Wide Attention Drawn to Harper, Row Publication Historic Injustices Analyzed, and Truth About Jesus Trial,Death Outlined in Israel Supreme Court Justice Haft.. Cohn's Study Israel Supreme Court Justice Haim Cohn has earned many laurels. As lawyer and jurist, as a leader in movements to elevate the standards of the less priv- ileged he has rendered many serv- ices and he has labored with dis- tinction as Israel's representative on the United Nations Commission on Human Rights and on ad hoc UN committees. His most lasting achievement may prove to be his most scholarly work, "The Trial and Death of Jesus," a Harper and Row volume that has drawn worldwide attention. In its English translation from the Hebrew, this very impressive and convincing work enriches the vast library that has already been published on the subject. In the last century alone, Justice Cohn calls attention, 60,000 books have been published on the subject, many on the trial itself but "few . . . by lawyers and legalistically." At the very outset Justice Cohn points out that "the larg- est concession which even the great liberals among the heir- archy of the Catholic Church would nowadays be prepared to make would be to absolve the Jewish people as a whole, and the Jews of later generations, from a guilt which—they hold —attaches irrevocably to the Jews whom the Gospels accuse of an active part in the trial." Justice Cohn sifts the material available to arrive at valid con- clusions which had been over- looked or ignored because the mat- ter had been left to theologians and it was assumed that "nothing was left to be done" about the condemnation of Jews. The position assumed by the Catholic Church and by many theologians, the errors in the New Testament, the inconsistencies and falsehoods are among the issues thoroughly exposed in Justice Cohn's work of research. He points to "cardinal mistakes," in Christian ranks, among them the assumption that "the attitude of contemporary rabbis toward Chris- tianity and its founder must have been identical with that of their Jerusalem precursors toward Jesus." Justice Cohn avoids "involve- ment in the centuries-old argument as to the historicity or nonhistori- city of Jesus himself, his ministry, or any particular episodes Of his life, or, for that matter, the life of Pontius Pilate and his gover- norship of Judaea." Emphasizing that it is the lawyer's privilege not to take reported facts for granted, Jus- tice Cohn, in his approach to his extensive review of the Gospels and their contents as they affect the Jews in relation to the death of Jesus, asserts that "there is no shred of respect in an investigation, of this kind: even the greatest genius, even the holiest of men, by undertaking to interpret ;re- ported facts, implicitly invites a critical assessment of his views; it was only by later canonizers that some such books were elevated to the rank of untouchability and indisput- ability." The many discrepancies regard- ing the trial of Jesus, the con- tradictions in the Gospels, the misrepresentations are noted, and the eminent jurist draws on scores of available sources while analyz- ing the Gospels to point out the errors. He indicates that the trial was conducted by the Roman pro- curator under Roman law, that Jews could not have taken an active part in the trial before Pilate since the Jewish masses 48 Friday, June 18, 1971 — are portrayed in the New Testa- ment as "ardent admirers and sincere wellwishers of Jesus." Justice Cohn shows that since Jesus was arrested by Roman and Jewish troops it stands to reason that the Romans initiated the action. The arrest was on Pass- over night, and the trial was to be held the next day. The preju- diced reference to Jewish guilt is refuted in the indication that Jesus was taken to the house of the high priest rather than the Roman lock-up and the misinfor- mation about the Sanhedrin is thoroughly exposed. Jesus' removal on the night be- fore the trial to the high priest's home is given as an indication that an effort was made to save his life. The last-minute effort to fore- stall the trial by the Romans also is given as an indication of the affection in which Jesus was held by his fellow Jews. Then there is the refutation of the crucifixion ever having been practiced by Jews. Justice Cohn charges that "the reports of the trial were written with tendentious religious pur- poses, and while they succeeded in attaining this purpose to an unsurpassed extent, they almost obliterated in the process all traces of historico-legal reality. So long as their impact is strictly confined to the religious sphere, it may be argued that it would not be the business of legal (as distinguished from religious or general) historians to inquire into the accuracy and reliability of these reports—though the legal historian ought not, perhaps, to stand by, when the religious belief in the truth of these reports gives