Soviets Close Entrance to Jewish Graves; Bar Hebrew Inscriptions NEW YORK (JTA) — The au- 10, was postponed at the request appeal asked the Soviet govern- thorities in Riga, Latvia, closed of his new attorney. ment to disclose the burial places the entrance to the Jewish mass One of the Jews facing trial in of the 24 who were executed, graves at Rumboli at the end of Sverdlovsk, Vladimir Markman, punish those responsible for the May, Jewish sources reported. has brought judicial proceedings executions, rehabilitate the writ- The authorities said the area was there against the judge in the ers and artists and to allow pub- needed for "military exercises." Kishinev trial of nine Jews, charg- lication of their works. The un- Twenty-one Jews of Riga, in a ing that the judge changed the published works include an ac- cable to the authorities, protested meaning of his testimony to make count of Jewish heroism during their being barred from the graves it sound in support of the prosecu- World War II and the other is a of loved ones. In Kiev, the tion. history of Jewish suffering under - Ukraine, the authorities prohibit- the Nazis. Also reported by Maass was the ed the use of Hebrew inscriptions case of the Zaslovsky-Malkov fam- The group's visit to the em- on tombstones in the Jewish cem- ily of Kemerova, Siberia. On July bassy followed an hour-long me- eteries. 9, he said, the family was pro- morial service at Lafayette Park . The American Jewish Confer- mised visas to Israel, but four to - commemorate the 19th anniver- ence on Soviet Jewry announced days later was advised they had sary of the execution by the Stalin news of the arrest of a Leningrad been cancelled and that the family regime of 24 leading Jewish writ- Jew, on the eve of his departure could leave only after the Middle ers and cultural leaders, which to Israel. According to Richard East situation was settled. The included Markish. Maass, Conference chairman, Boris Zaslovsky-Malkovs appealed to the Rep. Edward I. Koch has Azernikov, a 28-year-old dentist, head of the local ovir (visa of- asked Postmaster General Win- was recently arrested but only fice), a Mr. Vesovoy, who told ton M. Blount to determine if after he had initiated the difficult them: "You have no rights. All the the Soviet authorities are in process of obtaining an exit per- rights are ours." "violation of any convention" in mit for Israel. Azerniko had al- their alleged blocking of mail An appeal to Jews throughout ready received the required af- to Soviet Jews. the world to remember the 24 fidavit from abroad, and had tak- Koch, referring to information en this to local authorities when leading Soviet intellectuals mur- received from the American Jew- been dered by Stalin in 1952 has he was arrested and charged un- Conference on Soviet Jewry, der the provisions of Articles 70 sent to Israel from Moscow by ish said the Soviet government has and 72 of the code of the Russian the widow and son of one of the "evidently not permitted the de- victims, the American Jewish Con- Republic. ference on Soviet Jewry reported. livery of thousands of affidavits The seriousness of this new The appeal was contained in a sent to Soviet Jews by their rela- arrest, Maass noted, is reflect- cable to Israel's Deputy Prime tives now living in Israel." The ed in the fact that these provi- Minister Yigal Allon from Esther affidavits are required by the So- sions of the law cover penalties Markish, widow of the Soviet poet, viet authorities in the processing for alleged anti-Soviet propa- Peretz Markish, and her son, of emigration applications. Koch ganda and for so-called "anti- David, who have been refused exit also asked Blount to judge the Soviet group activities." reported blocking of mail "on a visas to settle in Israel. Meanwhile, the Russian Red moral basis," as the United States Azernikov was already known to the authorities for he had been Crescent, the Soviet Union's and the USSR are members of the called as a witness in the recent equivalent of the American Red Universal Postal Union. Blount trial of five Kishinev Jews, al- Cross, claims that Jewish prison- replied that he would give the mat- though his testimony was not used. er Ruth Aleksandrovich has re- ter "careful attention." Relatives of Soviet Jews now He was also reportedly friendly ceived the "necessary medical with some of the defendants in treatment" and is now in "satis- serving terms in labor camps have a trial of Leningrad Jews. Maass factory health." The information sent a cable to Victor Hochhauser, pointed out that in both trials the was relayed by the Red Crescent the London Jewish impressario who defendants were found guilty in via cable to George M. Elsey, arranged for a tour in Britain of the Moscow State Circus, denounc- trials closed to the outside world, president of the Red Cross. and they were sentenced to harsh Elsey reported the news to ing him for "helping Russian prop- prison terms in Moldavia. He ex- Rabbi Marc H. Tenenbaum, direc- aganda" which "aims to divert at- pressed fear that Azernikov "may tor of Interreligious Affairs of the tention from the persecution of Soviet Jews." have fallen victim to a crackdown American Jewish Committee. against Jews seeking to go to Is- On June 16, at a press confer- In Copenhagen, a copy of an rael" despite the fact that he had ence here attended by the pris- appeal to Western intellectuals followed accepted Soviet adminis- oner's mother, Mrs. Rivka Alek- by seven Russian Jews has trative procedures in attempting sandrovich, a team of kidney spe- been smuggled cut of Moscow