24—Friday, November 5, 1971 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Federation Young Leadership, Awards : Go to Mrs. D. L. Sherman, Da*id,Page - I Noted-Scholars, World Leaders W_illMfdress Council of Federations Assethbly.,-Noy.:1044 NEW YORK—Louis A. Pincus, address to delegates at the Nov. 11 "The Middle East: AmeriCan general assembly session, will dis- -Policy and-America ,:, Ophd on. ,* David K. page - and Mrs. D. a joint 'meeting of the beard of chairman of the executive of the cuss ca eu "What Should America's Hu- This N llne en tuttf. ai j i=Pf-1 reconstituted Jewish Agency : co ltnuiunity ticoWith. Lawrence Sherman each will re- governors of Federation and _the newly man Priorities Be?" Israel, and Dr. Charles L ceive one of the UM Young Lead- annual meeting of United' Jewish for Reliti0115 .-COunell, will Schottland, president of Brandeis Of major interest at this year's ership Awards of the Jewish Wel- Charitlei at the Jewish• Center. UniversitY, will ,give major ad- 40th forum will be the final re- will be chaired by Albert E. Arent, fare Federation 8 p.m. Monday at - The awards are given .annually dresses The Senday morning session at the 40th general assem- view and action by the delegates to the young- man and woman bly of the Council of Jewish Fed- of the recommendations of the dealing with "Current- Develop- whose service to the Jewish com- eration and, Welfare Funds in Task Force on Jewish Identity ments in: Jewish Needs Outside of Hadassah Defends munity •-his' shown outstanding Pittsburgh, Nov. 10-14. —capping two years of intensive, Israel" will have as .11s 'speaker leadership potential. Hospital Practices as More than 1,500 communal lead- community-by-community study Samuel L. Haber, executive vice- chairman- of the American Jewish Mrs. Sherman, recipient of the ers from the United States and and discussion. Youth Protest Autopsies Sylvia Simon Greenberg Award, including a large Detroit At the assembly's opening plen- Joint Distribution Committee; and NEW YORK (JTA) Zeirel is a member of the board of direr Canada, as panelists Gaynor. I. Jacobson, Agudath Israel of America, an tors--of the Federation Women's delegation and a contingent of ary session Thursday morning, executive director, United HIAS delegates, will be attend- Irving Blum of Baltimore, chair- Orthodox youth group affiliated Division. She has held several foreign Service, and Paul Bernick, execu- ing the five-day congress at the man of the task force, in his ad- with Agudath Israel of America, Pittsburgh Hilton. Hotel. Regarded dress "Jewish Identity — Recom- tive director, American ORT Fed- opened a "How Long, Hadassah?" as a major forum of the organized mendations for Action," will pre- eration. Chairman will be Edward campaign Sunday in an attempt Jewish community, the assembly sent a consolidated report preview- Ginsberg, general chairman, Unit- to influence the women's organiza- this year will focus on the priori- ing the signal resolution delegates ed Jewish Appeal. tion not to conduct any autopsies ties of Jewish commitment and will be asked to vote upon before without family consent in the Ha- concern at home, in Israel and in the assembly ends. dassah Hospital in Jerusalem. other overseas lands. Among the many highlights dur- A spokesman for the youth group Pincus, who will give the an- ing the five-day assembly will be said 2,000 persons attended the the special session on Soviet Jewry nual Herbert It. Abeles Memo- rally in the Agudath Israel Cen- rial Address at the Nov. 13 ban- which will be addressed by ter in the Boro Park section of • Selected fine jewelry quet, presided over by CJF Scholar-in-Residence Dr. Allen Brooklyn. Similar gatherings, the and Diamonds President Max M. Fisher, will Pollack of Yeshiva University. spokesman said, were sponsored Large Setection - of Also featured at this session, discuss "A New World Partner- by ZAIA units in Baltimore, Cleve- Page Mrs. Sherman Fine Opal Jewelry ship for Israel's Needs and under the chairmanship of past land, Chicago and Toronto. Watch and Jrnvelry Repair CJF President Louis J. Fox of The protestors in New York leadership positions in the divi- Progress." • World-renowned author, journa- Baltimore, will be a survey -of asked: "How long will you, Ha- sion's annual Allied Jewish Cam- LI 7-5068 dassah, refuse to grant your paign-Israel Emergency Fund list and humanist Elie Wiesel, prospects for concerted action Near. 1Prist Office from Richard Maass, chairman of brothers and sisters in Israel drive and has served as vice- who has been called "the most 13720-W. 9 lAiIe the same 'basic right that you chairman of the Pace-Setters, eloquent voice in behalf of the Six the recently reorganized American enjoy in America — the right chairman of Go-Getters and in Million," will provide the delegates Jewish Conference on Soviet Jew- ry, and a first-hand report from to enter any hospital without fear cash mobilization. with an "Encounter with Creativ- that your body will become pub- During.. last year's campaign, ity," offering readings from his 27-year-old Ilia Wolk, recent Soviet emigre to Israel. A student at the lic property." Mrs. Sherman was chairman .of a own works at the oneg Shebat Hebrew University, Wolk was act- A spokeswoman for Mrs. Faye pilot project to..cleielep anew-cate- Nov. '12. Wiesel, who gave the ileibert R. Abeles Memorial Ad- ive in the