c. - Friday, :ffin► lialbar S, 1971-33 Drtroiter,Writes-Novet. About Holocaust To Oedicate- Vocational Service Bldg., Arnold E.Frank Community. Workshop at Special Program Next Tuesday We are apt - to believe - what the Detroiter Hyman Shenkman, orid believes about us survivor of the Holocaust, -George Eliot. a has written a documentary novel, "The Partisans Against the Nazi War Machine,” 'published by Jonathan David (68-22 Eliot, Middle Village, N. Y. 11379). The announcement a publica- tion describes the book as not "just another catalogue of tra- gedy; it is a book that celebrates life. It celebrates man's ability and desire to live even in the face of death. It celebrates the victory that comes with man's determina- NEW COMMUNITY WORKSHOP tion to overcome evil. It portrays . _ the effectiveness of a small but A complete vocational, counsel- Gerald Goldstein, JVS-C'W as- devoted group of partisans that dedicated itself to the elimination ing and rehabilitation center to be sistant executive director, said the used by people of all faiths and new facility provides "three times of Nazi power." races in the metropolitan De- as much work area as the old MRS. JEROME B. GROSSMAN troit area will be dedicated Tues- building. and MRS. MYRA WOLFGANG day. "The Community Workshop is were among the women reappoint- Funding for the new center was set up to provide a real work set- ed Tuesday to the Michigan Wom- provided through an unusual ting for the handicapped person, en's Commission by Gov. Milliken. federal grant and from contribu- and provides him with a specific tions of private individuals and job. There's a foreman in charge, hear ReauliSaLn & anstiritie community agencies. and the workshop has all the NORTHLAND CENTER The new Jewish Vocational characteristics of a factory in -LOT - Service building and Arnold E. competitive industry," Goldstein and his. ORCHESTRA FACING GREENFIELD Frank Community Workshop was said, "Music of its Best built to expand rehabilitation They perform bench work, for Your Guests" services for mentally and physi- simple assembly jobs, and light cally handicaped people. machine work on a subcontract 557-7986 Frederick Sachs, an acting as- basis -with various industries in the ************************** sistant he alt h, education, and metropolitan area, and are paid HELIUM- welfare comihissioner, will be the according to minimum wage PARTY BALLOONS THE FINEST OF TALENT principal speaker for the event laWs," he said. The Jewish Vocational Service CARRICATURES • ALAN MERRICK that is scheduled to begin at 3 International Singing Sensation p.m.. at the new facility, 4250 provides counseling and guidance COMEDIANS for the non-disabled community, Woodward. • - * CHARLES PHILLIPS GROUP MUSIC Sachs, a native Detroiter and a he said. In addition to such serv- Now trt Duffy's,- Union Lake 4 , umvmmiss - * graduate of Wayne State Uni- ices as youth counseling, scholar- trauma 4 ' versity, was previously affiliated ship assistance and draft counsel- 4 Zrami n't _ -*GEORGE MARTIN ORCHESTRA SCHWARTZ 4'. 356.85.3. -.Now-at Sheraton, Metro-Airport with the Jewish Vocational Service ing, it also provides free employ- ment placement service. 350.411525 4` before going to Washington. * *4_444:4-4 * * Cohen said, "The building loca- Albert Cohen, executive director of the Jewish Vocational Service tion was chosen for accessibility and Community Workshop, said to the entire metropolitan area. It Nationally Advertised the federal grant was secured is centrally located and is par- from the Social and Rehabilitation ticularly accessible to the disad- Service of the U. S. Department vantaged living in the core city." The architects for the new facil- of HEW. • LILYETTE • POIRETTE "This was the first grant ity were O'Dell, Hewlett & • MARDI BRAS • GODDES (totaling nearly $500,000) of its Luckenbach, Inc. in association kind in the state of Michigan and with Norman J. Levey . • GOSSARD • BIENJOLIE Robert E. Greager, spokesman one of-the few such grants of its 4: LILLY OF FRANCE type in the United .States," Cohen for the architectural firm, said, "The opening of the new JVS of- ACCENTUETTE - 2 said. and the Arnold E. Frank • Also Our BOadtifui Lingerie The total cost of the building fices Community Workshop signals the was . $1,200,000, and substan- rehabilitation