of ffilF .J WM/ 4 fiAR#55 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 12—Friday, July 23, 1971 Bar-lian Trustees OK Expansion Budget President Nixon confers with Secretary of State William P. Rogers (left) and U. S. security affairs adviser Dr. Henry Kissinger aboard Air Force One en route to Washington. Kissinger flew to Red China to start arrangements for a Nixon visit to Peking, a plan that stunned the diplomatic world. Nixon's China Policy: What It Means for M. E. Eastern conflict in which it has By EDWIN EYTAN played, up to now, a waiting game JTA European Bureau Chief with the U.S. Nixon's ; PARIS (JTA)—President forthcoming trip to Peking signals China's entry into the game of in- ternational summit-politics. The two Superpowers now have become. three. One of the immediate effects of this change is that the new role of the Chinese People's Republic will influence Middle East develop- ments in numerous, sometimes con- tradictory ways. One must expect some favorable and some unfavor- able changes in the Middle East conflict. China opposes a political or peaceful solution. Although Israel recognized the People's Republic as long ago as Jan. 7. 1950, Peking has never tried to hide its deep hostility toward the Jewish state for well-known ideological and practical considerations. China has supported the Arab positions in the Mid East conflict and intensified its support of the Arabs after the June 1967 war. China actively supports the Pal- estinian guerrilla movements, trains and assists such organiza- tions as the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the even more radical Demo- cratic Popular Front. Some lead- ers of these bodies have visited Peking repeatedly. True to its ideological premises, and in order to support the Arab cause, the People's Republic offi- cially opposes any political solu- tion and asks for a "military and revolutionary solution" in the Mid East. China maintains diplomatic rela- tions with 11 of the 14 members of the Arab League. Only Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and Jordan are not on speaking terms with Peking. Even such avowedly anti-Commu- nist states as Kuwait have recog- nized the Peking rulers. Arab leaders, on the other hand, do not fear the Chinese, who have had little influence in the Mid East, up to now. For one thing, China is distant. For another, almost all Arab Communist parties (which are considered dangerous by the Arab governments) are bitterly anti-Chinese and ardently pro- Soviet. This is especially evident in Sudan, Egypt and Syria. The People's Republic is now bound to adopt a more responsi- ble international position. Nixon's projected Peking visit shows that the Chinese leadership has stopped looking at the world in black and white if, indeed, they ever did—and now regard it in a much more graded way in order to forego the possibility of a united Soviet-American front. The main supporter of the Arabs, the Soviet Union, now finds itself outflanked on the east by China and may find it necessary to find a nonviolent solution to the Mid all states int the area will she be able to attain that goal." sky, editor of "Frei Israel," the Communist Party's Yiddish organ in New York. Lipsky, he said, was approached by a Russian UN delegate, Tchurillin, who was also once stationed in Israel. U.S. RAMAT-GAN—The global board of trustees of Bar-Ilan University recently approved a budget of more than IL 57,000,000 ($16,000,000) with about 25 per cent of that ear- marked for expansion. The action w a s taken at the board's annual meeting, attended by more than 50 members from all over the world. __/ Expansion plans call for a new synagogue, a cultural center, addi- tional dormitories, a campus for science-based industries, possibly a medical school, an Institute for Teachers' Training for the Diz" pora and an Academic Instit for Rabbinical Studies. Underground Sprinkler Systems Reviewing Israel's position in world affairs, Eban said, "If we Installed and analyze the balance of our achive- ments we shall see that the Arab Serviced offensive, despite its strength, has He said both diplomats asked I Free Estimates not achieved a single one of its objectives. Israel has remained in identical questions, how relations the cease-fire positions without between Israel and the USSR could political pressure having been ex- be improved. erted to force her out. She has found, and is finding, ways to strengthen