• World Jewish Population Given as 13, U.S. Numbers Decreasing, 1971 Year Boo NEW YORK-The world Jewish population is estimated at 13,951,- 000, according to the 1971 Ameri- can Jewish Year Book, just pub- lished. There are 5,870,000 Jews in the United States, more than in any other nation. Leon Shapiro, lecturer at Rut- gers University, who for many years compiled demographic data for the Year Book, based these estimates on local censuses, com- munal registrations, estimates of informed residents, and data from a special questionnaire sent to major Jewish bodies in selected countries in 1969 and 1970. After the United States, coun- tries with the largest Jewish population are the Soviet Union, 2,620,000; Israe 1, 2,560,000; Franc e, 550,000; Argentina, 500,000; Great Britain, 410,000; and Canada, 280,000. Half of world Jewry is located in North, Central, and South America; 29 per cent in Europe; 19 per cent in Asia; 1.5 per cent in- Africa, and .5 per cent in Australia and' New Zealand. Estimates for Latin America and ▪ and the West Indies include (apart from Argentina j: Mexico, 35,000; Cuba, 1,700; Guatemala, 1,900; Jamaica, 600; Panama, 2,000; Brazil, 150,000; Colombia, 10,000; Ecuador, 2,000; Peru, 5,300; Uru- guay, 50,000; Venezuela, 12,000. Israel's rise in Jewish popula- tion from 2,497;000 in 1970 to 2,560,000 in 1971 accounted for an increase in the Jewish popula- tion of Asia. Data for other . Asian nations are: Afghanistan, 800; Burma, 200; Indonesia, 100; Iran, 80,000; Iraq, 2,500; India, 15,000; Japan, 500; Lebanon, 3,000; Pak- istan, 250; Philippines, 500; Singa- pore, 600; Syria, 4,000. Australia has 72,000 Jews, and New Zea- '- land, 5,000. European Jewry numbers 4,- 046,150 persons, of whom 2,800,- 000 are in Communist countries. The number of Polish Jews dropped to 9,000 from thi 15,000 reported a year ago. Figures for „other European nations included in the Year Book's tables are: Austria, 2,000; Belgium, 40,500; Czechoslovakia, 14,000; Denmark, 6,000; Finland, 1,450; Germany, 30,000; Ireland, 5,400; Italy, 30,000; the Netherlands, 30,000; Norway, 750; Romania, 100,000; Spain, 7,000; Sweden, 15,000; Switzerland, 20,000; Turkey, 39,000 (including Asian regions of the USSR and Turkey); Yugo- slavia, 7,500. North African nations are 'grad- ually losing the remnants of their Jewish community," Mr. Shapiro writes. Morocco had 45,000 Jews, down 3,000 from last year. Un- changed were Tunisia, 10,000; Algeria, 1,500; Libya, 100; Egypt, 1,000. Jews in South Africa in- creased from J14,750 to 119,900. Figures for other African nations include: Congo Republic, 300; Ethiopa, 13,000, an increase of 1,000; Kenya, 200; Rhodesia, 5,200, and Zambia, 400. Among the Jewish Population figures for ,cities listed in the Year Book's tables are: Amsterdam, 12,000; Brussels, 24,000; Buenos Aires, 350,000; Glasgow, 13,400; Haifa, /07,500; Jerusalem, 195,- 000;. Johannesburg, 57,800; Kiev, 220,000; Leningrad, 165,000; Lon- don (greater), 230,000; Marseil- es, 65,000; Melbourne, 35,000; Montreal, 113,000; Moscow, 285,- 000; Paris, 300,000; Rio de Janeiro, 50,000; Rome, 15,000; Sao Paulo 65,000; Stockholm, 7,500; Sydney, 28,000; Tel Aviv-Jaffa, 394,000; Tokyo, 400; Toronto, 88,000; Van- couver, 8,000; Vienna, 8,200; War- saw, 5,000; Winnipeg, 21,000; Zurich, 6,150. (The American Jewish Year Book is jointly published by the American Jewish Committee and the Jewish Publication Society of America. Its editors are Mor- ris Fine and Milton Himmelfarb, with Mrs. Martha Jelenko asso- ciate editor.) * At a time when Jews are enjoy- , This Week in Jewish History (From the files of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency) 40 Years Ago This Week: 1931 A British court in Jerusalem ordered the Arab paper Al Hayat to compensate the JTA for publishing its dispatches without payment. Prof. Otto H. Warburg, 48, a baptized Jew, won the Nobel Medicine Prize for work on cancer cells. Anti-Semitic student disturbances closed Cracow and Warsaw- Universities. Hitler said be would run for president of Germany in 1932. The Joint Distribution Committee's European director said a • million European Jews would starve without aid from America. The Munich_ High Court ruled Jewish judges ineligible to try Nazis if the defendants objected. A •decade of Anti-Defamation League efforts resulted in the re- moval-of "The Merchant of Venice" from public school curricula in 26 cities in 21 states. ing the greatest degree of in- tegration within the total, Amer- ican society, their relative num- bers are decreasing, a leading sociologist maintains. While the United States popula- tion increased by almost two- thirds between 1930 and 1970, the Jewish population •rose by only 40 per cent during the same peri- od, according to Prof. Sidney Gold- stein in "American Jewry, 1970: A Demographic Profile," a fea- ture of the 1971 American Jewish Year Book. Dr. Goldstein, profes- sor of sociology at Brown Uni- versity, is director of the Popula- tion Studies and Training Center and a member of the professional advisory group of the National Jewish Population Study of the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds. The current United States Jew- ish population of about 6,000,000 