of 46,000 square feet U21 , supplementary contributions of space within the core city and were made'.bY local sources, in- confirms the faith of one Detroit clucrmg the United Jewish Chari- organization which chose not to INTIMATE APPAREL ties, the • United Foundation relocate in the suburbs." FORMERLY FROM PIERCE ST. Personalized Set dm by Graduate Corsetieres „,. . GREEN-8 SUBURBAN ONLY! Pre-Holiday Clean Up_Sale! ' r'N - IA • FRANK PAUL 352-1838 1 FOUNDATIONS & BRAS . . . • . cvzr 1,44., ` PENNY LABROSE UPPER LEVEL MERRILLWOOD MALL, BIRMINGHAM Open 9:30 to 3:30 , Midwest 4-5244 _ . Across Frotot.Detroit Edison • e OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT And air.illghs. Th.*. capital fund division, board of trustees and friends, Cohen said. "The largest single public dona- tion was $75,000 from the estate of Arnold E. Frank. In addition, Mrs, Arnold. E. Frank gave an- other_ $35,900," _ Cohen said. . Airs. Frank, who will speak at the dedication, is a member of the executive committee of the Jewish Vocational Service board of trustees,. and is secretary-elect for the coming year Cohen explained that the Com- munity Workshop division of the Jewish Vocational Service had been operating•iir.a:sznall building at' Brush and - Monroe in 'Detroit. "This -.presented many barriers to: servicing handicapped persons, including steps to enter the preni- iseS =and - other inadequate facilities for the wheelchair cases," he- said. -Because of these problems and studies- by. the United Community Services -and the .Michigan sion of- Vocational Rehabilitation, •the need became apparent to im- proie and.-exPand the Orogiam for handicapped persons, specifically those -having psychological and - Happy as a Lark with the Pictures in your Honig or Office Let's face it . many of the pictures that you have had for years are for the birds.Furniture arid:carpeting must be replaced from time .to' time because they wear out physically. But pictures don't They wear out esthetically. Or; more accurately: You change your tastes•improve .-Your values enlarge. -Look around you Have your pictures.lept Up.wittrybu? COme in and IV us:meaitire up your mirldrfornevi:pictures. - Print prices start at $1.50 THE ROBERT THOM GALLERY . Paintings •Sculgiure • Graphics • Repiicae• Prints • FraMing ;Upper 1eiyal_•,Shopio1 Merrillwocid • 251 Merrill. Birmingham • n • e lee, • • • • ■■■ • sp. • • ■•■ social disabilities. The new building was built. to - exacting federal specifications for a vocational 'rehabilitation facility. "The building has-no architectural barriers to best .service handi- capped persons," Cohen said. • One feature_ of the building is the Conintunity Workshop . is located on one floor at ground level,. With no steps. Also the bedding - features special toilet,' lelephina and other necessary faillides fie wheelchair cases. OP School Officials Hear Request for Start of Hebrew Studies Oak Park school authorities re- sponded sympathetically to re- quests for introduction of Jewish courses in junior and high school curricula. The need was presented to a nnmmittee from the Oak Park schools by Jack Gunsaulus, orga- nizer of the Hebrew Action League. who was - accompanied by- Prof. George Barahal, at a meeting at which Dr. Clifford May presided. -Kil _ ' The GlaSsiord Shlip . • , r ', l- IV ..-'' i• , - •• HOT PANT & RUFFLED SKIRT Was $62 Now $31 SATURDAY 50 $ QUILTED ROBES! HOSTESS ROBES! Were $16 to $21 SATURDAY! A number of community spokesmen who participated in the meeting Oct. - 28, at the Oak Park- School Administration Building, emphasized that the general subject needs. study but that introduction of Hebrew Ian- guage courses should be consid- ered an immediate need. Responding to such a proposal made by Walter L. Klein, Rabb Tames I. Gordon, Philip Slam°. vitz, Rabbi Milton Rosenbaum, ..taibbiGerald Teller and Ronald Rothstei n, the school authoritie: said prompt consideration will be given to the proposal. " Heads of various departments in the Oak Park school system participated in the deliberations. PANT, SUITS! COSTUMES! COATS ! JAMES H. WINEMAN, chair man of the Detroit Convention Bureau, announced the appoint- ment of JOSEPH McMULLIN as associate manager-promotion. saturday, SHOP 9:30 till 9! EXACTLY ' 1 12. PRICE Were $58 to $210 SATURDAY! EXACTLY lh PRICE!