Bein-Liss En ow cremen . . _Announced in Texas_ MISS BEVERLY BEIN Mrs. Joseph S. Bein of Corpus Christi, Tex.. announces the en- gagement of her daughter Beverly Hedda to Arthur Yale Liss. Miss Bein is the daughter of the late Mr. Bein. Her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George R. Liss of Knob Woods Dr., Southfield. The bride-elect is a graduate of the University of Texas School of Social Work. Mr. Liss is a grad- uate of Wayne State University. where he received his bachelors degree in business administration. He is a senior in WSU's school of law. A January wedding is planned in Corpus Christi. TeChniorirs Arinual:Diniier Ito Foeus Artli >i r Golf berg _ n Institute's.Role in Israd Defense DuP at Pillner o Sam Rich. president of Detroit cal and Aircraft Engineering Com- Chapter. American Technion So, plea saw parts of the Black Cur- Hebrew U. Friends eiety. announced that the chap- .tain this spring_ The IAI plant has tcr's 26th annual dinner will be 14,000 employes and is- the single held Nov. 21 at Cong. Shaarey largest industrial employer in Is- Zedek. rael. said Rich. About 90 per cent The dinner will provide friends of Israel's Aircraft Industries en- of the Technion. Israel's institute gineers are Technion-trained. Prof. of technology. an opportunity to David Abir - of the Technic:41's Aero- learn more about the Technion's nautical engineering department contributions to the industrializa- has, been IAI's :thief of research' lion and defense of Israel. and development for the past three Rich cited a just-revealed ex- years. He has now returned to ample of the Technion's contribu- the Technion campus. tion to Israel's ' defense effort. Israeli sources say that though the three prototype jets built so the development Q of its own jet- far are operational, actual delivery fighter - bomber of the planes to the Israeli Air called the "Black Force cannot be expected for an- other two years. Curtain." The jet will be manufa, fi Therefore, Israel is trying to tured by Israel u2 avoid undermining the campaign Aircraft Indus- f. to acquire 100 more Phantoms and tries, Ltd. Skyhawks from the United States. The Detroit del- These are needed to balance the egation to the Rich recent aircraft buildup in Egypt dedication of the Rohlik-Rich build- and to replace some of the older ing in Technion's Detroit Mechani- jets in the Israeli Air Force. * a a Detroiter Maurice Axelrod Technion Booster Adopts a 'Son' iTHE DETRoit - ,irAnsit NEWS 34—Friday,0e- totter 15, 1971 . . Passpo"'-PHotas far 9 5 Back Door 35? 4'116 CUSTOM TABLE PADS • HAND•CRAFTED • CUSTOM STYLING • PROMPT DELIVERY Arthur J. - Goldberg, former U.S. Supreme, Court justice and ambassador to the United Na- tions, will be guest at a dinner honoring Joseph H. Jackier Nov. 3, announces Milton a. Miller, dinner chairman. The Detroit din- ner, on behalf of the American Friends of the Hebrew Univer- sity, will be at Cong. Shaarey Zedek. Jackier will receive the Torch of Learning Award from the American Friends. The Torch of Learning Award is a mark of recognition for leaders of Ameri- can Jewish communities . who have influenced the course of higher learning in the United States and Israel. Proceeds from the dinner will go to war d scholarships at Hebrew Uni- versity. PHONE 345-5350 MADE IN MICHIGAN _ UNITED TABLE PAD CO. Our 30th Year Because Maurice Axelrod is and is working on his PhD in the 100 per cent for the Technion-Israel United States. Institute of Technology, he wanted \ But Axelrod is particularly no photograph of himself with this proud of Salmon because he is article. Nor does he want any men- the Detroiter's first Oriental ■•■ ••••• ■ ••• tion of his own' background as "adoptee." longtime,manager for Metropolitan Not every contributor will know Life Insurance till his retirement his scholarbhip recipient. But Axel- 10 years ago. rod loOks upon his role with Tech- Nor his age, which is 75. - nion as a „father would look upon But his life with Technion is an the growth of his son. en die Air open book. A member of the board ! "I paid my first visit to Israel This Week's Radio and of directors of the Detroit Chapter in 1949 and saw, this little build- Television Programs of Technion, Axelrod is proud of ing in Tel Aviv," Axelrod recalls. Weddings - Bar Mitzvas his role with the group which has "I've gone back every two years, HIGHLIGHTS v.r. Coyne to Your Homo assisted in the growth of "the MIT and there's always something to Time: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Wi Somploo - of Israel." see I'm really proud." Station: Channel 2 TY 54805 UN.46345 Over the past 10 years of active Feature: "Elsewhere Is Israel" He passes on the pride to those • Carole Chase's story of the Is- membership, A x e l r o d has con- who benefit from his soft sell. ILIA !ILO LP 'LILO Q." kfLILILso raeli immigrant's search for a bet- tributed more