John' l Beni- Biogra ► h ot St, 111.21902 won 2W9 151V0a 2E2. urion -n-G EDil9fflA)0 ills zgl New "Editioti; einuniscences of B-G Due on 85th Birthday Robert St. John, the distin- guished author of 18 books.—his 19th is planned to be a biography of Abba Eban—rendered valuable contributions to the knowledge about men and events in Israel and Jewry with his bookS on per- DAVID BEN-GURION sonalities and Judaism. Several biographies have been especially meritorious and outstanding, among them was his "Ben-Gurion," pub- lished in 1959. His publishers, Doubleday and Co., have just reissued St. John's "Ben-Gurion" in a new edition which contains sufficiently im- portant addenda to give the re- vised volume added importance. There is an index in the new edition—and that in itself provides the biography with a guide n to the contents that becomes valuable to students and researchers. Then there are added facts providing briefly information regarding the last 12 years in the life of B-G. The added two brief chapters describe Ben-Gurion's role in making possible the capture of Adolf Eichmann; tell about the Eichmann trial and the stirring worldwide interest in it. ,, St. John brings the story up to date by relating "The Affair"- -by making reference to the Lavon : Case. ,.,Numerous experiences in the life of B-G are related in this new edition, while the conflicts in B-G's life — controversies with r 'n:1Golda Meir (this one has just been. t:::•.•:!..Isted) and Moshe Sharett are But in general the ,::graphY by St. John is a splendid yjputc to a great leader. - final few last pages in - -ikk4Crew edition are devoted to an interview St. John conducted with Ben-Gurion at Sde Boker. The many interesting comments by B-G indicate again the fas- cination that attaches to the venerable architect of the Jewish state. There is, for instance, in the statements St. John quoted from Ben-Gurion's comments to him the following in relation to pioneering workers in Israel: "Once I saw a Mongol type here. I didn't know if he was Chinese or Japanese, so I asked him in English 'Where are you frorri?' He answered me in Hebrew: 'I am Japanese.' I asked him in Hebrew where he learned Hebrew. l ei He said: 'I was working one year in a kibutz near Haifa.‘ Now I may go back to Japan.' I said: `Now that you have lived in a Id- butz and know Hebrew, why don't you go back and start' a kibbutz in your own country?' Then he told me that last year they did start a Japanese kibutz and it is growing. Then I found out that there are many Japanese boys working on our kibutzim. The Japanese are superior to the Americans in many ways. They are remarkable people. They are superior to the Americans in many phases of scientific development." St. John's skill in narrating hu- man interest episodes is especial- ly in evidence in the Ben-Gurion biography and the new edition will be found interesting, informative, and valuable as a research work in the study of Israel's statehood. * * * Ex erts Doubt Golda That Won't Run Again Blifetjlet*P, 4410Wiii ttimmirtivx141rs.Wma Golda Meir's announcement, in a that her country still needs her in recent BBC interview, that she the Premier's office. On the other would not be a candidate for Pre- mier after the 1973 elections was greeted here with polite skepti- cism by experts on Israel'S politi- cal life. They noted she had retired twice before but on both occasions accepted the' . leadership of her Mapai Party, becoming first its secretary general and then Israel's first woman Prime Minister. With the elections two yers away, the experts said, there is Ben-Gurion's 'Personal History' Due on Birthday The eye-witness story of the events leading up to the creation of the state of Israel and the his- tory of the country since its estab- lishment more than two decades ago, written by David Ben-Gurion, first prime minister of Israel, will be published by Funk & Wagnalls in conjunction with Sabra Books Oct. '18. Ben-Gurion spent many years compiling the material and writ- ing the book. "Israel: a Personal History" will be published on Ben-Gurion's 85th birthday. The volume recounts hitherto unknown details on the 1948 War of Liberation and the 1956 Sinai camp aign. hand, it was agreed, the announce- ment had again raised the issue of succession. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS fliFivtiOuggspfilincill Verna) ELECTRONIC OPENER 'GARAGE DOOR Classified Ads Get Quick Results .0011.11 1111:1111111111111 v1 aco, 000 EARN COLLEGE DEGREES Receive your Bachelor, Masters or Doctorate at home. 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