• THE JEWISH NEWS ■ incorporating -Re' D fX. r .- Chronicie dreenneneing.:to th Jr . °It .fontfien'aW. there. . . .. . , " '- Member Americair4ewish Press Association, Michigan Press Association, National ledttorial..Association . . _ . .. . , ... • Published . every Friday by - The Jewish- Nei,' "Publisfille Co., 17518 Welt' Nine Mile Road. .Suite us; Southfield, Mich. 46075, Phone - 3564400. Subscription 116 per year. Foreign $9.- :, , Entered. as amend 'elms matter , Aug. 6, 1942.. at Post. -Of**, _Detroit. Mich., under act of Congress of March 8, 1879. ' - - ' • - - ' - . PHILIP - SLOMOVITZ ' - Editor and Publisher CAXM1 M. SLOMOV1TZ Business man000r. - : ._ ..,,, v... 1 CHARLOTTE DUBIN -- ' - ,.. 4. 4 %...'''' ' ;;;It..., ' •:: '"'r, 'Z5': - - .:r:".. --.).,tr .. ‘-CII.A..";#::111. City Editor • -DREW-UERERWITZ - • ' • auktortions Manager . V, 4 g ts ••••• -,'• :1 .; .. • . 1 ., : 2 . 2. ::% .:7 • I:: 4.... • . .. . . „ ; . s . . . . . . . . . . tr - '?<. :trr ' :: .:-.-..-_---s7,--:-.7-''-:'....1"--j-• ..0•`. 4; . - r*.• •,.. • ;i: ,,.:_z_:, • Sabbath 'Scriptural Selections r'.t.g,2'2 ■ :-: . -'• .'.- .- This Sabbath, the 28th day of .Elid, 5731, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateucliai portion ; 29:9-30:20..Prophetical portion, portiOn: Isaiah 55:6-58:8. Candle lighting, Friday, Sept. It -6 20 p.m. Rosh lialhana Scriptural :Selections Pentateuchal portions: Monday, Gen.'21:1-34, Num. 29:1-6; Tuesday, Gen. 22:1-24, Num. 29:1-6. Prophetical portions: Monday, I Sam. 1:1-2:10, Tuesday, - Jeremiah 31:2.20. ■••:•■••= MINB OISVION.1111. am= Fast of Gedalia Scriptural Selections, Wednesday Pentateuchal portions: Exod. 32:11-14,- 34:1.10; Prophetical portion: Isaiah 55:6-58:8. - • Candle lighting, Sunday, Rosh Hashana Eve, 6:17 p.m.. VOL. LX. NO. 1 Page Four Sept. 17, 1971 Pragmatism in Unity There is a universality of spirit that unites Jewish communities , everywhere on the sacred days that are being inaugurated with the Holy Days and with Rosh Hashana. Even if not all Jews will be participating in the ' traditional services on the New Year, nearly all will be aware of the sanctity of the , occasion. Indeed, even as all roads lead to the synagogues on the New Year, there will be many who will abstain from religious observances, yet nearly all Jews will be united in spirit on Rosh Hashana and on the day of Great White Fast of Yom Kippur. This is a fact to be accepted seriously when we become concerned over the attitude of youth or the • * indifference of many of their. parents. We are always One People in time of crisis. When we -are threatened we unite. Yet, on Rosh Hashana, and during the Days of Awe, the • legacy of_pur--people An exciting year is in the offing. Serious issues confront us as Americans. By this time defies the unconcern that often -plaguei us with chal- next year we will, be approaching the end of a serious presidential campaign and by that time lenges of how to mobilise our manpower for the pres- we will have seen the results of new economic policies and the abandonment of an unneces- ervation of the highest ideals that have been handed sary -war. The 12-month period during whichour country's needs will be tackled, during which down to us by ancestral generations. we may have many tensions involving the issues' that have troubled us for some time, may not be altogether peaceful or pleasant, but they are certain to be significant historically. It is in the interest of such a mobiliiation that the communal responsibilities must be considered -on the This is true of the occurrences to be anticipated in the Jewish communities. There are many most sacred days on our calendar. ' . • unresolved issues. We have yet to achieve accord with our youth. There are racial tensions that have been injected into the Jewish communitY: The economic issues certainly do not evade us. These are the days that provide opportunity to There is the Israel situation. Unless something occurs, we will have h e ji. c t i all A months of cease reach out to' the masses, to provide contact with youth fire by next - week. This provides us with a Rosh Hashana that Will be relatively peaceful, as well as - their elders; and this is the time to re- auguring a better future than was experienced two Rosh Hashanas previously. Should the introduce the values that have led to eternity of