Effect of Nixon Policy on Israel in State of Uncertainty (Continued from Page 1) and an expert on international fiscal policies, both said that the Israeli pound should have been devalued long ago. In concert with expert opinion elsewhere, the two scholars called Nixon's measures a de facto devalua- tion of the dollar. This time, they said, Israel should not react only by adjustment to the new dollar gold rate but instead should "take the opportunity for coura- geous and decisive action" by devaluation, which would have at least a temporary effect of loweing Israel's prices on ex- lowering Israel's prices on ex- ports of other countries. They cited, as an example of merely adjusting, Israel's act of devaluating of the pound three years ago to its present three-and- a-half to the dollar when it fol- lowed the pound sterling and other European currencies in a 12 per cent devaluation. The two experts also urged imposition of wage and price controls, linked to the pro- posed devaluation, so that the value of the devaluation would not be lost. Most observers here, however, expressed doubts that the govern- ment would follow the advice of the two experts. Finance Minister Pinhas Sapir, a strong foe of devaluation, is on record as believing that in an economy in which unions and trade groups are as strong as they are in Israel, devaluation would be quickly nullified in ef- fect by wage and price inflation. But other experts pointed out that Israel's money ni anagers plan to keep the pound steady relative to the dollar, which means that the Israeli pound will in fact be devalued in relation to the West German mark and other strong or gold-based cur- rencies. Strong objection to the devalua- tion idea was registered today by Marc Moshevitz, president of the Israel Manufacturers Association. He said devaluation would cause unemployment and make import goods far more expensive, perhaps producing a crisis mood which would be inimical to a country like Israel which is eager to attract in- vestors. Moshevitz suggested, instead, such fiscal measures as selective import taxation, export incentives and higher purchase taxes. For two days, trade in foreign currency, other than in dollars, was banned. In an examination of the impact of one specific trade measures in the new Nixon program—the im- position of a 10 per cent import surcharge—the experts indicated they expected little harm to Is- rael's economy. Israel's sales to the American market constitute 20 per cent of its total annual ex- ports. Diamonds, Israel's number one export item, may be affected by the surcharge. Other Israeli ex- ports to the United States include such specialty items as wines, bathing suits, fashions and textiles. All of these, the authorities said, are purchased by Americans be- cause of their origin or design and are considered quality items. Short of a severe recession in the United States, Americans were ex- pected to continue buying such Israeli specialty items even if they do cost more. A large part of the other 80 per cent of Israel's ex- ports go to countries with strong currencies. If the Israeli pound continues to be pegged to the dol- lar, the exports will be compara- tively cheaper to buy in those countries. On the other side of the trade picture, a weakening of the dollar should not affect Israel's ability to buy products in other countries because much of Israel's foreign currency reserves is in West German marks, one of the strongest free world currencies. However, the experts said, the cut- ting of United States foreign aid announced by Nixon may affect some of the grants and loans Is- rael has been expecting. But the way in which the foreign aid pro- gram will be cut has not yet been made clear and its impact on Is- rael accordingly cannot be meas- ured. Moshe Rivlin, executive direc- tor of the Jewish Agency in Jeru- salem, told the JTA that he did not expect the new U. S. policy to bring a decrease in income from overseas contributors. He said that experience over the past years had proved that economic crises do not damage the commitment of the Jewish people to Israel's cause. Officials in the finance ministry declined comment, pending careful study of Nixon's new policy. View From U. S.: Nixon's Economic Policy Not Likely To Affect Israel Over-All WASHINGTON (JTA) — Econo- mic experts, both here and in New York, said it was too early to judge the impact on Israeli im- ports of President Nixon's an- nouncement that the United States would, among other things, intro- duce a 10 per cent surcharge on most imports. The Israel Govern- ment Investment Authority and Bank Leumi Le-Yisrael were among those declining comment. However, a canvas by the JTA of official American sources here disclosed that the over-all effect on Israeli-American economic re- lations is not likely to be great. Israel's exports to the U. S. in 1970 totaled $149,600,000, with dia- monds leading the list at $70,000,- 000. This year the rate has been somewhat higher—$87,000,000 in the first six months. (In 1969 it was $128,000,000.) The imports from Israel do not seem to be among the exemptions indicated by Treasury Secretary John B. Connally. Therefore, the tariff charge under the new sur- charge would amount to $15,000,- 000, based on last year's trade level. (Exports from the U.S. to Is- rael last year totaled $593,000,000, and were largely machinery and transport equipment, foodstuffs, chemicals and manufactured goods. In 1969 the total was $456,- 900,000. In the first six months this year, the sum has skyrocketed to $406,800,000.) The foreign assistance program is being reduced by 10 per cent under the President's program, but it has not yet been decided whether the cuts will be applied regionally or country-by-country. In either case, Israel is not yet affected by this cutback, since she has not received this kind of "for- eign aid" from the U. S. in 10 years. The new Foreign Aid Bill be- fore Congress, calling for $3.2 billion in economic and military assistance, does include Israel, but knowledgeable observers said it was much too early to tell how it will be affected