'A People Apart .. . The Generation Gap in Jokes The Hasid in Art and Literature Hasidism filled with legends. :t emphasizes song and prayer. t glories in the image of the Rebbe Ind it seems to welcome the lescriptive in imagery as much as he folk tale. There are many works dealing with religious groups in Jewry, ncluding Orthodoxy, that are il- ustrated. Few, however, are as By DAVID SCHWARTZ (Copyright 1971, JTA Inc.) Joe said he was working on a history of the generation gap. Adam and Eve, Joe said, were the only ones who couldn't blame their parents. "I envy future generations about this," Adam would say, sit- ting in his rocker. "Quit your grumbling," Eve would say. "Most folks would envy us sitting in our country home, paying no taxes and if you want to blame anyone, you can blame me." "And you can blame the snake," laughed Adam. "You know," he added, "the right to blame some- one else is guaranteed by the Constitution." The first generation gap, Joe said, came with their children, then DAVID SCHWARTZ no longer be given straw for the making of bricks, the Israelites said, "Well this is the last straw." The Israelites must have had a good deal of this black humor. After all, they were the descend- Adam and Eve were blamed for ants of Isaac, which means laugh- ter. "raising Cain." mpressive as a new work entitled 'A People Apart — Hasidism in tmerica," which emerges as a )roud product of the E. P. Dutton It is an immensely interesting vork because the text is by one of he very distinguished American Fewish writers, Arthur A. Cohen, 'hose preliminary studies for the whole Jew and all of Jewry, but .abbinate qualify him to define the acting to effect and disseminate iistory and the aspirations of the its claim. Its Hasidut is eminent- ly practical, being the concrete -fasidic movement. expression of commitment to At the same time, the 16 pages Ahavas Yisrael' (Love of the of unusual Hasidic photographs Jewish People) and the unity of by Philip Garvin make this work the Jewish people." stand out as a most fascinating Cohen explains that Philip Gar- illustrative work on a movement that has gained so much atten- vin's photographs "are not intend- ed as a systematic documentation tion in recent years. of the whole of Hasidic life. They This is a large book and the 24- function, as do the Hasidim them- )age Cohen essay on Hasidism is selves, more by indirection and )oth a history and a definitive tract selectivity. Some of the rituals ► n the movement. It deals with the :urrent developments as well as he background of the great idea hat has inspired so many and is io!., invading many new spheres. evoked by Garvin's sensitive and probing photographs will strike many Jews as primitive or curi- ously quaint, but they are more than this, much more. This book, Kabala is explained, and the role like the Hasidim themselves, is a )f mysticism as defined by Prof. reminder to Jews and a witness to non-Jews, that 'eternal life is plant- ed in our midst.' The eccentric garb, the beards, the disinterest in appearance are only the outward marks of the Hasid, outward marks too often regarded by sophisticated people as sufficient indices of per- sonality and character. How bi- zarre the psychology of the cul- turally different? Hasidim regard the outsider not with jealousy or longing, but with the same degree of curiosity with which they are themselves regarded. The diffe- rence between them and us is that they are certain of their goal and their work. We may know more 3ershom Scholem and other schol- about the difficulties and problems, irs provides material for thorough more about right logic and the While the pictures tell the story, so do their explanatory notes and the Cohen essay enhances a book filled with charm—the charm of impressive characters who emerge here as in fiction and who match the most attractive in cinema. "A People Apart" is a work of art, supplemented by the literary en- chantment figures who approach nobility.—P.S. PI Friday, July 16, 1971 — scientific objections, more indeed about everything than they do, but there is little question that we are very much confused about the goal and the work. There is something to be learned about their stead- fastness and their witness." And so Cohen concludes: "One can only say to them with the Psalmist: 'Be strong and let thy heart take courage; Yea, wait thou for the Lord.' (Psalms 27:14)." THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Historians, however, rarely col- lect the humorous stories. You can't get college degrees for jokes. Some day, no doubt, you will be able to get a bachelor of jokes degree—after all, bache- lors are very fond of jokes. "When I was a youth," Joe said, "there was a popular story about Cardinal Gibbons asking a rabbi at a dinner, 'When are you going to begin eating ham?' The rabbi an- swered, "At your wedding, your Eminence!' " Today, with some priests marry- ing, that joke would not do. And there are so many stories about Jews talking with their hands. There was the one about the Jew in the boat which capsized. The Jew managed to reach shore safely, although he couldn't swim. "How did you do it?" he was asked. "I just talked and talked and talked," he said. And there was the story about the Jew who stood in a group, completely silent. "Why