Not Even Arabs Believe Soviet Tales on Jews; State Dept. Indicates Action Out of His Love for Language Emerges Maurice Samuel's 'In Praise of Yiddish' violence against Soviet personnel By JOSEPH PALAKOFF Maurice Samuel is the master in Rosten's "The Joys of Yiddish" and pray (for someone).' Ikh vel mis- and installations in the United (Copyright, 1971, JTA, Inc.) creative literature. He is the superb to Uriel Weinreich's "Modern palel zayn far aykh means 'I will How do Russian and Arab dip- States. interpreter of Jewish values. In Yiddish - English English - Yiddish pray for you (your welfare),' but Thus, Gist says flatly that Jews lomats react to American com- definitive and narrative writings Dictionary," as well as to Wein- ikh vel davnen far aykh is a non- ments at the United Nations on are "subjected to greater anti- he has produced a bookshelf by- reich's "College• Yiddish," it sense. sentence similar to 'I will the treatment of Jews in the Soviet religious pressures than are other lined by him that matches — it should be noted that his "In Praise breakfast for you.' Pavnen is in Union, and what is our government officially recognized religious sects supersedes! — that of the leaders of Yiddish" is more historical much more frequent use than telling a limited number of our in the USSR," that they are "vir- in Jewish literature. and more analytical. It goes to mispalel zayn .. ." own top officials, congressmen and tually the only minority group sources in evaluating word struc- "Sanctifications" . merited an He is equally as superb as a leading citizens about this sub- which is prevented from conduct- lecturer, and in bis spoken efforts ture and phrase developments. It entire chapter, as also "hybrids" ing its own language schools or ject? on public platforms, as well as in studies the language psychological- and their related themes. The Our representative to the UN classes" and that "requests to his writings, he has given us the ly and philosophically. non-Germanic words are indi- Commission on Human Rights, emigrate can result in persecution most eloquent presentations on He had intended to name his cated. There is a chapter on or prosecution by the Soviet gov- Mrs. Rita Hauser, responded to Jewish themes. book "The Charm of Yiddish" and "Germanic Into Yiddish" and a the first part of this question in ernment." under the new title it retains the list is provided of "the very great At the moment he is to be judged In a paragraph aimed to as a lover of Yiddish. In his writ- charm envisioned in the author's number of Yiddish folk words an interview with the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. The second please supporters of other eth- ings and in his lectures he has affection for a language for which and locutions stemming from nic minorities, too, Gist points often resorted to Yiddish sayings, the author has "a special bias." the Germanic." part is covered by the State De- out that Secretary of State Wil- partment's recently issued publi- There may be rebuke to those who There is irony as well as satire liam P. Rogers last October cation "Gist," which it distributes denigrate Yiddish and a warning in this explanatory note offered on "as a quick reference aid on U.S. handed Soviet Foreign Minister to the many who misinterpret it the Germanic by Samuel: "Honik foreign relations primarily for Andrei Gromyko "an official when Samuel states in explaining lekn, 'to lick honey, to have it representative list of Soviet government use." his book: good,' is never, as far as I know, Mrs. Hauser, who holds the posi- citizens, including many Jews, used in the affirmative. It is al- cautionary word is in place "A tion first occupied by Mrs. Eleanor who have been denied permis- here for those who harbor a ways bay im hob ikh keyn honik sion to emigrate to the U.S." Roosevelt, has repeatedly expres- sentimental but uninstructed af- nit gelekt, 'I had no easy time sed American offical concern for Similar compilations have been fection for YiddiSh as a quaint with him.' To a German survivor given to Soviet authorities from the Soviet Jews in the UN Com- patois which has somehow pro- of a concentration camp a it Jew time to time over the past dozen hot mission's meetings. duced a number of gifted writers once said, commiseratingly, years. 