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October 15, 1971 - Image 14

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1971-10-15

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This Week in Jewish History

(From the files of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency)
40 Years Ago This Week: 1931
German Jew§ formed self-protection units following anti-Semitic
Lithuanian Jews, seven per cent of the population, constituted
30, per cent of the emigrants.
JTA reported: "The Jewish town of Lodz is dying. There is no
other place in Poland, or probably anywhere else, where want is so
The Viennese Jewish community was said to 'be ."undergoing a
speedy diminution," with defections and deaths exceeding conversions
and births.
Dr. Adolph Stern, founder of the Union of Romanian Jews, died
in Bucharest at age 84.
Several Ukrainian officials were put on trial for "crippling Soviet
justice" by allegedly mistreating Jews.
The Jewish Rescue Committee demanded 1,000,000 zlotys from
the government to aid starving jobless • Warsaw Jewry, one-third of
the city's population.
The Romanian paper Strelucitorul said: "The only solution -of the
Jewish question in Romania is to deal with the Jews as the Turks dealt
with the. Armenians. This can best be, done on those days when the
Jews assemble in their synagogues on t'urim and Passover, when they
can easily be wiped out en masse."
Three marching songs of Hilterite youth were "We Are the Storm.
Brigade," "Shoot the Jew Dogs" and "Dripping with Jewish Blood."
10 Years Ago This Week: 1961
Prof. Martin Buber joined the criticism of Premier Ben-Gurion for
opposing refugee readmissions because it allegedly would destroy
Foreign Minister Golda Meir asserted that considering Israel's
"numerous friends" in the UN, "we are no more alone than are any
of the others."
Brown .6c Williamson Tobacco Corp. broke with the Arab boycott
and agreed to sell Lucky Strike and Pall Mall in Israel, after being
threatened with an Italian American boycott.
Israel's Mlonot Ltd. construction firm was hired to build Tangan-
yika's first -luxury hotel.
A Reform congregation in Brooklyn was found to have used four
Protestant churches in Fits first two years .because it lacked its own
Ambassador Ahmed Shukairy of Saudi Arabia called Israeli
policy "banarism seated in gangsterism, rooted in Nazism." He said
"Israel and Eichmann should stand in one dock for one trial for one
crime and for one verdict." The Israeli Foreign Minister charged he had
been a "close associate" of the Mufti.
Mendel Fisher retired as executive director of the Jewish Na- -
tional Fund of America after. 27 years.

Lipsky May Escape Extradition
in Major French Financial Scandal


Lipsky, a 42-year-old Jewish fin-
ancier wanted in France for al-
leged involvement in a major
financial scandal, will probably
escape extradition,"Isreeli lawyers
They n3ted that while an extra-
dition agreement between Israel
and France was signed in 1958 and
ratified by Israel, it has not been
ratified by France, and France is
int a party to the European Extra-
dition Covenant which Israel has
-aeli sources confirmed .that
:y arrit 'd in Israel several
days ago wits, his w.te and son. ,


Reports from Paris said the
French government would ask

for Lipsky's extradition at the
carliest moment. An arrest war-

Missing Lebanese
Jew Still Sought;_
French Aid Asked

rant was Issued for him Sept. 28,
and he has been posted on the
"wanted" list.

A Paris magistrate is currently
investigating the financial opera-
tions of Lipsky's firm, Le Patri-
moine Foncier, a mutual trust
company suspected of having mis-
handled the money of some 8,200
The Lipsky affair has develo
into a national scandal in France
owing to the alleged connection o
a number of government figures
with Lipsky's firm and with-that
of another Jewish financier, Robert
Frankel, who has been arrested.
Jewish circles in France ex-
pressed serious concern over the
anti-Semitic whispering dampaign
they say has been started in ex-
creme right-wing circles as a re-
sult of the Lipsky affair.
In a presi conference here, Lip-
sky said that anti:Semitism was
behind the charges against him
and that was why be came to Is-

He said there were 15 similar
mutual funds In France special-
izing in real estate investments
but that the police were after
cnly the two Jewish firms and
that only the Jewish directors of
these companies have been ar-
rested. The non-Jewish directors
are still at_large and are not
wanted by the police, he said.
Lipsky claimed that the 'Jewish
firms gave shareholders the high-
est possible dividends on their in-
vestments and that the trouble
started when a rival French farm
persuadea the finance ministry
that no honest company could pay'

adian and French governments
have been requested to convey
their concern to Lebanon over the
kidnaping of Albert Atallah,
prominent Lebanese Jewish leader
apd former secretary general of
the Council of Lebanese Jews,
Sept. 5 in Beirut.
The requests were made here
by Alan Rose, assistant director
of the Canadian Jewish Congress,
at' separate meetings in Ottawa
with Robert Elliot, director of the
Middle East division of Canada's
'external affairs department, and
Robert Picquet, counselor of the such high rates.
French Embassy.
Lipsky said he came to Israel
The CJC request was forward- to fight for his good name and
ed to the French government in reputation because in France be
would be jailed and .could not
There has been no further news prove his innocence. .
of Atallah, who has two children
Legal circles here say that
living in Canada, since the kid- Lipsky's visitor's visa can be re-
naping, and police still have no scinded if the interior ministry
dues• as to his whereabouts or the judges - his presence in Israel un-
identity of his abductors.


14—Friday, October 15, 1971

Editor Explains Why
France Is Pro-Arab
SinCe Six-Day War


Golda Attends Wedding of Heroic Emigre

JERUSALEM (JTA)—The editor
of one of France's leading news-
papers explained recently to an
Israeli audince here why France
has followed a pro-Arab policy in
the Middle East since the Six-Day
According to Andre Fontaine,
editor' of Le Monde, France was
always sympathetic to Zionist
aspirations, but "relations with the
Arabs have a certain priority?'
Petroleum counts, he said.
Furthermore, he said, France
does not want to see the Magh-
reb powers — Morocco, Algeria
and Tunis—come under Soviet
Fontaine maintained that Israel
started the Six-Day War. He said
he did not believe that President.
Genial Abdel Nasser of Egypt in-
tended to go to war and deplored
Israel's failure to test the Egyp-
tian blockade by sending a ship
through the Straits of Tirane
Fontaine said events which
France continues to hold against
Israel are Israel's retaliatory raid
on Beirut Airport in 1968, the
spiriting away of five French-built
Israeli gunboats embargoed at
Cherbourg. on Christmas Eve 1969,
and the -demonstrations by Ameri-
can Jews again-st *President and
Mrs. Pompidou during their visit
.to Chicago.

TEL AVIV (JTA)—Yasha Kaza-
kov, the young, Soviet,- Jewish
emigre who staged a hunger strike
outside the United Nations - a -year
ago to dramatize the plight of his
family and other: Russian Jews
denied exit visas,. was married
here recently in what„anaounted*M.
a state wedding. -

who also emigrated to Israel from
the Soviet Union a year ago.
Kazakov received this reception
from • Israeli leaders because his
struggle for aliya to Israel for him-
self and his family symbelized the

The guest list included Trel
mier Golda Meir, -Defensellrmis-
ter- Moshe Dayin and , opposition
leader Menachem Begin.of the
Gabal faction, all of wbont joined
in dancing a spirited Vera.
Kazakov is a soldier in the. armor-
ed corps.


His bride, Edith Solomonchiss,
' n
is a student at the Haifa Technio


straggle of all Soviet Jews.




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