• (.1■1•11., dli he goad u~ ul ilk . you stated "It would: ; to -Iota how:meek: the youngsters "learn,abOut an Jewish traditions while they ) are --ratt.4t,tariotr in -,,Dtleir area women on :the hinee CAMP jedel- **. ' ' Mrs -David- :Pollack - and :-tree T that there - is eaten- - training in selfdefense at hp Jade"; a -greater: por= el;:tbeie. youngsters' time is -.-,-Obtainhig---e -Jewish.. educe- kept -Mider strict Oetbedas, :supervision, and many .campers' who were previously- un- aware of theirreligions obligations fire ; given - the opportunity to be- coma: Shemre Shabos. ,_ They are given -history courses that: include- -the history at Jewish- partisan and undergroimd fighters in Europe; will aci AM free in Jewish from Yeshiva .Ubiver 8, wit in the coming Yew _. is is earning an Ad: la7, music iiaiiffcoin Nevi,;;York -Unlver; 4§4itelmen has dtucted rDetrotti-**el.', ,--411040a, Idr14nd : .1drs: the history of r the Jewish under- grand --7movements Against the Britishand Arabs in Palestine, as =well aill :stadia**. ancient; Jewish fighters and-nationalists. While we-Jail. it is inMortant Par Jeics to he able totiefendithem, Selves, the `, emphasis it Camp Jedel,' is • on• Mesta/ itieitgik=ior' without are ne•i*ter than '0uni enemies . - - MARILYN BETMAN Detroit Chapter Chairman Theletrish Defense League - , ?*,igehns* -fi82a0- 7 dtaryistid ■ inithclortune- tlel Teigehitair and ids - wife Help Year :good-heart,. you- Nesiti:TOrit:Oty: will `. be sorry :toe: the ;- viraagdaell. • • has• you -wilt pray-,for. hint and seek to - ap'poibtE " as the = flhinois' asst rehabilitate him. -If this is not-poor --regional:director:for the sadeileavahim in;the care of Cod hire Mercy. him and Xenndattnns;AS • who irett --bbn(in the right path so ,1* ::Probissor - that be-may-come. to a .good " end: - ofr---Pzinceton; Seek tolovaiiiin for the sake of e `Hint do' ia , time to .tha7goixi- C iedsk the-late -Rabbi; Sue- me." Bari& lour heart ivithlove Lave :you: neigh ' , - -friendship,,. jr*Pri"f ,tbsil?gh4Vrle t i:etiit hoc-as yourself and. wish him welL eeeht death,/ Wee mercy, upon him in ithe fortune, :and do all you can for J . SCHWARTZ; him.=.Tacob Kranz, "Sefer Ho- ihsitiVAR--lbf As joint Distil- Middoth," vice - 7_, 1:3thineitfigiait4loreter- " : cf