by the President's 90-day freeze on wages and prices. Economic aid in the form of commodity credits are not be- lieved affected by the new con- trols, since they are not under the jurisdiction of the Agency for In- ternational Development (AID), an arm of the State Department. During fiscal year 1970, which ended June 30, Israel received $50,000,000 in commodity credits and $30,000,000 in credit from the Export-Import Bank. Capital that Israel obtains from the U. S. through the sale of Israel Bonds and other fund-raising cam- paigns sponsored by American citizens appear definitely outside Nixon's control program. At the State Department it was pointed out that no controls are envisaed on the flow of capital to foreign countries under the wage-price freeze. The 10 per cent surcharge on im- ports, it was explained, is based on the value of the products and is added to the normal tariff now in effect. Thus, if a commodity is imported at a value of $100 and the present tariff is 5 per cent, the commodity would cost the im- porter $105, but a 10 per cent sur- charge would raise his cost to $115. Since the freeze blocks any increase in price to the consum- er, it was not yet known here who will shoulder the new surcharge costs—the American importer or the Israeli exporter or both. Israel, it was recalled, put into effect a year ago a 20 per cent surcharge on most of its imports. Both the Israeli and the American surcharges, a source added, are not intended primarily to raise revenue; rather, to effect an equili- brium in her balance of payments. Both are seen as temporay meas- ures. SAY YES WHEN ASKED TO Numbers Speak Louder at UN screen connected to the computer. The program can theoretically perform most of the analogues of the laboratory experiments on mouse tumors. An example of this is the reproduction in the computer of an experiment in which cells are labeled with iso- topes to determine how the label is distributed among dividing cancer cells. The experiments on the computer are paralleled in the laboratory, and tests taken every two days on the live mice are seen to match the programed results. Demonstrating the practical use of such a program, Dr. Zajicek explains that cancer can be de- scriped as growth of cells not ac- cording to laws permissible in the body. Of chief interest to the doc- tor attempting to cure it, is the ratio of cancer cells being born to those dying. If the number of cells being born is greater, then the cancer is growing; therefore, ways of reducing the ratio are sought. However, the main prob- lem is the difficulty of establish- ing the value of this ratio. At present, clinical methods of measuring cell growth are not precise. New methods are there- fore being developed. Dr. Zajicek is using the computer to correlate the sensitivity of various labora- tory procedures to measure the cell growth ratio and determine the best method. This eventually would serve as a tool to recognize cancer better and determine the most effective treatment. Such experiments require heavy computation using the Medical School's new P.D.P. 15/40 com- puter, the biggest computer solely for medical purposes in Israel. Dr. Zajicek says he recognized the importance of computers in the medical field after he had worked for several years in can- cer research. Realizing the need for specialized education, he studied mathematics and com- puter science for one year at the University of Chicago. He then went to the National Institute of Health, Bethesda, Md., where he specialized in ap- plication of computers in the medical field. On Dr. Zajicek's return to Is- rael, the medical school acquired the computer, and in May of this year set up the computer unit which he now heads. -- Michigan State University, founded in 1855, was the first col- lege in the world established for the scientific teaching of agricul- ture. Passport-Photos 2 for $ 3.95 Back Door Galleries 352-4116 Underground Sprinkler Systems Installed and Serviced Free Estimates 527-5240 772-7623 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 14—Friday, August 20, 1971 ASSISTANT DIRECTO National Jewish Service Organization needs Assistant Director in Detroit Aarea, with ex- perience in Jewish Community and organiza- tional life. SEND RESUME, PICTURE AND SALARY REQUIREMENTS TO: BOX 1033, THE JEWISH NEWS 17515 W. 9 MILE RD., SUITE 865 SOUTHFIELD, MICH. 48075 .• • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • NEW 71 PINTO 2 Door, Full Factory Equipment. A Great Buy. 1 847 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • NEW 71 MAVERICK • • • All Standard Factory • Equipment. • • • • • • • • e . ft:DONALD Ford Farm; 14240 W. 1 Mile CALL TO DAY 341-3800 AT LODGE EXPRESSWAv Open Mon. & Thins (1/ 9 4 a Computer Simulates Cancer Growth in Mice at Hebrew University's Research Project, States Ur. Zajicek JERUSALEM—A computer pro- gram which simulates the growth of cancer tumors in mice has been developed by Dr. Gershom Zajicek, a senior lecturer in experimental medicine and cancer research at the Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School in Jerusalem, in a project using computer modeling as a tool in human cancer re- search. This is a new field of medical research into the actual behavior of cancer. The cancer under survey is the Ehrlich Ascites tumor of the .house. In the laboratory experi- ment, the tumor is transplanted into the mouse= and the cells repro- duce rapidly until, on the 17th day, the mouse dies. The behavior of this tumor was simulated on the computer: each theoretical cancer cell is represented by a word, and these multiply according to the rules known from laboratory work. Every hour in the normal tumor development is condensed into one second of computer time, thus showing the entire life of the tumor in the mouse in about seven minutes. By introducing new var- iables, Dr. Zajicek can run the program through different condi- tions and see every step. Results eventually will be projected in written, pictorial, graphic and nu- meric forms on a television-like 44 Join B'nai B'rith 28631 Southfield S of 12 Mile 114 p