represents 3 per cent of the na- tion's total population, as con- trasted with a peak of 3.7 per cent in the 1920's, Prof. Goldstein ob- serves. He predicts that the Jew- ish birth rate for the immediate , after the 1970 census. Some Soviet sources, - including the "official press," had estimated the. Jewish population at about 3,000,000. • . The 1970 census, however, re- ported a drop in the number of culture, Moshe Dayan; Commerce and Industry, Pinhas Sapir; Police, Soviet Jews of 116,514 from 2,287,- Behor Shitreet; Development, Housing and Public Works, Giora Jo- 814 in 1959 to 2,151,300 in 1970. Soviet demographers ascribed sephthal; Justice, Dov Joseph; Posts and Telegraph, Eliahu Sasson; the decline to !'a 'natural process- Interior and Health, Moshe Shapiro; Social Welfare, Yosef Burg; Reli- of assimilation," Shapiro reports. gious Affairs, Zerach Warhaftig;,Cominunications, Yitzhak Ben-Aharon; Labor, Yigal Afton; Without Portfolio, Yosef. Almogi. Mapai had 11, "It would appear doubtfol that • a change of such magnitude :. the NRP three, Ahdut Avoda two. could occur over a period of 10 Df. Robert litofstadter of Stanford shared the Nobel Physics Prize years," he adds, noting that 91 for neutron and proton measurements. the Soviet figures are correct, 48-Friday, October 29, 1971 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS they would Indicate that bun- , st - write that 9_ per cent of college profeasors in the United States day are Jews.' A generation- ago,_- however, it was extremely. diffi- .cult for a Jew tonbtain" a' faculty appointthent, and the authors link the earlief discrimination against Jews as faculty to quotas on Jews as . students. - As the children o - Jewish lm- migrants began M-enter college in large numbers in-- the 1920' and 19305, many colleges impoied quotas on Jews in bOth undergrad- uate and graduate schools. "These restriction carried over -even more intensely to faculty appointments," the authors assert,_ leading to -a vicious circle in - Which barring Jews from graduate schools was legitimized on the grout:pis that col- lege teaching-7-a major job "mar- ket for-people: with advanced de- glees-would be closed to them. The authors cite a leading-profes- sor of chemistry who _told a Mas- eachusetts legislative - committee: "We know - perfectly well that names .ending.in 'berg' or 'stein' have to be skipped •by the board of selection of_stUdents for .schol- arships in chemistry," - t The situation has "startlingly', since that tline, ProL-Lipset and Ladd point out, with "schools-which were notor- ious among Jews far their- re- strictionist policies" . suddenly opening their doors to Jewish students and faculty, members. They -found that Jewish profes- sors were more.heayi ly-concentrat- ed in law and medicine than in to an article on Japanese-Jewish relations appearing in the Year Book. These cordial relations between the two peoples exist even though a number of Japanese companies adhere to the Arab boycott against Israel, while the Japanese people themselves know little either about their own small Jewish commu- nity or Judaism, writes Stanley T. Samuels, a British doctoral can- didate in international affairs at the University of Pennsylvania and lecturer at Bar-lian University in Israel. Samuels conducted research for the article while on a Jarianese Ministry of Education Fellowship to Keio University in Tokyo. Leftist groups in Japan have been anti-Israel, he adds. There was also some ambivalence toward Israel in the Japanese press during and after the 1967 Six Day War Japan and Israel do carry on future will remain low, allowing for - "little more than token some limited trade, with Israel growth" beyond the current level. exporting phosphates, potash fer- In addition to a low birth rate, tilizers, mineral salts, copper ore, Prof. Goldstein ascribes the industrial diamonds, and a small stabilization of the American amount of fashion wear while Ja- Jewish population to intermar- panese export equipment for the textile, chemical and metal in- riage, and to a recent phenome- nen, the more even distribution dustries, electrical appliances, cameras and other optical equip- of the Jewish population through- out the nation. He believes that ment, and two super-tankers. Ja- intermarriage "may largely be panese exporti to Israel in 1968 any other fields. only a byproduct, along , with totaled $29,000,000. Jews have utilized the O.Pportuni- They note that of the_ natural other undesirable consequences, sciences, Jews most-commonly spe- ties opened to them with the elimi- of increased mobility." It is the latter, he asserts, that may prove nation, some 25 years ago, , of bars cialize in -fields -related to medi- ' ing Jewish faculty members cine, such as biochemistry, . bac- the best indicator of the future to hir of American colleges, two leading teriology, moledtdar biology. and of Jewish llI in America. sociologists have reported. virology. They also . found many Citing studies of American fam- ilies, Prof. Goldstein reports that - In "Jewish Academics in the Jews involved in cliniCal--psycho- logy, - "perhaps_ the -closest_field_ to United States: Their Achievements, compared with Catholics and Pro- testants, Jews