DEMOTE JEWIIN NEWS SLACKS. All wool tropicals. 4 Worsteds. 100% :1 polyester knits. Regular values to $35. NOW 20% off. SHIRTS. Dress shirts. Permanent press, long-sleeved. Three for S13. 4•1111PI IINRIlt SUITS. Values from $95 to $245. NOW S69.90 to S169.90. SPORT COATS. Eagle. Kuppenheimer. . Martinelli. NOW from $29.90 to S169.90. MATTER 1-40W Nor it Gus, im. PROTEMD. poNt You vvisH E VERYONE was . 3 SHOES. Florsheim Shoes. From $16.90. to $27.80 It's the oddest clearance sale you've ever seen. It's a pretty easy thing to come up with a different name for a clearance sale. And then pretend it's a different kind of clearance sale. But we didn't. Before we had any name for Osmun's clearance sale, we had a very different kind of a sale. We had a sale that would feature the men's and young men's fashions that men and young men want. And want right no,w. A sale of suits and sport coats with names like Eagle, Petrocelli, Martinelli, Ronald Bascombe, Calvert and Kuppen- heimer. In innumerable sizes, styles and colors. A sale of slacks. All wool tropicals. Worsteds. Polyester knits. In all sizes, styles and colors. A sale of shoes. French Shriner and Florsheim shoes. In all kinds of sizes, styles and colors. A sale of dress shirts. Long-sleeved, permanent press dress shirts. And definitely in a variety of sizes, styles and colors. We had a sale for people like you. People who want the finest and deserve the finest, but also deserve to save a little. We had a sale for people who can appreciate fine salesmen. Salesmen who know fashion and can help make the right choice. Before we had an odd name for our clearance sale, we had the oddest clearance sale you've ever seen. 9 smuns Stores for men and young men. in Warren), and Tel-Huron Center Open evenings 'til 9 in the Tel-Twelve Mall (Telegraph and 12 Mile in Southfield), Tech Plaza Center (12 Mile and Van L (Telegraph and Huron in Pontiac). Our downtown Pontiac store is open daily to 510. Osmun's Charge. Bank Americard and Master Chargecard.