Jewish movement in Schenk, national president of Ha- gory of Pledges in the women's dassah, told the Jewish Telegraph- division. She heads the project dress at last year's general as- Minsk and Riga and is currently a The Finest of Naiioncilly sembly in Kansas City, also will member of a students' cross-coun- Advertised Clothing at ic Agency that the Hadassah Hos- again in this year's campaign. pital adheres to Israeli law. She She has taken an active role in be the Sabbath guest at the Friday try "Freedom Bus" tour of the the Price You -Would Ex- United States on behalf ofSoviet and a spokesman for the Israel the educational programs of the evening dinner for delegates. pect to Pay. . • Consulate stressed that only in division and was a member of the At Sabbath morning services, Jewry. Late Firday eyeing, Zvi Brosh, emergency cases were autopsies institute planning committee for Dr. Marvin Fox, professor of minister for information for the performed in Israel without wait, three years.. Mrs. Sherman is i a philosophy at Ohio State Univer- ing for family consent. sity, will address the congregation Embassy of Israel, and Irving director of the Jewish Center. F.'. Clothe, Fee 35 l'ean The Hadassah spokeswoman said Page, an attorney, receives an "Building the Quality of Jewish Kane, chairman, American Israel 24752 Telegraph. cif 10 Mile -- Public Relations Advisory Council, Mrs. Schenk would not schedule the Frank A. Wetsman Memo- Life." Daily, 9-6 Thurs. to S such a meeting because it was rial Leadership Award. In an overview of the social wel- will discuss. with the delegates the Agudath Israel and National He is a member of the young fare problems and actions before Religious Parties in Israel who cabinet of the United the nation, Dr. Schottland, in his have been "derelict" in not suc- leadership cessfully getting the Knesset to Jewish Appeal and co-chairman section of the 1972 change the law. Both the spokes- of the attorneys • Jewish Campaign-Israel Setup Reshaped woman and the consulate spokes- Allied Emergency Fund. He serves on as JDC Aids Jews man- noted that such draft reslou- the hoard of the Jewish Center tions have gotten nowhere in the and is a member of Federation's in- 25 - Countries Knesset. - ' community relations division for A ZAIA spokesman said that his GENEVA (JTA)—The Joint Dis- and planning. group has sharply condemned ex- budgeting tribtition Committee has been re- Nationally, Page is. a member tremist actions against patholo- of the committee on leadership shaping its overseas operations 1018 D.' v ile gists in Israel. Alfons G. Rehme .-- development • - of the Council. of in order to meet the challenges of the times, David Horowitz, director Jewish -Federations . and Welfare Specialist in. Vcilkswaten;-0 - The mind of the bigot is like the He also is president of general of the world-wide relief _Between • Llraiiiehi =i Pitmans, pupil of the eye;. the more -light Funds. agency said at the closing session Detroit Men's ORT. you -pour. upon it, the more it will ' - -The. ;Frank A'. .Wetsm an 4 1demo- of -the JDC's annual conference contract. rial- Leadership Award was estab- here. . Wendell Holmes, Jr: lished- by Mrs. Frank A: :Weisman He said the new areas of opera- and. William A. Wetsinan-in hohor tions have added health and wel- of their husband' - and -father: The fare services to Israel to help that Sylvia Siinon • Greenberg Award country with its social problems; Passport-Photos was . set up in 1965 by the late new youth activities to strengthen _ unal life in Western 2 far s.3-95 Samuel S. Greenberg, and his sons Jewish comm 'Ronald and John, in memory of Europe and Iran; and re-oriented Back Door wife and Mother: Jewish social and-Medical services -..The-aulards include a grant to in Eastern Europe and North Af- Galleries elk- au/Age the recipients to attend rica. Since World War II the -MC (under strict supervision of the Vaad klariabonim -ziexk:leneral assembly of the has benefited 321,000 adults and J32 111.5 Gouncil - af.Jewish Federations-and _chflciren., r announces Samuel L. - Haber, executive vice chairman, said that some immedi- , ;•- , i,- .. - ,-- .. ate needs remained unmet because Jewish Vocationcti Sisrvices • Announces: of lack of funds. Habas reported that in 1972 the JDC will:again require over $23,000,000 to assist some 300,000 Jews in 'distress in 25 countries. A Workshop for Women. Planning to Enter He noted that 40 per cent of the JDC budget is allocated for or Return to the Labor Market health, welfare and education at the tieW' Labor ,programs in Israel. He said more then $1,000,000 goes to support ORT vocational Enrollment Is liMited and training programs in Israel. In Europe, Haber said, the JDC will (lust N. of 12 Mite Pre-Registration. Is Necessary have to spend $6,100,000 by the end of 1971 to help more than For-Application" or Information: Come in and see our new hOme 164,000 needy Jews. The largest sum disbursed in Western Europe went for the care and maintenance of transmigrants. 4250 1illoodwaid-Ave, Detroit 48201 833-8100 In Easter Europe the bulk of the JDC program was concentrated in Member'Agency, Jewish Welfare_ Federation 11110:Aniwer 557 •Romania. ' , ' ' = . OAK PARK WATCH REPAIR OPEN =SUNDAY I 1 1 -4 ' HARRY THOMAS Al's Foreign Ur Service . os er a • le "PROJECT- RETURN!' Zicirlist Apply Now For November Group . DVS Group Services 28555 t ki e 626- -