L Max -Fisher Heads Agency's Board; JA Faces $487 Million Deficit Budget `Brotherhood' Name of New Periodical Published by Jerusalem Arabs and Jews JERUSALEM (JTA) — A deficit His points were: a reconstitution budget of $487,415,935 for fiscal of Jewish life aboard, using among JERUSALEM — The inhabitants 1971-72 was proposed to the Jewish other things the mass communica- Agency's founding assembly. The tions media; subsidies for Jewish of Jerusalem have a new forum budget will be administered by the camps that are "truly Jewish in for exchange of ideas between 40-member board of governors character" and for free Jewish Arabs and Jews with the publica- elected to serve as the supreme universities and Jewish commues; policy-making body of the expand- Zionist leadership in Jewish day tion of the first issue of a Hebrew- ed Jewish Agency between meet- schools throughout the Unit e d Arabic periodical called "Brother- ings of the assembly. States; the recasting of Jewish hood." The board of governors elected textbooks to free them from the Published by the Adult Educa- as its first chairman Max Fisher of East European heritage and adapt Detroit, chairman of the United them to the real experience of the tion Center of the Hebrew Uni- versity of Jerusalem, the period- Israel Appeal and president of the diaspora. (Pincus bitterly assailed two ical is written by students of the Council of Jewish Federation and Welfare Funds in the United States. prominent American Reform rabbis Arab-Hebrew cultural project, con- Detroiter Paul Zuckerman was who have denounced Zionist bodies ducted by the center at the Ecce elected a member of the 11-man which they said "openly and offi- Homo Convent of the Sisters of cially embrace America's most Zion Order in the Old City. board of governors. The new budget exceeds antici- reactionary politicians who would The 85-page publication, distrub- sated income. The budget and fi- betray Israel overnight if it suited uted mainly to former and pres- ance committee noted in its their purposes." (In lashing out at Rabbi Roland ent students at ulpan (intensive budge t resolution that it was B. Gittelsohn, immediate past pres- language course), appeared on the "compelled to eliminate a number of important and vital items" and ident of the Central Conference of occasion of the graduation of the that it was "concerned that insuf- American Rabbis; and Rabbi David center's fourth class of East and ficient funds are available to satisfy Polish, his successor; Pincus in West Jerusalemites. A total of all of the essential needs which effect argued that whatever means 1,000 inhabitants of Jerusalem — come within purview of the activity were used to ensure Israel's sur- some 700 Arabs and 300 Jews — vival were justified by the ends. have studied Hebrew and Arabic, of the Jewish Agency." (Pincus angrily rejected the respectively, under the auspices of The resolution authorized the board of governors to "make such charge that Israel stifled dissent. the center since the ulpan began changes in the budget during the "If the (pro-Moscow Rakach) Com- a few months after the Six-Day course of the fiscal year as it munists and Haolam Hazeh mem- War. The project is sponsored by bers sit in the Israeli Parliament, Yad Avi Hayishuv (the Rothschild deems necessary." Addressing the assembly, former don't come and teach the. Israelis Foundation.) Premier David Ben-Gurion predict- what the right of dissent is" he This year saw a record num- ed peace with Egypt during the said). ber of 400 students — 250 Arabs next decade. He said he based his and 150 Jews. Those finishing Veracity is the heart of morality. optimism on the growing number —T. H. Huxley. the seven-month language course, of Egyptian university graduates who, he hoped, would direct their THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, July 2, 1971 9 country's energies toward nation- building rather than war. The board of governors decided to convene three times a year. The next meeting was scheduled for the end of August. It was also de- cided to convene the next session of the Jewish Agency's assembly in December, 1972. T h e Jewish Agency Executive was authorized to handle all current issues be- tween formal meetings of the board of governors and the general as- sembly. Zionist General Council Urged to Aid Day Schools Aboard JERUSALEM (JTA)—The Zion- ist General Council was urged to- day to establish a fund to provide loans for Jewish day schools aboard. The proposal was made by Moshe Krone, head of the J e wish Agency's department of Torah education in Diaspora, who said the fund should be maintained jointly by the Israeli government and the World Zionist Organiza- tion, in cooperation with Jewish bodies throughout the world. According to Krone, 2,000 Jew- ish teachers are needed every year only 300 Were being supplied. vIle said Jewish leaders in the Dia- spora must adjust the conventional order of priorities in the appro- priation of community funds to allow sufficient money for. Jewish day schools and to pay teachers reasonable salaries. Jewish Agency chairman Louis Pincus urged Jewish communities aboard to give top priority to Jew- ish education. Pincus said "Where- as previously the construction of ospitals or old-age homes may ..> ave occupied pride of place, today it belongs to Jewish education." He said that equal emphasis should be given to the content of Jewish education and how to main- tain the unique status of Judaism in a multi-cultural society. - Rabbi Emanuel Rackman, a member of the Jewish Agency ex- eclitive in New York, proposed that the World Zionist Organization establish a "think tank" to de- 01971 R J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY. WINSTON•SALEM. N. C velop a four-point pr o g r a m of 20 mg."tar",1.3 mg. nicotine ay. per cigarette. FTC Report NOV."70. action. 180 Arabs and '70 Jews, received their diplomas. Prizes were also given to students who had shown outstanding devotion and comradeship. who has studied Herbrew at the project since its inception and is the chairman of the Hebrew-Arab ulpan students committee. "Brotherhood" ("Achwa" in He- brew, "Uhuma" in Arabic) is the first bi-lingual magazine of its kind ever to appear in Jerusalem. It has been planned for the last six months and is edited by a staff of four Arabs, two Jews, and a French Dominican priest. The ed- itor is Kalman Yaron, director of the Adult Education Center. Among the activities of the past year have been several cultural and social programs, as well as joint excursions through Israel. The graduation, a garden party on the torch-lit roof of the Ecce Homo Convent, was a colorful event attended by close to 400 persons. Entertainment by student groups included music by a Fran- ciscan student orchestra and Is- There is no description equal in raeli hora . . . and Arabic debka difficulty to a description of one- dances. self, and certainly none in profi- Among those seated on the dais tableness.—Montaigne. were Mere Marie-Bruno, Mother Superior of the Ecce Homo Con- vent; Mrs. Ruth Dayan, president of the "Pact of the Sons of Shem," an organization of Israeli Jews and Arabs; and Dr. John N. Tleel, a personality in the Greek OWED BRINE'S • DETROIT, U S A • .12 PROF Orthodox community in Jerusalem, NEW CADILLAC? 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