JERUSALEM tiTA) Premier niniuCh:aS it can anty result ut n''Siiiii."-Of',Jeritialetr. jay - cha r g ing Tekoah's siateineni--saitirJerima- Golda Meta- briefed - the • Cabinet stiff ning of Israel's attitude, the: that: "was bent on- :ludaiz- kin's - , 300,0On'. inhabitaidthreeT: Wednesday on report's of renen-ed circles- say. Arab Jer_usaleM7!„as-partof-itk :fourths of -,...Whoiri-are[Antinhave pressure from the• United States The consensus here is that, the ing plan --to' establish :an --expanded Hient hinf tha '-t'gfi'eal n atir. o l :74::: sae:right:- as-_ the citizens of aine e ,:. h r t v i : t ii t . :1 ''. 1&I to bring about an 'interim settle- will s to press Israel Zionist empite:7'. any other:city isi -the wptift.. - ,They ment between Israel and Egypt to to accept continue -its conditinits ;for- an Thank. God that yours is .tift.haud Tease to Jordan'a- ambassador to the UN, have their liien'ttlintier::, reopen.the Suez Canal_ • interim settlement with Egypt. -. Daha Toukan,•• said Istael's ed With 'and ,disSected lay'. those. %dui.: (last gives, Mrs. Meir is acting foreign mini Open a: "hand - of compassion` to - had.-:. Mercilessly „„itianiailed-?204pl. The cabinet heard frem •Deftest activities in Ea• Jlirusatem --since ster in the absence of Abba Eban, Minister Moshe Daymi and Chief it oc-CuPied- -lha: sector during' _ :the into dus" t.- - who is attending the United Na- of• Staff Gen. Haim Bar-Ley on 4967' Six-Day - War 'Were, previously "Be charged the sheeii • ' that UN debates on What give.' Be tions General AIsembly sessions the_Suez clash last weekend and planned and *ere carried 'out give: :their .titnol..:and,OaVe no the-Middle East.Wero`silitiOatt•like• ho .:.the;:iiiext..Yea in New York. * Jiecafiise.Ahey measures being taken to prevent ""utter-disregard" tit, repeated UN, rit" rituals Of' and have According- to unconfirmed " re- resolutions on Hie -status ports. Israel - has- received an "un- In a taped interview . . - • -. . _ 'over the . .. „.. official" offer 'from- the,-U.S. to- re; armed forces radio station •Tues- ;---. Israel Ambassador .Yoset Telcciah . _ . sume the supply'of war-planes if day night, Arithassadoi Ra said noted that the - meat t b importan in - Israel cased its conditions fOr --an that ,ttespite the , clash' Which :fcil, building project undertaken interim settlement. . • . - lowed. - - the doWning of ' ,.an Israeli Jernaaleni -•: - .)3Y- -.the Israelis since , The reports said the -offer was transport plane by Egyptian - anis"- -1967.hai-been.ther-reemistrUctionef made -try"a senior Anierican "offi- 'siles last week; which cost Israel' 'the Jewish""Anarter ".destroyed" by cial and hinged on "agree- seven lives.; the,past year' was the themAirdanians- ..after:they. occupied za nizrrt;111 , meat to permit ia - -lokeniunitber. of Most -: quiet in - . the military front -the.:eastern..sector7:in 1948 Refer :seTtizgrg lob:. News office, 17515 W, - - Egyptian broopr.tia -t niss- -the canal since the Six-Day 565, soutlinehtrMieh. 45071. W War. But; accord .- ring la aetivity Mi- Mount ScOpus4- . : :Suite- ten; announcement& zanitat: aftet Israeli forces 'withdrew from Trig :16. Rabin thel,year 'aheair will Includirig reopening;-of :branches - pt *taint by the name- and- &adman -.ActrOnK, a& ins its East. Bank „lariat was- slaked' be decisive, ile.Said the AMerieans 'tbe Hebrew-University.-and -Hadas;: person. making „tint" tineittom, 7Mandidd Cdtardn-fdd to i pUll back - a: greater := distance Were' satistieit ' that there :wis no Salt- Mosiiital---..fickiMa: slated that veiling notice; meathatim. as bin -1n thanit war -prepared to do, eeeard- fighting last year and rightly or these nrojecta.". would - fiaie''been. -depth; and , ."for; ono two ing to the, remits.... • •wrongli- lhey 'claim the Credit.- - undertaken years ago. had JOrdan deep with -s =black border:: The-Synods are re- ..