'That dort keyn honik nit gelekt, "The Soviet representative and has attracted the condescend- Regarding "Jewish militancy," usually explodes whenever I ing attention often bestowed on was a hard life you had there,' to Gist . observes "the government of bring up the subject," Mrs. `vanishing' or 'minority' cultural which the humorless reply came, Israel has deplored" the acts of Hauser, a lawyer, said. "He phenomena. I address the same Mensch! man hat uns sogar kein violence against the Soviets in says it's all a fabrication; all a admonition, to those Jews whose Saccharin gegeben, 'Man alive, they America and that "major Ameri- Zionist, imperialistic plot. But vestigial Yiddish is of the kind didn't even give us saccharin.' " cultivated by borsht-circuit nobody believes him at the UN can Jewish organizations swiftly Many linguistic aspects are ela- condemned" them. comedians posing as experts. borated upon in Samuel's "In —not even the Arabs." Yiddish is neither a 'quaint' nor Praise of Yiddish," and all of life's Gist cautioned that "such crimi- "It is really interesting why `cute' nor 'funny' language. The experiences are mirrored in the certain people are allowed to nal actions" violate law and tradi- mutilated fragments of it that definitions of various terms and leave the Soviet Union and some tion, and fuel that USSR's repres- float about in the popular Jewish the explanations of their develop- are not, she said. "My guess is that sion of the Jewish minority. In re- novels (I make an honorable ment and application. the Soviets are anxious to get rid of sponse, Gist says, our authorities exception of Mr. Saul Bellow, MAURICE SAMUEL people like the Rigermans (Leonid have taken "strong measures" in- The flavor of Hebrew in Yiddish whose Yiddish is authentic and and his mother, Esther, now in cluding "numerous arrests." is treated importantly and some sensitive) no more indicate an The issue of Gist entitled to its etymology, to descriptive America) who are giving them intimacy is indicated. too much bad publicity overseas "USSR: Treatment of Soviet Jews" words. He has utilized anecdotal intimacy with Yiddish than a Especially fascinating is the sprinkling of acushlas and arrahs and too much trouble internally. is based on two 'publications dis- Yiddish and has applied it with in an 'Irish' story indicate a chapter devoted to "Idioms and They would just as soon shuck tributed earlier by the State De- specific skill. knowledge of Erse. Yiddish is a Yiddish Grundyisms." Many them off. Internal dissent is grow- partment to citizens and private Now we have an interpretive full-blooded language which, un- sources are alluded to for words ing in the Soviet Union. The ques- organizations. Their circulation is work in which he honors the less acquired naturally in child- described here and their pun- tion is whether there will be a about 30,000 each. One, a two-page linguistic heritage. His latest gency receives special treatment hood, must be mastered with the leaflet, entitled, "Violent Action ,- return to Stalinism or whether the creative work is "In Praise of in the masterful Samuel fashion. same exertions as one devotes to leaders will allow dissent to grow. in the United States Harms the Yiddish" and in a most im- Hebraic as well as Germanic If they allow dissent, it will Cause of Soviet Jews," was issued pressive volume issued by Cowles -French or German or Russian. qualities are noted. The many Jews innocent of Yiddish but on Jan. 29, 1971. The other, a Book Co. he provides another flourish." words defined here would -enrich acquainted with Jewish history * * * four-page publication entitled distinctly analytical work on lan- have some advantage in getting existing lexicons. In Gist, the State Department "Mistreatment of Jews in the So- guage that is as effective as his at the interior enjoyment of it; Literary gems of noted writers, takes a position calculated to pla- viet Union," appeared on Dec. 30, earlier labors on Yiddish litera- the few words and phrases they including Bialik's Tevye of ture, especially his prize-awarded cate both Americans sympathizing 1970. have picked up from Yiddish Aleichem and others are with the plight of Jews in the Copies may be obtained from "The World of Sholom. Aleichem" transmuted into English will be Sholom alluded to in relating the literature Soviet Union and Americans re- the Bureau of Public Affairs, De- and his equally wonderful work of no help." of Yiddish to the linguistics. sentful of "Jewish militancy" or partment of State, Washington, on J. L. Peretz. fearful of the consequences of D.C. 20520. It .is important that this warn- While Samuel pays honor to Leo What about the future of Yiddish? ing note be read and appreciated A concluding chapter to the book in getting to the root of the deals with this question. Samuel masterful definition by Samuel, believes that "we shall never who points emphatically to the again have monolingual Yiddish- fact that "more than most lan- speaking masses," but "for the guages Yiddish is a ciphered his- educated Jewish minority" he sees By Shlomo Kodesh tory of the people who created it." it as "a needed language, with its Released by: TARBUTH FOUN DATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF HEBREW CULTURE Listing the numerous dialects that own intramural atmosphere, its have developed among Jews, Sam- sanctity in the midst of multicpl- THAT'S