our current state of affairs continue, we may hope for a -possible armistice that .could, as a way peoplehood, to the values of-our heritage, to the wealth of perpetuating a status quo and of accustoming the peoples involved to existing conditions, of our cultural treasures. eventually lead to peace. • „ Unless we are able properly to share, with those Actually, it is too much to ask that such a revolutionary occurrence may develop. The who_are visible in the unified Jewish -community only hatreds that are rampant against Israel do not augur such a future. Nevertheless; having experi- three times a year, the immense values of our heritage, enced calmness and a cessation of shooting _for so many months, perhaps we have the right to the Rosh Hashana appeal, will remain unanswered. hope that people will- come to -their senses and will recognize that even the hated have a Unless we can rise above the shallowness of everyday right to live and to enjoy self-determination as -a people. . life, we shall be unable to reach out. to our youth. • This is the crucial point at issue: will Israel's enemies acknowledge that while they are now We must create the contact with all of- our affili- occupying some 15 or 16 states that little Israel also, has a right to exist? ates, with the elders as well as the youth. But all fac- It is in protection of such -a right that the Jewish communities everywhere have an oblige tions are looking with seriousness at -the charge-that - tion'to solidify their unity and to strive for security for kinsmen in redeemed Eretz. Israel.- there is an Establishment that betrays_ the very legacies which we proclaim as our sacred. possessions while we Neither Western Jewries, nor the ewish communities in other lands where there - is pray 'or listen to sermons. Therefore :we ,must search -freedom of expression, have - ignored the plight of our kinsmen in the Soviet Union.. In theyear - for paths that will lead -toward'not only :full recogni, _ ahead,- as in 'earlier years, we shall plead for justice in the USSR; for the right of Jews to tion of spiritual values but 'aLso: for acteptance of -the worship as they please, to adhere to their cultural heritage. and to emigrate, if and when and , 'means for perpetuating - these possessions through par- where they wish. ticipatory strength of all Who Mike 0P -a community Thi s is a responsibility in support of which we shall continue to ask the aid of fellow citizens of other, faiths.ln the same spirit, we , must strive for security for Jews under Moslem* , Involvement of ill JeWs -devotion to their heri- rule, and to-provide means of emigration for - those who must be rescued from Arab perseeutions. tage is not a:Matter:- for-consideration only on Rosh In all these efforts, we shall need the philanthropic assistance Of compassionate: Jewries Ilashana and Yom Kippur. 'It is 'a daily task. But on and in Detroit the Allied Jewish Campaign will retain a role of priority Rosh Hashana we meet as .4 in*, -as a-nnited people, - _ in an expression of Our : generosity. and that becomes the oecasionlo assert that our people- hood ?shall not besplit by- diViSivenese between Estab- With: theSe`as the majdfiibligationi, the".jewish comninnity Will :have many-- more duties lishment and a rejecting -fiction: iii our midst, but that to perform : The school must become the center of our life and thoirght,. therefore those w ,o we shall strive for unity -based- 61i acceptance of values,:.' will, operate- 7 it must be theTtneat - element in our 4nidstiteref ore we must respect t.11 , teacher • an understanding of 'them and an admission that we and must make t possible, for the ablest among us to become teachers, „ - must :properly instruct and honorably accept the dif- We must elevate the standards - of otir'ConizniMity in Our treatment :of thenged and - the sick fering as well as those who rebel against inanities. Let and the institutions upon which they dependmust be well provided for. there 'be unity-based on Mutual accord and an under- standing of differing views as we welcome the year In 5732 we must continue to strive- COnclitiOnalthat lead toward highest humanitarian 5732. 4.4 e _ goals. Let us -aim.lor-such attainnients:iii-the new-year- - • A YEAR, Of PMCS 10 ISRAEL' T1146, INKNOD A merican- Jewry's Goal in - the Year 5732 :L..., .ablaw eIstiqeo