_ngres.s _Election Plan `MoCkery THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, Oct Her 1, 1971-5 Cantinned from Page 1) • - • of the *politleal parties in Israel every corner of the AmeriCan Israeli, Company -Wins U.S. Technical Award -Asa result of the decisionagreed and should not follow the pattern Jewish community," Rabbi Miller CHICAGO — Elscint Ltd., Haifa, diary of Eircat Electronic Indus- upon at thbprivate meeting, Weis- of oolitical parties in the Knessetz said. _ has won an IR-100 .New Product tries Ltd., Haifa, a holding-com- . man' said; some- 700,000 registered The policy of Hadassah, Bnai '"It further calls for the elec- Competition Award for its new pany. Elscint's products are. being Zionistiroters'in the United States Zion and the American Jewish tion of the balance of the delegates X-ray fluorescence Spectrometer. sold in the Untied States by El- are now-called •UPon to:participate League for Israel, the statement by the organizations in proportion- - The IR-100 competition; - spon- scint Inc., based in Elmhurst, Ili. - in . a cumbersome:. and ..expensive *aid,: is tit relate all thought, st1P- to . their' verified membership, sored annually by Industrial Re- • election. process by illicit :. oni- y7,36, -port, - effort and action.- to the strengths,' this insuring a proper search -Inc., recognizes outstand- of the-,.152 delegates • tn: the Con-. growth and Welfare- Of-Israel as a place for- .bodies • which ing- technical achievements and a Mere 24 per *cent , of whole, without regard to the in- have played a meaningful 'rale- in honors imaginative innovations in the ".total :number -- would be terests .4stthe individual parties and -Zionist endeavora," Rabbi Miller technical products. asserted that "proper The Eischit spectrometer is an . chosen_ . factions. The_ three •presidents re- added:" He and procedures guar- instrument system for determin- :- He declared - that the decision ported that the united slate of Hi- conditions' antee both the-secrecy and hon- ing the concentration, percentage "makes a mockery" of a 1970 reso- dassah,--Bnai Zion and „the Ameri- esty of the ballot." • . of an element, in its environment. lution of the-Zionist General -Conn- can Jewish League for Israel rep- Earlier, Louis Pincus, 'chair- Both qualitative and quantitative .-cll.-governing. body of the World resents more than half of the 700,- man of the World Zionist Organ- analyses of samples can be made Organitiation, calling for-- 000 enrolled-Zionists in the United appealed to the Zionist with great accuracy — down to "deinoeratic polling with- -the par- States who will elect delegate's to ization, Organizat io n of 'America to "co- the parts-per-million range. the Jan. 17' Zionist Congress. - ticipation of all organized Zionists." operate fully for the time being" Elscint Ltd.; the first Israeli Waistlines -• contended further " "Rabbi-Israel Miller, president in the -preparation for the elec- company to win an IR-100 award, • that •- vothqf for even such a small of the American Zionist Federa- tion. was formed in 1969 as a subsi- number would be by an "illegal tion,- Tnesday strongly defended Pincus issued this appeal in a its plans for the nationwide cable .to Weisman. The cable was malt ballot," with no means of postal ballot. "We categorically released by the AZF. verifying either "the identity of Buy or Lease reject. the-:attach. ow -the • plan" _the voters -or the authentleity'of In his cable to Weisman, Pincus Car of Your. Choice by Wefsnun 'fUbbi -Miller said stated . that this "issue • you raise the nailed • is under the exclusive jurisdiction - He said the World Zionist Or- in 'a statement. • , He noted -that; the plan, was ac of the congress" court." ganization Executive and the con- In view of this, Phials noted gress tribunal have been informed cepted by more :than 80 per cent in his organization's appeals of. the AZF -election committee that he would not "deal with ORDER YOUR 1972 • that the ZOA has. consistently fa- in which all Zionist organizations numerous delegations -. many "ANY MAKE" AT 1971 PRICES • of- which_ are considered to be in- vored' "democratic, ballot box.-elec- are represented. - - "It offers the entire constituency accurate , and contrary' to the tions" to the emigres's. 891-2360- 891-4761 Home U 8-4119 - Weisman claimed that the ZOA of 700,000 enrolled American-Zion- • facts." He stated that "without prejudice. is being "foreclosed" from fair -and ists an :opportunity • tts- elect; by :to_ any rights - your organization - appropriate participation. in - the secret personal ballot‘-More than may have in relation to its ap- congress by the .action of Israeli half of the 152 delegates from the _peal to- (the) congress. court, -I ap- leaders of the - Labor Zionists' and United. States through ,* nation- peaLivitir; you to implement the lidiirachi who, at the secret meet-- wide 'postal ballot reaChing into' decision •• passed '•:unanimously :at ing;."iniproperly influenced and co- the Actions.- Committee ' enabling erced" the other Zionist groups to Claims of French Nazi the controllers represented to Imported from Canada's oldest distiller $511 RReally opt for a mail ballot and a "pri- 'Check tthe• membership -drive (of) smooth! RReally rewarding flavor ... vate arrangement" of the distribu7 Victims Get Support of your: organization--as- he has done Each distinctive CANADIAN R&R THE FIFTH tion of 116 U.S. delegates. to air:othe• Organizations." bottle is registered at the distillery ... ALL TAXES Gernign President INCLUDED your assurance of superb quality. -The . reference -, here was re- As- a -result, he said, the Ameri- can Zionist Federation - "has ir- - PARIS (JTA) -- West German portedly to'the -refusal of the ZOA regularly produced and presented President, Gustav Heinemann - 'has io permit a 'congress auditor from - a system -..of elections which .is a promised -a delegation of former. Jerusalem to - check the :member- lista •to ascertain the number cynical distortion- of democratic French deportees that he will: per- ZOA' 'who voting that ii• calculated to -bring sonally- support the prolongation of of valid members in the. forthcom-. co.u1cLeast-ballott shame and 'humiliation upon the the period which claima for ing -elections." indemnification -can be flied by Zionist movement." - • •Other Zionist, groups have per- Weisman said the tribunal . will victims of Nazism. . auditing, of their lists now require the, - defendants named This was stated here to the JTA • m to prciVide an accurate count of 'in the -- ZOA apeal federa-. by circles close to:the association . the actual number of members .tiocthe -.United Labor. Zionist Or- of fonner, French deportees. claimed membership. n, Hadassah,..3liziachi. and geinemann had - recently re- . against lanntatio :Pincus stated that this proce- the orld .Zioniat -Organization ceived -a delegation of former de- dure "is a sine qua non