Purely _ Commentary More Facts About Present Jewish' Status in 'Bulgaria In our issue of June 11 we indicated how the Communist Jewish element in Bulgaria is distorting facts regarding Zionism in that coun- try and the manner in which Jews had been rescued in Bulgaria even when the country was under Nazi rule. The Bulgarian king acted decently and Jews were rescued. There was a strong Zionist movement in the country, but Communists took over and Zionism ceased functioning there in 1948. Most of Bulgaria's Jews settled in Israel. Under Communist influence, in an Annual of the Social, Cultural and Educational Associations of the Jews in the People's Republic of Bulgaria,, there are venomous attacks on Israel and Zionism and the source—the Kremlin's organized anti-Israel drive—is understand- able. Therefore the basic facts also should be known. The eminent Jewish historian, Dr. Jacob Robinson, comments in relations to the Bulgarian Jewish Annual: "The Godishnik (Annual) is an official publication of the Communist-controlled Jewish community in Sofia. The first three volumes were in Bulgarian with extensive English summaries. The latest one appeared in two linguistic versions. Incidentally, the gross of Bulgarian Jewry emigrated to Israel; only the hard- core Communists remained there. The voice of this Annual is not a Jewish one but Moscow's." Another historian, our London correspondent, Josef Fraenkel, provides interesting data regarding Bulgarian Jewry. Fraenkel ad- vises us: 1) Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria (later king of Bulgaria from 1908 to 1919) met Theodor Herz! in 1896 (see Herzl's Diaries). King Ferdinand of Bulgaria published a nice article about Herzl (see: Theodor Herzl. A Memorial, edit. by M. W. Weisgal, New York, 1929). 2) At the First Zionist Congress in Basle, 189'7, there were three delegates from Sofia: Prof. Zvi Belkowsky, J. Caleb and C. Herbst. At that time Sofia had a' Zionist paper, Hashofar, and a Zionist society, "Sion." Zionism was always strong in Bulgaria. When Vladimir Jabo- tinsky and Meier Grossman established the Revisionist Party, Jabo- tinsky visited Bulgaria. There was also a Revisionist paper, Ye- vrayski Glass, in Sofia, and Hebrew schools where Hebrew was taught as a living language. 3) Jacques Pardoff participated in the Foundation Session of the World Jewish Congress in 1936 in Geneva. 4) Before the last world war, there were about 55,000 Jews in Bulgaria and after the war 45,000, of whom over 40,000 went to Israel. In 1948 Zionist activities closed in Bulgaria. 5) A relative of mine once published a thesis—years before the war—concerning a Jewess who became the wife of a Bulgarian czar in the 14th Century. It is important, of course, in the interest of historical truth, that the facts regarding Bulgarian Jewry should be established. In viewing the Bulgarian situation and that country's Jewish Com- munists, we are guided by the fact that it is a one-party rule, that in the election less than two weeks ago the Communist-dominated Father and Front retained power with a 99.9 per cent vote. How clever for these Bulgarian Communists to register a .01 per cent voice to give the impression that there is an opposition! And how much of an opposition might a Jewish minority dare to indicate? Meanwhile, we must acknowledge that only a fraction of the vital Bulgarian Jewish community remains intact. * * Two Stories—Apocryphal and Realistic London Jewish Chronicle's "Chronicler" offers a story from Cairo about the recent Egyptian National Assembly. It is about one of the delegates of the only officially recognized political party, the Arab Socialist Union, who rose and asked: "Where is the sugar? Where has the petrol gone to? Where has the flour disappeared to?" The next day a second delegate rose and asked: "Where is the sugar? Where has the petrol gone to? Where has the flour disappeared to? What's happened to my colleague the delegate?" They used to tell such stories about Hitler Germany and also about the Kremlinites, so that such versions assume an apocryphal role. There is greater realism to the story Chronicler told about Golda (Myerson) Meir. As prime minister she is now chauffeured. She must have security guards to protect her—for the state's sake. It was dif- ferent in the days of pioneering and of Mrs. Meir's early activities as a labor leader. Chronicler tells the story recalled by an Israeli columnist who quoted from the latest bulletin of Bet Berl. the Labor study center near Mar Saba. The following letter was sent in 1930 by Labor Party's central committee in Tel Aviv to its branch in Kibutz Ginegar, in the Jezreel Valley: ". . . Mrs. Golda Myerson (now Mrs. Meir, the Israeli Premier) will be visiting you on behalf of the central committee and will lecture on the political situation. Comrade Golda will come to Ginegar from Ein Harod and will