The Goal of Adult Jewish Education LA Council Seeking OK for Housing for Elderly THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 38—Friday, September 10, 1971 LOS ANGELES (JTA)—The Jew- headed by Robert Felixson. He By DR. ISRAEL M. GOLDMAN to train and enlist the Jew to be- ish Federation-Council of Los An- It must become a major objec- come an intelligent, responsible geles is urging residents to seek tive of adult Jewish education so and active factor in the solution county approval for a zoning to revitalize our magnificent tra- of Jewish problems. change needed to make possible If the adults are not learning construction of a federation-spon- ditional Jewish attitude to Jewish learning that the range of Jewish at the same time when the chil- sored 16-story, 200-unit building to education shall be extended to dren are, the children will grow provide low-income housing for the include the whole of the life of the up to be just the same as the aged in West Hollywood. adults are. And the problems of Jew. The housing is to be sponsored If heretofore the education of life Nvill not be nearer solution by by the Menora Housing Founda- one iota. youth has been the first goal of tion, planned for the Los Angeles The new note which adult educa- section by the federation-council, Jewish education, it is imperative that henceforth its final goal shall tion brings is the emphasis on the thought that the hope of the world be the education of the adult. FOR THE BEST IN If our fist objective in adult does not lie in children, for the MUSIC AND ENTERTAINMENT children live in the patterns and Jewish education is to educate the whole Jew, our second should be grooves made for them by par- to make the Jew whole. We must ents. It is the adults who must And His Orchestra bring integrity to Jewish person- continually be stimulated to learn, to think. to keep sensitive to the 358-0938 ality . . ever-changing processes of life .. . It can be said that, since the period of Emancipation, the major problem of Judaism in the modern world has been and ever must be to bring completeness, wholeness, to the Jewish spirit. Since the breakdown of the ghetto walls many Jews have been leading fractional, broken spiritual lives . . . The cultured Jew is the sound, healthy Jew. For him, the terrors of attempts at concealment of his Jewish identity or the torments of Jewish self-hate are non- THIS COUPON IS WORTH ONE existent . . . It must therefore become the objective of adult Jewish educa- tion to bring at least a minimum quantity of the content of Jewish knowledge to every adult Jew. It must be the aim of adult Jewish education to familiarize the adult Jew with the thought-life of the ADULTS ONLY. One gift per coupon — one coupon per family. i t Jewish people as expressed in its Offer good through September 15, 1971 classic texts. It must Judaize the mind of the Jew so that he shall know who he is and what he is and THIS COUPON IS WORTH ONE thereby be made spiritually whole. Closely allied with our above aim, it must also be the objective of adult Jewish education to make the Jew feel the worth- I whileness of Jewish life . . . at Where are we to find the truth about ourselves if not in the Jew- ish book? . Where are we to find the true estimates and evaluations of Jewish life, and Jewish ideals, ADULTS ONLY. One gift per coupon — one coupon per family. if not in our Jewish cultural heri- Offer good through September 15, 1971 tage? Where are we to get in- spiration and strength to live lives (Except Sunday, September 12) of Jewish dignity if not in Jewish education? THIS COUPON IS WORTH ONE The real worthwhileness of Jew- ish living cannot he experienced merely by contributing to Jewish relief or by donating to Jewish charity, or by paying dues to philanthropic institutions or even by belonging to a synagogue. The quality of joy can only be achieved through Jewish knowledge . . . "a gentlemen's boutique" Adult Jewish education must ADULTS ONLY. One gift per coupon — one coupon per family. aim to give the Jew a sense of kinship and integration with the Offer good through September 15, 1971 Jewish community and also with Xelal Israel — the whole Jewish THIS COUPON IS WORTH ONE people . . . A further objective of Jewish education for adults may well be said many elderly Jews on the West Side were living "at or close to the poverty level." CARPET CLEANING Dry Foam — Dries in 2 hrs. any living room, dining room, or hall $20. The great end of living is to harmonize man with the order of things. —Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. 837-2371 A GIFT FOR EVERY OCCASION Complete Selection including the Finest 14 Kt. 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MIMI. - FREE T e e-Shirt doug hoffmano NEW YORK—The establishment of the first Jewish Hall of Fame, designed to promote the Jewish heritage and spotlight distinguished personalities of the Jewish faith, has been endorsed by the execu- tive board of the Council of Jew- ish Organizations in Civil Service, representing over 120,000 members in civil service employment. The Jewish Hall of Fame, a nonprofit national organization, is being created by television pro- ducer and journalist Alex D. Novitsky of Brooklyn. Annual awards will be given in the fields of medicine, science, journalism, education, arts and culture. The first awards will he made during Hanuka in December. - THIS COUPON IS WORTH ONE FREE Key-Ring Jewish Hall of Fame to Salute Professionals I ■••=1O m■o. I Friday, Saturday and Sunday — September 10, 11 and 12 m■o■• mom.. mom:. oo■• MONO. MOO■ mMa. oMMI. MM.M. ■•■ MImm. .■••• memo. o■oo =mob I