18—Friday, October 1S, 1971 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Kollek Issues Protest Over Appointment of New Religious Council Danes Destroy. Nazi Park,; Monument COPENHAGEN (JTA) —A com- munique issued by "former World War - II resistance fighters" claim- JERUSALEM (JTA•-----A South AfricariUnited Israel Appeal study JERUSALEM (JTA) — Mayor ed credit for blowing Up a _Nazi African Jewish leader has ex- mission now in Israel, told - the Teddy Kollek has protested to Jus- memorial monument in .a. park in pressed the hope here That "good Jewish Telegraphic Agency , that tice Minister Yaacov Shimshon relations" between Israel and the the gift had been "quite unnec- Shapiro over what the , mayor the town of Als in Jutland._ - Republic of South Africa will soon essary." called• the appointment without be resumed. He said that South African proper procedure_of a new reli- Mrs. Abzug: Military Aid The South African government Jewry had felt very hurt by it and gious council here by Dr. Zerach recently lifted the ban on the regarded it as an indiscretion on. Warhaftig, minister for religous to "fsrael Differs From transfer of funds it imposed-after Assistance to VIetnam the part of the Israel government. affairs. the Israel government had made Religious councils are responsi- NEW YORK (JTA) -- Congress- a gift, through the United Na- ble for the purveying of Jewish re- woman Bella Abzug (D.,. N.Y.) tions, of about $2,800 ,.to the Mayor_ Jaabari Angered ligious services to their local popu- said here that military help for Organization of African Unity. by Requisition of Land lations. Israel is totally different from The South African government, JERUSALEM (JTA) -- Sheikh The councils are appointed by which regards the OAU as an or- Mohammed Ali Jaabari, mayor of. the religious affairs minister, but military aid to Vietnam. • Helping Israel means-aiding that ganization advocating terrorism Hebron, has lodged a formal pro- should reflect the wishes of the against the republic's apartheid test with the West Bank military religious segment of each town or nation to stand on its own, whereas involvement in Vietnam is that of policy, had publicly denounced the governor over the requisition of 80 city, and the final appointments Israel gift. acres of land in the Hebron area normally are made after consulta- "a foreign country interfering with a nation searching for its own di- Boetie Kessel, leader of a South last week, ostensibly for security tion with the municipal councils. reasons. Kollek charged that the muni- rection," Mrs Abzug said. • WE CARE FIR YIUR CAR cipal council here had not been The Arab leader claimed that A leader of the National Wo- the land was taken over in order consulted on. the appointment of men's Political Caucus, Mrs. to expand the Jewish settlement of this city's religious council and Abzug made these remarks on the w a, in Kiryat Arba on the outskirts of that the religions sector had not radio program, "Washington Hebron. - - been properly heard. Scene," produced 7y the Ameri- Official Israeli- sources said The choosing of a religious coun- can Jewish Committee. Hyman Sal, • Ser-icr cil is the first stage toward the Bookbinder, Washington repre- that the land was part of the 750 on ell nloel acres set aside two years ago as election of a new chief rabbinate, sentative of the AJC, asked the 28000 TELEGRAPH AT TEL-TWELVE MALL a "closed zone" in which the new which is chosen by a panel of elec- congresswoman how she justified SOUTHFIELD. MICHIGAN 48075 • 354-3300 Jewish settlement would be built tors appointed. by the religious support of Israel to the New Left while Arab farmers continued to councils (two-thirds of the panel) youth among whom she had credi- and by the municipal councils. use the balance of the land. bility but who are largely opposed The officials said the owners of to Israel. the land, including relatives of the Finds in Judea ProVe Mrs. Abzug said she explained mayor, were adequately compen- her support in terms of helping Was, Jewish Life There sated. a democratic 'nation, which is the According to sotirces-in the mil- After the 7th Century homeland of the Jewish people, itary governor's office, only 1.5 to survive. acres were actually taken over • JERUSALEM (JTA)—The ruins 9th Century synagogue it She said that during her recent and the rest can be used in part by of- Khirbet Sussia, about 20- miles visit to Israel she we's amazed at the owners. So far 250 dwelling units have southeast of Hebron, was cited as the interchange ,between Arabs and been completed at Karyat Arba evidence that Jewish settlements Jews in the Israeli-administered and 40 Jewish families have moved in the Judea region continued - well territories.. .after the Moslem conquest in- the in. 7th Century.' This and other recent archeologi- Trade Mission Organized Campus Sukka Damaged . cal finds were described at- the >—an Annual Occurrence convention of the Israel Explora- to E.- Africa Countries JERUSALEM (JTA) — The for- tion Society held here. - ONE CENT SALE I f I NEW YORK (JTA)—A sukka . ' 'Prof. Shmarhyu Guttman said eign trade staff of the ministry of BUY ONE AT on the campus of Lehman College commerce and' industry is organiz- REGULAR PRICE in the Bronx, one of the colleges the remnants, found at Stissia. were ing-an Israeli trade mission to visit AND NEXT ONE in the City University system, - was part of a once-large synagogue that three-- East African FOR ONE CENT countries, a set afire, damaged and defaced by seems to have been used until ministry --spokesman 1 • .