married later, had Cultural and Politics," an article medicine among the social sci- the most favorable attitudes to- in the Year Book, Prof. Seymour ences." Jews are found - less in ward contraception, were most Martin Upset of Harvard Univer- such fields as agriculture, zoology, successful in planning the num- sity and Everett Carl Ladd -Jr- and botany. The social sciences ber and spacing of their children, of the University of Connecticut also have attracted many Jews. and hence had the • smallest fam- ilies. While acknowledging that inter- marriage is on the increase, Prof. By DR. SAMUEL J. FOX six-pointed star as an -official Goldstein concludes that so far (coon-first 1971, .11%,, Inc.) symbol of the Jewish community. intermarriages have not had a There has been much ,specula- Exactly why they did this is not serious effect on the over-all size tion about' the origin and signifi- completely clear. _ of the Jewish population. One rea- cance of the six-pointed star as a Some contend that the non-Jew- son for this is the high number Jewish symbol. ish community insisted that the of non-Jewish spouses in inter- The first occurrence of- this-sym- Jewish community adopt some marriages who- convert to Juda- bol seems to have appeared during symbol • and perhaps this one. ism, he points out. • the period of the late Monarchy in Such a thing happened in 1527 The Soviet Union may have in- 600 BCE on the seal of Joshua when the emperor, Ferdinand the tentionally underestimated its Jew- Ben Asaiah. It appears in the First, insisted that the Jews have ish population, according to an 2ald Century again on a frieze a flag. Apparently the symbol expert on Soviet Jewry, Leon in the- synagogue of Capernaunr. was adopted in order to distin- Shapiro, writer on Soviet Jewish It appears together with a five- guish the Jewish community from affairs and lecturer in Russian- pointed star in the ruins of the the Christian community which Jewish history at Rutgers Univer- old synagogue in Galilee. All the had its• own symbol sity, in a review of events in Rus- above seem to be decorations The Jews of the Emancipation sia last year appearing in the rather than symbols of any spe- Year Book, who-cites a decrease cial meaning. - The Christ is n period of the 19th Century began to look around for some official of approximately 116,000 Jews be- churches of the Early fiddle Ages tween 1959 and 1970 in Soviet cen- seem to have used this symbol as Jewish symbol to match ,that of Christianitywhich_they found to be sus figures. He states: a decoration-very frequently. Some In 1969; the Jewish population scholars seem to have- traced it prevalent. They rseemed to fall was 2.620,000, a figure based on back to. Rabbi Akiva, but their upon the six-pointed star -as the official Soviet estimates. This fig- theory since has been disproved._ symbol. The six-pointed star later became enhanced by the develop- 10 Years Agq This Week: 1961 The U.S. had 4,079 Jewish congregations with 5,367,000 members, said the National Council of Churches. Chief Rabbi Louis I. Rabinowitz of South Africa resettled in Israel • The Frankfurt Court of Appeals released an ex-Nazi accused of 22 Danish murders because partisan-shooting in 1943 was not a viola- tion of International law but merely homicide, and the statute of ' ure was to have been adjusted limitations on- homicide had run- out, The U.S. Suprethe Court let stand the Louisiana Supreme Court's approval of mixed seating in Chevra Thilim Congregation, New Or- leans. The Knesset, 83746, approved Israel's new coalition Cabinet: Premier and Defense, David Ben-Gurion; Finance, Levi Eshkol; For- eign Affairs, Golda Mein; - Educitioil and Culture, Abbe Than, Agri- slreds of thousands of Jews bad suddenly decided to change their nationality." The Japanese people have ex- ceptionally cordial feelings toward Israel and have been hospitable to Jews over the years, according 00, otes - Star of David , Others 'have tried to =relate it to the- -Kaxbala of -the Zoliar and also of Rabbi Litria, • but the_ evi- dence -is- too_ sparse to be sub- stantiated. . • _ Modern scholars seem to asso- ciate the origin- of--this -symbol Xing Solomon,. - who was re- pnted to-have. had power over the demons - and evil spirits. It is not really until the 16th Century- that , this symbol. was really referred to as the Shield of -David. Prof. S c hole in feels that the_ sym- bol was first. used as a -kind of MA& by some 7people,- then. as a decOrative symbolc, ornamental - in nature. Actually; it 'Ives the - Jews of Prague who probablY used the ment of -the Zionist movement which adopted the symbol- as In official - part of-: the Jewish flag. What posslialy gave the sym- bol its latest importance was the Yellow St age's David patch which the Nazis _made the Jews- -wear as a sign of being Jewish. Instead of wearing it as - a patch. of - shame, the Jews used it -as a shield - of honor. - Some have Claimed• that the reason for the six points is that it represents the universality of God who is to be found.-every- where, in the four lateral direc- tions as well as in the Heavens above and the earth beneath. It is this belief that calla for waving the- rulav in six directions.