rise to acts of vengeance and per- secution, perpetrated under the color of (religious) law, or even only to popular prejudices which might result in discrimination and hatred. It is, however, when law- yers take up the Gospel stories and elevate them to the rank of authentic law reports, that it be- JUSTICE HAIM COHN comes imperative to protest and try to put matters in the right perspective." Justice Cohn asserts: "I have tried to show that the facts (or most of the facts) emerging from the Gospel stories, whatever the tendencies and conclusions expressed by their authors or appearing on their face, are compatible with Jewish innocence no less—nay much more—than with Jewish guilt, and that both the trial and the execution of Jesus were ex- clusively Roman. In reflecting on these matters- and arriving at my conclusions, I have had no apologetic purposes in mind: I do not feel called upon, as a Jew, to defend the Jewish au- thorities or the Jewish people of that time against charges which, however spurious I be- lieve them to be, have caused untold sufferings to generations of innocent Jews throughout the ages. The allegation being that Jesus was tried by a Jewish court, presumably under Jewish law, his case is port and parcel of Jewish legal history, and as such must claim our attention —quiet apart from the fact that Jesus was a Jew who taught and fought and died among his peo- ple in Jerusalem. And to refute that allegation is not so much a vindication of Jewish law and procedure, as a vindication of those men who, although not having judged, have been con- demned for having judged; and the condemners, as they have `sinned in the law,' will have to be judged by the law." Justice Cohn especially de- molishes the allusions to Jewish guilt in efforts to prove that Pilate was troubled by a guilty consci- ence and that the Jews actually performed the criminal act against Jesus. "The Synoptic Gospels rightly and accurately show that the Jews took no part in the crucifixon," Justice Cohn points out, "and we may look upon the admission in John that Roman soldiers had crucified him (19:23) as indica- tive of a general consensus that the crucifixon was verily carried out by Roman troops under the supreme command of the gover- nor." There is also the angle involv- ing Herod, and Justice Cohn as- serts that "many scholars deny the historicity of Luke's account of proceedings before Herod, and there are good reasons to doubt the tradition, apart from the dif- ficulty of timing." Justice Cohn examines thor- oughly the "Jewish Trial Theory" to disprove that a legally functioning Sanhedrin had a role in the death of Jesus. While criminal jurisdiction was exercised by the Small San- hedrin of Twenty-Three, he states that it was the Great Sanhedrin of Seventy-One which has such jurisdiction and that met in the high priest's home the given night before Passover, that: "there is no indication in Spripture that the 70 elders with Moses ever exercised criminal jurisdiction; nor, second, have we record of the Great San- hedrin of Seventy-One ever having done so." There is a strong concluding assertion in repudiation of the anti-Jewish charges, and Justice Cohn declares: "Hundreds of generation of Jews, throughout the Christian world, have been indiscriminately mulcted for a crime which neither they nor their ancestors com- mitted. Worse still, they have for centuries, for millennia, been made to suffer all manner of tor- ment, persecution and degrada- tion for the alleged part of their forefathers in the trial and cruci- fixion of Jesus, when, in solemn truth, their forefathers took no part in them but did all that they possibly and humanly could to save Jesus, whom they dearly loved and cherished as one of their own, from his tragic end at the hands of the Roman oppressor. If there can be found a grain of consolation for this perversion of justice, it is in the words of Jesus himself: 'Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kindness of heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and per- secute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven' (Matthew 5:10-12)." Testimonial Volume 'Of Law and Man' Honors Justice Cohn; Many Scholars Contribute Essays Justice Haim Cohn of the Israel Supreme Court, having earned the respect and admiration of his fel- low jurists and of legal scholars throughout the world, is honored in a most notable work. A group of internationally famous authorities on law, philosophers and men of letters, combined to pay him honor through their collected essays in a volume entitled "Of Law and Man." This significant work, edited by Prof. Shlomo Shoham, head of Tel Aviv University law faculty's Insti- tute of Criminology and Criminal Law, was praised in Israel as a Sabra Books publication. It appears at the same time as Justice Cohn's "The Trial and Death of Jesus" which has been issued by Harper and ROW, and