be an elegantly - . glamorous "wow" Burton's gal ZOO'Profe s sional Committee's _ : Head Di.:-Joel .-Ilainbitrige-Pre ;adept Of-- -the - ZioniatOrganialltkm - . 0 f2De• tiOlt; _Intioun -ces-the iiPpOintnient of. Gilbert IC Friiiket as -chairman of. the profedileitad totnmittee-of lhe:Aeseiitait Zionist. -.FederatIon. - &Inject will be anaghtitsy - this - cOni, mitten- for- the- and-be.; quoits _Progranis-.Of the-ZiOnlit Or ganization of America. - „., - Mrs.. Philip Shimovits is Chair- -ROD's -AM' 'committee:- man Mrs. I. Walter Silver serves as Frimet's co-chairman. To advance the work of -the AZF Committee, Frimet annOuncea that brunch, to -which lawyers,:_:ac- countants, - bankerti and .insurance COURTESY The moment you step into Harry Thomas's Shop yOL I. realize...a refreshing difference . . _ : ... in a floor-length gown or hot pants costume from our exciting collection for Fall! , You find yourself in a calm, friendly; cooperative - atmosphere. Only in such atmosphere can that patient courtesy develop which is so important for, proper service. Our people are attentive because they are interested in seeing that your clothing needs are BANKAMERICARD MASTER CHARGE ODDS & ENDS thee vtho • are .especi;d1i, interOOlest better HOSTESS GOWNS and filled in the most intelligent manner. HOT PANT SETS oil reduced -In short, we aim always to serve you with honest _values and authentic styles, meticulously tailored, 5 but always with the sincere courtesy' that has char- acterize d - Harry Thomas service for , over 35' years. One 'visit wilt prove - that point!' Fine Clothes For 35. Years 24750 Telegraph at 10 Mile -Daily 9 to 6, Thurs. & Fri. to 8 1 /2 OFF AND MORE! while they last - ' OPEN SMOKY 1 t TO 4 P.M. 24 Personakzed Shops Free Parking • „. , .. • - GMIRICHT-M. EMMET in this ZOA program are being 11 a.m., Oct. 3 at the Zionist Cul- ter in Southfield. tural Cen A national ZOA , leader will ad- dress the brunch. Frimet, a native of New York, received his law degree from Wayne State University and was admitted to the Michigan Bar in 1955. He is a member of Omicron Kappa, served 'on numerous legal committees, is active in civil liber- ties and special areas related to health' maintenance. He served for 'two terms as president of the U.S. chapter of International Associa- tion of Insurance Law and is a past secretary of the Michigan Cooperative Housing Association. In 1955, he was a special. assist- ant to the Michigan Secretary of State. Those interested in attending the Oct. 3 breakfast are asked to call the ZOD office, 353-3636. • Golda.Backa Campaign . • - a countrywide Zionist membership drive, the American Zionist move- meat received greetings from Israel Prime Minister Golda Heir, who expressed her support of the un- dertaking. She stated: _ -"The establishment'of 'the state of Israel is both .a glorious pin- nacle of -Jewish' 'historic achieve- ment and a necessity for -Jewish survival, and its defense and de- velopment are equally necessities for Jewish survival. Those arc perhaps trite. statements. What the Zionist movement stresses—is that, the state of -Israel is not an end- in itself but is' an essential medium, for the perpetuation of the Jewish people. for its develop- ment and for its continuance. "The state of Israel was the ' s . NA. Jamb Wir. . Skap. MareIoSethises FRIENOLY HARVJUD ROW MERCHANTS - • • ..kint - Dommesea Tmwol Agr,,cy Onlimel I. Maw %.1.. . , . creation of the -Zionist, movnent, but-it- belongs --to. all 'Jewry. In order that -should be more than a merely verbal formulation, the Jewish people generally, and Amer- ican Jewry in particular. must assume the full - range of those responsibilities which deserve the epithet "Zionist." ' forgive L. We never ask God anybody except -where we haven't. —Elbert Hubbard. - Maris Hwippmf Closhise 41 DAC GLAMOUR AND LEISURE SPORTSWEAR HARVARD ROW MALL FASHIONS 11 Milo & Lahser - , Southfield-- Happy Rosh Hashana To all our friends from SOL & ZYGIE ALLWE1SS & Their Families TIRE SELLOUT!! Our tire guarantee is 20 feet high 26,000 dealers wide. All Mobil Tires carry a lifetime guarantee honored at the 20 ft. high MOBIL Sign from coast to coast '. of Zionist Movement on the_ occasion of its launching , • 33 T-T 1:2. 1 1"- OZT .E3 And Right Now There's A Special at Sol ift Zygie's Due to construction around their station Sol & Zygie's have a buildup of tires. All must go at "o ff Visit your MOBIL DEALER. They're all you need to know about tires. Sol & Zygie's Mobil Greenfield & 10 Mile Southfield, Mich. :