46—Friday, October 8,1971 17—HOUSES FOR SALE 1 , 1/2 boths, -centrol air-condition- ing, beautiful paneled recr. room with built-in bar, walk-in cedar closet. New wolf to wall carpet- ing and drapes. Above ground swimming pool, large patio with built-in gas bar-b=que. Desirable location for sch. 00ls, shopping and transportation. 4 /2 - mort- gage. 547-7019 Custom 3-Bedroom Ranch 31—TRANSPORTATION AM GOING to Miami. last week in December. For information, Mr. Schwatz, Stffiday only, 754-3887. " 40—EMPLOYMENT MALE AND/OR FEMALE WORK IN. PAWN 'SHOP Person- needed; school okay. ' Lovely 4 year old Palle colonial. Potomac Green, West Bloomfield. 4 bedrooms, 2 1i baths. Air-condi- tinning, circular drive. Many ex- tras. Move-in condition. No agents. 392,900. 851-2221 - part-time after 1400 MICHIGAN 2300 sq. - ft., oir-conditioning, . paneled den, finished basement. New drapes. Sprinklers. Brick garage, patio. Northfield Blvd. OAK PARK. By Owner. $43,800. LI 2-8764 45 —BUSINESS 'OPPORTUNITIES BAR M1TZVA, syWagogue, Hebrew tutor. 3424254. OAK PARK _ Beautiful-3 Bedrisom Ranch OWNER THE DETROIT .JEWISH NEWS 30-A—INSTRUCTIONS J WO 24698 REAL ESTATE REPRESENTATIVE For Oakland and surrounding coun- ties to become part of a young organization with plenty of ad- vancement potential. Earn in ex- cess 'of $15,000. Fringe= benefits, complete training program. 352-9810 28551 Southfield Rd. Lathrup Village OVER 3 ACRES IN SOUTHFIELD On 10 Mile, zoned - residential. Prime location. Estimated for 10-12 houses. Priced right. Coll BABYSITTER, 2 days. One Infant. 391-6438. MILLER BROS. REALTY _ LI 3-7520 Experienced perion wanted to care for FARMINGTON CUL-DE-SAC over an acre lot located in one of Formington's most prominent 'areas. Lots of mature trees and a running stream are situated in this beau- tiful vacant property at $28,500. Call - us at 477-1111 (code 94965). REAL ESTATE ONE FRANKLIN AREA 2 prime residential bldg. lots: On Hickory Lane, over 1 acre on cul-de-sac,ot: $13,900. On Helmendole. High lot with many trees at $10,900. Terms available. Ask for BOB TENNANT chamberlain 646-6000 Birmingham 564-6000 • 30-A—INSTRUCTIONS TUTORING—Start early with Spanish or French. Experienced reacher will help you along. Call Cookie, 356.5506, 356-8716. infant One or two afternoOns a week. Own transportation. 399-2860 — REFERENCES NEW YORK (JTA)—Dr. Jacob Frumkin, director of the New York office of the World .ORT Union since 1948, and n veteran otmore than 60 years of -Jewish service, Born in Mezeritch, poland, Mr. died here Sept. 27 at age 92. fa He was chairman of the 'Union -* Ha c k came: letta.Dieltrolig°° t of Russian Jews here and editor 50=—BUSINESS CARDS I n Santa of its two-volnine _ history of COMPLETE renitideling — additions, - :Monica, Calif:, a Russian Jews. _ It 1 tc h ens, dens, basements, family rooms. Free - estimates. 5334894. - Ilumber„of years An attorney, be was legal ad- ago . - viser to the Jewish delegation at JULIUS ROSS. MOVING CO. the Fourth Duma of 1914=18- (the Mr. Local and Long.-.Distance STORAGE. Czarist Russian parliament.) - Hack was a past_ Peeking; pianos, appliances, household Pretident of the During the '20s, Dr. Frumkin be- furnishings, • office - furniture. Greater Detroit came executive editor of Illtstein,- lardi Northend—Ferndale 'Shoe Retailers Europe's largest publishing houke, 543 - 4832 Aisociation a n d in Berlin. - -honorary life PAINTING 20 years experience He was secretary of the found - guaranteed. TY 7-2501. =East.