_ Americans and Israelis Establish Design Firm CLEVELAND—A Cleveland in- - dustrial design firm has joined hands with an Israeli industrial complex to form Israel's first in- dependently organized industrial design company. Leon Gordon Miller and Asso- ciates, Inc., of Cleveland and Koor Industries, Ltd., one of the largest industrial complexes in the Mid- dle East, have joined in setting up KV Design International Ltd. to provide complete professional de- sign services to all industries in- volved in mass production or ex- port markets. Chairman of the board of KV is Leon Gordon Miller, and in-resi- dence m an a g e r s are William Sherman, former senior designer with the Singer Co. in the U.S., and Dr. Art Lavi, who is return- ing to Israel after completing doc- toral studies in design, engineer- ing and communications at the University of Michigan. I 28—Friday, June 11, 1971 Danny Raskin's I LISTENING Laughs Come in Bunches Woody Allen's new movie "Ba- nanas" has been held over for a fifth and final week at the Bloom- field Theater. Marie Olcese, manager of the Bloomfield Theater, reports that the audience reaction is so favor- able that the comedy will be held over for 10 more days. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS MOVIE GUIDE DOWNTOWN FOX 2211 Woodward—WO 1.9494 Bone crushing terror, spine tingling thrills. "THE CORPS GRINDERS" Stella Stevens, Shelley Winters "THE MAD ROOM" Both in blood curdling color Every WEDNESDAY Ladies' Day Late Show FRIDAY and SATURDAY For Schedule Information Call WO 1-7917 al Miller Road CAMELOT *. TViarren81-SO40 3 Kirk Douglas in "A GUN FIGHT" (GP) FRI. and WK. NIGHTS 8:15 only. SAT. and SUN. 3.30, 6:45, 10:00. "LITTLE FAUS & BIG HALSEY" FRI. and WK. NIGHTS 6:30, 9:45. SAT. and SUN. 2:00, 5:00, 8:15. WED. 1 show at 1—$1 MAIN, ROYAL OAK mai" LI at 20180 '1 Mil. "DOCTOR'S WIVES" Plus "THE ONLY GAME IN TOWN" NEIGHBORHOOD With Elizabeth Taylor FINAL FIGURE ISN'T listed Children's Matinee SAT. 75c & Greenfield Rd. yet, but it's a sure bet that the AMERICANA 9Mi. 358-3920 444-8676 New Horizons Chapter, City of Rated (G) ... but may be too INTENSE Plymoun Rd. at Farmington Rd. MAI KAI Hope, is close to the $10,000 figure for younger children. 937.0001 President Debbie Silber is to take "THE ANDROMEDA STRAIN" Exclusive Area Engagement to the City of Hope Convention, FRI. 5:45, 8:15, 10:30. WED. MATINEE Kirk Douglas in Skewered Kabob, Lobster'Tail and Filet Mignon July 10, in Duarte, Calif. . . . pro- 1.15, 3:30 SAT. and SUN. MATINEE "A GUN FIGHT" (GP) ceeds from the fabulous carnival at 1:15, 3:30. EVES. 5:45, 8:15, 10:30. MON. thru FRI. 6:20, 8:10, 10:00. SAT. Served with Rice Pilaf and SUN. 1:40, 3:10, 4:45, 6.20, 8:10, fair put on recently by those very WK. NIGHTS 7:15, 9:35. 10:00. Introductory Price of $4.95 fine young folks who pitched in On Plymouth Rd., VE 5-0630 WED. 1 show at 1:00-51 3 blks. W. of Greenfield and worked like beavers to assure ATLAS Royal Oa k, Mich. Also—Before & After WASHINGTON a successful fair . . . Hubby Den- "ABC'S OF MARRIAGE" (X) L0082 I 1- WK. DAYS 7:20, 9:35. SAT. 4:45, 7:00, Dustin Hoffman and Chief Dan George nis Silber, who knows the ins and Sports—Theatre—Concerts outs of these shindigs, was a driv- 9:15. SUN. 2:30, 4:45, 7:00, 9:15. "LITTLE BIG MAN" (GP) The biggest new innovation of the restaurant industry. "MARRIAGE MANUEL" (X) FRI. 8:55 only. SAT. 12:45, 5:00, 9:10. ing force . .. attorney Don Laiken WK. DAYS 8:25, 10.40. SAT. 5:50, 8:05, SUN. 3:50, 8:05 only. MON., TOES., Dinner price includes the bonus of a great snack after. hand-wrestled anybody for a quar- 10:20. SUN. 3:35, 5:50, 8:05, 10:20. WED., THURS. 