have no other way of getting to you except on your own cart, which will have to- meet her at Afula." We are in dire need of good humor. Jews need it. All Americans Addendum to Evaluation of Bulgarian Jewry's Utter Reduction . a Former Detroiter's Role in Journalism . . ...JTA World Ex-pansion - By Philip -Slomovitz Communications to Keep World Jeiiiiies Aware of the - Trends in Our Time PARIS, France—Communications needs affecting world Jewish communities may have been • cally and drastically affected by the deliberations involving the only Jewish news medium, the Jew Telegraphic Agency. The interest that was displayed here by distinguished leaders from several c( tries, the involvement of the working press, the friendly attitudes of government spokesmen—all bined to give new status to JTA programing on an international scale. It is the need to assure dissemination of proper and factual Jewish information that turne, three-day conference here into an event of major significance. It is important that new areas be coo that not only Israel, but the United States, Great Britain, France, all the Americas and other areas w freedom of expression is possible should continue to be linked. There is the need to cover the Austrian German scenes—the latter because of new crises involving German-Israel relations, the former bec Vienna is a transit point for Russian and other Jews who are enabled to make Israel their home. Thanks to the dedication of JTA President Robert Arnow of New York, Raymond Epstein of C cago, who heads the foreign news mobilizing committee, Michael Sacher of London, who plays a vale' role as chairman of the British JTA committee; and a well-trained and devoted staff of corresr- - the newly developing bureaus should make knowledgeability about Jewish events everywhere tensive. The planning sessions assumed a vital international aspect through the interest that was show JTA work by the U. S. State Department and the French government. The presence of Israeli six men, of John Bartlett, who represented the U. S. Embassy in France; Andre Monteil, chairman of foreign affairs committee of the French Senate; representatives of embassies and of the world press tested to the international character of the new approaches to JTA services on a worldwide scale. --- A cooperative agreement between JTA and the French Jewish community, the assistance give effort by Adam Loss, the director of Fonds Social Juif Unifie, the interest shown in the new JTA Bulletin appearing in French and a variety of other factors contribute to the development of a great munications effort in which important Jewries play their roles. The presence of a distinguished men of the South African Jewish community and one of its major leaders, Michael G. Fredman, certainly ac to the importance of the notable event. Communications needs may be greatly extended as a result of these sessions. They point to significant role JTA possesses as a great factor for knowledgeability in Jewish ranks. could benefit from genuine wit. Unfortunately we do not have the modern versions of Mark Twain, Sholem Aleichem, Elbert Hubbard, Will Rogers. Instead of real humor we have burlesque and the type of "fun" that turns out to be a travesty of justice. Here is a typical example—a quote from a recent Earl Wilson column: "Golda Meir was explaining the success of the Israeli troops to President Nixon. 'Our generals in an emergency,' she said, 'are professional men called from business life—doctors, lawyers, dentists y give and accountants. And between you and me, Richard, when ihe the command to "Charge," boy, do they know how to charge!' " Of all people, Earl Wilson should have known better than to resort to an anti-Jewish "pun" and to apply it to the head of the Jewish state. Someone misled him—it might well have been a Jewish friend. That would not excuse the travesty. Perhaps we shall be blessed with a revival of the best in humor— something that should be properly critical but not abusive. A Half Century of Contributions to Journalism Fifty years is a very brief span of time to a people whose Psalm- ist sang: "For a thousand years in Thy sight is but as yesterday . . . as a watch in the night . . ." Yet it is a landmark in a young society like ours. For the Jewish community, a half century of journalistic service is a memorable occasion. And when the product to be congratulated is a good one—as in the instance of the Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle —then the anniversary becomes an event of significance for Ameri- can Jewry. The Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle merits the acclaim of the entire American Jewish community, and of the kindred communities in all English-speaking countries. Under the guidance and expert adminis- trative management of a former Detroiter, Irving G. Rhodes, the Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle developed into a powerful organ for the home community of Milwaukee and the neighboring cities that are served by this fine newspaper. In its emphasis on proper coverage of news of the Jewish com- munities everywhere, the Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle has become one of the leading English-Jewish newspapers. The hearty congratulations extended to Rhodes and to his managing editor-- Edward F. Perlson, are well deserved. • Infant Hospitalizatio) High in Poor Areas of West Jerusalem JERUSALEM — A medicaI search team has found that 18, cent of children born in the I Jerusalem area are hospital at least once during their year of life, a rate seven th higher than in areas of the Um. States and England where simi studies have been made. The findings stated that of 40 infants examined, 7.4 per c were born with a defect, half them serious, affecting the br or spinal cord. The researchers found that 1 serious defects were concentr?' in the Arab quarters of Beit fafa and Abu Gosh and amo ;Jewish immigrants from A., countries. The team found that over- hospitalization rates for infant year or under were influenced social factors. In the poor neighborhoods Katamon and Musrara the was 35 per cent compared ,Itri only 0.15 per cent in Rehavila, middle class section. More than 40 per cent- whose mothers never _ attenc school were hospitalized; but 8 per cent of children - mothers had post-primary ed; tion required hospitalization. . Gifts Boost Cancer, Pharmacy Research at Hebrew U JERUSALEM — Relatives and friends of the late Rabbi Shai Shacknai, spiritual leader of the Jewish community of Wayne; N. J., gathered with leaders of the Hebrew University and its faculty of medicine to dedicate a lecture- ship in cancer research in his memory. Our National Game . . . Baseball . . . as a Unifying Force Among All Americans The lectureship was created at the initiative of Frank and Lois Lautenberg of Montclair, N. J. Rabbi Shacknai's death from cancer at age 38, two years ago, cut short a career marked by de- votion and commitment to Juda- ism, community and the brother- hood of man—including an out- spoken public stand on civil rights and anti-Semitism in Wayne that brought him national headlines. In 1968 he was chosen New Jer- sey's Man of the Year. Lautenberg, who was a mem- ber of Rabbi Shacknai's congrega- tion, credited the rabbi with inspir- ing an active involvement with Jewry in previously uncommitted Jews, such as himself. There is less tension when there is understanding and a common goal among men. The All-Star Baseball Game here on Tuesday proved a valid point. The game on the diamond draws all Americans magnetically. It is through our national sport that we meet without prejudice, fraternally, with a com- mon interest. How thrilling for Americans to meet pleasantly as fellow-citizens ! On that one night, the fears that our big cities are dying seemed to vanish. There was no question of faiths or races: it was a night for good will ! Baseball united all of us much more than the Good Will movements ! Black and white, adherents to many religious beliefs, were on unifying ground that night—as they always are when they meet at games at which only merit counts. This may sound like the old Roman cry of panem et circences—bread and the circus—for which * * * the Roman masses craved. But it is much more in an affluent society where there now is more serious At a ceremony on the Ein Karem concern than ever that poverty should be eliminated and that all peoples should have equal opportunities medical campus July 6, a plaque in life. Our cities, big and small, need not die: they can live in good spirit and they can share the wealth was unveiled on the Charles of a great land—provided there is the same will for the human factors in life as there is for the com- Krown Center for Applied Pharma- cological Research at the Hebrew petitive spirit on a sports arena. University's school of pharmacy. 2—Friday, July 16, 1971 Chairing the ceremony, Univer- THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS sity Vice 'President Bernard Cl rick dwelt on the impor' nes , the university's teaching search programs and stres,,.0 the real ,work of the univers had been reflected in the ce monies held during the past w when 651 masters degrees, and DMDs and 140 PhDs had bi awarded to graduates in fie ranging from Jewish studit., nuclear physics. But, while the university h the intellectual capacity to unf' take outstanding work on graduate and postgraduate le; it was hindered, 'be_ pointed c by inadequate premises in – departments, Prof. Nis s on- Natham Be director of the school, said t' only a small percentage of lsrat pharmacists have been trail locally and stressed the imp tance of the school, the only of its kind in the country, in em ing the totality of maximum he care for the whole population.