her defenses. She is re- ceiving massive economic aid. In- stead of being isolated and cut off from her world-wide contacts, she is expanding them in every field and on every continent and has become a focal point for world interest." Meanwhile, Dr. Moshe Sneh, MR. & MRS. GROUP and the New Horizons Chapter leader of Maki, the independent Communist faction, confirmed that several of its members have been Eban Speaks on Relations the objects of "feelers" from Soviet With China and USSR PRESENTS 2nd ANNUAL diplomats as to Israel's attitude on JERUSALEM (JTA) — Foreign improving relations with the Soviet Minister Abba Eban discussed Is- Union. rael's relationships with the Peo- Sneh's faction is not oriented ple's Republic of China and the toward Moscow or any other Soviet Union Monday and indicated Communist capital. He said that WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1971 that Israel sincerely hopes for an one of his colleagues, Esther Leaving Foot of Woodward Avenue Promptly at 8 P.M. improvement "at this time of world Vinenska, was approached while soul-searching." $3.50 Donation attending a Budapest Communist Eban made his remarks in a for- Party Congress by a former Rus- Includes Boat Fare & Island Admission eign policy statement to the Knes- sian diplomat in Tel Aviv named Prizes . .. Surprises . . . FUN .. . Entertainment, etc. set which ranged from the latest Kotov, who is now a member of events along the Jordanian border the Soviet Communist Party's COME AND JOIN US! All proceeds to City of Hope to Israel's position in the world. Central Committee. • MAKE UP A PARTY! Ticket INFO 546-0815; 543-7373 The statement on China was obvi- According to Sneh, similar ap- ously prompted by the change in proaches were made to Yosef Lip- American policy, climaxed by I President Nixon's announcement that he has accepted an invitation The One and Only! The One and Only! to visit Peking. HARRY HARRY Eban said, "Israel was one of THOMAS THOMAS BY POPULAR DEMAND! the first states to recognize the Chinese People's Republic and has HARRY THOMAS shown good will toward her GREAT SUMMER SALE achievements. But since the 1955 Bangkok Conference, the Chinese CON TINUED! government has chosen to ignore THOUSANDS OF QUALITY-BRAND NO GIMMICKS JUST GARMENTS AT FABULOUS SAVING S! Israel. Nevertheless, China has never been erased from Israel's SAVE $35 TO $130 political thinking for who can ig- Made to sell for nore China's world position and FINE FAMOUS MAKE $95 to $225 influence on international develop- SUMMER WEIGHT SUITS The Finest of Fab- ments?" rics. The newest models and colors. Eban continued, "We are not re- sponsible for the change that took place in relations between China SAVE $25 TO $45 and Israel. At this time of world Mode to sell for • SPORT JACKETS $75 to $135 soul-searching, every state, wheth- er large or small, must re-evaluate Solids .. . Stripes Plaids and Geo- the road to be taken. It is clear metrics. that Israel's foreign policy must a • actively consider these develop- The One and Only • ments." • It has been Washington that pressed Israel to make concessions and made some herself. From now on, one may expect Moscow to chart a similar policy vis-a-vis the Arabs. - Finally, President Nixon's visit to Peking will in all probability, open an era of relaxation of inter- national tension. For Israel, any international de-escalation can have only beneficial results. For the Middle East as a whole this means that the danger of war will recede. Mid Eastern tension was always connected with international ten- sions. Now there is a chance that the Big Powers will be able to do something beneficial for the war- ring Israelis and Arabs. * * * 1527-5240 772-76231 AHOY! CITY OF HOPE BOB-LO MOONLIGHT CRUISE $695°. '109" '34M $6950 • On relations with the USSR, the Israel foreign minister said, "We may assume that the USSR government will review its policy in the light of the situation in our area and changes on the international scene. If her aim is to play a positive role in the area to prevent a major conflagration, to ensure her legitimate inter- ests, she will see that only by balancing her relationship with 1 • • • Fine Clothes For 35 Years • HARRY THOMAS • Fine Clothes for 35 Years • • 24750 TELEGRAPH • • • • at 10 Mile Road Thurs. to 8 P.M . Daily to 6 P.M. SUNDAY • • • 11 TO 4 yo, .• • • :of • - • • • • • .111N- • • • • • •• • • • 4 Fine Clothes For 35 Years