■ .0 31t4Eler490713-Ylitlenlin,. :PET 00111AWr, VenainfL (Michael Ink ..1Xitthi0; wife Ar H: line hgd given Meta to they. daughter; Jodi Caron The pink _ !TIM 410 .-0111120011r......:: Man's the Captain of His Own_ Soul By Dr. Joseph IL Hertz "The 'Pentateuch and Haftarach" Like Joseph, the Jew has been the dreamer of the ages; dreaming Israel's dream of universal justice and peace and brotherhood. Like Joseph, he has everywhere been the helpless victim of the hatred of his step-brethren, hatred that drove him from home and doomed him to Exile. In that Exile, he has, like Joseph, > times without num- ber, resisted the Great Temptation of disloyalty to the God of his fa- "GLASS -181Wi Mdadids 6 Mks. W. of Solindleld MOM • enonsiann on= a 4:01370AS I •••••Lir DANCING MON. Oyu SAT. PUMP-R-NIKS •Lunch • Sandwich., • h., "WINSBUtUtUr* Every Wed. Metineen. US, $1 I On nilmouth Rd. Via 84620 ATLAS mg - 3 talks. W. of Oresafield AU Color Adult E•usterlaininent "THE TOY BOX" (X) Wk. Nights_ lag, 10310. SAT. 4:40, 7:20, WM. SUN. sas,1:111, "IERICAT NOT SUMMER" 00 Wk. Nights 8:SS only. SAT. 6:15,' S:55. SUN- 3d5, 6SISt. SAL - Metre Entertakirmint Coupons Accepted MORLEY otise-ceilass, at 24330 Wafter Mitfthau in "RAIN SNITV (GW) • FRI., WM. - TUES. Open 6:4S Shown- Ible Only flat. Eve. Open 6:45 Shown 111:35 SUN. Open 1•111 Shown 3:40, 111:10. downfall in his religious apostasy. Man is captain of his own soul; ens rater setir-evundr and wherever there is :'a will to '1 EOVE YOU Aua-s. TOKUIS" 00 Judaism, there is a way to lead FRI., MOIL, TUE& , 7810,-14:35. SAT. Eve. &IS Only. SUN. 1d8( 4:55, 138 the Jewish life. ' ‘6•Azimil ' la awe . Egg IteRE Chiba. Slykt ..,sent. I This- is charaiteristic of both Joseph and- brad. An Israelite should be *shafted to blame his star, his environment; or . any Out- ward circumstance for his moral OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Complehr • Cm.p•OuT Take , a Urea Adventure 'With Us In One of the Great Pictures. cinerama - Production In StereoPhInsle sound , 4377 W; MAPLE' (lust East e4 . Telegraph) : - 645-1290 eel ". eil.":0011C*11 4A•ii:114' ifigure lassiel.and Sari, very simply ` DATE HAS BEEN SET for the =. AMERICANA 9 44.44ot aiL ".. - . fillig :ssealsit in the dreams of Joseph; the sun, moon and 11 stars bowed down to llt Is the stars that that bow *hint and not be to the Delicatessen-Restaurant • Breakfast • Dinner. FRIDAY- Mit „SATURDAY tar .Schedule . IaIs, .ti.a Sat. Children's Matinee;Open Tom- Shown . NOW APPEARING BEA BEA -BENSON insisoiiii Voleedward at Maple •MI 44533 Matinee every Wednesday. Doors open at 1:45 adults $1 until 6 , "Adult Soil& and Comedy" . .* :Music for pancing.hi-the numial 'dinette, intoneRefit:Alnit;: WILLIAM"AVRCH114 hams--ittWhich-:miti.-4d- sea are Welfare, Federation's, executive Avit..niehlberi GB A.I.JPIt TEIERczime. vice president; • relates 'OW inter- to THRILL • Betty. ' and Edward, Stern, recent- esting .incident Tel Aviv; 1Y- when -Bob; Hope happened- into On his visit:there he- invited ,Etrima the Ba Mitzve.eelehration Of their Scheyer to join him lor 'a function son ..-..Joestban.'sk.:Northlatut_ at the-home of Israel Defense Min. He was appearing at State Fair ister Moshe Dayan . . . One..of the and thought Wet a reit- -- guests. commented, when intro- anrant..,:. Hope went-to the North- duced to her, "Oh; you are •-the- lend Inn Aning, roont- but: returned, famous. soprano" . Whereupon to Jonathan's Bite, -/iiitz*Awith :1 another • - guest said; -"Ho,-- the Oreheltrit. leader Larry Freedman *eminent Labor Zionist' . ; and a 'third -guest- exclaimed,: :"Emma WASN7X.'