Quite Likely Complete Canaan , Soviet Jewry Committee Schedules a Meeting City Uncovered There will be a general mem- Has Nuclear Arms, NY Doctor Assailed as`Zionist,' Racisr JERUSALEM (JTA) — The first bership meeting of the Detroit Action Committee on Soviet Jewry NEW YORK (JTA) — Leonard al of Dr. Frank Lewkowitz because Experts Claim Canaanite city to be uncovered in he allegedly "insulted" the black 8 p.m. Wednesday at the Jewish THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS lIsrael 24—Friday, September 10, 1971 - DeChamps, chairman of the Har- LONDON (JTA)—Francois Du- lem Chapter of CORE, said that community and therefore "has no chene, director of the Institute for he "totally dissociates" himself place" in the hospital. According to DeChamps, the Strategic Studies, regarded as the from leaflets circulated by a black 26-year-old first-year resident most reliable authority on world group demanding the ouster of a physician "spat" on a black military power, said here that it white doctor from the Harlem was "quite likely" that Israel pos- Hospital staff because he was a woman dietician during an argu- ment in the hospital cafeteria sesses nuclear weapons but it was "Zionist" and a "racist." But DeChamps told the Jewish on Aug. 13 and "assaulted" a in her interests to keep her nuclear Telegraphic Agency that CORE black man who came to her aid. 1 potential ambiguous because "am- The charges against Dr. Lewko- biguity is also a mighty deterrent." continues to press for the dismiss- witz were dismissed by the hos- Duchene and Deputy Director pital's executive director. Elliott Brig. Kenneth Hunt spoke in reply For on Evening of C. Roberts, following a hearing to questions at a press conference Superb Entertainment . . . at which both sides were repre- marking publication of the insti- For Your Bar Mitzva or sented. tute's report on the balance of Circulation in the hospital of world military power in 1971-72. Weddings, etc. . . . leaflets describing Dr. Lewkowitz The section of the report dealing MORI LITTLE as a "racist" and "Zionist" with the balance in the Middle AND HIS brought a demand from the Amer- ican Jewish Congress that the East noted that Israel heads the ORCHESTRA city's Human Rights Commission list for defense expenditures in terms of gross national product. investigate the matter to "deter- 356-4745 The report stated that Israel mine whether any persons on the added 40 combat aircraft to her staff of Harlem Hospital bear re- sponsibility for the distribution of air force during the past year Portraits by racist literature and whether pres- while Egypt added 100. It esti- mated some 20,000 Soviet ad- sure is being placed on the hos- visers in Egypt and a consider. pital administration to dismiss Dr. Lewkowitz on the ground that he able number of Soviet aircraft flown by Russian pilots. Egypt is 'Zionist,' or more plainly be- received another 250 tanks from cause he is Jewish. as always fine the Soviet Union during the quality photography period under review, and SAM SQUARE DANCE Merrillwcod Bldg. Mall missile sites in Egypt are Soviet CALLER controlled, the report said. Birmingham 1 251 Merrill, cor. Woodward 647-5730 Specializing in Beginner groups of all ages. call 356-0385 SOUTHFIELD JEWERY! HIGH HOLY DAY SERVICES Congregation Bais Chabad will once again hold--.High Holy Day Services in the Stevenson Elementary School on Lahser and Winchester Roads. • • • • • Only $15.00 per seat ONLY ORTHODOX MINYAN IN THIS AREA RENOWNED CANTOR SPACIOUS SEATING YOUTH )13-18 YEARS) HALF PRICE CHILDREN UNDER 13 YEARS OF AGE, FREE OF CHARGE For two hours during the services these children will be in a separate room with a professional Youth Director. According to the survey, Israel is capable of fielding 10 armored divisions, nine infantry divisions and four parachute brigades. Egypt has three armored divisions, four mechanized divisions, five in- fantry divisions, two parachute brigades, 16 artillery brigades and 20 commando battalions. Duchene and Hunt stressed that mere figures for tanks, aircraft and other hardware could be grossly misleading. They said the total must be judged against the background of the scientific and industrial potential of a country, the quality of 'her manpower, the level of training and the dedication of her combat and noncombat troops. Under these considerations, Israel's military power is by far larger than the figures would indi- cate, they said. Israel is listed among the 24 countries in the world which de- velop and produce their own arms. Egypt is not on the list. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL: 9 A.M. 12 Noon - Mrs. Levitin — 353-7024 7-9 P.M. Mrs. Starr — 358-0729 The Shaarit Haplaytah Survivors of 1945 HIGH HOLIDAY SERVICES Rosh Hashana: September 19, 20 & 21 Yom Kippur: September 28 & 29 TO BE HELD IN EINSTEIN SCHOOL 14001 North End — Oak Park, Mich. 5732 1971 Prominent Cantor Ezio Silverstein will conduct the services Donation $15.00 per person The High Holidays will soon be here, so make your reservations today by calling any of the following: 546-4229 557-3994 538-6534 353-5749 • HIAS Aided -6,377 to Resettle in 1970 NEW YORK—United Hias Service, the worldwide Jewish migration agency, assisted 6,377 men, women and children last year to leave Eastern Europe, the Middle East, North Africa and Cuba and to be resettled in the United States and other free Western countries, it was revealed by Gaynor I. Jacob- son, the agency's executive vice president, in releasing his 1970 an- nual report. In addition, the agency helped more than 47,000 persons in such areas as: aid to aliens in the U.S. with naturalization and adjustment of status; location of relatives in the United States and other coun- tries; resettlement assistance in Latin America to migrants who arrived in prior years; preliminary processing and counseling of its registered caseload in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, including intervention with govern- ment officials for prospective mi- grants; and pre-migration services in the United States and Latin America to relatives and sponsors of prospective migrants. Alcohol's Harms The Greater Detroit Council on Alcoholism, a Torch Drive service, reports alcohol costs industry $8 billion every year through absen- teeism, poor performance and accidents. its entirety has been discovered in Arad, and according to Mrs. Ruth C e n t e r. Refreshments will be Andran of the Israel Museum served. The public is invited which co-sponsored the dig, the find bears witness to the existence of city planning 4,500 years ago. Living quarters complete with PHOTOGRAPHI household articles, streets and a Specializing in Weddings, Bar Mitzvas, etc. section of the fortified city wall of the Canaanite city were un- 342-2287 covere . The temple courtyard containing an incised rounded pool paved with smooth slabs of stones from the For Custom Drapery Hebron Hills was also uncovered. The pool-5 feet in diameter and Cleaning, Call 3-feet-deep—is the first of its kind to be found in Israel. Now being cleaned are two of the season's more unusual finds: a stone statuette of a bull and a stone tablet bearing the incised DRAPERY CLEANERS figures of two men holding their hands upraised. These relate to trade between Canaan and. "All That The 'Name Implies" STU RABEN Egypt. The excavations were conducted under the auspices of the Israel Exploration Society, the Antiqui- ties Department, the Hebrew Uni- versity, the University of the Negev and the Israel Museum. WE DO ALL THE WORK REMOVE AND INSTALL 891-1818 Suburban Call Collect Reverse Charges Women were first admitted to Michigan State University in 1870 SHOLEM ALEICHEM INSTITUTE will hold HOLIDAY ASSEMBLIES at the PEPPER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 24301 CHURCH, OAK PARK ROSH HASHANA KOL NNE YOM KIPPUR SEPTEMBER 20 SEPTEMBER 28 SEPTEMBER 29 10:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 8:00 P.M. SECULAR MAKHZORIM — NEW CONTENT FOR INFORMATION CALL: 557-5750 An Open Invitation To The Jewish Community You are cordially invited to attend a SIYUM HASEFER TORAH DEDICATION CEREMONY of a New Torah Presented to OVA HEBREW DAY SNOOL by Mr. & Mrs. David Tanzman SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1971 at 2:30 p.m. at the Roh51( Bldg. — United Hebrew Schools 21550 W. 12 MILE RD., SOUTHFIELD