_ 38—Friday, - October 72, 1971. j)i,ine. ) 7,r pho :Betrothed Nuèmoti ZOD SA 1 One )7t S in clt.."91feakeV •,a;., - Middle East antruPPEekied Jetvn s e "ttjitat-#17".at Wayne State University. t.- thileitiOi'71dtli-1°' 1TipC4 roinot te Sponsored cilia ization of,r7Detreir, and, the Bnai Brith Hillel WS.U, • C ar l • . — the symposnim -r.VM;;IiicIude tures br.-adideirlidisins,1-4ollowed **ea ' crei--71x4hi- by brunch-workshops.s.--led by,pro :1041 - fessors and-ZOD4eadeis;;:' Major speakers will include • Prof: Erich Goldenhageenf liar- 'Philip :Slomovitz. Louis Panush '„ilie. evening of .Nov. - 2; and 'there will be..:-..-XpeciaLcithirocatioii - , the following On the concln .ing evening, the 'Zionist 'Cultural CenterE.iVill 'hog singing-and tiane.-.. Mg. as j. well ;a ...a , filin -.ahniiing; phnEera - of the sYMPotiiithc,and teach-in, inelncle'lth-hbi, Mali lrapith- tin,' director of the 4WSU:,'HilleT ForindatiOn;'.. Louis - .Panusk': 0 18004' Man ' of the, '.2-.01) .execntive-,corn-: mittee; Dr. -Joel: Hamburger.i.: zop. - president; -Judge Michael Stacey, - - chairman . of the zon:iiiogranti committee; and Wayne students Murray; - Platt,-. - . Jack .,. .:Sithiciyit4, :Barry -- Stein, Tali SkolzYles; . Bill Cunningham- and others: t.4 fesPu ", Dr. - iiii(fiti*,;Tite:fifiniio'v`Itapicii''' Atty. Gen. Frank J. Kelley will Of AVOn-7Lif.;Sonthfield,..7*inicrunre visit Israel as a key stop on his the engagenient;ofrtheir ;daughter eightMation, -14,000-mile trip to _plane -Lizide.:...to J. _Pain::: Eurcpe and - the Middle East. eranee,-... son of and 11fis. He will be in Israel Nov 1-5 and séph A. Pomerance of Midway will meet with . government offi- Dr., Southfield. cials,' community leaders and 'pri- .:Tioth.„-jtiiiiora it 'the ..UniVersity vate cltizens in. 'Jerusalem- Tel. of Michigan, Miss Yapko is an Aviv and other key cities. lenori.=':histenii.' - her Kelley has received intensive fiance is majoring in _phalli -MO. briefings concerning several as- The bride elect is affiliated with pects cf his trip at the State De- Alpha Epsilon -Phi .Sorority. partment. He will , be accompanied by the deputy attorney general, Leon S. Cohan. Kelley said: "So many of my friends and as- sociates have spoken so glowingly of the miracle of-Israel that 'I have Men t--=_Cit-ibsi:' (ZINS)—Last year - TEL long wanted to see it for myself.- there -Were 37,900 new immigrants Although I will -be- there only • DNA! - DAVID MEN'S to Israel Although. 'this, number' briefly, I hope to have the oppor- :will serve an inforinal . ..brunch was, 10 per tent greater than two tunity of meeting with several Is- 11:30 a:m. Sunday in theaina-” years ago: (1968), it was actually raeli leaders to get , a first-hand gogue social hall. The president' 2 per' -cent -less than in-, the pre- . knowledge of the problems and -op- of the 'Detroit .Common Council vietis year, 1969. portunities regarding relationships • on, SEMOO . ...."This Analysis iii.the Israel daily G between the United States and Is (South :Eastern Michigan Counties .A1 Haimishinar states that the num', rael, and regarding peace in the of Government):-Future - activities her •of 1971 will be less than Middle East." will be discussed. last - year.' • * - * • - Last ',.-yeaes break.