therefore is an add- ed landmark in the career of the great jurist. It is most appropriate that the Nobel Peace Laureate of 1968, Prof. Rene Cassin, should be contributing the first essay to the volume "Of Law and Men" under the title "From the Ten Commandments to the Rights of Man." Prof. Cassia, as the prin- cipal author of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations on Dec. 10, 1948, affirms that "the jubilee of a great Israeli jurist, Hahn Cohn, who has con- secrated an important part of his full career to the problems of Human Rights, can serve as a suitable occasion for one of the artisans of the Declaration to present his contribution to this subject." His emphasis is on his tracing it to the Decalogue. The issues are faced with frankness, without apologetics, with Prof. Cassin's emphasis on adherence to the basic rules of humanitar- ianism for all without breaches or restrictions The very eminent confreres of Prof. Cassin pursue the theme on law and man with definite contri- butions to the theme, while honor- ing the jurist who merited the pub- lication of this work. In his preface. Dean Amnon Rubinstein of the Tel Aviv Univer- sity law faculty points briefly to "the tenacity with which Haim Cohn adheres to his principles." An ever greater emphasis on human rights is recommended in the article by. Dr. William Korey, "Human Rights at the UN—Illu- sion and Reality." The basic chal- lenges are explored here. Chief Justice Zeev Zeltner of the Tel Aviv District Court adds to the tributes in Justice Cohn's honor with his essay "The Strug- gle for human Rights and Its Implications." 'Prof. Maxwell Cohen deals with "a controversial Canadian experi- ment" in the essay "Human Rights and Hate Propaganda." He poses the question whether legislation serves a constructive democratic purpose. He points out that well- managed countries like the Scan- dinavian as well as Switzerland, Netherlands, France and Italy have found it desirable to have legislation against group defama- tion. It is appropriate that a volume THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS in honor of a great Israeli jurist should include an essay by Prof. Julius Stone of the University of Sydney on the topic "Behind the Cease Fire Lines: Israel's Admin- istration in Gaza and the West Bank." Israel emerges out of this study as an administration with "most impressive" achievements and as "the most humane and gen- erous in modern history." These essays are in the portion of the book devoted to "Human Rights." The second portion deals with the "Law of Nations" and the first essay in that part is by former Supreme Court Justice Arthur Goldberg on "The Future of Inter- national Law in an Unruly World." An Israeli scbotar, the former deputy permanent representative to the UN, Shabtai Rosenne, is the author of the essay "Prob- lems of Treaty-Making Compe- tence—Reflections on the Vienna Convention and the Kamiar Case" (which was tested in the Jerusalem as well as the Su- preme Courts), in the second portion of the book. The conclud- ing portion of that part is the essay on a judgment that was before the International Court of Justice, "The North Sea Con- tinental Shelf Case," by Prof. Isi Foighel of the University of Copenhagen. Three other parts of the book deal with "Substance of Law," Processes of Law" and "Laws and Crimes." In all instances, the role of Jus- tice Cohn is taken into considera- tion when dealing, as the authors do, with "Conscience and Social Disobedience in the Jewish Tradi- tion," "Pure Equity," "Corporate Entity," "Morality of Advocacy," "Arab Terrorists' Claims to Privi- leged Combatancy," "Symmetry in Choice of Law," "Criminology and the Penal System," "Jury System," "Diversion" and "Victimology." The authors of the subjects thus covered are Prof. Milton Konvitz, Cornell University; Prof. Ralph A. Newman, University of California; Srnadar Ottolenghi, Tel Aviv Uni- versity; Prof. Helen Silving, Uni- versity of Puertci TheOdor • Meron ; Israel ministry for foreign affairs; Yuval Levy,6'rel Aviv Uni- versity; Barbara Marks, member New York Bar; Prof. Franco Fer- racuti, University of Rome; Giu- seppe Di Gennaro, Italian Ministry of Justice; Jean Graven, Interna- tional Association of Penal Law; Prof. Gerhard 0. W. Mueller, New York University; and Stephan Hur- witz, Civil and Military Adminis- tration, Denmark. In an extensively documented essay, Meron shows, in his dis- cussion of terrorists' claims to privileged combatancy, how the law, his case is part and parcel —quite apart from the fact that privileged combatancy, how the to inhuman tactics. He exposes their objectives of murdering civilians. Many Jewish traditional ap- proaches are evaluated in the studies in this notable work. Tel Aviv University has joined in acclaiming Justice Cohn's career in a •high recommendation that "Of Law and Man" be utilized by lay- men and in scholastic studies.