• - fiesident of the ' i ng Congresi of the World ORT Michigan' Shoe Association. Union in Berlin in 1921' HERALD ROOFING CO. He edited the North Hosting - Leader, later called Foot- Legal- Indeptadent ileafer Paul Shapiro Barber, 'Street Free Estimates steps, the Pirblicatioir of the Michi- Hot Tar 'or Residential Shingles gan' Shoe- - Retailers Association, Beth 'Moses Member 534-5100 ' or Rel. 676-5070 Paul Shapiro, retired -barber and and- wrote- for the shoe trade pa- a member of Cong. Beth Moses FOR BETTER wall washing, call James - Afterhis, retirement in 1946, he Russell. One day service. TO 6-4005, for more than 60 years, died Oct. won the national first prize as edi- 526"Belmont. . 1. He was 85. ' s Born in Romania Mr Shapiro tar of--:the- Beverly- ; Hills Shield, PAINTING, exterior, Interior. Free esti- mate. 9684639, 357-4586. lived at 20489 Ward. He was a -published by his Final Brith lodge. 1963, -he- Was-honored- by member of the barbers' union Mitre Window Usaaleg and had been in the barber's "sup- . the Michigan -Patent tsiii Asso- Ciation ene of MicIdgan's out- Exports on aluminum storm win- ply business for 60 years. - dows, aluminum and woodwork standing - -inventors. , His most He leaves his wife, Minnie; two famous washing. Eaves cleaned. Tree trim- pat ent:was On the Ripple ming. Free estimates. sons, Harry and Ben; five daugh sole. Another coVered the Hack ters, Mrs. Charles (Gloria)-Kiet Convaleteent • 541.0278 - . Boot, which he Mrs. Mike (Lillian) AlPern of COMPLETE interior, exterior paint- ing and decorating. New and old wood Liverpool, 0., Mrs. Wilfred :IOLyal ve tila-fritt e l mbasis "-inAnny 1944. " a refinished. -antiquing. Reasonable. 547- (Peggy). Cole, Mrs. Harold (Ruth) Besidet, his wife, he leaves two_ Weiss- and Mrs. Shirley Stern; sons, Morton and Leonard; a broth- er, Peter: of Tuesin- and Lansing; LARKINS MOVING CO. and 17 grandchildren. fotir grandchildren. and nine great- Household and Office 50--BUSINESS CARDS grandehildren. :Interment Detroit. Furniture For sale or lease, 20,000 Sq. ft. Sprinklered throughout. Excellent opportunity. • 8931 GREELEY 11944587 TELEPHONE RECEPTIONIST, and sales. Some clerical. Apply 'at 10545 Puritan or call 342-6610. Full- time position. SHIPPING AND RECEIVING - Pa ability. • 352-2336, FOR APPT. Either Gittler4 Age 81 -Secretarial Home Services Dictation; typing; correspondent; terms; reports; reports; general; port-Photos tom s 3-9 5 Back Door Galleries F, for warehouse work. Full time position. Apply at 15905 James Couzeng or call 341-9232. Full time position in nursing - home located in _ Southfield. Plqosaat disposition- and typing , : Local amid Lang-Oistance Also stmege. RECEPTIONIST—OFFICE CLERK 352 3116 substitutions; office part time. 366-6570 • 55--MISCELLANEOUS BRUNSWICK slate pool table, regula- tion. ' balls; cues. Will move.' $190. 646- 5514... 554:--APPAREL FOR SALE STATEMENT OF- OWNERSHIP, _ MANAGEMENT AND- CIRCULATION - (Act of Aug. 28, -1973; Section 3685. Title 39. United States Code) 14 to 16. Block cloth coot size TITLE OF PUBLICATION: The Jew- 16, knitted--suits, size 16. All ish News Publishing Company. - FURNITURE refinished and repaired. 