- down . as: follows: 2g- 4 0(Y:declared immi ., Region's' -Men's Unlis giants-, and , 15,500 ....."Potentiiir. im-, 'MeetinginOeve1an win- A i' and ,40,pock -:'fpotential PHOTOGRAPHY return to theiT. countries Specjalizng in Weddings. Bar:Aittren- etc Shalom Synagogue will, lead dele orgln '-:Among the 22,40,0:,dielar'ed gates :13'6M. the,'-area's - 442-2187 five the fall; 09* Migrants 'were some 2,000 former ierence of thiGreat La ' Rea 'Region lereills;WhO'-Were returning home:, - National ,7 Federation of Jewish .7., Arn,thig the - new thimigrants 1n Men's:.Cliths, 'the 'Weekend of -:Nov:, 1970. were 967 Who were- registered - - - - - • rtat cti vitt- et:1- :CENTENNIAL' P TER, will - be- treated to "The ,Ethence . of Csindi Shmaltz, Part Ir. at - its meeting 8:15 :P.m. Tuesdiy, at the _home Peratmalised Party of Mrs. Marvin Book.stein, - 18204 Mebientos _ Onyx, Southfield. For reserve; tions, call Mrs. Bookstein; .353- Invitations .anct: Party Ac- 8132; orldrs. Rutile Goldstein, 399 - . -1899. Guests and prospective mem- .Celsoriis for in occasions. _. bers'..are *invited. MAROA- MASSERHAN help people to help the- Anatomy a of Ahy : Y°u selves when you give to the Torch Drive. The rnore you help. the a Drop in Niunbers re they're able to ' I STU RABEN Asscicsa z largest such 18.90.49; associationin the U.S. - s - - - -6464138 S HALOM THE SOCIAL . auB).FOR-- ,SINGLES .2149111 - - HALLOWEEN DANCE LIVE MUSIC (COSTUM0-01710NAL) SUNDAY, _OCT.; 3 1-8:00 OA Rd.) . .-ALVAROS = lE9 4■Z 4 i d ;2 4 rir cro lt,les DONATION 0.00 , — -DOOR PRIZES FOR FURIIR INFORMA1ON CAL L ---471140096 ' BETH:YEHUBAH . . - TRAVELS - as "-noit-.Tews,7. Mainly, theme born inarriageS. . _ of : pne;otAer.-, point **tight iml is by Lillian. 6. Greenberg of the' the - yery .high peilientage of un married persons ht--the group._ The Jewish Family' and Child ren's " Service,- wIll discus, the confer- figure for -males was -per,::cent epee theme, "Jewish Tontitif/717.', and:- for feniales 50 per cent, 14 in Peieland." Lichtensteiii Is - A teen-age 'panel, moderated. 15751 W. 101/2 MILE RD. SOUTHFIELD, -A1CH. 557 6750 862.0963 Eve. Call to for all 'your traveling needs: - - •, - Domestic--Plane, train, bus • 2. Overseas—Plane,. ship 3. Hotel Reservations, every7..- 7 4. Car Rental, everywhere 5. CharteredbUses- • RUi4ii145 FUG-yo 1. Per cent of.Whorti are widows and — Its Problems, Its Answers" .-.1KeYnOte ,sPeaker. will be the na- ' tional Participating mere*, clubs -are from Adas 8h01019:.'B0th-:-.11080Sin Beth:Shah3th; 814*arer-Zedelii'Plai- Moshe and 'Beth' Achim syna- - Abe Kotzman of Shliarey.:Zedelt. -'. ' Brain TheEPit184 Is invited, and re- 9*OCAn19-0icalf'iW 7riie,1141uniisthatiO04asticiatiOn, - et* freshments will be served. For in-- forMatran;;E2117--the president, Sy& ' • AVnI 4/8154*1 7101"*1thw.044# 131 0#°99i" 04;009- 7 to be toottOd: N Jooli;faioboitgoi.v4)1„-;#0(e:As. rsource. perpc* , T. .f, 9,;:i' .1!r.:-:,:.7.-..0r: hA iii . 7.41.4)04100., di9;e1):Iv''i:oroOii_.'- ro totlitedibr,'" • f icblan is '.-.411C4if :thani'091* dubs-associated with the Amerl- - fez' : S ae ,Medals, - Atty. 'Gen. ell - Includes - - Israel Ithierarr • - Socje t to Host Chief • WOODWARD AT LONG LAKE RD. - BLOOMFIELD HILLS Stamp Honors Institute.' 'Call 644-4800 * • ,C,37:•74. X44•:•::::***** . and' 'Allan• .ROsenberg;:-0...;_;Beth Achizu are regional vice presi- '40(Itoi!: -.;Eininainiel .:. Feinberg of Adas, Shalom is recording aecre- r.; fp-44.4'4,:t4 •-• . .1.902rek; Mi 77: 352is14rl9 „1-* -wet. bouiA as. usrcuida and:'uga 3900_ ,al - UUDSW 1U'11' , llks.