8.30 only. Also James Stewart, Henry Fonda Metro Eentertainment ter . . . Fred Miller barked into Michigan Avenue just West of Southfield 565-5710 Coupons Accepted "THE CHEYENNE SOCIAL CLUB" (GP) the mike at one of the booths . . . FRI. 7:05, 11:15. SAT. 3:10, 7:25, 11:40. even Oak Park Councilman Mert SUN. 2:00, 6:15, 10:25. MON., TUES., Colburn did his share of work be- BERKLEY 12 Mile-Coolidge, LI 2-0330 WED., THURS. 6:45, 10:45. Barbra Streisand, Geo. Segal in Starts WED., June 23rd. hind a bean bag counter. "THE OWL & THE PUSSY CAT" "LOVE STORY" COUPON GOOD FOR\ SO C EVER HEAR of a gas station FRI., MON., TUES. 7:00, 10:15. SAT. running out of gas? . . . Barry EVE. Re-open 7:00 shown 7:15, 10:30. Rosen did . . . In fact, he was re- SUN. Open 2:00 shown 3:50, 7:00, 10:15. Yugoslav Jews Pledge Godfrey Cambridge in cently at the Mobil station on to Keep Fighting Bigotry "COTTON COMES TO HARLEM" Greenfield and 11 Mile in South- BELGRADE .(JTA)—A confer- field when all the pumps went dry! FRI., MON., TUES. 8:40 only. SAT. ence of Jewish communities in EVE. 8:55 only. SUN. 2.15, 5:25, 8:40. ABOUT 350 1961 graduates of SAT. Children's Matinee open 1:15 Yugoslavia has pledged to continue ON THE PURCHASE OF ANY THE GIANT KILLER" and Mumford High are coming to the "JACK to fight against any signs of anti- KARTOON FESTIVAL over 3:45. MEDIUM OR LARGER PIZZA reunion tomorrow night at the Semitism and praised the Yugo- S. Woodward at Maple Roostertail . . . Among the grads, Birmingham MI slav people and government for This offer expires June 23 4-3533 Daniel. Silver is the new medical giving their fullest support to that Good at all locations 1st. Run adviser to the TV program "Medi- Karl Molden, James Francisius struggle. In the Detroit and Suburban Areas. cal Center" and also plays the role "CAT OF 9 TALES" (GP) The conference re-elected Lavo- WK. DAYS 9:15 only. SAT., SUN. 2:20, of the anesthesiologist . . . Marvin slav Kadelburg to another three- 5:55, 9:35. Brooks is a favorite disc jockey in year term as president of the Also Dorothea Washington, D C Yugoslavian Jewish communities. "SUDDEN TERROR" 1111111•111111111111111111 Buchalter sings with B a r b r a WK. DAYS 7:35 only. SAT. and SUN. The popular weekly "Nin" re- Streisand . . . and the diploma-ites 4:15, 7:55. Starts WED., June 23. ported five anti-Semitic incidents FROM PLANiiT OF THE will be coming from all corners of "ESCAPE in its current issue. The paper APES". the USA. condemned them. "Such things 2 blks. S. 15 Mi. may happen elsewhere; in our LITTLE SARI BETH, six-pound, BLOOMFIELD W MI . r 4-6006 country they cannot be tolerated," 13-ounce daughter of Janet and 4th Big Week Exclusive Area 1st. Run! the article said. Terry Gladstone, came into the OUR FAMOUS GOURMET BUFFET Woody Allen's world at Sinai Hospital recently The Jewish conference adopted CONSISTING OF 6 MEATS — "BANANAS" (GP) Corned Beef, Turkey, Ham, Pepper with quite a family distinction . . . resolutions asserting Yugoslavian What is it? Beef, Bar B-QBeef &Fried Chicken. two grandmothers, t w o great- Jewry's solidarity with other Jew- WED., SUN. at 2:00, 3:45, 5:35, 7:30, Potato Salad, Cole Slaw, Ceci grandfathers and four great-grand- ish communities all over the world. 