• • • isaster, Parley Tol to ip BOSTON (JTA) —A national k less respond to active agents.' Philip E. -Heiman, MC presi toward a reapprochement with labor leader expressed the view His comments were based" on-re 'dent, said at the annual dinne r China, could - provide an - oppor- , that as urban America becomes ports by Louis Henkin,„ professoi of the executive council. - tunity for anti-Semitic hate -rnong- more embattled, polluted and of international law; diPlobadi, at Hoffman referred to the attac ks ers to re-enter the, political -main- economically unsound, Jews in Columbia Haber T is on Israel and Zionists by Sovi et stream the U.S. from which both central cities-and suburbs•will chairman of an- AJC6mmittee task -Ambassador Yakov Malik in th e they have in been excluded increasingly live in fear of die force on the -world of the 1970s General Assembly following a in recent years. effectively . - aster. -formed. lastryear. - • sniper attack 10 days,aga on u, Ellerin's article, cited recent far- Gus Tyler, assistant. pre/bent He said there would- be no;maid apartment :occupied by the. Sara t right wing and intl Semitie public of th e. International Ladies Gar- war or major war during,...the Mission. cations which accuse "*JUssinger; ment Workers Union, AFL-CID, 1970s, but ' added that 'such daegeri • The sniper attack hail not been the Zionist Jew" of being the made that prediction in a paper were Involved, in areas Where officially attributed to any: gro UP author of Nixon'ss China policy presented; . to the American Jewish tenets: and ':intentions of -.Major but a:Youlldtuebber of the'l,alsis Cominittee. executive council meet- power% are .ambiguous citing ;tire, Defense liengne'*ai arreste d an which -'they consider : repugnant.- • Dr.: J. , Kissinger-is Fred-. Mid Eastas -:one such area He clkartetts- nib' procereanen dent Nixon's :adviser: en netball He also said they can help evert said the :-'1'.00010::' DiPnblie of Of-the ADS to have 'been Use d - Security affairs:' that disaster by redoubling their Chine MighttrY- tafenstratit the ihooting.' : Dr Franklintitbit efforts to help set the nation and meat In - tile -Mid East "indlry gra.* ribeigagY maneuver the Soviet Untie -•• and professor it Temple 7 University cities on the right track: THE 0113i01riOMS1 inn Tyler said that the American the United States - into and the .eo-recipient: of :the 1971 14--Frbilly;- 15svenime 4: frt. „ Haber stated. that the American Human Relations Award' .of the Jew is "especially affected by agonies of urban America today." Jewish community •sbould 1. try to Philadelphia, Chapter of: He said Jews, like other minori- help keep the-U.S. "fin* and `Israel- eriCan "JMOish -Committee;' blamed ties, "are likely to be most abused flexible" and to try • to -, persuade a large part of the anti.Isra anti-Israelfeel- when dominant people need a Israel "it must -take risiersand..the ing in _ sow ragmen* of 'the scapegoat to blame for national United mike. Christian-, einiceil--. .;on a long Tsar bored:_}.-geeiti*:k4,-,..ctilitirat anti: . humiliation or to divert attention some .001.0441191,)t.a;', ,,_ r Sys from misrule; when things. are in Habet:salesti:r ,Itltt sit short supply and the Jews and any:: iinhatiptill change I . fin ltiM 2.-Vbitntinnt- other minorities area burdensome situation tamV VS= the ditestee , of thin --Mohlem,- int excess; and when the Jews appear and that he felt security -of fewer still 'fully. understand its stand in the way of economical.. In western, Europe would:emelt) . nniure-P , - Dr• 1414. church - iist aspiring frustrated ,non:Jewa." unimpaired: - fall reatignitiOn of tie' questions that are'-eltieetl-h7 At another 1111111111011, laitC, :PiesPecti ' for political. the'-modern stateit -Istiet:hileiros stability: ie Latins Amirkal netball- Haber, eitontenisi:liefessor: the University et Mieldgan, said were dial. the - fate - of - Latin of-ChristianatheOlogY:- Foe: Tong rihttge -bein,--operating under the that "continents; _and - growing . American . uncerble. Etn call1Palas ot -antl-Ziordsm„, anti- noted , that their •nstitutions.• were mkt* or the niMple Imperialism and aili-eapitalism, plagued•, by lick Of leadership and °tinier; teased:- to imilit--witbthe advent et . .chilatiiiajty.'101**319: feeding on anti-Americanism will manpower economic . MI zit* ibutilancOlactliotbut increasingly trouble Jews - -of culties.:, • . ; R, . labor western. Europe is this decide The A.Te , Committee= anima:teed. accepting a 'jsin-ger award,: unless there is a Middle East that it will embarken a oneYear settlement." project to define the':probleMs.tio..7 be- -varsity-, Egirardt, JAilitgb._ Uni- pointedi:Ont, _the- ne- setting young, white - American "` In- He told the luncheon session that cessity ' a • re-evaluation :on the in many western , Europeart, xottn- dustrial worker% . and ' tlin part - :ihe ,entire tries, "latent anti-Semitism , re- energiei of government and Private !reit OC:interfaith, relations: • mains widespread and will :doubt- agencies --on - their solution. of - new venture, long in the. Planning eta_ gesi :.will-: beLfineneed thristrair--;401,11C--Allinien:' Os' by a grant from the U.S. Depart- valid Aid geetvbtf Mather it ment of Leber and will :be carried Christian': leadesn4ay; thmey''Ire; gOnstaik out lki einiperation with the .1sik atitnisett licial-Committee on" _;Employment -:naiiiiillie-ZIervislifeniIiint Wait tbe-41tiCtilteihein--iiiiiii *Mit -of Youth, It ispart.of the 4-1Coni National - Project on ” • ';. it hinted Ethnic America direCted by IrTlItit- ;Hoffman on - 1 %11 4 . _-1 -statements, speeches, M Levine - articles' and editorials in re- "Wanton .- violence" and "re. news , ON 1,1 cent , by : ragman : Catholic, peated harassments against the niainstreiiiTro _restitnt 7inti persons and properties of the geticsi argifillatiase Soviet delegationi" to the United Nations_ must not be made a hi -the United - States, 'Europe; Latin America and Israel: . - - pretext for, --vilifiestion of. -new ; A JC:.publication, :Cur any ; it :rellgiOUS --grauPs7;. terit4;.- hid --its --debut. here The from the platform of - "the 1.191,.._ quarterly: ). Is edited by Milton director -Of - the -WS - inn-di analysis :4114vis" kb. In the first is- sue; EllerisWarns that Nixon.,ad, ministration 'Policiel that .41Cean S 7,40w44141ETTES : hiFnish. "Sarni 31 : - itCh H anel Including ` Maid. .Pool i..eedN Ord Room'- - E "'"`mier- '---- SWItCh l b°504' 24 flour neat , , - , - - - - • - • your. trip :to ISRAEL- until you See_ what HISTADRUT offers you. LOW COST TOURS FOR TAIL 11 Write or visit Histarcirut Tours: 12701 West Ten Mite Rd:, Oak Patter Mich.-48237-, : or call-541-7040 , HISTADRUTS the People. Who Built' limed-41. -1920 conservatives, such as his' inievei Constitution Change Oppxvii0g1 Resolution reselsition:::opPoSbePreci ▪ ern* to change the U.C. 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