- POliticarSolircia- — ' . not violatedifs- comMitinenf -Under here said that fer to U.S . As;tahiM t$ecretary of a 'deelaratiezi _ of . :1949.tO The family ,, -of _the, -late .-' State for Near - Eastern ,Affairs Secietary$Air by BritiSIE Foriign the armistice :agreement announces the unteilinkotti _____.„ Alei Douglie.Home to ensure free aecess" the -hu=- -Mavis _ Joseph J. Sisto_: Who' visited:. 157 te iii- Calin•lbat•Iirael -Shauld 'mamiariall :and" .:-.eultural.--institu.:- :,in..11nMeilLay-,111;Ochis 46ideri, return did not rad at :the end Of Jnly,-and ;re-- tiess .,nn, - Mount ,Seopua.-HO said t.-B7aatP2Clory oYerHile- the mandatory. centlr had meetings - In Washing- Contribute to, effort "at.. a Middle that - Memorial .7Park 'Rabbi --:„ Gertelith a" plannin g- : and 4araer ton With Jarael,Ambasiador 5wn. - Will. officiate:KelativeS and fel. . in ,-" East Jerusalemhis' East . Sittleiniait. -They • noted that Strution hak Bahia: Sistoivis reported te::: Sir Alec had- also said during his been neceasarY" for the _normal -de, ; ere:. aeited to:attend-:- " have, anaided. a 254nile - jinn:- Cairo visit ja `living and throb- 1: -' - , : , - ' -0- "I ... 0 -- - back bY,Jsraeli forees. But iloph should - , come i - terinanent horders velontrient of -the :randy-Of :AO late Mat . llllan- - mutual agree- :.,#Og Iltelttiptili$;''' : -- ' ' --.-- . .1 cations of the American offer - la7 anent. Which -conttadicted•his shalt- announces --'. the unv-eRing:Of =a - other . Tektailes - statenient compared . , • more disturbing teIsraelis -than s atement on future borders. It was the:marrent - "secure ..and -.peace--; Mon ument - m blarmeiciory,1 4 . :30; its ,einitent. Oblerier ._ a.iii.„, ;Sundaya , "Sent-'211; at Chased; * bee! -hare" that e j f!e2. I L7 , ,, , f. ,ha,... ,Lh an , .s..,,n,:e_ rt - Oid t.:, ffi , ..t. .... o ireis tali' „ 1:::.: . felt pointed mit thairthe..1/B.4rOnali-i' that Sir Aloe's deport ed 7:. abet Emes CeineterSk - Raithi-sautipc wAraie-a sae ed to annals, „thither Egypt to ease its conditions for - "suffering of the -.eastern nee -tar- per_ Phantom .and Bliyhaark-jeta with- on- an interini:::iagreeinent :With Israel between 1946; whenJordan "in;- ., friends are asked to attend •tut *Itringi in; Order reopeit •-:;the . Canal= was waded-Jerusalem tit' slitlatlatr-ur: - the militarylialancOin,-.thi.,thid-7' valuable.," -• 'Charter' and: UN resets • the 'fetidly; of Abe- late dlejEast.,•Now..tbe I.T.S.seeMit"to the State Depart- - Von. and INT, 'when the' Israelis -. 'Cutler announces -thevimireiling be . ..asking • for something more ment continued . silence „en: 5. - w toolveinitrototthe.Old CitY. .a-monument in hfa memory fa • than money in exchange for the - Alec's three r day - its- -yisit _to Cairo-and Sunday• - lq,-44.2.cliesed;-4401 refused to comment on the-Amen-; cenietely.:- Rib* co*** The- growing feeling, her*. is Thai can MiltiOir regarding a_ ret u rn by will officiate: RehitiVes and fides such behavior. must seriously 'eV the • Big Four to 'the Kast spy foi Soviet Uniont? are-asked feet the credibility 'of American Setttlement efforts.) _ , • guarantees. underwriting • a- future UNITED NATIONS BONN--A seareh threugh old The farrily.,:of _the- late Sarali. settleMent. But-It would be den - the-long-awaited de files chancellor's- office"has Goldman announces the mmeiling terproductive for. Waihingtrinz,in- bate opened - which it tailed - -for on the failed - to. yield confirmation - that of a- monument in her inemorY41-. Martin Bormann, once Hitler's top SudaY, Sept. _26. at Chased' deputy, was a Soyiet spy. ; shel Emes cemeterY ..(Aguda see: ` I A book due:to=baitiblithed soon, gob) Rabbi Woblgelernter by fornier ,Gen. Reinha id Gegen ; officiatee-Relatives and friends arO • (From the files of:the Jewish Telegrapint Agen4 once - thief of West ,German in - ..asked. : ,,,„,.: Week: 1931 - . - idelligence, reportedly clais 40 Years-Ago .