2. DATE OF FILING: -Oct. 4, 1970. in perfect condition. ReaSOnable. • - Free estimates. 4744253. 3. FREQUENCY OF ISSUE:- Weekly. 4. LOCATION OF KNOWN OFFICE • 557-3569 ELECTRIC REPAIRS; reasonable. 557- OF PUBLICATION (Street, city, 7228, 6444409. ' county; - state ZIP -code) (not print- ers): 17515 West Nine Mile Road, 56—ANTIQUES PAINT , UP for the holidays." Interl Southfield, Michigan SUB* - 865, exterior. Reasonable. 544-1046. 5. LOCATION OF- THE HEADQUAR- - TERS OR GENERAL BUSINESS 55th. ORIFICES OF _THE_ PUBLISHERS Presentation Of (not -printers): Same as above. 6. NAMES AND ADRESSES OF PUB- LISHER, EDITOR AND MANAGING THE Rersion Lamb Coot will fit Size' DETROIT ANTIQUES SHOW. PUBLISHER` (Marne and address): Philip Sionlovite, 22300' Lucerne Dr., - Aft. 101, Southfield, Mich. 48075. MANAGER 'EDITOR _Maine slid address.): Same as above. -- MASONIC TEMPLE Temple at Second Ave. 7. OWNER- The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17515 W. 9 Mlle Rd., Suite 865, Oct. 14, 15, 16, 17 1 p.m.-10 p.m. Sun. 6 Philip - Slomovitz; 22300 Lucerne p.m. Dr., Apt., 101, Southfield. ■ Carmi M. Slomovits, 23350 Twiaiag Southfield, Mick.- asols. One Paid- Admission' Good For Alt Four' Days . KNOWN -BONDHOLDERS. MORT- ..SEGuarry HOLDERS owtatvo- OR--HOLDING ANTIQUE SHOW iSt SALE Michigan State 'Foirgrounds ComniOnity - Arts Building Ji . 5 36,990 000 N 0 W F R 0 :7'4 Esther • Gittlen, past .president of Hadaiseh in - Grand Rapids, died - Oct; 2 at age 81. Mrs. Git- tlen had - lived _in Detroit for the past - 25 years. She was born in RuSsia. _ Survivors are two sons, J. Leon and Maier; a _daughter, Mrs. Shirley 1Ye.ig; two brothers; Abe Schmerin and :Leopold Schmerin of Levittown, Pa.; ,,a earl (Naomi) Jaffe 'Of Hazeltpn, Pa; Wand- eigitt7grandchil dren. WEARING APPAREL FOR SALE CARPENTRY WORK, Interior, exterior. Specializing in rec. rooms. 273-4826, LI 54035. BUILDER'S CLOSE-OUT!!! WERE FROM ifack, 87; nventor; Founder i -Nathan :Hack; co-founder, with his wife Pauline MaY of the Hack Shoe Co.-In. 1916, died - Oct- -4 at . F. L Dettore Real Estate Co. 17-A—LOTS FOR SALE GOING 'JUNK SHOP BUSINESS Dr. Jacob 92; World ORT- Executive - $32,990 iM.M.E-7..1'it-,1E OCCUPANCY • . - • - - • October 15, 1i, and 17 -- Friday -and Saturdai 1-10 P.M. day 14 .p.m. sioa41.7-S 1.00. vAtIt 'this. 1. PERCENT OR MORE OF TOTAL - AMOUNT OF -BONDS, MORTGAGES OR _OTHER SECURITIES: None. ...fin following tabulation first column wr figures'is "Average No. Copies Each Levee During Preceding 12' Months:" second column is .Actual Number of Coyle* of _Single Isaac Published' Near- est to Filing_ Date .w) - 11. EXTENT- -AND.. NATURE .16.wova4, NO:EOPIES - PRINTED (N0 S"Press:riin): 14.132. 14,20 - rt. PAID CIRCULATION:- • , 1. Sales armlet dealers and car- ger; street venders and coun- ‘ - 1.400 1 ,300 - T. Mail SubscritsUong 12,500 -' _ r 12,500 " C.. TOTAL PAID 14.000 -, CfRCULATION nr. FREE DISTRIBUTION. BY 91AIL. CARRIPIR. OR% OTHER MEANS: ` Cornifinentary: -...and_ ' 100 ether_ froe- bOples - 100 Ceples- Mani . Ioniser to - news • W20Italeff,bet 1110i;SCUtt - -witmunuivow • C lad 12) MAW- 14,151 sPFFIPII -USE, LEFT-OVER. UN- UNTED, lipalLifik_ AFTER . -Mnef G. TOF.AL 14,152 4050 . I 40215P$ Gulf the state:Meats - -Made my Ape 'above are ,Krreet and 4:tem:Rte. - ' Huslwess Milm/C011S Beclf•