Genesee Prosecuting Attorney Indicts Soviet Treatment of Jews (Continued from Page 1) He also touched on the awaken- ing of Judaism among the young, witness the increase in the teach- ing of Jewish history and customs, as well as Hebrew—"the basis for which the Jews were subsequently arrested," Leonard said. Zand indicated that the Jewish intellectual community, while ap- proving of protest, frowns on Jew- ish Defense League tactics that answer "the barbarism of the So- viet Union . . . with more barbar- ism." The scholar said, however, that the best possible protest is that coming from labor unions, civil rights groups and intellectuals. "Repeatedly, he (Zand) said that the position of these groups and organizations should be broadcast into the Soviet Union so that the Jews, the non-Jewish intellectuals and the Soviet government would be aware of it," Leonard said. Zand stated that there was a "very real upheaval in the intel- lectual community of the Soviet Union concerning the plight of the Jews and that the Jewish in- tellectuals were now being joined by the non-Jewish intellectuals in the pr otests in the Soviet Union." Throughout their travels, Leon- ard and Gold made waves within Soviet government circles. Again and again they dodged secret po- lice and Intourist tails, used vari- ous strategems to interview Jews in bugged rooms, sought to meet with high officials despite countless rebuffs. Through sheer hutzpa and no small measure of persistence, the two men did manage to see a num- ber of officials. And where they didn't get in, they left their mes- sage loud and clear. Soviet authori- ties were made to understand that their efforts to isolate the Jews had not succeeded. There are ways to learn the truth. Obviously, Leonard's offer to act as defense attorney for the impris- oned Jews has met with silence. On Monday, the authorities are ex- pected to open the trial in Riga of among others, young Ruth Alek- sandrovich. The two Americans spoke with Ruth's mother before MAC•0•LAC AMERICA'S FINEST PA I NT INTERIOR ONE-COAT FINISH Fadeless Colors Odorless Non-toxic No-Drip Scrubbable t WAL L WALL FINISH s21 I Clean up with water $ g 79 gal. RAIN or SHINE PAINT with FORMULA '99' EXTERIOR ONE-COAT FINISH Whitest White Non-fading Color Mildew Resistant ,Peel Resistant Clean up with water $699 gal. We are proud! More Detroit paint dealers sell Mac-O-Lac than an other brand. the older woman was allowed to emigrate. It is impossible to gauge the to- tal effectiveness of their mission, but Leonard points out that for the first time, several Soviet officials were willing to discuss Soviet Jewry. While the two men were there, several parties of Jews were allowed to emigrate, and two of 25 imprisoned Jews were released. The American Conference on So- viet Jewry, which helped arrange Leonard's trip, does not minimize the importance of the several en- counters with Soviet officials. The Leonard-Gold report is filled with anecdotes that illustrate the undying will of Soviet Jewry. One in particular is Leonard's favorite: He tells of the young guide who playfully termed the two men "troublemakers." Gold said 'to her, "You're Jewish aren't you?" She denied it, but acknowledged that her parents were . . . and her husband was. As Leonard, Gold and Gold's wife Ronnie were taking their leave, "the two women hugged each other and said shalom," Leon- ard recalls. " 'You see,' Gene said, `one Jew always knows another Jew.' Our guide responded quietly, `One good Jew always knows an- other Jew.' " In their report to the District Attorneys Association, the two men came up with these specific con- clusions about the treatment of im- prisoned Soviet Jews: • There is flagrant violation of the Soviet Constitution and Soviet law which specifically guarantees a trial within nine months from the time of arrest. Many Soviet Jews have been imprisoned without a trial for more than nine months. • In city after city, Soviet Jews are imprisoned and held incommu- nicado despite repeated attempts by their families to see them. • There is a strong indication that these Soviet Jews being held for trial will be tried in secret proceedings. • In most cases, there has been a clear interference, through sub- tle threats and intimidations, with the prisoners' rights to obtain law- yers of their own choice. • In those few instances where families were able to get law- yers, there are clear indications that indirect pressures forced at- torneys to withdraw from the cases. • There has been a systematic refusal to inform the families and presumably, the prisoners them- selves, of the exact charges against the Soviet Jews. Such refusal has made it impossible to prepare a defense. • The families were led to be- lieve, and Soviet officials confirmed to us privately, that char g e s against the Soviet Jews consist of anti-Soviet propaganda and anti- Soviet activity based on: Teaching the Hebrew language Printing Hebrew materials Printing a newspaper known as "Iton," which concerns itself in part with Jewish history, culture and heritage, and the desire of So- viet Jews to emigrate to Israel. Teaching Jewish history Teaching Jewish heritage Printing excerpts from a book called "The Aggressor," written_ • by a Czechoslovakian Commu- nist writer, Ladislas Mniacko, which depicts Israel as the non- aggressor in the 1967 Six-Day War. It must be said that not one of these activities violates any speci- fic Soviet Law. • There is an obvious design to try the cases of these Jewish pris- oners in the Soviet Supreme Court where the defendants will have no right of appeal under Soviet law. • Curiously, under Soviet law, as guaranteed in the Soviet Con- stitution, all Soviet national groups, such as the Ukrainians and the Lat- vians, are permitted, and in fact, do learn in school their own lan- guage, culture, history and litera- ture. Only Soviet Jews are prohi- bited from these legally recognized and encouraged activities. • THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS THAT THIEF! 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