• • ckerinan - AssumeS' National :Leadership in UJA The-Assumption of the national chairman.ship of the United Jewish ppear:bp13aul responsibilities 'gained added . support in action taken at the Jerusalem Zuckernian won national aeclaini - this week: The UJA's- . .= conference. this:meek with Zuckerman assuming his new leadership- role. Commentary and Boris Smolar's Column on Page 2 S Review of Jewish News Michigan's Only Englishh-Jewish Newspaper 0- 6 -The Middle East Arms Crisis: Determined Senatorial Support for Israel's Defense Editorial Page. 4 incorporating The Detroit' Jewish Chronicle 17515 W. 9 Mile Rd., Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 356-8400 $8.00 Per Year; This Issue 25c October 22, 1971 hantoms by Israelis Ira -Herz' Role in JNF constructed at Notable oric Basle Celebrations . , :Special to The Jewish News BASI..Switzerlind—Marking 70th anniversary of the Jewish National Fund--in the very hall in the which it first was proclaimed in a ,resointioiithat was :adopted at the Fifth World Zionist Congress by Herniami :SCliapira and was seconded by Dr. Theodor Herzl- more 4404809- Celebrants joined on Sunday ' evening -,acclabiling the land fund of the %Nenen", Zionist- movement: - _Preeedettisi a conference of JNF leaders from 17 Countries„- the JNF anniversary cele- bration..:niginmed -- an international character - and drew :reaffirmation in the necessity for continuingJhe• labors for land redemption, FONDS NATIONAL JUll. reelaination..And afforestation: Ceszthiniti: of efforts for- the JNF was emphasized at all the ses- sions of the World Council of the JNF which were conducted by its pre* dank. Hernia Weisman Of New York, president of the Zionist 1:kwainhaglaw=st.Ameriea and the JNF of the U. S. The JNF World Counlitivathined, session for two days and then carried , on db.- eusalins4eirjubire _planning In Zurich. larselkIltainily:Frime Minister Yigal Allon addressed the public rally in eEttaits Casino_ as well as the conference and at the latter he ex- pressed theimpeAhat-a-forest will be planted at Her Canaan near Safed in honarief, the _ ',.Palitach, the Israel fighting force of which he was one_ .of the liadeilL Enthused by the idea, Rosser Chin, president of the JNF ,. .r-ngta:Alidedged:a :substantial sum personally and on the spot -$250,- 000 :vnittlile4gink. ior:the planting of a 100,000-tree Paimach Forest. - - -Aviiii540cferiinient leaders joined in acclaiming the Keren -Kayemet on - - ita::Annivitusary; and • major addresses were delivered by Yaakov Tskir,- -Warld:President of the JNF; Louis Aryeli Pincus„chairman of the World; Zionist Exeeutive, and Allon. (Continued on Page 5) JERUSALEM (JTA) — Premier Golda Meir told the cabinet that she expects the United States to• resume deliveries of Phantom jets to Israel immediately. Cabinet secretary_Michael Nir told reporters that Mrs. Meir's statement was made in the course of a wide-ranging political report in which she referred to Foreign Minister Abba Eban's discussions with U.S. Secretary of State William P. Rogers last week and the latter's assertion afterward that the U.S. would review its military commitments to Israel in light of President Nixon's pledge to maintain the balance of. military power in the Middle East. Mrs. Meir, who is acting foreign minister in Eban's absence, deplored the joint Egyptian Soviet communique issued in Moscow in which the USSR undertook to strengthen Egypt's military capacity. • The cabinet officially welcomed a resolution endorsed by 78 U.S. senators urging the Nixon administration to resume the supply of Phantoms to Israel without delay. - Proposals have been broached to Israel for a senior American official to be en- trusted as a•mediator to further efforts to obtain an interim agreement between Israel - and Egypt to reopen the Suez Canal. The idea was reportedly under consideration by U.S. officials at the United Nations. It envisions an American diplomat playing a role similar to that of Ambassador Gunnar V. Jarring. - Senate Resolution on Jet Deliveries Virtually Assured of Passage (JTA) — Seventy-eight senators of both major parties have en- dorsed WASHINGTON a resolution calling on the Nixon administration to resume deliveries of 'Phan- tom jets to Israel "without further delay" in order to maintain the balance of military Strength in' the Middle East. Political observers here said that with more than three quarters of the Senate's membership behind it, the measure was virtually assured of passage. A State Department spokesman said Friday that the administration always took into account by the Senate on these matters but said Israel's request -for more Phantoms was still under review. The resolution, introduced on the floor, by Sen. Hugh Scott (R., Pa.) the minority eader, also urged the administration to provide Israel with "supporting equipment and assistance as are essential to maintain Israel's deterrent capacity" and to "reaffirm the importance -of secure and redefensible borders" to be "negotiated by the parties themsel " The u 'on goes to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for con- ' Committee chairman Sen. sideration. J. William Fulbright (D., Ark.) was not among its sponsors • Neither was S en. Mike Mansfield (D., Mont.), the (Continued on Page 12) Lebanese Jew -Ia‘ in Syria - human, Prison Conditions (4TA)--The International Conference for Jews in Arab States revealed ere.thiig-art Attalah, a prominent Lebanese Jewish leader who was kidnaped las t is ,„ being detained in a Syrian prison under "particularly inhuman oat/d at:7 ' *- The ,Conference, -which as headed by the ' president of • the French Senate, Alain — F. Poher ssJ9i _that "without the alightest doubt, it is obvious now that Mr. Attalah was monapedAtt Beliet onier to be taken and detained in Syria." s AOCOitling -40. reliable sources here, it seems that Attalah, who served as secre- [ - tars' rgeisetarot the Councll of Lebanese Jews, was suspected by the Syrians of having headed-a4ewish network engaged in the rescue of Syrian Jews who wanted to flee the Kosygin's Ottawa Remarks Hint at Approval of Family Reunification , OTTAWA - (JTA). — Soviet Premier Aleksei N. Kosgin, -speaking to a closed parlianientary session here Wednesday morning, said. of Jewish protest within the - USSR: "There are dissidents in every country, and if you wish we can-send you some." Authoritative sources told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that the members of the-House of Commons External Affairs and Defense Committee, who heard Kosygin's remarks jointly , judged him to be favorably inclined toward considering earlier proposals for _the. reunification of Soviet Jews with their families in. Canada. - The proposals were submitted to Kosygin in Moscow last . May by Prime Minister Pierre *Elliott Trudeau. Ia his remarks Kosygin contended that Soviet Jewish. emigration was on the Attillali; who, mysteriously disappeared from 'a central Beirut street on Sept. 8, - increase. He said - 4,667 had left up to and including 1964; 750 in 1965; 1,613 in 1966; wan, according to thes e sources, kidnaped by Syrian agents. Syria has been trying for 1,109 in 1967; 2,100 in 1969; and 4,150 in the first eight months of 1971 some - ffme. now to crush any Jewish attempt to help its small Jewish community Th e sources did not report a Kosygin figure for 1968. - flee • abroad:: ' The premier also pointed to what he called the greater educational and cultural Accerdieg to the same sources, Attalah had been drugged and taken across achieVements of Soviet Jews as compared with other gioups. The "2,151,000 Jews in. the 'Lebsoise-SYrian border - aboard -a Syrian, ambulance. He has since been de- the USSR" constitute .9 per cent of the population, he said. But there are nine times :. Weed - Ist:ra:41rbee: belonging.to the Syrian "Denzieme Bureau," Syria's official as - many .jews _with higher education than other Russians and 17 times as many ice`- ervice. as other national groups. Also, he said 9.8 per cent of the Soviet literary and media - -::-Leimitise: pollee- investigations have finally managed to discover who kidnaped world and 8 per cent of the artistic world is Jewish (Kosygin's figures have been chal- Attalah•lait.where he is - currently being detained, but they aren't talking. lenged by' demographers.). Seivisli:cireles in Paris, which are now aware - of Attalah's fate, believe that he Efforts by Canadian rabbis to present a petition to Premier Kosygin failed heldBiidieParticularly inhuman conditions in a Prison on the outskirts of DamaScus. Tuesday when the police- revoked a permit for a march past the Soviet Embassy '+°111 reign _interventions on Attalah's behalf have failed up till now to secure by the 12,000 Canadian Jews massed here to protest the treatment of Jews in the his tilentte*reven an improvement in the conditions of his detention. USSR.:The police have taking extra security precautions since the assaulting All* International Conference _for Jews:in the Arab States also disclosed that 12 or Kosygin -on Monday. been by a Hungarian:refugee- ,crying-"Long,live free Hungary." Syrian Awk-,-,incbidhig four children,: are being held by the Syrians on charges of - Before Tuesday's three-hour march through this canital's downtown area, Rabbi hat"iis).ed,20 flee the country. Gunther Plant of . Toronto told the ,crowd: "We are not a bomb-throwing group , but I (Tb#;.iletruit4ewisk Community Council, in a memo to_all constituent amanita- want everyone to know that we are a militant group. There -was- a time When we ti o4sys*almckapon-', Ihe.;JeWtsh -:alinonitm tY to send-Y4re* and letters-,of protest to the° - pleaded and -begged,- that time is 'gone.- We. stand up to demand justice. No pleading, k'Sstipsi4litissicsaltio.the...- United' Aliatitat***0101* c1,11rY,11414- ,: (comOlut4044.101014 w1);11io..lapaing-44we..detratritiquittice ,:=V4tr.-i , • , • .. • •