Truth le Live' By I' call heaven and earth to wit- nest.. that I have:.set before thee.-life and death, the per cent of the members_ef. the MA: the :eurite;therefore blessing choose Liberal Party regret their leaving life; -that .thou Hugest live, .thou the Government of National Unity. and thi.- see17--DeuteronoMy 30:19: It was easier to leave the govern- ment than to return. He pointed Israel Labor Party's New Leadership 20-Friday, Harbor bland Spa South Offers - Rejuvenation ■ By MOSHE RON berberg; the secretary of the Mud Jewish,• News Special lcibutz movement, - Meir • Zarrai ; Israel Correspondent the former _general secretary - of MIAMI — President Larry Pas- kow and Executive Director Abe TEL AVIV—A month ago, five Histadrut, Aliaron Becker; the rep- Marcus are launching the 1971-72 leading members of the Israel La- resentative of . development areas season at Harbor Island Spa South bor Party sought a solution for in the Negev, Uri Zabag; members out' that the chairman of the Herut with a schedule of relaxing and forming a new leadership. The of the Histadrut leadership,' Yeru- movement, Ezer Weizman, recent-, rejuvenating programs by day and original_idea was to have a, small ham Meshel and Israel Keyssar; ly advocated the rettnn of Ga- entertainment, music and dancing leadership of 15 members, inelud- and the -director of the Agricul- hal to the government owing to the serious internal situation -of at night, with visits-to the sports ing the members of the Israel tural Bank, David Calderon. - - - - and entertainment' palaces in and cabinet, the general secretary of From Abditt Avoda the fol- the country:- around Miami Beach. The health Histadrut, Yitzhak Ben-Aharon, lowing joined: Israel Galili, Yigal He compared the present sit:na- pavillion includes saunas, pline and the general secretary of the party, Alton, Yitzhak Ben-Aharon, Moshe tion to that on the eve of the Six- vapor rooms, jet whirlpools, new Israel Yeshayabu; his two assist- Carmel- and Abraham- Gevelher, Day War and the forming of a facial freshening facilities, herbal ants from --Ahdut Avoda and and from Rafi, - Moshe Dayan, Government of National:" Unity. wrap room, daily massage and Rafi, Abraham Gevelber and Mor- Shimon Peres, Gad Yacobi and Weizman and other Herut leaders fully equipped gymnasia. - decal Ben-Porat; and the chair- Mordecai Ben-Porat. , did not wish to leave the govern: Beginning Nov. .7 and continu- man of the Jewish Agency, Arye • • • meat, Erlich told me. They didnot ing every day through -Dec. 7 Pincus. • The general secretary of the dare to isolate their leader, Mena- guests may stay 11 days and pay But this commission soon faced party, Israel Yeshayahu,_did ev- hem Begin; They regret this step. for only seven in the new spa a difficult problem. Each. day new erything to get the vote - over The Liberal Party would not 2 OPENING EE suites or deluxe Pool-side lanais. candidates for the leadership cattle quickly, and - the new. leadership leave Gahal, though it does- not OCTOBER 29th .and 30th up, chairmen of several- institu- bureau was approved by the Cen- abandon the thought of the return - tions, Oriental Jews and func- tral Committee with 126 votes for of Gabel to the government. tionaries: The number of potential and 61 against, with 18 abstaiiiing. • • members increased. - After the fierce struggle for Erlich's journey will be dedi- to After deliberations with Golda seats in the leadership and the cated -to prepare for the Zionist Meir and Pinhas Sapir, the com- new party secretariat of 153 mem- Congress- and the building of a mission decided to form a leader- bers, many dissatisfied function- Bernstein Seminary in Rehovot, .a ship bureau without cabinet mem- .aries remained. It will be a long kind of- liberal college in the vi- Gdasiatioteed- Weight Imes bers' from Mapai. There was a time before