than $10,000 — and Whenever he works on an estate, ter life. The program will explore raised another $45,000 — for Tech- he describes the work of Technion. Surely by now you have heard-of .. . nion scholarships. how Israel attempts to absorb "And once people start contri- What is unique about his involve- buting, they can't stop. I merely newcomers into society and help make them productive members. ment is the personal touch he tell them, 'Without the Technion, Evelyn Orbach, pr ogram and lends to the philanthropy: Axelrod there would be no IsraeL'._." DEFINITELY THE' PLACE TO SHOP broadcasting associate of the Jew- corresponds with the recipients of FOR WOMEN WHO KNOW ish Community Council, is narrator. his contributions. Beauty Classes Offered • • • • The latest-24-year-old Nachum You will find the latest fashions in winter mats and suits . REFLECTIONS IN SOUND Sulliman--is one of nine sons 'of in Northland Auditorium dresses — long 'and short .. - blazer jackets - .. long skirts Time: 9:30 a.m. Sunday poor Yemenite parents. Through separate slacks with matching tops ... hugh style Dee Stocks, fashion model and jewelry and accessories Station: WCAR the scholarship program, Sulli- be a uty consultant, is holding .If e also feature bridesmaid - Feature: Series host Harold S. man has been enabled to com- "Beauty Time with Dee" coffee gowns and gowns for the mothers Lo'ss, assistant rabbi of Temple plete the final year of his school- sessions for women of all ages and grandmotheri, too. Israel, seeks fundamental Jewish ing so that he might become a 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Mondays themes in the lyrics of today's mechanical engineer. It means through Nov. 8 in the Northland popular music. that grinding poverty will not be Center Auditorium. Sponsorea by a legacy from generation to gen- the Northland Center Merchants' • ETERNAL LIGHT eration, and it means that with Association, the sessions will cover 26571 WEST 12 MILE ROAD Time: 10:30 p.m. Sunday (ii Ned West of Northwestern Hwy.) one blow, Israel's problems of all aspects of beauty improvement Station. WWJ security and social betterment SOUTHFIELD • PHONE 354-3554 Feature: "Behind the Iron Cur- are being met in some small at a nominal registration fee. For Sylvia Alpert information, call Doris Sorensen, tain." Three high school students way. MON:SAT. 10 to 5:30 Lois Ekelmon 356-3000. '8 4 e- irwereinuirmirmwsararirsirome will discuss their summer experi- For Technion is more than just ences visiting fellow Jews behind a technological institute. Its con- the Iron Curtain. The three were tributions to the war effort in 1967 Raimi's Curtains, Contract Division 18055 James Owens, Detroit 48235 among a group of 38 who made the went far beyond the university's trip under the auspices of the Un- boundaries and it continues to ited Synagogue Youth. They will produce the material so necessary speak with Rabbi Arnold Turetsky to Israel's defense. of the Jackson Heights Jewish Cen- Axelrod said the Detroit Chapter ter, who accompanied them. of Technion has embarked upon a • OFFICES scholarship program, with Robert • INSTITUTIONS IN CONTACT Brody as chairman. The goal Time: 10:30 p.m. Sunday • APARTMENTS • PROFESSIONAL is 1,000 contributors who would Station: WJR my= Feature: Hal Younblood hosts each "adopt" a Technion student the weekly program whose premise for either a full year's tuition is to place, religion and man in ($1,000) or a quarter ($250). It is not easy to get into the contact. Technion — only 10 per cent of the We specialize in commercial fire-proof applicants are accepted—and it's BANI SHALOM draperies for all types of office; apart- even harder to win a scholarship. Time: 10 p.m. Sunday To qualify, a student must be in Station: WBRB (102.7) merits and other institutional use. Put Feature: Phil Blazer's weekly the top 25 per cent of his class us on your bid list, no obligation, call nationally syndicated program pro- and demonstrate real need. Rod Biddinger at 255-1440 Axelrod's own personal "adop- vides a contemporary outlet for a potpourri of Jewish culture, humor tion program" has yielded satisfy- ing results. music and literature. Attention One Technion graduate with B UILDERS BUILDER S . ARCHITECTS JEWISH WORLD whom he corresponds is chief en- A phone call will bring our representative. Time: 7 p.m. Sunday gineer for a bakery equipment His experience will make your drapery Station: WMZK-FM. (98) manufacturing firm. Another is a installation simple and inexpensive. bi d Feature: Jack. Roberts presents plant superintendent in Israel's Israeli folk -music. community aircraft industry. And a third PHONE Established 1924 •••,•-•, • -2554440 notes and news from Israel. s employed by an electronics firm C. 1— gewry 1 Larry aFartenta: 647-2367 Sylvia's - Fashions ' Sylvia's Fashions . -'' COMMERCIAL DRAPES 255=1440 - • • AI rt 1441 IW • • '