and to emigrate. cialists concluded that Ruth Alek- been delivered to the home of Four Jews walked out of the sandrovich was probably in "seri- Swedish film director Ingmar Berg- visa office in Minsk, Belorussia, ous" condition and possibly in man, it was reported here. The telegram was addressed to Berg- after they concluded that they danger of death. Rabbi Tanenbaum advised Elsey man; Benjamin Britten, the Eng- were being trapped into partic- ipating in the making of a propa- that the Red Crescent report on lish composer; Charles Chaplin, ganda film, Jewish sources re- the prisoner's health "appears to the English-born actor and direc- ported. The Jews—identified by be reassuring." He said he would tor who now lives in Switzerland; - the surnames Pikulin, Gordin, forward the information to Mrs. Federico Fellini, the Italian film Puchinski and Pseitlin—were in- Aleksandrovich and her family in director; Arthur Miller. the Amer- vited to the ovir and received Israel, and thanked Elsey for his ican playwright, and Paul Robe- by a Maj. Jurinovich, who ques- "interest and extremely helpful son, the American singer. The tioned them on their reasons cooperation" on the Aleksandro- appeal was snugged out of Mos- cow after it failed to arrive at the for wanting to go to Israel. The vich case. homes of the six celebrities. It Jews noticed that the official's Soviet Embassy Accepts was signed by Pavel Goldstein, tape recorder and camera were Plea for Markish Family WASHINGTON (JTA)—A Jew- Israel Sivasyinskiy, Grigoriy Siv- turned on only when he was speaking, and refused to con- ish delegation scored a first here asyinskiy, Gabriel Shapiro, Rosita tinue the conversation. After last Friday when it presented two Rozenblum, Vladimir Rozenblum they left, the sources said, the cemmunications to the Soviet em- and Benjamin Preigerson. They asked the celebrities to four protested the official's con- bassy appealing for an exit visa duct to the Belorussian. minis- for the wife and son of the Jewish help them obtain the right to poet Peretz Markish, and for the migrate to Israel: Bergman com- try of internal affairs. Mrs. Esther Markish and David rehabilitation of 24 Jewish writers mented: "It is extremely inter- Markish, the widow and son of and artists who were executed in esting to know about the problem of anti-Semitism in the Soviet the Soviet Yiddish poet Peretz 1952 during the Stalin regime. Moshe Brodetzky, chairman of Union, and I shall do whatever I Markish, who was killed in 1952 in the Stalin purges, staged an the Washington Committee for So- can to help the Soviet Jews." The director was one of 55 eight-hour silent demonstration in viet Jewry, who led the delegation Moscow within recent days, it which included a mother and her Western intellectuals who this was reported by Richard Maass, ' our children to the embassy, said past February signed an ap- chairman of the American Jewish I hat Anatoly P. Kotov, an embassy peal for Soviet Jewish rights that press attache, conversed with them was sent to the Soviet authorities. Conference on Soviet le ry. at some length and kept the com- In London, Ludmila Korenfeld, Mrs. Markish and her son, who I munications after they were pres- a former student at the Moscow have been denied emigration per- nted to him. Institute of Electronic Machine mits without explanation, held In the past, Brodetzky said, after their vigil outside the Council of ' t he group emerged from the em- Building, who was expelled in Ministers building after cabling b assy, petitions on behalf of Soviet April for "hoolganism,"' President Nikolai V. Podgorny j ewry have been rejected and j has advised the World Union of ewish Students that she has ap- about their plight. The Markishes ome Jewish groups who have gone wore crude yellow Stars of David t o the embassy to protest Soviet ilied for admission to the Technion on their clothing to emphasize the mistreatment of Jews have been t n Haifa, Israel. She was in her situation of Soviet Jews. They said r efused admittance because they s hird year at the institute when they were in front of the Council d id not have prior appointments. he was expelled. Several months ago another ,Jew- of Ministers because they did not One of the communications sub- know the location of Peretz Mar- mitted by the delegation appealed ish student, Marina Kanzburg, was. dismissed from the State Univer-T kish's grave. or visas for Esther and David sity of Kharkov on similar charges. Maass also reported that the Markish, whose applications for She was in her fourth year in the.' appeal of Soviet Jewish prisoner emigration visas have been refused philosophy department. Both stu- Valeriy Kukui, scheduled for Aug. b y Soviet authorities. The other dents are awaiting approval of their applications for immigration to Israel. Both have been elected members of WUJS. * * * SAN FRANCISCO (JTA)—The National Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, representing 13 chap- ters across the country, expressed its "dismay" over Sen. Edward M. Kennedy's not having endorsed the Senate bill for 30,000 emer- gency visas for Soviet Jews, as 34 of his colleagues already have. Last week following a sit- in at his Washington offices by members of the Jewish Defense League, Kennedy promised to act for the release of five Jews fac- ing trial in Sverdlovsk on charges of "anti-Soviet activity." Contempt is a kind of gangrene, which if it seizes one part of a character corrupts all the rest by degrees.—Samuel Johnson. Rated No. 1 in the U.S.A. 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