuse Commission.- The seminar wife Fannie, preceded him in death men are: Mrs. _Hy- IClein and Mrs... -will -consist of 15 two-hour sessions in 1968. Bert Marx. Tickets and. decora-: taught by experts in all areas of Mr. Berg was amember of Cong. Lions are being handled -by Mrs.. drug and 'alcohol --abase. Rabbi Beth Israel and the Flint Jewish A. Richard Benison; ,reservations. Kollin; in addition, to-working with Comunity Council. He was associ- and ticket distribution,-;.Mesdamei the youth of his congregation, sits ated with the Imperial Store on Jeffrey Blum, Leon -Schafer and on the' Jewish communal policy- Lewis St. since 1924, retiring in Charles Silverman; fmancial, Mrs. making bodies. 1965. Leonard Meizlish; invititions,=- Mrs. - - A daughter, Naomi survives. Ted-. Goldberg; telephone, •:Mrs, Gerald Leiter; and publicity,. Mrs. ghgagemen! Jac* Kippeirnan and Mrs. Irving, assisted by Mrs. - Gordon Dr. and Mrs. Suber. The affair is open to the Clarence Pott of Ann Arbor an- public. :.- _ pinkie the Marriage of their. daugh- Beth Israel SisterhoOd Will have ter - Claudia th' Jeffrey Cossman,` its:second oneg . Shebat of the sea- son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cos- son '2 p.m: Nov. 20 at the home of khan' .4 Flint. The wedding took Olivetti Underwood_21 Dr . and Mrs Samuel Gotlib, 3413 place in Ann Arbor, where they Portable Typewriters Palmaiilhe Trograrti:Wili fear are--making their.. borne while at- the University,of tare a iiicieet be Iar ells: with HEBREW KEYBOARD _ Founders and,Siiiik' by -Amos non.- Regular & 119.50 Te boob i be reviewed '< COuncil Blood 'I:9gram Asher EllinytitindBerizienrOotlilf, NO t u ... 1 - !mon moss ems- ...and , with=: Sure-' Footed Damlop &mit r Tires we can pretend . . . . Call-us for counseling - on your tire needs LL'S YNAMIC TIRE SALE 30211N. Woodward;fat #31/2 Mile Itoad,ltayal Oak, Michigan : 549-7350 For row Cimwseifmcs Winter lbws: Mon.-Thurs. 9-6 Fri. 9-8 Sat. 9-3 Sun. 10-3