---;132011. t .1.410 is neither of these: She a Iat'4. bevitcher Haiida" TheProtni: new Detroit : EMma 7s ;a' singer; fertn winners at' lverine ace. is among the active: leaders vfay -TheirEktlit-"*C4tir;theT Labor - Zionlini and has- been .a. ' eaMPA' rare generous' contributor and 'par- ilithineitdar;i11*******iser. ticipant in Chabad,: the .fiat** tageirepuitg,:rwits ort4 royek-inooz movement ... Her 'ManyTtiftsibi: for a Ittlehet4-.. elude 'one' for • 'some $150,000 :She 114z; MEMBERS - Or DETROIT gave to-establish ii.Peinting depart.: MOO.: meat,' in :a special -bitilding bearing ai*Iiitt Unidiler'.'thell*neing;':;- her parents' natnet; in !RAT Chiliad 58thr.,elianipsgee - dinoeidaini; Nov. , Ina '. - ;R 7 PHOTOGRAPHER', 311LES PreParatiOns - ':.feir the big 11teleigit PAYNE has some good stones to House affair. - tell .-. . after spending three days_ szplirlqsmNt= today Is covering the Attica Priion uprising the First in New York for the American Civil Life 'r ', Der:of the .' ` . 'PATTON" LENNIE SCHICK QUARTET FRI., MON., TUES. 7105 Only. SAT. & SUN. 4:1S, 5:10. Dancing and 2 Shows Mon. Thnt.Fri. - 3 ShoUrs Sat. NO COVER CHARGE IIISIESSM013 AND IMMIESS1VOIRWS LIKES MID DAILY 11011 II 41.10 4 PA. PIus "BUTCH CASSIDY & THE StINDANCE JOE RAIIA11.11 FRI., MON., -TUES., 7:05 Only. SAT. & SUN. 2.10, • 7:10. STARTS WED. • "MARRIAGE OF A YOUNG STOCKBROKER" 24 KARAT CLUB " 16890 TELEGRAPH, Just South of '6 Mile For Reservations: 538-4455 BLOOMFIELDWI aes1,:2 Wks. S. IS ML Limited 'Engagement oil (The lug Nit of •71) Fitt. Shown at 6:40 and-1000 - SAT. Sham 2:15, 4:10, 6:05, .10:05, SUN. - Shown 2:00,: -3:45, 5:40, 7:40, 0:35. MOM, TUES. at 7:00, 9:00 - lad Hod Id= PRIVATE TACRITIES FOR GlOOR5 UP TO TOO • IIIMIDFIA PRIVATE ROOMS • • CIRCE PARTIES - • ma MOZVAIIS • mar...Gs • wawa& 'snows • • VAEDOING ecenor SMOwERS _ . • !ARDIS • as ammok PRIME RIB - STEAKS. - SEAFOODS ' DANCING & ENTERTAINMENT CREDIT CARDS HONORED- ca 477-2686 W. 7 MILE & MIDDLEBELT LUNCHEONS 4 UVONIA DINNERS I Opposite Livonia Moll TIRE SUSSEX MOUSE G Fin. Dining and, Cocktails 19701 W. 12 Mils Rd. (Jost East of Evergrien) 1 "SUMMER OF '42" -(R) I 352-2233 Wed. Matinee_ Adults - ' Admission $1 Until'5:00 - cArma mov. s Wed. matinee 1•00 only, until 5•0. Wk. nights eves. 3.35, 10.10; _Sat. and Sun 200, 6:10, 10141. "WAIT "SCANDALOUS SAT. as sum. GOOD F0011 - 'it PPM ems' - and ?Inns SUPER COCKTAILS "12. DANCING & UVE ENTERTAINMENinAL 24502 W. 7 Mile Rd. 3- Elk.. W. of Telegmlik For Reservations 5354090 Plymouth Rd. at Farmington Rd. "SUMMER OF '42" IBA•R(L W. specialize in Mir SPECIAL- MATINEE OPEN 12*0 Same: Features • , puu KAI 11 : All-Waif Distieff - Shrter.: OPEN MON. THRU SAT. FROM 11:30 A.M. — nut DARK" Wed. Matinee 2:40 only. Week nights Eves II:15 only. Set. and Sun. 4:10, SAIL Wed.' $1 until 5:04 "THE BAREFOOT EXECUTIVE' -. • PARTIES, FOR Att. OCCASIONS. 644 Wa rren t a Miller Road MI-M40 "SUMMER OF f424 00 MAIN, ROYAL OAK "1;14 "" RAJIQUIT MOUT= FOR. INP:TO 275 • • . WEDDINGS * -SHOWERS • • BAR MITZVAHS PIANO ENTERTAINMENT - - MODERN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT . . I You Will -Carry .esi- Laughing When You Sae Our' SNEAK PREVIEW Shown FRI. 'EVE. -at: S:38 Only Far • ;hewers • Iganeuers • Bar .Mftzvahs e Parties Occasions lgtomanee' of a Wee' Niiplits 6:0e, MO, 10;00 SAT. & SUN. 2:15, 4:10, 60110, 0:00, 10:00- WED. MATINEE 1310—$1: tl.t. • WASHINGTON - Royal, °et. M r. summer of 042 Hit of '71 Jennifer O'Neill & Gary Grimes'In "SIMMER ,OF '42" (R) Also Anthony Guinn & Ann.Marearet in "R.P.M." (R) Special children's matinee,. Sat. only. Doors open 12 neon,-ail seats 75c. Doris Day In - "WITH 6 YOU GET EGGROLL" Also - ',LATITUTE ZERO- bief i sEttGE GAINBOIJRG - introduaigOtivel4TOnas - sZmenpuy by Meat.' M - Produced-bY 'LAINIEWAN • DAVID OPATOSHIJ Musk I,y ,..40141-,StitIMAN - DAVID (WATDSIEk AH1AH,IM POLONSTE.- ;p1TIPTE GUTOWSKI Awnsrs it.W;.1111111(.. NOW SNOWING/ EleeliriVekat -