9:20. SAT. at 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, 8:00, Bean Salad, Mixed Bean Salad, mothers. 10:00. MON., TOES., THURS., FRI. 7:00 It approved reports on cultural Cucumbers in Sour Cream, Rel- and 9:00. ishes, Bread and Mustard. STEVE RICHTER, three-year- Matinee every WED. continous from activities, education, youth work, old son of Louise and Mel Richter, 2:00 o'clock. Admission adults $1 until adult education and summer camp programs. had a "how do you answer this 5 p.m. one" question when he asked his mother, "Who baby sat for me while you and daddy were at your (1 BOTTLE PER EACH 10 PERSONS) wedding?" presents AT THE RECENT Sammy Woolf 97 Testimonial dinner-dance, son-in- 188 N. HUNTER law Maurice Cohen brought his mouthpiece for a few licks on the by trumpet which he plays so fab- Jules Feiffer immummimmumimmummumums ulously . . . Folks who listened Performance Times: with mouth open awe said Maurice Wed. & Thurs., 8:30 p.m. II ■ was missing his calling . . . but Fri. & Sat., 8:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. ■ wife Marge quickly remarked, "I ■ don't care how good he is, we'll ■ THE THEATRE I stick to shopping centers!" ■ 12 Mile at Northwestern THE ACE HAIR STYLING boys invites you to make Reservations and • ■ at Charter House Barbers, Roy ■ Open Evenings and Sundays 358-0226 your reservations early I Calley, Al Nettle, Ron Eddie and Group - Ticket Information Available I Pete DiMaggio, take first prize for I for the most unique-looking shop ■ anywhere . . . The fellows took a I street-level two-room apartment ■ ENTERTAINMENT INTERNATIONAL ■ and made it into a very smart ■ Presents looking spot . . . with all the com- I forts for easy relaxation and a 1 11 darned good job. SAUL ROSNER tells this one on ■ his wife, Shirley . . . She was ■ FROM 9:30 A.M. TO 1:00 P.M. stopped by a traffic boy blue last ■ week who asked how long she ex- AND HIS 16-PIECE SENSATIONAL BIG BAND IN CONCERT II pected to be out . . . because ■ TEL-TWELVE MALL (inside) "There are. a couple of thousand a of other drivers who would like to Saturday, June 26, 9:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m. use this street after you get done Serred tram 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. s3.50 Enjoy a Complete Evening of Fun . . . Listen or Dance $3.50 ■ with it." Refreshments Sold During Intermission CHICAGO ROAD HOUSE 50c,15 N Little Caesar§ PizzaTreat I. NE INN am mow mum. • SPECIAL LIMITED OFFER "THE DRINKS ARE ON THE HOUSE" TR PLUS YOUR CHOICE OF DELICIOUS COLD DUCK OR DELIGHTFUL ROSE' WINE Henry K. Martin ALBANS Bottle & Basket "FEIFFER'S PEOPLE RESTAURANT ESTAURANT 646-65531 • .A4- tkotoelifm& ZODIAC Father's Day WOODY HERMAN Bountiful Brunch Buffet SPECIAL FATHER'S DAY DINNERS ■ II I Other regular dinner menu items also available Special prices for children's portions I I ■ Wise living consists perhaps less LI 1-2577 Jo 4-6688 ■ in acquiring good habits than in ac- quiring as few habits as possible. Woodward Ave. at 111/2 Mile Road 111111111•11111111111111111111111111111 111111111E111111111•11111111•1•111111111MESIIIIR11111111111 Iwo —Eric Hoffer TICKETS AVAILABLE AT: —All HUDSON'S Major Stores —All GRINNELL'S —Tel-Twelve WARDS —Tel-Twelve RADIO SHACK —At DOOR and MAIL ORDER MAIL ORDERS: 3570 Middlebury Lane Birmingham, Mich. 48010 Information: 647-5330