•••5 '- m . ,, that - Zionist leader Solo mon Frankel - committed I Bormann was a Commur uts spy suicide in the while occu leaving a note saying in part: "It is very hard to die in the Gal Brona.. eying a top spot in Nad , but i I ranks., - Finizili of * Li it is still more difficult to . live." ._ - - Rabbi Feiwel Singer and five other. Orthodox Polish Jews - were _ _ Gehlen allegedly- "lays that Bor: BARRY ALAN arrested for-wrecking a - Jewish-barbershop open on Saturday. I mann was lib erated in _Berlin:bi, LEVENBURGi - American - Jewish applications to Jewish welfare institutions 'in - :`- the - Soviets- Lin .1945 and that he creased 43 per cent. -- - - f died" in " comfoitable --retireineit _lir _ . - monameot - ".1 11111 , , the Stiviet - Unfair a fete years ago t Memory 1:30 16 .-Yeartr itgo This Week: 1961 Sandskt-'," • . -",- , 'Former Ad a Kart Sept.---:16,„" at ,Maehneldil last Israel's caretaker Cabinet -voted a compulsOry 25,000000 pounds remaining leader of -.the' Nail der (the rate in 1961 of '014,000;000) loan on all ' wage-earners to hel will ete .of r f Y iele ''ita te?-111 1 Rel Gitthei r6aa;-: Z- finance housing for Immigrants. It amounted to an additional 12 per regime, called the-story ridiculoui: iinit :Mends "-area asked: hi disappeared : the cent in income tax on earnings ever.S179 a month. -, publicity 'broke. "The government' - The Senate echoed the House In adopting .the. „ Foreign Aid Ap- . propriations bill, ineluding-tbe-.anti-bias clause,,opposang Arab boycotts may initiate action 'against . hiM the' repoits' 'on ,.his book: metre, on racial or religious aounds., Dr. Joseph E. Johnson, special UN _envOy.'left for Amman after two days of "frank, full, - friendly and thorough"..talks with Israeli Gehleat'S Moir *as': corrObor- - - leaders on the refugee liroblein: , -: - The Family of 7the,iiite - ,' ated 'by:-the- daughter 'of" a - Ger- t,-, ,... - A Jewish 'man was-fatally - stabbed in the ba ck`- id inan -geiserale who 'sad- thait "She- - • - Jewish- youth Was wounded -n i - USSIEILSEDEit' renewal of 'Jesh-Moslem wi fighting - saw Bonn alive in the bands , fig in ()rah, Algeria. ; r ~ of `;owlet soldiers;-.:In'-11ski-JnnE Anunthices, . the nnvelling.l. ' Israeli "Foreign Minister - Golda" Herr of =a monument ; in_ her '41: z the "tragic and untimely death" of Secretary Generfat mensorY ;10:45 : 11.173: "S1115.-t . .„.. tidy, - Sept. ', A1L at Israel's , firt internatiOnaI; - music festival;Coael4ded.: 'Shalom h • coot - die ' d erided t° 'Make t e' stitte-,- 10lanthriel" --Parlr4 ,'; cert by - the Israel Philharmonic conducted;' by• fablO - :Casals, - melt =after 'Rabbi Segal- wiR.offidate..: The- AFL-CIO gave. the -Jewish Labor . Committee"-'4,T,500 - to figbi- memoirs.- - - reading ;.:about Itelati-Ses and - friends are' bias bias -1961 and a Jae' sum for 1962. asked - to attend.. • Hotvever,-, -Rogers- Gheusens; a - . A new . Knestet bloc was forted _by- Aguda and four- "Belgian .:ex - pert on - World War - 14 pro-4apiii Arabs. It had 48 :seats, coninared•Witht. -4c*Ir. the , 7- the5f;0! : . eiptesSed7-skipticiant- about re- Maitan, the Natio:nil:Religious Porta:. been., --a; The .nine members -:New. Yorklgitr.s,,-.4*.;_liiiird elditealitth oviet - :agent, ineluded - tbree Jews: - American Nazi leader Geoige - LincnIn Kockwelt paid oBlumaine , Ghettsen P, . c o- author of for disorderly, conduct in Washington, then . staged an. inti- - Times;?'- anti ‘` Great in Spies ratty: wrote an :article Federal Court, The Most extensive ;Arab.-tienionatraliOriSS;Sin Israel since state p a pa Le Soir, that , , th, - hood protested; the of :flie;.L. firab-Yiniths aittentpting- to cross was "highly unl into•Egfitit.- , - - - : • . - He stressed (list : Bormann •h'ad- - The rano-Nazi German', Reich" :Party, which " expected, : per cent ' the most - implaCible . . . , ume • nvertin . - toe y of the parliamentary vote, got trper Cent: Israel Staniar, a founder of *•the orders campaign and a 'marched earth policy in the EaM. editsi_ Boris . ..essoisp,