Soma troubles. like a protested TIP DETROIT JEWISH NEWS note of a solvent debtor,-- bear later*.-41oalikek der BONN. - PreaeRa THE i ► ICII sTRID ORCHESTRA. . wn oral b Feet .-1111.*' SMITH ORCHESTRA ORCH. - Tie OltletteSS- ORC17ESTRA " 1.1:74770 bed WILTS Recovered Like -New pilkmws BERLIN deoned and.iecomned 872-7554. gum Fisher Reviews World Issues at ORT Parley; Certain U.S. Will Aid Israel , HOLLYWOOD, Fla.—Mrs. David M. Goldring of Maplewood, N.J., was elected national president of Wcmen's American ORT at the 21st biennial national convention eeteove4efelfSfefee; • OF BIRMINGHAM FUR hi*, edgier 39, 1971 - 31 TRADE-I N 4 DAY SPECIAL an unusual opportunity to dispose of your old fur coat, jacket, cape or stole with a generous allowance towards a new fur . . . one of the largest col- lections of confemporary, casual and elegant furs in the latest 1972 DESIGNER FASHIONS here. ■ Max M. Fisher, president of the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds and chairman of the board of governors of the Jew- ish Agency, was presented with an award from Women's American ORT for his outstanding service to the Jewish people and to mankind. Fisher spoke of the crucial com- ing decade and pointed out that it is vitally important for us to strengthen our Jewish identity, to revitalise. Jewish education, to in- volve our young people in Ameri- can Jewish life and, as well, to assume responsibility not only for our fellow Jews but for all men." Fisher said be was convinced that "this country would not let the people of Israel down." He pointed to growing hopes for peace but reminded his audience that some 31 per cent of Israel's gross national products- — some 1.7 billion dollars—goes for de- fense. Nearly 90 per cent of all Israeli tax revenue is consumed by defense needs. H urged in- creased support in 1972 so that U.S. Jewry will be saying to Is- rael: "You are not alone. We will help you find the peace." He turned to Israel's need for trained hands and educated brains, stating that "an economically vi- able Israel goes by way of the schoolhouse, by way of the voca- tional school, the high school, the university." He said that almost one-third of Israel's total popula- tion is now in school and stressed the need of enabling Jews from underdeveloped areas to continue on through higher educational lev- els. Fisher declared that "we must not let the world forget for a mo- ment the Soviet failure to grant Jews genuine freedom of emigra- tion." GREEN-8 SUBURBAN ONLY! SATURDAY! SHOP 9:30 till 9! SATURDAY! DRESS CLEAN- UP ! Mr. and Mrs. Korman Mark50YearsTogether MR., MRS. MORRY KORMAN ACT NOW BRING 1N YOUR USED FURS SALE LASTS 4' DAYS Thurs., Fit, - Sat. 9-5:30 Sundai 11-5 • 642-1690 181 SOUTH WOODWARD- 4 'BOWING Next to EtiresinekOra. "114citeir • Aeliaq.*See Parking . - ■■■ Mr. and Mrs. Morry Korman of Avon Ave., Oak Park, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary Oct. 23. Cocktails and dinner were host- ed in their honor by their chil- dren Mr. and Mrs. David Rozen- berg (Shirley), Mr. and Mrs. Henry Misle (Esther) of Lincoln, Neb., and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Korman. The couple has 10 grandchildren Singles' Masquerade Plans Unmasked Criterion Club for single adults will host its annual masquerade 9 p.m. Saturday in the Oak Pdrk- Community Center. The public is invited, with the wearing of costumes or half-masks encouraged but optional. Prizes will be...awarded for out- standing costumes in all categories, and refreshments will be served. For information, call President Betty Weinberg, 547-2565, or Pearl Greenstein, 309-3'P18. Shown: Famous Maker Knit Costume! WAS $78 NOW $39 SATURDAY! 50 ONE FROM 500 DRESSES NOW REDUCED JUS'T 1/2 F 1/2 SATURDAY!