don't you say something?" he was asked. "In this cold, I should take my hands out of my pockets?" he replied. Today, you hear these stories no more, but probably Adam and Eve heard some not very diffe- rent. Anyway, Adam and Eve, look- ing at the miniskirts, imitating the fig leaf dress and the long hair of the men, might wonder if there really was such a thing as a gen- eration gap. int-wp ISRAEL'IS ► ILE A Conversation Series 1 ;tudy of the Hasidic inspiration. The doctrine of the Zohar, the 'En sidle tales, the influence of kavana and Avoda—of service and enthusiasm — become understand- ible realisms vis-a-vis the Hasid Is they are related by Cohen. He has a tribute for the domi- iant Hasidic group when he states: "It is no wonder that the Luba- vitcher movement is eminently worldwide, not only claiming the I asked Joe what he thought it was that made Cain kill his brother. "Well," said Joe, "there are different explanations. One is that Cain killed Abel because the latter tried to tell him an old joke." "There is a saying," Joe said, "that if Adam were to return, the only thing which would be familiar to him would be the jokes. That implies there is not much of a generation gap as far as jokes are concerned. But we cannot be sure of this," Joe said, "because the past generations have left only a fragmentary record of their humor." Who knows, Joe said, the jokes the Israelites must have told about Pharaoh and the Egyptians? There is an old Midrash story that the leaders of the Israelites, desiring to expose Pharaoh, who professed to be a god, made it a point to call on him when Pharaoh was in the john. No one in those circumstances ever looks like a god even to him- self. This is quite funny and we may be sure the Israelites in Egypt enjoyed the story merrily. There is also, Joe said, the story about one Israelite remarking to Pharaoh that the Bible listed him as a carpenter. Pharaoh said he had read the Bible and nowhere was it said that he was a carpenter. "Well," said the Israelite, "it says you made Joseph into a ruler." And perhaps when Pharaoh ordered that the Israelites should Released by: By Shlomo Kodesh TARBUTH FOUN DA TiON FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF HEBREW CULTURE GRANDPA AT THE CLINIC 7 Cast: Grandpa and a physician in a Clinic. Doctor: Grandpa: Oh, it's not good, something is very wrong. I have pains, lots of pains. I suffer from stomach disorders and all my bones ache. Its not good. Doctor: Please, grandpa, don't exaggerate. Thank God, you look pretty well. Please undress and lie down on the couch. That's it. Now, let's examine you thoroughly. Please breathe, breathe deeply. The blood pressure is a little low. Not bad, not bad at all. At this age low blood pressure is better than high blood pressure. Grandpa: To tell the truth, I don't interfere with my blood pressure. I don't raise it so that it will be high, and t don't lower it so that it will be low. It's none of my business... Doctor: Naturally. Blood pressure is a concern of the Holy One, blessed be He, and not of "Flesh and Blood." But what do I see? You've gained weight. I asked you not to gain weight. Grandpa: What can you do? You grow old. Each day you get older. The "machine" is out of order. Doctor: maps -noi'f:;i9o•-tereintIVO tn.-to? 24171*,?eoln 11;a: irltriii?*#•;:o Shalom, grandpa, how are you? How do you feel? Is anything wrong? The "machine" is not out of order. It's actually running well. But, grandpa, the trouble is that your teeth are working too much. 5;i0 '71. 2 .0'11 hyp,;o ,a#? ritp_?; nolo ht ,0'115! Hi? ht5i) r► ;t3 Iritt pro .17-1 225 '71?#7 for himself. Do something in the house. Look at a book. Grandpa: You're right. I always say to myself: you mustn't go to the refrigerator... Doctor: There's a time for everything. Eat at mealtimes and -that's enough. Besides, grandpa, age is age. les hard to turn you into a young boy. Grandpa: Who's asking you to turn me into a young boy? On the contrary, Doctor, help me to become older.... .r9orj '71; rni`T.toqorih'? $5 .11,4p tin? at rn5'pbY 'th rt 5 ...tTp pa)? xi, 7-i! ?e71 ton lint stii-ruj'? .Q.17 ny pi'? tnt?-$5x . 17Rtrppm Tain7 a'? tioit: 't:t main tntri•1 nn 59tt ...o5R5Ro n77 -71pDo-;71. -Int. b7 ,1_9t3i' tr.71 nnyn ,t90 ,59rt ?Hitt? rn? 3Lno rt"?Fio rtRy7 reri .n'?p,`?Rp - npwr;:i '7a nnr ninon 1'4 olOrit .nitny7 nn rt3 .ottpry? .T0 . 1? m mp? ErnFio:1 into'? , -rlp,o17 rrt1.1 frigerator, to the buffet, and one nibbles something. A smart fellow like yourself always finds an interesting occupation in? .r1o;Le5 x5 ,?91? ,;17:V3 :R011 m7;.Y 1"1' ?; 31Yr.IP ' rrt 3vitc,r. Pil?`? T.Tryi infix rain tx, rrr.1V iniN 0 '17? 'rx There's nothing to do. There's the appetite. One goes to the re- That's it. "Idle hands make mischief." It's not good to be idle. Kt, ;lit :ion ninotlo pia DI - Trit? 717P9 Grandpa: That's true too. One sits at home all day. One loafs around. Doctor: - rivp '771 1i oro .',o3nrt`? niot.07.-otton 57 art tert n'?tprj- Irrain tritriv .npr ripvtos7) in*17? -ran Zirit —1 1RT 5ntaa5 Iun$ '''?n7Lr17?im 12-1 T7 'rT1T tco 71 390 ,n?? yin .7 - ninonxt inn ot?im "nn? 'iv ,t9 rtrt - 5L, nVP., nr9 Tim nit71):"; 9F3 teR173 ,7? - pr rin:0? Excerpted from the book "Israel With A Smile", published by Tarbuth Foundation, 515 Park Ave., N. Y. C. 10022