„4 0., NATURAL VITAMINS announced., the 9th Century. . unknown vandals. The sukka was vosmi• ORGANIC FOODS Two Hebrew inscriptions were - 'He said the mission, -to leave built on the college campus by the 2823 Ceeli e, Berkley fodnd worked_ into an elaborate - within: a few- months for Kenya; Hillel Foundation., PHONE S43 3505 mosaic floor. .Both -mention -the. - Uganda and Ethiopia, will include The college undergraduate news- Open Daily 111 to 7 Free Parking exporters, importers and represen- paper , "Meridian" quoted Billet- names of _the:donors. . Prof. Avraham When, .director tatives of planning and contracting President Steve Rosen as report- firms in IsreeL of the government's departinent-of ing that "during Oct. 5, the second day of Sukkot, someone tried and antiquities, reborted that a nitni failed to overturn the sukka. The ber of seven-branched oil lamps vandal or vandals then set the suk- dating from :the- 18th Century. BCE ka on fire and painted • a swastika have been unearthed• near Bed on a poster attached to the struc- Shernesh in the Jerusalem foothills. He said they were lelieved to have • Selected fine jewelry ture." and Diamonds Rosen said that the vandalism been used for ritual purposes, in- Large Selection of is not unique, asserting -that dicating that ..the site 'may have Fine Opal Jewelry every year it's the same thing."_ been a Canaanite sanctuary. Another fmd was a burial cave Watch and Jewelry Repair College officials insisted that the datin4 from incident was not motivated by anti - ond_ Temple: -the period of the Sec- - LI 7-5068 Semitism. S. Africa Lifts Ban on Funds. to Israel . kiff i Iv OLDSMOBILE INC. The dynamite blast cOmpletely demolished a monument to the "victims of the-fight against Com- munism" recently erected in the park by- followers a Pout. Som- mer, a Dane who served -the Nazis during the occupation of. Denmark and subsequently served a 20-year prison term for collaboration. The monument and the park where Sommer's followers gath- erhom n ati as aroused nationwide indig- The monument was' attacked by enraged citizens soon after it was erected. The inscription' was paint- - e dover me c.mmunique of the resist- ance fighters said, 'We are against using force, but against the Nazis we shall use all means because the Nazis bear such a huge responsi- bility that there is no way to suffer such insolence and outrage in Den- li: ' o th mark apto_a mem in _foPe riai nbagen reported to the Danish anti-Nazi underground in Esberjrg was found defaced by swastikas. They believe it was an act of re- taliation by the Nazis. ISRAEL BOND, OFFICE 24611 Greenfield OPEN SUNDAY . 10:00 ALM.4:00 P.M. For Payment of High Holy Day Pledges - BERKLEY HEALTH FOODS 557-6770 OPEN. - SUNDAY 1 1 -4. The Finest,. of _Nationally Advertised Clothing at 1/2 the -Price You Would Ex- pect to Pay. -HARRY ,THOMAS as. dawn Fat 35 Poor. 24750 Telegrapli 'at-10 Mile Daily 9-6. Thurs. & Fri: to 8 OAK PARK WATCH REPAIR Near Post Office 13720 W. 9 Mile Books are a finer world within- the wbrld. —Alexander Smith. Visit The Four Seasons s. NOW SHOWING FURNISHED MODEL Here is a protected, secluded environment where you can be yourself, where you can express your individual taste in liting. Choose - from four dramatic architectural styles . . . French, !Tudor, Alpine or Spanish.- Satisfy' your - living needs with one of six designer floor plan bptions. One, two and three bedroom apartments. Only twenty- seven left at $340/month to- $575/month, now leasing. the fou ns 2945 Woodward Ave. north' of Hickory Grove Road - • Bloomfield Hills, Mich. 48013 - Phone -(313)338-1800 . 01FRCI NOM, II a.m.-4 p.m. SAT. C SUN.: It a.m.-6 p.m. We.. THURS. Ai OR EY APPOINTMENT — CLOSED AIONDAY a lUESBAY 1 $85- Million Bond Drive to Honor B-G Birthday NEW YORK (JTA)--On the oc- casion of David Ben-Gurion's 85th birthday, Sam Rothberg, general chairman of -A the: Israel Bond Or- ganization, announced the launch- ing of -a special, worldwide cam- paign in October and November to honor the Israeli -leader through the sale of- $85,000,000 in Israel Bonds ($1,000,000 for each year. of hisalife). Rothberg made the announce- ment in' Israel at -the celebration of Ben-Gurion's birthday, which , was attended by Prime Minister Golda Meir, Finance Minister Pin- has Sapir and ether top national leaders. - In a message for Jews abroad, Israel's first prime minister called for greater response than ever be- fore to the Israel Bond campaign, citing internal as well as external problems and needs which require large-scale economic aid from world Jewry. In September 1950, Ben-Gurion convened the first Jerusalem Con- ference of American leaders,.Whicii- endorsed the proposal for an Israel Bond issue. SAVES YOU NORMAL FINANCING $3,000 @111.08) $01.38 per o. TAMAROFF'S FINANCING $03.04 pros. Wee @4% (752) YOU. SAVE THIS IS IN ADDITION ' TO • EXCISE REBATE IF REPEALED - loots. Frooncrog For New 72 &Wm *ay -ramaRoFF BUICK - OPEL . TELIGRAPH NG 12 Mile ACROSS FROM TEL-TWELVE MAIL 351-1300