internal peace can in an area-of three dunams (3/4 of _Ottili:Mannage . proposal to co-tipt only Golda Meir be restored in -the party, whose an atre).:It will be named after N WitliEdierldin men t and. Pinhas Sapir, but the latter ranks have grown considerably. the - General - Zionist leader, Fritz announced he would not be a mem-. Previously the candidates- for party Peretz Bernstein, as • a cultural ber unless the other cabinet mem- leadership_--were chosen by only institution for young Monists' from bers. were included: _ three people—the late Levi Esh- the Liberal Party abroad. _sstiveutTrivet Atilt; or-write direct When Vice Premier Vigal Alloit kol,:rrolda Meir and Shraga Ne- The building will 'cost 8,000,000 SELLE 1511;- MIAMI BEACH and Defense minister Moshe Dayan, zer. There were no big problems. Israeli - pounds and i quarter_,0f RALIT.101:11111tir:1181=321-11313 heard aboutlit, they declared that The selection was not too diffi- this sum has already' been . raised they.would net join the leadership euft. Today there are new young -bureau.. Mrs. _Meir explained die functionaries, .also_ among -immi- by members of the party in Israel. In our talk,- one of the Zionist situation. to thein and asked them grants, from Moicieco, Iraq, Yemen, functionaries in the Argentine, to loin. - _ Algeria and ether countries. They • • • Mordecai Dayan, also took part. fulfill important functions and wish He has made great progress--in M any members of the Central to be represented in the party. . -HOTEL the Liberal Party since his arrival Chateau Motel - : . $136 Committee opposed the abience of It is'-ilear that no important de: in Israel a year ago and he has _ Ocean at, 36tli St., Miami Beagh Maims Sapir from the leadership PULLMANETTES Deauville -Hotel . - . $155 bureau. They said that a bureau cisions will be.taken in the party become a member of. its leadel- Ali COmpletely Furnished Incl. Air, Transfers, Hotel & MAP . without Sapir. was like a wedding without Pinhis Sapir. Also, it is ship. wdh._ All Irgehap,.: Facilities and that Golda Meir will con- It is to be, expected thit after -without the bridegroom. How can -expected Inclinting:,_- Maid: Services S. Pool Basch. a Card Room one imagine such a bureau without tioue to invite cabinet members the forthcoming Zionist Congress, of Menai, Ahdut Avoda_and Rah Mordecai Dayan would -become • Game'. Room • Bingo * -Movies the real leader of the party? There to discuss important- security, for- general secretary 'of the World • ;Entertainment e Color TV were proposals that some Candi- eign policy `and economic prob- • - Shopping: Nearby 24 hour Federation of General- Zioniats. Switchboard &styles- AMERICANA HOTEL, $199 dates give-up their posts for Sapir lems and only afterwards bring LeO Dulcin will become president and other members of the cabinet, them before 'the -secretariat and • - 'Air Conifirsoned & Heated Incl. Air, Transfers, Hotel IL MAP of the federation in. place . of the but all combinations did not work -leadership bureau of the party. YoterilVevei-Alone at Zionist leader, Dr. Emanuel New- and at last it was decided to elect . the All Seasons . _ • • • man, who will resign from this a leadership bureau of 27 me- ni Gahal Wishes to Return LOW RATES position due to age. .. Riviera Hotel . . . . $199* hers, consisting of 18 former Ma- SEASONAL AND YEARLY to Coalition Government Erlich is optimistic. He believes • Sp•rcial Departures Only pal, five former Ahdut Avoda and -- I had an - Your Hosts: This Meiemed Family opportunity to talk to that the Liberal Zionists would Incl. Air, Transfers, Note! & Breakfast For rotas and Information, write For four former Rail members. ':director call (305),531-5821 The 16 Mapai members are: Pre- one of the leaders of the Liberal again be the second strongest fac- mier Golda Meir (the only mem- Party, Simha Erlich. He is a mem- tipn in the Zionist Congress after ber of the finance committee in Aveda. ber of the cabinet); the old func- the Knesset and takes part in tionaries Beba. Idelson, Mordecai meetings of the- six-man leader- Namir and- Shraga- Nezer; the gen- ship of Gahal. He came from Lub- eral secretary of the party, Israel lin 35 years ago to Eretz Israel,- Yeshayahu• the secretary of the is very popular in this party and Young Guard, Yehiel Leket; lead- even his political opponents like ers of the "Black" who support the him. • leadership of Sapjr—the mayor- of Erlich will soon go to North and Tel Aviv, Yehoshia Rabinovitz; South America, Canada and Eu- member of Knesset Abraham Ofer; 4628 N. Woodward Ave. the secretary of the Agricultural rope, He will visit Brazil, Monte- bp *4 video, Buenos Aires, Mexico, Chile amly 0.• • Royal Oak - Center, Yitzhak Shapiro; the leader and Caracas. to INCLUDING of the coalition In the Knesset and JO 6-1490 Detroit *25 of 133 *50 1133 rooms Erlich told me that about 95 — CUFF KOSHER MEALS party secretary of Haifa, Moshe _ Nov. 16 to Dec. ° 19 "Suburban Call FOR NEN YEAR Wertman; the secretary of the mo- - New Enlarged Sun Deck Area—ALL DAY RESBNE LI 9-6733 or MI 6-2170 roo wagui. shavim movement, Abraham Sil- Brandeis Camp Model DETROIT OFFICE PHONE USPEFI CIUY . DAYS Vas"; Private Oasis eiaxund Reduce WEEK-END SPECIALS Depart Friday— . Return Monday MIAMI BEACH . M SAN JUAN PUERTO RICO LAS VEGAS , .. Call Harold Kalt ' BEE KALT TRAVEL SERVICE " — for Florida Facility . —4CapttICO 50r 514 n Featuring the - Marriott and Pierre Marques Hotels via American Airlines Group Departures Start from Nov. 26, Doc. 3 & 10, Jan. 3 & 22 Fob. 4 & 15, March 18 * Special Winter Holiday Departures * Docombor 18 to January 3 Flexible Itineraries Offered limited space still available for January, February and March VA From as low as -ni p in ow iser person DON'T BE LEFT OUT IN THE COLD Call Harold Kalt — Be. Kalt Travel Service BEE SALT TRAVEL 4628 N. Woodward Ave., Royal Oak, Mich. 48072. .DETROIT PHONE JO. 6 - 1490 SUBURBAN PHONE 9-6733 LOS ANGELES (JTA)—Grow- Mg acceptance in the American Jewish community of the lasting impact noon Jewish college youth of a brief four-week stay at Sou- thern California's* Brandeis Camp Institute is reflected in Florida Plans for a similar facility. They were disclosed here fol- lowing a visit to Dr. Shlomo Bar- din's "laboratory of living Juda- ism" at -Santa Susana by A. B. Wiener, chairman of the special commission on Jewish education of the Greater Miami- Jewish Fed- eration. Wiener said that Miami will take leadership in the Florida plan, -which envisions creation of a -$500,000 fund through contribu- tions. of $1,000 each by 500 sup- - porters of - a Brindeis Camp Instil tute for Florida. There are no bad' books, any more than there are ugly women. —Anatole Frariee. • • • Passover- Cruise to the Caribbean, fully1r7Z,'*vith affthe traditional observances. : Mardi 27, froni New York,,s425 up. • • • , • • • • • 11 Days to Bermudstiftsabados, Martinique, St. ThOmaa This cruise is completely devoted to a joyous and faithful observance of the entire " Passover holiday, and a cantor will be on board. The warmth of the traffitional Seder; Kosher for Passover foods, prepared in our Kash- ruth kitchens; all under the supervision' of a rabbi. Spe- cial rates for children—the- whole family together for the holiday. Caribbean ports rich -in Jewish heritage.' And the hearty" _conviviality of the :Greeks to - make this the -- most festive Passover possible. On the- fully' ir condi- tioned and stabilized Queen Anna" Maria, the newly decorated, luxurious 26,300-ton flagship of the Greek • • Line. For folder, reservations, ' • - your_Trdivel Agent or Greek Line; - - , 2.552 - First- -National _ Bldg., Detroit;, Mich. (31:3) 961-5280 Line ' Resig': Greece • # , , • ° •