TRUE, BUT... 12 !rin4 1?In uel describes Yiddish as the most ored secularity, international geo - Cast: Reuven and Shimon. Scene: On a Street. .Tiv,?7;n41.01?V:tv,7, 71? important of the goles — exile — graphically but national in its languages. He refers to the experi- appeal." Reuven: A familiar face... Shimon, I believe... is that the way one passes ,nr Trip trr, 1;r ri '73! To.1i1; ences that have become imbedded by an old friend? Without a "shalom," without a smile? What He points to the emergence of onrn" n?? rrt ?my, nr? .trn 0?? ti,)51tr.a in Yiddish. With its Hebraic in- neo-Yiddishists as "an authentic happened? Are there no more manners in Israel? fluence, it ' has gained roots in sector of the Jewish will to live." Shimon: Shalom! - I'm in a hurry. I have no time.. VO1 7y. :rpm rt3 Israel now as effectively as else- Samuel concludes: "How long Reuven: So busy? A matter of life and death? Perhaps, my friend, you'll :inut, 1prr.t1 ,o? nntth rtr? !nisDi9 nRo rplo? ti? 513 where. tell me, what's the rush? Don't pretend. Something's not right will Yiddish last? Languages with 11n?? te7 Incr? .crp? Tnri with you. • Etymology is treated by Samuel this sort of structure can be very Shimon: Why are you hanging on to me? All right... not all right... What's te7 ,-17a; IL? ]:1:1 'Tx ?nen nr? expertly in his explanation of how tenacious and a particular tenacity n so important? I don't owe you a report about my doings and Yiddish words stemmed from. Tal-, attaches to certain Jewish experi- .7lr 'tr?? Sy Timrijr11 affairs. mud, prayerbook, Midrash, Bible. ences . . . I shall not attempt a Reuven: Listen, Shimon, don't get me annoyed. What's this nervousness? nrl1 "? ?Nit 2-131;1 ;In .nb;:t ru. 5 '7;`7?1,i ' 712 ,r117?? ,Ing6 The point is proven and illustrated description of this supreme expres- What's this mad rushing about? What kind of talk is this? I .b‘. 1 ni^ 7n71 -1127n not nn ?rl'?;:onri have the impression you're angry. and lexicographers will rejoice in sion of the Yiddish language. I Shimon: Its you who's hanging on to me. I didn't hurt or offend you. the manner in which these factors only wish to note that it promises rTt4 . 1r# rill .9; 713P.9 la M t, •tt5 x:,`?Pt?? Let's assume I'm angry. What do you care? are related by Samuel to the Ger- to gather into its pages all that ?Vr? TIP?k% nt nt? manic sources of Yiddish. He has lived and still lives in the folk. Reuven: Listen, you're talking like an utter fool. What kind of words are ?nobtt K'? ,nbbrt — »5x1 anuln rq? ;Tit? -Tr? R ,vat? speaks of the "sanctification" of That it should be in process of these? "care... don't care..." You've got something against me - ImPrPrirTn ro? .1r49 1 ?7 1 ;7r- 1'`;17 1W?? say it and I'll know. What's this beating about the bush? imported words, declares: "Hebrew creation precisely at this hour in Shimon: If you are so insistent, O.K. Friends told me that my name came dominates the religious area of the history of Yiddish is a startli rr;; ri;ttntr? 077 . .t? nbb .arp Tryit711? '7? rinx nkt up at a Hanuka party at the Carni's. You had some fun at my Yiddish, but non-Hebraic terms tribute to the people's vitality." D'??7;%1 TYO'?i3t2::1'712T)71;ri;7 expense there, and said that I am an utter fool, lacking character. have penetrated into the very heart Is that true, or is it not true? mnire ?pD te? iR ,Ti]] ;1 .•pk npn As in his definitive approach of the religious life." Here is one Yiddish, so also in his love Reuven: That is what your gossiping "friends" told you, and you believed explanatory note: 711 ;k3 wt?-1'.7 -177- 11? "IP 'R that I said it? the language, Samuel emerge*:; . Shimon: Why shouldn't I believe them? People don't make up things out "Davnen, `to recite one's prayers,' one of the great champions o OnFT .0]'9O D'71]1 13'1i] Opt 0' . )tt r)?titt X', pv3 of thin air. is one of the oddities of intimate folk tongue. His "In Prai Reuven: And you want to know the truth: if it's true or if it's not true? ?Ti]) te7 im ox .bnni nx! nvt nTin rints? assimilation, and is therefore men- Yiddish" will no doubt be an d e Shimon: The whole truth and nothing but the truth. Truth above all. tioned here though not of Romance vitally contributing factor toWard,, 07bL? '7wn ip? rt rvmrri ?Ix p- :pone origin. Astonishing as it may seem, assuring life for the tongue that :,-. Rcuycn: Well then, listen! Now I am sure that it is true' but I didn't say it... :pun nxT 'Irrpti 24'7 `72i L7?1:t ,T1]; nrrivg .vnti there is no Hebraic-Yiddish word has assumed an aura of sacredness that can be substituted for it. The among the Jewish masses. Excerpted from the book "Israel With A Smile", published by Tarbuth Foundation, 515 Park Ave., N. Y. C. 10022 nearest to it is mispalel zayn, `to ISRAEV9SMILE mirna A Conversation Series . — :119n0 48—Friday, June 4, 1971 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS